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Found 6 results

  1. Well as the title says, I find it very repetetive that zeds allways fall in two ways, when they fall on their back it allways looks a bit weird to me that every zed has its right arm spread, I think adding more ways for the corpses to fall would add some needed variety in that aspect. Also for my secondary suggestion which I don't think we will ever get but it would be fun, to have some zeds without some limbs, maybe zed without arm, crawlers without legs?
  2. Hello Devs! (if you're reading this lol) I'm pretty new to the PZ community so please bear with me. I understand you guys probably have a long list of things that still need to be implemented but hear me out. I was having a great discussion today with some members in the indie stone discord and we all agreed that the pool of firearms in the game should be expanded upon further with more realistic representations. My suggestion for a firearm that was extremely common during the early 90s is the glock 19. Obviously it would be smart to call it something else in game (g19 possibly). Many civilians and police departments were using this pistol due to its light weight, small size, and its high magazine capacity. I think it would be a fantastic addition to the game and a great find off of a dead zombie police officer or maybe in a nightstand. Not to mention it would help diversify the firearm pool. As I understand the only 9mm pistol on the game right now is the m9 which would be more common in military areas. If anyone else has any suggestions for more firearms please post them!! After all, Variety is the spice of life.
  3. I have really enjoyed the vehicle build when it was first introduced. But we still need more vehicles ,the devs should be more strategic ,i know its a small team but with better marketing tactics like new trailers ,a more interesting UI with more artwork etc ,deciding which features to add first ,its sad to see a gem like PZ being in development purgatory even tho i believe the devs are doing their best. we need more atmospheric elements ,not just the usual depressing music ,not the empty streets ,a character with no basic dialogue which he/she can say when stressed ,inspecting an item etc. The game needs more enviromental details ,more variety with the vehicles .and i think we need roads clogged with cars ,which we have to pull with a heavy construction/load transfer vehicles to clear clogged ,baricaded roads like that. Trucks where a bunch of ,20 something players can travel behind in multiplayer ,like giant heavy load carriers that are blocking some of the roads which only the crawlers can reach you from the other side ,or even transforming a truck into a caravan or like a rare chance of finding one ,there are all kinds og survival tog players ,the ones who love to travel ,and the ones who make the ultimate survival camp,base,community,safe-zone.
  4. A the title says, here's my suggestion towards the Dev's for another type of large vehicle that I for one would love to see in the game. I saw in some threads the mention and occasionally pictures of buses and other transport vehicles. Since there's already kindergartens and schools in Mouldraugh and WestPoint (probably someplace else also I don't quite remember) and on custom maps I would love to first of all, see School Buses like this one, which let's say, can hold up to 12 people or such in total. Now, the vehicle won't be op. It drives slower but has a large fuel capacity, it's harder to steer it at higher speeds and turning in general is a challenge just like in real life, also it's more durable but replacements parts and such are harder to come by (ex: only found on trucks and mechanic shops). Same things apply to the Prison Bus. As for the Prison Bus, being reinforced to stand up to more damage will mean that the consumption of fuel might be a bit higher but overall it will offer more protection for the player/s. Also, inmate zombies with a matching Bus ? WOOP WOOP! Now, moving on to the Trucks section. We already have the UPS type trucks and the mail delivery trucks in the game, but they are just for small deliveries. While I know large vehicles might be a problem in PZ, I think that they should be added since cars are becoming more and more diverse. Cars like security trucks, dump trucks, garbage collecting trucks and transport should be something worth of finding. Large fuel capacity, large consumption, hard to turn but with good speed and durability. Not to mention that they are loud and they'll attract zeds worse, if not the same as a bus would. I'm not sure if adding trailers to it would be a thing but I would surely love to see that. A box truck (furniture moving, delivery truck etc. Knox Telecommunication Utility Vehicle.
  5. Ok I see that male and female zombies have 3 versions in each. I been working on 6 more versions but dont know how to implement them. Is it even possible to add more variety?
  6. I have not heard much details on the upcoming addition of vehicles to Project Zomboid, so I just wanted to get some clarification. When "vehicles" make their way into the game, will that just exclusively include cars, or should we expect a variety of different vehicles. From engine-powered vehicles such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, etc. To quieter, man-propelled vehicles such as bicycles, skateboards, etc. If so, would we see a large variety of vehicles on Day 1 of vehicle implementation, or will they be released few by few over time.
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