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Map : Size, Vegetation and Zombies


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I'm looking for a resume or a set of advice about mapping.


1 cell is 300 x 300 px.

1 cell is about a really tiny map.


- So what is a good size for each kind of game style ?


- To create a FFon and multiplayer map where we can figth each other, what kind of map i should create ?


- How many zombie should be there ?


- How should be the vegetation ?


- What size is good to make a map ?


All of kind stupd questions that you ask yourself when you begin mappong...


Thank you

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I think the best maps are always those that have everything, think GTA San Andreas' and 5's map. A desert / large sandy area, an urban area, some towns and villages, forests rivers etc you get the idea.

Also make sure to detail your forest, like creating buildings that are forest blocks.

For the fighting each other, that depends. Do you want a war-ish feel with player encounters and fire fights every few minutes or do you want more of an apocalypse feel with maybe one fire fight every 2 days or week (ingame of course). I'd say do a medium map, maybe 8-12 cells. Again, make sure you have lots of variation. Cities with suburbs, many different houses and supermarkets, skyscrapers (maximal level in build ed is 8 if i'm correct) offices, churches, prisons hospitals asylums.

When I made my first map I didn't do any planning and simply drew what came to my mind and then did some fine tuning and the buildings, my cell size was 12 which was pretty fine and easily doable and many houses and street layouts were done freestyle with some inspirations from small american towns on google maps.

Good luck and have fun.

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