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House Alarms when the electricity is out


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I was wondering the other day... the town has been without power for three months, but still I'm getting house alarms every now and then. How is this possible? Are they running on alternative power? I'm a complete ignorant about these things and I'm not claiming it should be changed, just want to know if this makes sense. 



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Will post here to not spawn topics - why does only the player trigger alarms? Why are there so many loud alarms - aren't they mostly remotely connected to call the police without politely warning the trespasser of being screwed?

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Panic buttons tend to be silent alarms. Burglar alarms are commonly very loud and noisy to alert people in the vacinity and deter burglars from entering the building. Alarms are not made to catch criminals , they are made to deter them and also alert you if you return to your home, that there are potentially invaders inside.


As I said panic buttons are aimed at alerting police and at supplying you with law enforcement reinforcements in order to save you and ensure an arrest is made. Because they are triggered when you are inside the building they must not alert the burglars, to keep them from executing you in haste.


And besides these points, what says that many of the houses you break into don't have silent alarms going off? They are silent so how would you know? Silent alarms add nothing to gameplay so why even simulate them?


And player only triggering the alarm I think will change in due time to make zombies also trigger them, since it is only realistic. I even think there is a bug on the tracker about it IIRC.

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Hopefully zombies will trigger them someday soon. Viceroy and Strang are correct- silent alarms are really only for the incredibly wealthy or for businesses for the most part. I've heard house alarms go off a few times... holy hell are they loud.

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