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Flashlight Attachment on Guns


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I haven't noticed anyone else suggest this but i didn't delve far into the forum!


What i was thinking was having a flashlight attachment for guns that take two hands to carry, this would enable the user to see better at night time and would be a huge help on multiplayer! (say you're going out at night with a group or alone whatever your option to scavenge, get revenge on others or whatever it is you funky ass people do! you're going to need to see at night and isn't unrealistic in any manner)


It could aid in accuracy in dark areas e.g houses once the power has gone out, going out at night, but would make you more visible to zombies as they would be attracted to the light.


I don't think it would be unrealistic to find these flashlights in a gun shop, shooting range or police station...but i wouldn't really know as i'm a UK player myself and we rarely see guns, but i just think it wouldn't be very farfetched at all!


Anyway have fun surviving!

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