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Multiplayer: Pvp kill rewards.


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this will be my first post on the forums so pardon my ignorance..


i have been playing this game for a while now and im still hooked.

i play multiplayer mostly and have found that once my skills are about finished i am looking for something to do. so the thought came to me. when i was younger i played diablo 2 as most of my friends did. when our characters were done we liked to pvp. as a reward system if you killed a player they dropped an ear with the killed players name on it allowing you to keep it. i feel this would add to the pvp in Project Zomboid as i enjoy pvp servers. as well i feel the idea suits the game rather perfectly as i watch the walking dead. the ear would be found on the corpse of the player killed by another player.




thank you for your time, as i have spent much of my time on your game.


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Actually, what about a kind of GTA Online PvP system? Survivors that kill lots of other survivors get their ''mental state'' leveled up. Once it's a high enough level, they start doing more damage, but on the counterpart, their minimap icon is different. As we don't have minimaps, maybe we could add an icon next to the player. This could be toggeable (As for RP servers).

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-the ear mod is very cool. tho i kill too many zombies for me to consider them as a trophy.


-as for the mental state like gta. I'm not sure thats what I'm going for here.

for example if i meet someone. i don't know if they are mentally unstable or not. i like that.

i would have a hard time meeting new people being labelled as mentally unstable.


-i hope the survivor counter works soon.


what i like about this game is that once you die. you die. thats why i believe it would fit into the pvp aspect of the game because I'm taking someones character in battle. during the Vietnam war there was a number of references to ears being removed from the deceased as a form of trophy. In the walking dead daryl dixon creates an ear necklace from the zombies that almost took his life. adding this to the game wouldn't be all that hard. a sprite for an ear and when you right click on it it shows that players name.


thank you for the feedback.

I'm all ears.

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