!MOD outdated! Download at your own risk! First of all, i did not own this mod - the original author is Spyder638. Since the forum change he discontinued the work and he did not sign into the new forum so far. As soon as he's back i'm sure he will work on. zSpawn - The item spawn menu [continued] ( hope it's ok that i took the banner for the grafik ) Original description: From: http://theindiestone.com/community/viewtopic.php%3Ff=28&t=13256.html - How to use - Start or load a game and the window will pop up. Push the buttons to spawn items in your inventory. If you close the window you can press numpad enter to make the window re-appear. - Changes - - added mod loader support - replaced "BaseballBatNails" with "Saw" - new arrangement for the weapons - Downloadlink - Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/ZSpawnV0.1.rar - Install - Direkt Download: - Open the .rar file in an application like Winrar. - Extract the zSpawn folder in the Project Zomboid/mods directory. - Activate the mod at the mod loader (ingame) Desura: - Open the .rar file in an application like Winrar. - Extract the zSpawn folder in the Desura/Common/ProjectZomboid/mods directory. - Activate the mod at the mod loader (ingame) Steam: - Open the .rar file in an application like Winrar. - Extract the zSpawn folder in the Steam/SteamApps/common/Project Zomboid/mods directory. - Activate the mod at the mod loader (ingame) - Enjoy! -