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Okay it may've been already brought up or planned in the future. I was thinking to add to the realistic feel that you guys should bring back from the good ole days of when you could find items dropped on the floor that you can pick up. then the second thing is to make it where random foods are found in the ovens. I mean it is weird that none has anything in it on the fact someone would've been cooking something somewhere. i mean it doesn't have to be a pot of soup but a can of beans or soup,Uncooked steak found in it,hamburger..anything edible really. 

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You could accomplish that by rather then leaving things half cooked in the oven just start the game with the oven on and let the house you would have looted burn down.

i already burn down houses haha. i was meaning once loading a fresh world that the ovens contain food products not cooked yet. Also there could also be a few houses have foods in the process of being cooked and over time burn down also. I mean seems highly probable. I guess we don't cook here in kentucky,we just cook over a campfire while we have an affair with our wifes with our sisters. But no seriously i seen it in earlier builds and figure it should be brought back.

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