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  1. I suggest baked-in commands below with the description and why they are needed. Most of these are for MP and various other reasons. If any of these ideas are being implemented, ignore said suggestion. Should be admin-level commands. /removecorpses = remove all corpses in the world, this is much needed if you have horde after horde of zombie corpses all throughout the map and city that needs to be cleaned up. /removeblood = remove all blood in the world, this can free up the server resources and will help clean the walls and buildings and roads /muteplayer & /unmuteplayer = It's pretty obvious for this one here. /summonplayers player1, player2, player3, etc. = this would be extremely useful for events. I'm an admin on Zeeks Haven and this would be of great use from events, bringing players near to debug something, bringing all players to the start (for future races?!) etc. it's pretty expansive. It would work as a list and summon 8-10 players per command to not get so crazy. So if you wanted 3 players you separate them with ".". /summonplayers play1, player2, player3 . If you wanted to just summon one, type just one name. /rebootserver = reboot the server. This would clean the map of blood and corpses and spawn zombies. (As they already do now if you manually do it outside of the client for MP) Player commands, unless it'll be displayed on-screen or the such. /worldstatus = would explain the status of the server in terms of years passed, the current year, day, month, and time, the MOTD you get when you log in, and zombies alive and killed on the server. This can be a quick reference for players just jumping in and adds basic lore+gives info of the server itself. It can also tell you if Muld is invaded by an influx of zombies or west point, just the main areas though so for now only WP, Muld, The Mall and Dixie. Different emotes: /cry, /laugh, /sit, /dance, /wavehand I believe different short animations or icons should appear if the player types simple commands such as the ones listed above. Can start out with basic five, this would help RPers and add a bit more immersion and fun into the game I believe. Misc Suggestions but still important The Terminal or console for Mac should open up just like it does for Windows users to. It would be nice for a "Start Server" option to quickly start a server, setting the settings kind of like how Sandbox does with the options. I also think if a player dies in Multiplayer, there should be a list that cross references that character that died so if they attempt reloading on said MP server, it would know that the player died recently and won't allow that save file to load, thus kicking them to the player creation screen. The list would be server-side. Or a much easier fix would make saves server side. The commands for taking someone off the list for bug reasons or just to allow them to reload could be "/removefromdeathlist player name". Tell me what ya think!
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