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Is there an NPC mod out there?


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As the title suggests, I would like to know if anyone has made an npc mod. If not, then maybe someone would be interested in creating one? Even a simple mod, one that adds npcs that just run around and get killed would make the game much more chaotic and fun. I understand that actual npcs are under development, but it would be nice to play the game with some kind of makeshift npc survivers in the meantime. (Even if they ARE lackluster compared to the eventual release of the official npcs.) Any replies would be great, thanks. :D

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Not for the current version of the game afaik.

Thanks for replying.


So you're saying there arn't any npc mods for the current version? Okay, so do you know if anyone would be interested in making one? I've never made a mod for Zomboid, so I have no idea how easy it would be, but I would be happy with even a vary simple mod.

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It certainly isn't impossible, but it would be a lot of work and probably would also include some work on the java side.

Then again a lot of modders are pretty crazy people... :D

Oh, in that case I'll just wait for the official release. I was under the impression that it would be relatively easy to make basic npcs that just run around, attract zombies, and die. So thank you for telling me how much work it would actually take. :D

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  • 2 months later...

I wish there was an NPC mod as well, at least a basic one. It would help to migrate hordes, make looting more difficult, etc, or maybe they could just run, attract zombies, and die like Ben suggested. All I know is, I'll be playing video games with my grandkids and showing them this game only to have it laughed off by them and their CoD 50th Anniversary Edition before they finish NPC's, so it would be nice to have someone make an appetizer mod in its place until then.

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