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Zombie Alarm System?


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I have an idea for a zombie alarm system (so you can tell if a zombie is near). It would be something like you craft wooden stakes, sort of like what you do with barbed wire only instead of using barbed wire you use some rope or twine and have something like a bell on the end so that when a zombie walks through it, you hear the bell ring. Just a quick idea i thought of, i think it would be a good addition to the game :) thanks 

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Zombie walks into trap, Zombies hear Bell. Horde at your door.

Yeah didn't think of this, however I'm at late game right now and i hardly see any zombies so it would only be good at using in unpopulated areas i guess, just to tell if a single zombie was round the corner.

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Also it could be used to notify of humans inside a building, and if you place them in hallways already inside the building behind you, when you already have a horde problem you will know when they are coming through hallway b or down the stairs. I think it is a realistic countermeasure and one I'd like to see in vanilla as well, since many people in reality would use it, as would I.

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Seems pretty reasonable. Just think of stuff like the alarm-traps in Metro 2033. Hanging bells, broken glass on a concrete floor... Anything that would give off a noticeable noise when someone walked over/through/under it.


If you want to go for the full on potato route, hanging grenades by their pin/pull-string on an elevated tripwire is pretty standard tactic as far as military booby traps go. Loud fekking noise with the chance of severely injuring the thing that hit the wire. Could pull the same sort of thing in Zomboid. Rig a firearm to your trip wire, aim at the path to serve as a trap, or aim up to serve as a non-lethal alarm system an/or annoy the birds.

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  • 1 month later...

Cool, hmmm yeah how will it be built? With what resources I mean. Will it use a bell or empty can? Either way I think we'll need a new item for that.


Another thing is, where will it be built?


I have two propositions as to how it will look and function. Say we have our vietnam style outside can alarm. It would look kinda like this. the string would just suspend the cans. This way you could create a perimeter. Built like a wall, but with sticks and rope + cans instead.




Here is my second proposal. For indoors we do away with pegs and opt for strings and nails instead. Creating this:


The benefit being that you can hang them through a hallway but still avoid them yourself. Put them next to windows on the inside, things like that.


In effect both would function similarly, although realistically a tripwire would take damage to a greater extent when walked over.. (I like the look of the second one personally and would do it like that in reality, since they wouldn't destroy the alarm as easily when walking into it.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah well the idea is not being worked on (code-wise) by me as of yet, as soon as 956Texas delivers the sprites I'll start coding. I just have university exams so I'm a little tied up. Should have a break for getting back into my hobbies after the 27th though.


Otherwise though, the dynamic of attracting zombies to a gridsquare and all that I have done before. So shouldn't be all that difficult to get working when the time comes. :)

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That's fine dude, I'm in the same boat. Luckily I'll have most of November to spend on hobby time and then December (apart from family events and the like) should also be relatively open.


Either way no pressure, we'll get shit done in due course ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

really like this idea, and as long as you dont use the liberty bell it shouldnt attract a horde :P


IRL i would probably put the cans/bells next to my bed with some really long tripwires going outside. that way when a zombie tripped the alarm it wouldnt draw any attention to the compromised area what so ever. with the alarms attached to the tripwires it could still attract any zombies in the immediate area to the trap, so when you go to clear what you thought was one zombie it turns out to be four :o

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