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So according to PZ, to survive a Kentucky winter without power or any kind of indoor heat source, all you need are shoes (no socks), pants, and a sweater.  No hat, gloves, or coat required.  That's ok with me, it can be reasonably explained.  However, I believe if you happen to get caught outdoors in a rain storm during the cold weather months (November - March), it should have some kind of effect on your status besides being dampish or drenched.  This is my suggestion:


- As a character's "wetness" level increases, the "warmth" factor of clothing should decrease.  Being damp would only cause a slight decrease in warmth, if at all.  But, being drenched would negate the "warmth" factor; in essence, when drenched, it would be like you weren't wearing any clothes at all (except you still have their weight on you).  So, if the game temperature is cold enough to cause you hypothermia without your clothing's warmth factor, then if you're drenched, you'll get hypothermia anyway.  This would make player's run indoors once the rain starts during the cold season; just like they would do in real life.


- Of course, if the dev's add a rain coat, then this would negate that, but that would just be CRAZY!


Good ideas.


In general, heat management needs to be improved, both with heating sources (currently, campfires don't really warm you at all) and clothing choices (layers? reduced agility?), and of course negative consequences.


Yeah, I think that it would be as likely that most survivors would perish from "exposure" as they would from being eaten or starvation. Perhaps that detracts from the main point of the game (zombie survival) and makes the game more like survival + zombies. But I don't really think so. I think having more extreme exposure outcomes would be good for gameplay, personally, and amplify the threat of Zed simply because they're still informing all of your decisions.

Also, yes to Raincoats.

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