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Found 2 results

  1. I've noticed that when you drink a can of soda, eat a bag of chips or a can of food the item conveniently disappears. But if you were to make a soup, or cup of coffee etc it will leave behind an empty bowl or pot. I think that after eating something, it should be replaced with a trash version of that item (empty chip bag, empty can etc.) which you would then have to deal with in some way. Either by dropping it where you stand (which would leave a trail for NPC's or other players), or by placing it in a garbage can or other such container. Adding garbage items would not only give you one more element to consider while surviving, it would also replace some of the abundant food items with trash which is far more realistic than finding an empty cupboard. It would give you more to search through, and change up the looting game. Here's a mod that was created for Build 31 that did exactly this: http://pz-mods.net/weapons-items/Littering/ It would be awesome if this made it into the final game!
  2. I was watching one of Mathas' videos of PZ, and he was suggesting that perfect, water-tight rain barrels should not be available to build at level 0. I agree, but then I thought, why would rain barrels even be necessary? Just drag over a wheely bin and pop the top open. Of course, to balance it, you could make it so that you have a pretty high chance to get sick from the garbage water unless you perform a "clean" interaction that consumes 1 sheet or 1 bath towel, and 1 jug of bleach. Perhaps to balance this out bleach could be made slightly less common.
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