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  1. Version: [42.1.1] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Start the game in debug mode. 2. Create Sandbox world(No particular settings) 3. Once loaded in, right click, open context menu. 4. Select [Debug] option, navigate to "Animal", "Deer", "Add Buck". 5. Select "White-Tailed" 6. After it is spawned in, Open it's "Animal Info" tab At this point you should see the Buck's gender shows as "Female". Spawn multiple Buck's when testing please.
  2. Version: 42.0.01 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: None Save: Old Save (Pre-Patch) Reproduction steps: 1. Have a Cow (In my case Angus) be pregnant and die. 2. Attach Cow to Butchering Hook 3. Bleed the Cow (9.4L), leave while the blood drains. 4. After Bleeding the Butchering hook will become inaccessible. (Butchering window flashes when interacting with Hook but disappears immediately) I have restarted the game, which lead to a graphical glitch where the cow is still there but you cannot pick up the body, nor is the Butchering hook showing it. After attaching another Animal (Pig) The Body of the Cow still wont disappear. I have Vsynch turned on and the Textures set to max, all other graphical settings are default. I also have a pretty beefy PC so it should be able to take it Update: It fixed itself after going into debug. The cow respawned underneath the Butchering hook with full health, juvenile and not pregnant.
  3. The "attackTimer" variable dictates how long the cooldown is between attacks. You can stress out an animal and make it constantly in a hostile state, but it will always have the cooldown be "1500" for absolutely no reason if its target is a player. I'm not even sure why this is a thing, but changing that single else statement would allow modders to set the attackTimer as something low and therefore have an enemy be in a constant state of violence. Things like zombie animals, wolves, bears, quite literally anything hostile would be possible.
  4. Chickens are omnivores, so I think it would be interesting if they preying on small animals like mice, which would give it a realistic touch. If you released a mouse into the chickens' pen, it would relieve stress and improve the chickens' well-being, as well as providing them with food. You could also feed them earthworms.
  5. Animals such as cows or rabbits multiply when im away from them and when I return to base they cause extreme fps drops due to the amount there.
  6. Hi, Please add various handheld cages (with some craftable versions) for small animal transportation. It's such a drag otherwise. For instance, I was there, in an 11 months after the Event sandbox, all cars broken beyond repair, living in the woods, and I find those 3 chickens miraculously alive (because every other farm animal spawns dead in an 11 months situation, apparently) in the middle of a road. I want so bad to bring them back to my camp (with my pig Glitchy who came back from the dead thanks to a bug with the butcher hook ), and I was considering I'll have to go back and forth between this location and my (far away) camp, because I can only carry 1 chicken at a time, with both my hands (even mice require using both hands to carry them). That's when I suddenly had a flash of memories from the local marketplace of my childhood town: The noise, the people, the morning sun gently piercing through the platanus foliage, the stalls full of the products of the land and... the live chickens you could buy in their wooden cages. Buc buc. So, please, would you add this (the cages, not the morning sun piercing through the platanus foliage ... unless?) to the game if technically possible? Thank you!
  7. When you do the ''pet'' animation on animals, it makes your character less depressed and anxious. The more you pet the animal, the more attached your character becomes to it. If the animal dies or you kill it, your character may become sad and in mourning.
  8. I have a livestock area with a hutch beside my base, the drawn out livestock area is about 5 tiles across and 4 tiles below my fridge on the second level of my home. I have baby chickens spawning in my fridge now.
  9. Version: [42.0.2] Mode: [Single Player] Server Settings: [N/A] Modifications: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction Steps: (A pen or animal trailer is required to duplicate) 1. Start the game in any mode. 2. Pick up an animal trailer. 3. Find an animal. 4. Pick up the animal (can be a tethered animal) and approach the trailer. 5. Open the animal review menu. 6. Press secondary click (opens the options menu) of the trailer. 7. Press the store animal option and while the activity is in progress go to the animal review tab and press the add animal button. *(the animal should not be transferred as this will cancel the action that allows the duplicate) **(this should be done quickly to allow time to perform the duplication) 8. Once the animal is stored correctly in the animal review tab it will appear as if the animal is still available to enter, at this point you should press which will generate an exact duplicate of the animal. (This should work on all animals) (tested animals: rabbits, chickens, sheep, cows) duplicado.mp4
  10. The video mostly speaks for itself, haha. The pigs need exorcism. 2024-12-26 20-40-32.mp4
  11. ...and my life is yours. Seriously, geese would be funny animals and should have the ability to push you down if angered, they are also often used in the same role as watchdogs since they hate everything in existence, overall geese are funny and temperamental, easily taken care of and also a source of meat and eggs(?), they could also conflict with other animals and create funny interactions that way!
  12. Version: [42.0.2] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [None] Mods: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944344655, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3079948242, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2910901497, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3386522939, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2366717227, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1299328280, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2012990668, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2463184726, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2769706949, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3116631797, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3123581228, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3150263951, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3365778067, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3387146301, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3388107363, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3388653229, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920899878, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3388721641, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2684285534, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2847184718, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2804531012, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3386498516, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3388183573, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2950902979, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2948824747, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3387110070, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3387539308, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2875848298, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2861393067, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2753086629, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2852309899, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2972289937, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2956146279, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2901962885, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2903771337] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: This happened when I found an Animal Trailer. It was working at first when I put a rope onto a Bull and then put it inside the Animal Trailer. I proceed to go back to base, and then the trailer was f'd up. It was juggling like crazy because the road is very rough and my vehicle is so fast. I tried to log onto debug mode to just repair it and make it upwards since it was flipped. Then I rode to my base down Rosewood. When I'm trying to get the animal out, There comes the error. Tried putting animal in it and when I tried to get it, it was gone too. Tried to open my Hutch in my base, and It errors as well. Tried checking animal info, error too. I guess everything related to it is bugged. Checking Animal info -- Error, Hutch info -- Error -- You can still pet them. I haven't tried to butcher them or something. It's literally unplayable I'm planning to restart my Run.
  13. My rabbit in my house and in a zone aged up i guess?? it was a baby and then so many spawned with the same name i had on my rabbit "Hopper" and i didnt see a baby so i assume it is from aging up as they were all adults and same gender
  14. adding horses to the game would be epic, now with the arrival of animals in B42 I believe it would make a lot of sense, being able to domesticate them, create saddles and other items to be able to use them, it would be a great idea considering that as time goes by In the game, gasoline would have to run out, as well as the forest taking over the roads, so the horse itself would be extremely useful, both for moving around forests and for exploring cities with zombies, we could also build carts and carts to use oxen to transport items and horses for exploration and combat.
  15. IP: Port: 8771 200+ mods Steam collection Hey y'all I help run a server that usually has a few to several people online at once. Many of our players do their thing and the server is pretty casual. We recently changed up the server from PvE -> PvPE where you choose to PvP or not - no one can jump you unless you're also set to PvP. We want people to have more choices and control with their playthroughs We also have: - most of KI5's vehicles - skill journals - 14 additional towns/cities and a PvP zoned arena - Brita's armor and weapons - admin and player shops - 1000+ additional music tracks - expanded farming, solar energy, brewing, grow cannabis, etc. - randomized zombie speeds, 1% sprinters - and more~ Additional info: - Soft reset was ~3 weeks ago - Main admin shops to sell jewelry and crops, buy general goods, auto, etc. are located at Crossroads. - A super admin jewelry shop is on the PvP island - By entering Louisville, Greenport, or teleporting to the island arena, PvP is auto enabled until you leave these zones. - The island arena is accessible by going to Crossroads and right clicking guillotines to teleport to the island. Discord: https://discord.gg/USAYQACYAY
  16. Sources posted below. In 1993, Kentucky's primary crop was tobacco. Its secondary crops were beef & dairy. Knox County itself had three types of commodities in 1988: tobacco, beef, and dairy. By 1993 the dairy farmers had stopped exporting. Jefferson County itself was almost 100% tobacco by 1993, along with nearby counties. It would be nice if these tobacco & beef farmers were represented ingame instead of having corn everywhere. There are a few major advantages to doing this: 1) It increases difficulty. Tobacco is not exactly edible like corn is. 2) Tobacco would not be easily converted into cigarettes. In Kentucky, most farmers cut & cured the tobacco themselves. They would harvest it, chop it into the valuable parts, hang it in a barn to dry, then take it all to an auction warehouse to be sold. 3) Tobacco farming has its own tools. These tools are generally (besides the machete) not very useful for combat. 4) Beef cattle could work well with the new animal system coming up. These cattle would may have some zombie problems and/or starve and/or freeze and/or become a tasty snack and/or use their fierce hooves & horns to maul a player since the whole Zombie Apocalypse thing may make cattle less friendly toward humanity.... 5) Beef cattle do not produce much milk, making them less useful. Moreover, short of players having freezers set up or curing methods set up, a lot of their meat could go to waste. 6) It would enable you to make very spooky barns. Whether they're dark slaughterhouses full of dead cattle from a zombie that snuck in before panicked cattle broke down the doors & ran, or hard to see rooms full of hanging tobacco leaves a zombie could be lurking in to ambush the player, there's lots of options! It would also help with the players asking for tobacco seeds. Kentucky historically HAD lots and lots of these seeds. Farmers also grew corn, tomatoes, and cantaloupe but these were all less common. A farm co-op near Knox County, Cumberland Farm Products in Monticello KY, also was known for paying farmers well to produce cabbage, bell peppers, and tomatoes. This area was a tourist area too, with many Ohioans descending upon Lake Cumberland. Locally these out of states were known as the Ohio Navy for all the camping & boating they did. Source: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/gradschool_diss/576/ mainly around pages 102-103, and maps a dozen or so pages back.
  17. Would be cool if we got new trapping system since animals like rats, rabbits, squirrels etc. gonna may be in the game (animals will interact with traps, for example: stepping into them, geting scared of other animals being trapped and so on).
  18. Since wildlife is a planned feature for future builds, I'd like to make two remarks about it. What triggered me for writing this post are various ideas/suggestions related to PZ and animals posted here on the TIS forum and elsewhere in the web. 1. WOLVES: I've seen various posts which among other things suggest that the devs should add wolves to the game. Problem: There are no wolves in present day (including early 90s) Kentucky. Historically they were present in Kentucky but have long been extinct there by now. As a compromise, wolves could be introduced after a certain amount of in-game time like after several months or even years. This might be in accordance with the idea that after civilization collapse and the lack of humans, nature slowly becomes more diverse and animals "claim back" their old habitat. Speaking of large predators which could potentially be a threat to humans, there is only one type which is present in current day Kentucky: bears (more precisely: black bears). I am not sure about their population in the early 90s and I am not sure whether they can also be found in the Muldraugh/Louisville area where the game takes place but I think adding them would not be completely against reality as it is the case for wolves. Thinking about "dangerous" animals which could potentially be a threat to humans brings me to my second remark: 2. DANGER OF WILDLIFE TO HUMANS: A lot of posts suggest that predators could serve as a new type of enemy to the player besides the zeds. It is a common trope in video games that predators like wolves or bears attack any human player on sight and it is understandable from a game design perspective that they do so (for variety of enemies). However, even for larger predators like bears this is a rather unrealistic behavior. Besides a few exceptions, most predators are quite shy and try to avoid humans. This also applies to bears (and even more to wolves). To get an idea of how rare such an attack is, you might check the Wikipedia article "List of fatal bear attacks in North America" and a similar one for wolves. The black bear for example has roughly between 0 and 2 fatal attacks per year in North America (US and Canada). Since a strong point of Zomboid is realism (except for zombies ofc) and since I think this realism should also apply to the depiction of wildlife, my suggestion here is that the rarity of animal attacks should be taken care of when introducing animals. Instead of making it so that the woods are full of bears (and maybe wolves) which constantly attack the player on sight, it might be closer to reality if those animals are rather seldom and when a player encounters them, the probability of an attack should be very, very low. In most cases, they should simply run away.
  19. Hello. My proposition is to have more moodles when we have interaction with animals and npc. I know that we get angry trait if we piss some npc and that u have more stuff as devs in mind. So Hear me out. U can get sick if u spend to much Time in sick enviorement like dead body around or with sick animal/Npc. U can prevent to get sick if u use meds like vitamins or eat proper food like hot chicken broth that will get ur resistence to sickness like flu/cold or Speed up recovery. Ideas for New moodles and condytions: - injured head - U can Black out any moment if u go to sleep There is a Chance that u dont Wake up never again eye - depends nie devastating that injury is u can get short sign, less Vision radius, less narrow Vision when running, pain, or even lost of sight ear - short hear range, Panic Sound will be louder or u can get deff trait, Body parts - u can loose permamently a peace of ur body like a finger, eye, ear, teeth, arm, leg for a Chance to survive sickness, infections etc we could get prostetic Sickness Flu - U can catch it from others and is a cl9nd on steroids + pain and fever Fever - usualy we use sick moodle icon as information that something is wrong with pc i would l8ke to change it on fever if pc is sick or infected. Fever give us a higher body temp, trist and concentration problems soon Time of sick pc get traits like all thumbs or asthmatic with slower swings and mood modificators meaby even halucinations if our pc is realy weak. Skin - If u get skin sickness u can get thin skin trait or something that other npc will treat u bad. Heart atack - part of high exhaustion or paniced condytuon for longer period of Time a big blood loss or no medication if pc have heart condytion. Halucinations - can be a trait itself that u need to consume meds to not get panic atacks, mood swings or visions of zombies it can be a moodle connected to high fever, or some food or weed types. There is a mod that add schisofrenia but i think Halucinations from food or sicknes is better. Cant be
  20. Hello everyone! We, the Offmonreal, small indie dev team. We already have experience in development, last year we released our first game on Steam. Now we have created our first mobile game. This is a test version.It called "Cat Vasya vs. Zombies" )). This is a shooter, where you need to hit the zombie animals and save your friends. The game contains 11 levels. More in the future. If you like it, and we see opportunities for further development, then wait for more varied levels. What we want to ask you: to conduct testing, there may be bugs, but the main thing for us is your opinion about mechanics, style and result in general.We will be very grateful and thank you. Sorry for eng translate)) Download: Google Play
  21. I am a pacifist (When it comes to animals) and an animal lover but I'd love to have a fox pet and to still be able to enjoy the presence of animals without killing them. I realize that taming adult wild animals is unrealistic and unfeasible but I have a different idea. I propose a system where you can find baby animals and raise them, the baby animal will then trust you and not run away from you. That way you could eventually have a fox or deer pen. I think this is a nicer alternative to hunting but it also gives animals a purpose for those who just wants them around. What do you think? (Also please include Foxes)
  22. Wolf Sounds If you are searching for the perfect wolf ringtones, then we have to offer you Wolf Sounds app. Here you will find great wolf howling sounds and amazing wolf growling ringtones. All the sounds are fantastic and totally realistic. You will have the feeling that you hear a real wolf howling. Download this free app and you will see that.Hello, all you fans and lovers of wolves. We have the honor to present to you the most beautiful wolf ringtones in the world. With Wolf Sounds app you will have a fantastic collection of wolf howling sounds and wolf growling ringtones. So, if you are fascinated with these beautiful and powerful animals, then this animal ringtones app is the right app for you. Features of Wolf Sounds :- Fantastic ringtones for Android™- Popular SMS ringtones- Great wolf howling sounds- Powerful wolf growling sounds- The best notification sounds- Amazing wolf ringtones- The best alarm sounds- Huge collection of wolf sounds- Widget on home screen- Free ringtones app- Fantastic animal ringtones- TimerShow other people your fascination with wolves with best ringtones app. Now it’s easy and it’s completely free. Another great thing is that you can set some of wolf howl sounds as ringtone or contact ringtone. Also, you can set some wolf growling ringtone as message tone or alarm sound. One thing is sure. We have collected only the best wolf ringtones and we put them in just one Wolf Sounds app. It’s up to you to decide which one is the best. Compatibility: Wolf Sounds app has been tested on the following devices: Huawei p9 and p9 lite, Xiaomi Redmi 3 and 4, Oppo plus and f1s, Xiaomi Mi 6, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, S6, S7 and S8, Samsung Galaxy j2 and j7, Sony Xperia Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 and so on. Some people are fascinated by wolves, others are afraid of them, but no one can remain indifferent when they hear a powerful wolf howling sound. It doesn’t matter which group you belong to, the one thing is sure – you should have Wolf Sounds app on your Android™ phone. And you know why? Because these ringtones are the most beautiful animal sounds in the world. So, don’t waste your precious time anymore and download free ringtones app now! COLLAPSE COLLAPSE
  23. I read a while back that the devs were thinking about adding deer to hunt, not sure what the progress is on that. I was thinking, there's all these farms around Redwood with chicken coops and other animal enclosures, wouldn't these animals still be around? It would add so many levels of gameplay. - zombies could attack the animals initially, chasing them out of their enclosures and also causing more noise and disturbance. This could make for great early-game distractions for those who like more zombies but want a slightly easier start. - the animals would mostly die after a couple of in-game months for lack of food, and they'd get skinnier and provide fewer calories over time. Maybe some could find food and live longer - for example, some could find the corn field near Muldraugh. [This reminds me, why are there so few crop fields like this one? And why do they go rotten so quickly? But that's another suggestion for a Farming overhaul...] - taming should be an option, depending on Farming skill - cows will be easy targets for zombies and many won't survive, but those who make it can live off the land forever. They could be easiest to tame but harder to find, and you won't want to slaughter them unless it's an emergency, so they'll only be good for milk. You could "tame" them just by attaching a rope to them, but you'll them have to lead them all the way back to your base... - chickens could provide meat and eggs but attract zombies in the morning. Breeding would be easier (but eggs are already pretty plentiful). Cereal or popcorn to tame, leave a trail into a wire cage. There'd be fewer chickens in the world initially, but they can't be caught by zombies, just chased away. However they won't last long in the wild (maybe natural predation?) - pigs would be hardest to find, hardest to tame (you'd need fresh apples or something) and would take longer to breed and then rear, but could potentially have a big litter of piglets. - to hunt these and wild animals, you'd have to be either great at sneaking and use a spear, or use a bow and arrow (please add!), but this wouldn't kill them outright. You'd have to track their blood trail, which along with the noise would attract zombies. - also, future potential for using animal skins to make warm clothes. EDIT: oh, also - horses?
  24. And hello again! At present, hunting in the game is realized very mediocrely. Perhaps, of course, the developers are just waiting for a new animation system. Anyway, I think that the entire PZ community would be very happy to fill empty forests and fields with someone other than zombies. Just imagine what opportunities it gives? Battle with bears, wolves or wild dogs? Chases after hares and deer? Maybe you can even tame any animal! Remember the film «I'm a legend» Of course catch up with such an animal will not be easy, but it will be very fun, especially if the zombie will also participate! It will also be a real migration of zombies, although I think zombies must periodically lag behind the animal or the animal should be eaten by them. Probably it looks rather difficult, because this work has so many different complicating factors and side branches. Balance, animation, textures etc... In addition, we have not yet seen in the game NPC, but the animals could serve as a experimental rabbit, sorry for the pun. All it seems simply incredible and delicious! Sorry for my English Yours faithfully, the guy from cold Russia.
  25. Welcome. This is another one of my many LONG posts as you may know. So as normal I would like to thank you for taking a look at this and warning you, it will be a long post. Now I would like to get to the post so here we go. Let’s start off with a list of the wild animals. · Bear- this is a hostile animal. It takes a good amount of hits to kill and deals massive damage. It can scratch, bite, and stomp. It will only attack if it is defending cubs, defending a kill, has been attacked, or is hungry. They will hunt other large animals but will retreat if they know they can’t win. (Against animals) they will also try to eat food lying on the ground and will fight off zombies. They will rarely spare your life. · Wolf- these animals are pack hunters. They attack in groups but are not the strongest. They will attack for food, protecting territory, and even if they just see you. They are faster than you and can deal a good amount of damage alone. They do bite and scratch with bites dealing the most damage. They will either die fighting or attempt to run. Otherwise they are taking you down. · Coyote- These animals much like Wolfs do eat in meat and attack in pairs. They are a bit smaller and weaker than wolfs as well as a bit more kind towards people. They are not as likely to attack unless starving or attacked. They will go more towards houses in the woods as time passes. They both bite and scratch but mostly bite. These animals are also about the same speed as a wolf. · Badger- This small animal lives in burrows around the woods. They are aggressive and will fight off you and much bigger predators. They will bite and scratch doing some damage but can be killed with a few swings of a bit or a gunshot. They will find food like worms and grubs but foraging but will raid your traps if available. Also if they eat rotting fruit they become intoxicated. It does bite and scratch but it is not life threatening. · Deer- This animal is very skittish and prey to most hunters. It does not attack but tends to flee if you are spotted. The males do have horns and will fight off predators if needed too but this is not a concern. It can be taken down with a good shot but can take a few if unskilled. · Fox- This is another animal much like they wolf and Coyote. These animals will hunt alone and are rarely in any group. Like the wolf they do bite and scratch but tend to go for smaller prey. They will fight if backed into a corner. They do try to scavenge kills and are cunning. They will attack in a smarter way then a wolf or coyote. They do deal about the same damage as a coyote and can take the same amount of damage. · Skunks- This animal is neutral. It will try to run at first but then if fails at running will spray a foul spray leaving your character smelling awful making you sad and annoyed while alerting Z’s of your location and making most animals flee from miles away. The animal can only spray so many times before being unable to do so. It can scratch and bite but these are of no major threat besides pain. They are nocturnal and sleep in burrows during the day. They also eat small bugs and berries. It also will defend from predators. They still can only see about 3 tiles (since they only see about 10 feet irl.) · Moles- These animals are rare to see but can be found while digging in burrows. They are pretty much passive besides taking from gardens and making burrows. · Raccoon- These smart little critters are a whole heap of trouble. They are neutral so they will only attack if they are attacked. They can get into creates if unlocked as well as garbage cans. They will only attack if cornered but will commonly run. They also will attempt to steal anything food related. · Beaver- This animal is a passive anima found near rivers and will attempt to cut down trees. They can bite but only at really close range. They are more or less semiaquatic rats. · Mice/rats- Mice are small animals that will infest your home if you leave food around or dropped. They are very uick breeders and can also chew wires causing some problems. Rats are a bit stronger and tougher. They bite harder, will chew wires, steal food, and will leave droppings around that could be toxic to be around making you sick. · Bobcats/mountain lions- These animals are like wolves but faster, tougher, and rely on scratched more than biting. They also can climb up trees and can be found in numbers from one to three. · Bats- These are like birds but will appear at night. · Birds- These fly through the sky diving to pick up bugs and small rodents. They also may land on occasion and eat but rarely. · Shrews- These are like badges but smaller and weaker. They also scratch rather than bite and cause long lasting pain. They can’t see very far however. · Rabbits- these animals are meant to be hunted. They are passive, fast and live in burrows. They also can be trapped. · Wild dogs- these are stray dogs. They slowly become more like wolves as each day go by. They can act different depending on the species of dog that they were and how long they have survived. · Stray cats- these much like dogs may change over time but are typically more skittish and faster. · Small lizards- These are small lizards that can be eaten and trapped. They are passive and will scurry around when approached. · Moose- this is like a deer with horns but will charge on sight. They are aggressive and will charge and trample you. They are also stronger than deer and are slightly faster. · Horse- This is a passive animal that will change as the apocalypse goes on. · Cow- These large animals will run from predators but remain very passive throughout life. They can also be milked for milk. · Chicken- These small birds are very fast and will scratch. They will also however lay eggs and are good for food themselves. They are really just oversized birds. · Goats- These are small mammals that will run from predators but can’t really do much besides charge with very little damage. They can however be milked. · Sheep- these are goats but instead of making milk they grow puffy fur. · Squirrels- These evil little creatures are passive. They will steal things like nuts from the ground and scurry back to the safety of the trees. They are pretty much mice that climb trees. · Turkey- These animals are quick and agile but will not attack. They are passive and prefer to run. They cannot fly but they can manage to jump up over certain objects. These animals are easy to kill if you can catch them. They will eat things like berries and other small food items. · Porcupine- this small mammal is passive and will avoid conflict. If startled it will fire small barbs that can stick into your skin causing pain. It can only do this so many times but will attempt to flee after firing the first time. It is best to kill from range. · Box turtle- The turtle is a small animal much like the frog but has a shell. It will commonly be found by the water and is normally found hidden in its shell. It can’t just be killed by certain melee weapons. It can however be butchered if caught/picked up. · Snapping turtle- This is a variation of a turtle that does attack. It attacks by biting. It has a thick shell protecting it from some melee weapons. It will bite if approached. It can be found on land or water. · Crayfish- this is an animal that can be caught and trapped in the water. It can pinch and cause very minor damage and slight pain for a moment. · Toad- This animal is like the frog but tastes awful if eaten raw and will cause sickness unless cooked. · Frogs- These animals are just an animal that can be found, captured, and eaten. · Snake- This is an average snake. It will not bite unless cornered. It is quick and not easy to find. It does look similar to the poisonous variant but still has few differences. They will also try and steal from traps or eat prey available on the ground. · Venomous snake- this is just like the snake but a single bite can be deadly. It will hunt more actively. It will go after large prey and will attack if approached. Now for the second part, now the pets and tamable animals. · Dogs- Lets start off with the best pet. (I am a dog person if you can’t tell) They come in many breeds. They can be poodle, Great Dane, German Shepard, Beagle, Dachshund, husky, Labrador retriever, bulldog, pugs, border collie, Pomeranian, basset hound, pointer, Dalmatian, Saint Bernard’s, and pit bulls. Over time the smaller dogs like pugs will die off. Some dogs that are larger are better offensive like the German Shepard. Others like the Pomeranians are louder but easier to be trained like the Pomeranian. Others like the pointers make good hunting dogs. But as time goes on dogs become more rare and harder to tame. The bigger stronger dogs will survive but also are more aggressive due to survival. · Cats- these smart animals come in 2 variations that I know of. Long or short haired. They are more skittish but also are good for catching birds and mice. They also are very agile and can climb up and over many things. ( I don’t know much and could use help here.) · Horses- These will eventually become more skittish and hard to tame. They can be ridden but need lots of hay and grass. · Rabbits- these fluffy puffs of fur are just here for food, or comfort. · Lizards- Like rabbits they are food or friend. · Snakes- These animals are just like passive snakes anyway but in a cage. · Small fish- Did anyone say sushi? · Box turtle- Food or friend once again. Now for the final part that will be updated over time. Sorry for any missing items. The ETC. column: Jobs · Veterinarian- This job costs -2 points but in returns gives +2 to the skill of animal first aid and +1 to animal training skill. · Dog trainer- This job costs +4 points but in return gives +3 to animal training. · Pest control- This job costs +2 and in return gives +3 trapping and +1 to tracking. · Farmer- This job already exists but now costs 0 and gives +1 to animal first aid. · Pet groomer- This job costs +6 and in return gives +1 to animal training skill and +1 to blade maintenance. · Hunter- This job costs -8 but in return gives you +2 sneaking, +2 light-footed, +2 tracking, and +3 aiming. Illnesses · Rabies- This illness infects though bites. It will kill over a period of 2-7 days. Animals will randomly contract it and become very thirsty and more aggressive. They will attack on sight or just run around berserk if infected. The meat from these animals may also be tainted and cause sickness. · Poisoned- This is the effect from being bitten by poisonous snakes. It will kill in anywhere between a few hours to 3 days. It will cause major pain and can’t be cured at the moment. Skills: · Animal first aid- This is the skill of healing animals after injuries. The higher the skill the faster you work and the quicker they will heal. At higher levels you can start to help larger animals. · Animal training- This is the skill of training animals. The higher your skill the faster you train animals and the better they will listen. Once you get to animal training level 6 you can tame horses and then ride them. · Tracking- This is the skill of following animals and detecting where they have gone. This doesn’t just apply to animals though. So watch your back. Features: Animal’s attraction and repulsion- Animals will be attracted to things like food, open shelter, or safe nesting areas. On the other hand animals will be repelled from things like the smell of smoke or fire. Some avoid loud noises and others are attracted to them. Each animal is attracted and repelled to many different things. Animal’s necessities- All animals need an array of basic needs from food, to shelter, to water. Each animal must have food, shelter, water, and warmth. They will not live in an area where they can’t get ahold of these things easily. Some animals will also look for things like premade shelters like burrows and logs while others will dig burrows or dig into logs. Each animal does have needs to set up home or to live there and if not met will leave or move away. New traps and items. (Descriptions coming later) · Dog collar · Dog bowl · Dry dog food · Dog treat · Cat treat · Chew toy · Squeaky Toy · Bone · Bell · Scratching post · Cat litter · Hay · Barrel trap · Laser pointer · Dog whistle · Yarn · Salt lick · Saddle · Muzzle · Leash · Harness · Shock collar · Animal Droppings · Sticky traps · Fly traps · Brush · Shears · Fishbowl · Rabbit cage · Chicken coup · Heat lamp · Bird seed · Bird feeder · Bird house · Animal pen · Potty pads Now as always this post has to end so I would like to thank you for taking the time to look at this and enjoy. Links: to my other ideas and posts. · Clothing ideas: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/14771-clothing/ · Temperature ideas: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/15925-tempature-system/
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