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---------------------------------------------------------Let Me Speak!-------------------------------------------------------- Note: Svarog and Aricane (owner of PZ-Mods) both had an unaltered copy of V1.2, the latest version before I had a PC failure that effectively erased this mod. If you like this mod, you have them to thank for its continued existence. This mod has something for just about everybody. Whether it be roleplay, immersion, Lua, singleplayer admin, etc, this mod has it all. What stemmed from a suggestion from here has become much, much more. Press T to open up the chat. As of V1.3, it supports Tiny Automated Version Checker. If you don't have it, I highly recommend you download it from its thread here. Steam Workshop Download Google Drive Download Features: A fully functional singleplayer chat bar. Admin commands. Admin command keybinding. A built in Lua interpreter. Conditional speech, with over 100 possible lines of dialogue. Admin Commands /lua codehere -- built in Lua interpreter. can also access methods from CheatCore /help OptionalTopicOrPageNumber -- displays help. just type "/help" without quotes to display page 1 of help. /toggleconditionalspeech -- toggles conditional speech /godmode -- toggles god mode /creative -- toggles creative mode /deletemode -- toggles delete mode (when enabled, press X to delete the object under your mouse) /heal -- heals you /refillammo -- refills your currently equipped item. /repair -- repairs held item /infiniteammo -- it toggles, well, y'know /infinitedurability -- toggle infinite durability for held item /noshotdelay -- no delay between shots /toggleneed needhere -- toggles the need. type "/toggleneed all" to toggle all needs on or off. /firebrush -- toggles firebrush. when enabled, click to create fire /zombiebrush numberofzombiestospawn -- toggles zombiebrush. when enabled, click to create zombies. Type one of the following (without the quotes) to disable: "/zombiebrush disable", "/zombiebrush off", "/zombiebrush toggle", "/zombiebrush 0" /levelskill codedefinedskillnamehere numbertolevelto -- level up skill. "/levelskill all" levels all skills /instakill -- toggles instakill melee /settime numbertimehere timeordayormonthoryear -- set the time /barricadebrush numberofplanks -- press Z to barricade the object under your mouse /teleport X Y optionalZ -- teleports you to the specified X, Y, and optional Z (height). /additem caseSensitiveName optionalCount optionalItemBase -- adds the specified number of items /keybind key command infinite optional parameters -- binds the selected key to a command. /unkeybind key -- unbinds the selected key. /keybinds -- prints a list of all keybinds to the chat box. /fly -- toggles fly mode To Do - Add a fully functional options menu. Installation: Special Thanks: Svarog and Aricane (owner of PZ-Mods), for providing a backup of the lost V1.2 version. This mod would've been lost forever if it wasn't for them. PZ-NOOB, for the amazing suggestion this was based on. This mod wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. CzarUltra, for his contribution to the suggestion and the mod in general. He expanded the idea to something even more amazing. If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be a chat bar at all, nor would there be admin commands or the lua debugger. Most if not all of the conditional speech lines were thought of or inspired by him. Mike280, for his contribution to the suggestion. His post was vital for outlining what kinds of things I should add conditions for. Changelog:
- 46 replies
- conditional speech
- build 31
(and 7 more)
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Good evening. I have thoroughly enjoyed Ethanwdp's "Let Me Speak Mod", which is a coding masterpiece in and of itself. My one problem is that the Mod's Conditional Speech causes your character to curse like a sailor and constantly take the Lord's Name In Vain. I can't have this in my "Project Zomboid", so I made an alternate to the conditional speech in the default. This requires the full "Let Me Speak" Mod to function. To install this Mod, you must go into the Steam Workshop folders and look for: "(STEAM CONSOLE ROOT)\steanapps\workshop\content\108600\503791964\mods\Let Me Speak!\media\lua\client". Copy and paste my "LETMESPEAKCONDITIONS.LUA" over the one in the Mod. There you go! Now, your character will take Spiffo the Raccoon's name in vain and use euphamisms and/or Dixie-friendly words. As a bonus, I also added a few lines to the quote list. If you're okay with swearing but want a more lighthearted narration, this is also the way to go. Only one of the original lines have been cut out of the Mod ("ouchies"). They have only been censored. With this Mod, I hope more people will engage in the "Let Me Speak" Mod and use all the wonderful features it has to offer. The file is in the attachment below. Thank you. -TURTLESHROOM --- DOWNLOAD: letmespeakconditions.lua
- 3 replies
- cleaned
- no cursing
- (and 13 more)
"You lived with your family in the farmhouse outside of Muldraugh when it started. Every night, you hear screams from your neighbours' houses. Now your parents are dead, and your supplies are low... You are restricted to the farmhouse and the area directly to the north. If you survive for two months, the world is open as normal. Let's hope you can find what supplies you need in the small available area, and be sure to choose a forager, trapper, or farmer, or your death will be slow and painful. Expect a couple of unexpected twists before your time is up..." The farmhouse is a great but remote location that a lot of players move out to, but what if you started there, and can't leave except to scavenge from the houses to the north? All feedback is welcome, especially about the number of zombies/amount of loot. Too much/little of either, please let me know! Farmhouse Challenge on Steam Workshop EDIT: The challenge is activated under mods. Double click "Farmhouse Challenge" so that a green tick appears beside it. Then the challenge will be added to the bottom of the solo->challenge screen. The mod doesn't change anything in the map or game outside of this challenge.
Why object:getClass():getField(name)isnt working anymore ? it worked perfectly in build 31. How to get java classes' values in build 32 ?