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Custom map


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It is possible.  First you must create a Mod containing your custom map.  I attached an example mod you can look at.  The files you'll want to edit for your map are called mod.info, map.info, and spawnpoints.lua.
Try it out in single player first by activating the mod.
In multiplayer you need to tell the server to use your mod and spawnpoints.  This is done by editing the server's INI file located in the %username%/Zomboid/Server directory.  I attached an example of this in Server.zip.  The server name must be MyServer to use those files.  You specify the server name when launching the server with the -servername option.
You'll see these lines in MyServer.ini that tell the server which mods and which map to use.

Mods=MyMod1   -- this is the same name used in mod.infoMap=MyMod1World  -- this is the map folder MyMod1/media/maps/MyMod1World



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Every client needs your Mod installed.  It doesn't have to be activated though for clients.


im using the 3 pcs i have in my house i installed the mod for each client in /pcname/zomboid/mods folder but i still get the luas are different? 


when im on my pc theres zombies and loot but when my brother hosts the server theres no loot or zombies and i get the luas are different still. sorry for been noob

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To see why the Lua files are different, compare the %username%/Zomboid/console.txt files.   It shows each Lua file being loaded.  You might notice some files being loaded on one computer that aren't on the other.  The order and names of the files should be the same on the client and on the server.  If you're all using the same version of PZ they should all match.

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