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My path is paved with bones.


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A few days ago I had a craving to play a new suvival game. After a bit of digging I discovered Project Zomboid, a game I had seen a few times on youtube but had never really looked into it all that much. You see I am a bit of a wimp - even the monsters in Minecraft scare me to the point I run away like a little girl (I'm 28, for Spiffo's sake!)


But as an isometric game I felt I could handle the fear a little better. I watched a few tutorials and 'let's plays' to get a good grasp on what I was getting into and felt rather confident when I clicked on suvival and made up my first character.


I think the game knew this and decided to teach me a lesson.


My spawn point...was outside of a house. This right away caused me to panic. It was only a small house with a fence around it but after a few breaths I pushed myself to move round to try the door...or I would have if i had not seen the zombie standing round the cornor by the door.

Ok, the window then.

The window thankfully opened with ease and there was no alarm so I set to work on looting. I come out of the house with a garbage bag, some food and two forks - yay!


I knew I had to move to a better location but with that zombie in the way I was not sure how to, then the Zombie saw me, then his two friends, whom I had not seen up till this point, saw me.

Death was swift and not pritty. I think there may be a zombie walking around with a fork sticking out of one of his eyes but that is all that really marks little Mary's life and passing.


I turned the game off. Picked up a nice cheery film and tried to calm down. Two hours later I fired up the game again.


This time I went to sand box and made the zombies nice and easy, I don't mind having training wheels for a while. Things went much better for this lass, she found a big bag right away, a baseball bat and a good amount of food. Now I felt ready. Outside I saw a lone zombie. I could have just moved around her but with baseball bat in hand I new I should start learning the combat and gaining experience.


I really should have watched a video on combat.


I started swinging as the zombie got close but she was still too far away. Thus I continued to madly click and swing until the zombie had hold of the bat and I was trying to push her away. I did eventually kill the zombie but I had suffered quite a few injurys, no bites or scratch's thankfully. I bandaged my girl up and took her back to the first house to get her a drink and food. Turns out the bandages were not enough and she keeled over a few minuets later.


I turned off the game and went to bed.


But I could not stay away. The next day found me starting my third lady but this time I had watched lots more videos. The experience has paid off, she is now on her 12th day and my slow, and careful, looting has given her enough tools to start fortafying her home (Yay for a box of nails!) The only tools she is really missing now are an axe and a trowl. She did have one scare though. A very tough two days after eating bacon that I was sure was cooked. Painkillers, and lots of soup got her through it though. The biggest challege is up ahead now though - Im going to tackle a warehouse. Wish me luck. If I die, at least I know the path ahead for my next character with have a few more bones to support them.

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Here are some basic tips for survival in PZ :

1-Always eat perishable food first, and save the non-perishables, never eat them when you don't need to.

2-Before looting a house always try to check the windows so you have an idea of what is in the house.

3-never break windows (unless you really have to).

4-Always step back after opening a door and be ready to swing your weapon.

5-Always take with you a bath towel or a dish towel when going for a loot run.

6-Never let seeds packets behind : they are light and very important.


And finally if you wanna find some tools and axes go to the large warehouse or the McCoy logging corp. if you are in muldraugh or the gunstore and the shooting range in west point, trust me, you'll find tons of them there.


Hoping these tips where useful, and personally i survived 2months,29days and i'm still with the living.


Good Luck! ;)

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