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Hey guys !


I don't know if it's already planned, but i'd really like to see more interactions between survivors (multi or solo!). I imagine something based on the new medical skill, with the right click opening a box ; but with much more option :

- give something wich is in your main inventory (the others cant see what you gave, but there is an explicit animation they can see),

- whispering, i think it can really be usefull,

- if you have twine or things like that ... Attach some one ! He can only run half of his abilities, and can try to free himself, a very long option with a noteworthy animation ... "Hey stranger, you already want to leave us ?"


- And the best i imagine with that system : a sort of description of the guy's life : if he is a good carpenter, you can read things like "this man seems to know how to use a hammer, and not only to blow heads off", if he killed many players "in his eyes you can't see compassion, and you know his hands already know blood", and also a description of the weight he carry : "his bag seems really empty" - "these guy seems to carry many things, maybe some supplies..." .


And next...

Why a big No ?


[n]    "Special" Infected or any type of superhuman zombies

          Specific named weapons (such as AK47, M14, etc.)


I play since a little time with "Realistic Kentucky Firearms" and i think it add much more to the game :

- First they have plenty of guns in Kentucky, and you can't just have one sort of pistol, just because there are plenty of different ammo.

- Second, people like you and me doesn't know about what ammo go in what gun, except for the very famous ones (9mm Beretta, etc), so we have to try, except if we can find a book about, or at high reload lvl we can detect the type of ammo for a gun.

- Next, and the point i'd love to see, is the possibilities it would give to the multiplayer : i have found a big shotgun but no ammo, i still can bluff if some one attack me, but i will need to negociate with people to found the ammos i need...


- And finally, it will ended the fact that you have so many weapons, even in the USA i think you can't find as easily ammo for your pistol or shotgun, in storage building and not in the house of the people who buy this, it's a bit WTF when you think about it ...



So i'd like our lovely devs to take a look to this mod, maybe ask questions about guns in Kentucky to his creator (who is a real Kentuckian) and maybe change their minds, for more realism and possibilities in the game ! 


I hope you will find this idea as good as i hope, and i really apologize for my english : i'm one of your greatest french fan, since the vey first build (that i miss a little, thanks Bedford to heal my nostalgia !).



Long life to the developers of this just awesome game !


I agree with a advancement to the weapons system too but they just did one so i am not going to complain much yet. I mean i would like to see .50 cal guns that can be attached to cars/trucks and possibly a few guns involving the round .22 .308 .223 and possibly a few other specialty ammo like a dragons breath for the shotgun as well as possibly pistols that use different rounds. I mean i see guns that use .22 ammo, not just 9 mil. Also sniper rifles, and assault rifles, and then a grenade launcher. Something like one of those attach on launchers. Its just not my most important goal but that is my opinion so say what you think.


The specific firearms is a no mainly because of licensing. It would cost tons of money to get those real names into the game. And it would be silly to have some made up names. Also it's a game play concession of sorts.


Im just saying having ammo gauges isn't against the rules. They used a 9mm in the game and that's a 9 millimeter round that exists. Also im just saying we could add things like civilian pistol, law enforcement pistol, or military pistol. Same with shotguns and other guns. There are civilian hunting rifles and then there are military assault rifles. It would mean there could be about at least a good 9-10 guns. Then there could also be sniper rifles that can shoot a lot farther with more accuracy but requiere almost constant reloading and can only hold 1-7 rounds. Then there could also be instead of loose bullets, Magazines or clips. Then it makes the reloading faster but then its takes forever to reload a clip and thats best done at home. That way instead of carrying 500 rounds of ammo you could have 50 10-round clips that are just insert, Fire, Reload, Repeat. That way there is more room faster reloading and a little more realism to the game. Also i may just open /find a forum to put down all my gun ideas. Dont worry none will be real names of guns.


Im just saying having ammo gauges isn't against the rules. They used a 9mm in the game and that's a 9 millimeter round that exists. Also im just saying we could add things like civilian pistol, law enforcement pistol, or military pistol. Same with shotguns and other guns. There are civilian hunting rifles and then there are military assault rifles. It would mean there could be about at least a good 9-10 guns. Then there could also be sniper rifles that can shoot a lot farther with more accuracy but requiere almost constant reloading and can only hold 1-7 rounds. Then there could also be instead of loose bullets, Magazines or clips. Then it makes the reloading faster but then its takes forever to reload a clip and thats best done at home. That way instead of carrying 500 rounds of ammo you could have 50 10-round clips that are just insert, Fire, Reload, Repeat. That way there is more room faster reloading and a little more realism to the game. Also i may just open /find a forum to put down all my gun ideas. Dont worry none will be real names of guns.


don't worry so much about the Devs adding guns to the Vanilla game, the Modders will take care of that. leave the Devs alone to handle more important things.


while i love getting as much ammo as possible and doing a Kamikaze Mall run, the fact remains that using guns in this game will do more harm than good. there are simply more zombies than there are rounds of ammo. we don't need more guns in the base game, this is not a game where going around and shooting everything is the ultimate goal to help you "WIN" the game. and we definitely do not need a damn grenade launcher, no OP weapons in this game.


Sorry Syfy, you dont understand my idea ^^ In the RKF mod, there are plenty of different ammo, but you can find only a very few of them : not all the kentuckian have guns ! In my idea of Project, you will find very very less ammo than actually ! So for me, a big No for grenade launcher !


I can understand the fact that the names will costs money, but maybe there is an other solution ! In the name of realism and all the possibilities it could give to Project, i'm sure we can find something.


The King jjwpenguin idea seems pretty good for me ! Just different grade of guns, with different caract' !


Sorry Syfy, you dont understand my idea ^^ In the RKF mod, there are plenty of different ammo, but you can find only a very few of them : not all the kentuckian have guns ! In my idea of Project, you will find very very less ammo than actually ! So for me, a big No for grenade launcher !


I can understand the fact that the names will costs money, but maybe there is an other solution ! In the name of realism and all the possibilities it could give to Project, i'm sure we can find something.

sorry Hilrof.....i did not notice that i forgot to quote the post i was replying too.

it was not intended as a reply to any of your post's, but rather a reply to the one made by King jjwpenguin above mine.


i'll fix that right now.


I just wanted them to ad possibly some larger rounds for some more carnage to zombies. I don't want to just have 3 guns in the game or face a horde up close or only with regular ammo. I like a little variation. Thats the main thing i was trying to suggest. That and the idea of magazines or clips.


I just wanted them to ad possibly some larger rounds for some more carnage to zombies. I don't want to just have 3 guns in the game or face a horde up close or only with regular ammo. I like a little variation. Thats the main thing i was trying to suggest. That and the idea of magazines or clips.

trust me, we have some veru good weapons mod makers in here. there is just a bit of a lull in modding right now as it seems many of them are basically waiting for V1.0 to come out so they know there won't be a change in the code that makes them have to rebuild their mod with every new patch. there will certainly be a wide variety of choices, just give it a bit of time and all will work out fine.


I play with Realistic Kentucky Firearms, and seriously i recommand this mod.


It's just that i'd really like to see a more develop system with weapons, just to give it a real importance in the game. Actual survivors dont care about weapons or ammo, they find a pistol or a shotgun and know there is just one type of ammo, it's to easy to be realistic and to easy to have to deal with it by negociation, and there are just to much ammo ! Different types of ammo for the same amount than the actual number of bullets will make thing real harder, you won't have a hundred of bullet but 20 of 9mm, 6 of .357, and etc... And you can't carry all the guns to use all your bullets, you have to make a choice...


The possibilities of this system is just gold for Project Zomboid, i love this game so much, i love all the way it takes for its development, but the weapon's system is actually just disappointing.


I know that there are very good mods, but that's not the interest of everybody, i think this idea can improve the vanilla game, we just have to know how !


And what about the right clicking box ? Any feedback about it ? If you'd like to see this but not the weapon's system in the game, i can create an other topic !


assault rifles that use .223 rounds, Sniper rifles that use .223 tracers or piercing round, Revolver using 9mm ammo, SAW using 50 caliber ammo,  as well as a Shotgun using buck shot, bird shot, and Dragons breath. Potato gun that uses a potato for ammo, a water gun that holds water, and a flare gun that attracts zombies. These 3 are more for zombie distraction or attraction. Also for all guns there could be a 10 round magazine, 12 round magazine, 22 round magazine, and then a 32 round drum. These only work with specific guns. Also on the side Crossbows and bows. The bow is made with a branch and rope. Arrows are made with a tree branch and a bladed tool. Then you can add a bird feather found in bird traps or while foraging. These are more accurate but require 1 feather per arrow. The bows arrows are reusable 50% of the time with 10% climbing with a skill raising. The crossbow is found in stores and shops as well as the bolts. The bolts can be made but i wouldn't know how to yet. Just an idea for now.


We should do a "UK" version of the game : no guns, only fish pie and tea cup to fight with... Now that'd be a fun zombie apocalypse :P

Do not forget "throwing old records" and the dilemma of selecting what record to keep and which to throw.


P.S.: Yes, that is a "Shaun of the Dead" reference


Hey RJ, i follow your posts on Projectzomboid.fr :D


I know, the french version could be more boring than the UK version...


BUT, we are talking about a game wich pretend to be realistic and locate in the US, so we can expect something more realistic from the US society...  :rolleyes:


And of course, i'd like to see a bow in the game ! But the idea of a military version and etc is quite good, and deals with the name's taxes problem !


I'll create an other post for the right-clicking box system, i'd like to have feedback on this idea too x)

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