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Found 4 results

  1. Neutz

    Union City

    UNION CITY With Louisville a still a while off I decided to take up the task of getting a good sized city into the game. Also, Yes the map does borrow the name from the last stand web browser games but otherwise has no relation If anyone would like to help out with buildings, comment here or PM me. I don't have alot of time to work on the map these days, every now and then i will post updates though It has many buildings made by myself and other contributors, i have also made alot of custom tiles for the map. Most recent progress Residential Housing High School A Victorian mansion. Just one of Legoland99's many creations, Custom Sprites This map includes new sprites and variations made by myself I have made a bunch of clutter objects to make the world feel more lived in and immersive Thanks to the following This map will also contain buildings from the community. Thanks to the following forum members for your creations Legoland99 Atoxwarrior 956Texas BeastlyBean Blackbeard06 cmseter dko112 DoctahWong Doublebrain EUDOXIO fluffe9911 GothicGhost grivcin Jela331 kaizokuroof Leolvanov mads232 Mainulainen Project Zomboid (for 2 example buildings) rsdworker Sieben The googlator Traya Aclus Valindil Veged VikiDikRUS Way2sp00ky Z3759xy IndigoRebel zoeyflower
  2. a place with small town apartments that arent like skyscrapers that i hope to see in upcoming giant that is the louisville map which need some engine improvments to go beyond 8th floor. an area with a lot of urban areas ,metal fences around the streets ,maybe the military tried to isolate the town to turn it into a safe zone but failed ,stuff like that to think outside of the box while escaping large hordes of zombies, and to give a small sense of believability ,stuff like water towers , broken electricitiy poles ,like a bunch of small urban places like this with not too tall ,5-6floor tall buildings around the most populated places in the Knox Country map. maybe the buildings can be saved and added around the skyscrapers of lousville map to act like a bridge between large sburbs and skyscrapers.
  3. Hello everyone. I'll make an official thread for posting my custom buildings so that I won't fill the forums every time I do something that I consider worthy or in the mood of sharing. Hope you'll like this Questions, comments and criticism is welcomed ! <3
  4. Houses Bugs: -Some of the grafitti "glows" (are highlighted) in the dark. -Zombiebungeejumping from windows (sadly I were dead already and can't watch this from outside ). +Fixed stair-bug Building is now 1x1 tilerows larger Download: InApBl_by_7.zip Military Bugs: - experimental wire fence door won't work; sledgehammer will work Download: military_base_by_7.zip Military Trainingground 1 V0.0 Download: military_tg1_by_7.zip Military Trainingground 2 V0.0 Download: military_tg2_by_7.zip Military Trainingground 3 V0.0 Download: military_tg3_by_7.zip Military Watchtower E/S/W V0.0 Download: military_wte_by_7.tbx.zip - Watchtower East Download: military_wts_by_7.tbx.zip - Watchtower South Download: military_wtw_by_7.tbx.zip - Watchtower West Military Base Entrance V0.0 Bugs: - experimental wire fence door won't work; sledgehammer will work +Forgot some outer lightsources - added! Download: military_entrance_by_7.zip Military Hospital V1.0 Bugs: -Some lightning bugs -Cell Door in security room don't work, other cell doors do; Player can walk trough +Fixed machineroom containers by changing room definition +Fixed stairbug (Helicopter landing platform is now reachable) Download: military_hospital_by_7_v1.0.zip Military Tent (Wood/Desert/Urban/Marine) V1.0 - heading east and south Bugs: None Download: military_tent_ALL_by_7_v1.0.zip Military Airport V1.0 - heading west, so the runway should be on the westside Bugs: None Download: military_airport_by_7_v1.0.zip Military Hangar V1.0 - heading east and south/opend and closed Bugs: None Download: military_hangar_ALL_by_7_v1.0.zip Military Heliport V1.0 - It's more than a "H" Bugs: None, maybe the "pipe" (I used it as cable canal) can block the way. Download: military_heliport_by_7_v1.0.zip Miscellanea Thank you TIS! Feel free to use and/ or change! Have Fun!
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