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  1. En 1990, une épidémie mystérieuse ravage les États-Unis, métamorphosant paisibles villes et villages en zones de cauchemar. Le comté de Knox, jadis symbole du Rêve Américain avec ses banlieues tranquilles et ses vastes forêts, sombre dans un monde obscur et sinistre. L'histoire commence avec Harry Mason, un homme ordinaire qui se rend dans le comté de Knox en 1999, avec sa fille adoptive, Cheryl. Ce qui devait être un simple voyage pour trouver un nouveau refuge tourne au cauchemar lorsqu'ils sont victimes d'un accident de voiture à l'entrée du comté. À son réveil, Harry découvre que Cheryl a disparu. Désespéré, il se lance à sa recherche dans des rues enveloppées de brouillard épais, hantées par des bruits inquiétants, sous un ciel éternellement couvert de nuages noirs. Pour Harry, retrouver Cheryl devient une quête essentielle. Chaque recoin du comté peut receler des fragments d'information : journaux intimes abandonnés, messages cryptiques pouvant détenir des indices sur sa disparition. La recherche de Cheryl guide chaque action de Harry, chaque décision prise dans ce monde cauchemardesque. Au milieu de cette désolation, quelques survivants persistent en se cachant, protégeant chaque ressource devenue essentielle. Ces groupes sont souvent divisés : certains cherchent à comprendre la source de cette malédiction, tandis que d'autres luttent simplement pour survivre un jour de plus. Les bâtiments, bien que intacts, sont hantés par des présences invisibles, et chaque coin sombre peut cacher une nouvelle terreur. Harry espère trouver de l'aide, des survivants bienveillants qui pourront l'aider dans cette recherche personnelle. Chaque rencontre peut potentiellement l'amener plus près de Cheryl ou plonger plus profondément dans le mystère sombre qui enveloppe le comté de Knox. Les jours s'écoulent dans une lutte incessante contre le désespoir et la peur. Pour rejoindre le serveur Discord SILENT HILL : Cliquez sur le lien ci-joint. À votre arrivée, merci de lire le règlement communautaire et de choisir vos rôles dans la section adéquate. Merci. https://discord.gg/H2zSFB34Cj
  2. So I've heard that the NPCs are mainly being scripted in numerous timelines from various backgrounds, traits, and other conditions that are essentially being hand-made. Which I can absolutely respect as that would allow more "human" responses in comparison to AI. I understand the idea of event chains that act like a logic system in a way, but I can't fathom anything short of a small army of writers to make it possible. Atleast without years of development. So I propose the following; why not let us, the community and gamers help write scripts or events? I'm sure we've all been through a number of situations and reacted to them differently depending on our own character builds or goals. If they allow the player base to contribute to this end, it would allow the devs to focus on the mechanics end to aid in speeding up the final release of NPCs. Not only that but it would allow some great diversity in the PZ world as of course, not every writer is the same. This could be accomplished by giving the community some form of template and maybe bracket it into categories of responses, reactions, or goals. Or a similar tool to properly and effectively integrate it seamlessly into the game. Essentially give us the guidelines and a relatively basic tool to help create the NPCs you, the devs, envisioned. Because trust me, we the players would love deep, lore rich NPCs. One way I could think of implementing this is breaking it down by traits or prebuilt classes. This way we could formulate different NPC reactions and goals that could potentially mesh together with other traits depending on their capabilities or limitations. Maybe even adding in reliance on other NPCs (such as potential family members) for negative traits such as deaf, weak ect or vice versa for bonus traits. Maybe have npc cops, firefighters, soldiers ect try to do their jobs at first and maintain the crumbling civilization. The possibilities are endless. A way to allow us access to this could be a form of massive logic chains. Where inputs from the beginning of the game could be handmade by thousands of players. Such as family members, goals, occupation, and some background information such as preferences, relationships ect. Perhaps even slap on a labeling system such as traits, personality ect to easily organize and piece together multiple chains. Finally a team of moderators to accept or decline certain inputs/outputs or entire chains for rating purposes or feasibility. It could be something as simple as a blog similar to this one, or more complex as a plug-in or game extension. Or even a bit of basic coding. Anything that would allow us to effectively help the core game.
  3. I was wondering if you guys could make something such as a Project Zomboid story campaign that takes place in the present day like 2022 or should I say 2023. I think it'd be cool to see the modern things the present day has to offer in the game like 3d printers, smart phones, computers, vehicles, hover boards, etc. As for if this is a project zomboid retcon that takes place in the modern day or the current story time skipped from 1993 to the current day I don't know what to go with exactly. If it's the former, you'd have all these 1993 assets updated to the modern day if it's the latter, the world would be in really degraded shape since the 1993 Knox infection. It would be nice to have something project zomboid related that takes place at least sometime in the 2000s which would have to be at least 7 years in the future from when the game takes place. I heard such a story scenario was in the works somewhere.
  4. Here at New Beginnings we strive to create a player driven vanilla-lite experience. We are not a roleplay server but through the use of our dedicated admin team and a selection of hand picked 'actors' we create handcrafted stories for our player base to become a part of if they choose to with custom missions that are posted for the community to solve and storylines to piece together to achieve great rewards. We also pride ourselves of our dedicated community that has come together and created their own events for everyone to participate in. We invite anyone who wants to check out this unique experience to drop into our server or discord and experience it first hand or ask any more questions you might have about the server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Server Info IP: Port: 16361 Discord: https://discord.gg/2mUdWxwyxe ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key Features Custom Story: The admins at New Beginnings work constantly brainstorming new story ideas for the players to participate in. These stories are completely optional but if you choose to participate in them you earn yourself a permanent place in the server's lore as a hero, or a martyr. Boons: Our personal mission and story telling devices. Placed across the map for the players to find they give the holder of one of these unique boons a very special opportunity. They allow the holder to activate them and change the course of the server for the next few days, whether it's to send a massive blizzard, increase the strength of all the zombies, or even to begin an entire story arc. We give players a way to have a real server wide impact for their actions. Mod Selection: We hand pick our mods to achieve what we believe to be a great vanilla-lite experience. Vehicles, weapons, and Clothing mods are closely examined and tested for compatibility. Our mod selection also strives to be balanced and lore friendly. Vehicles and weapons fit the time period and both are what you would expect to find in 1993 Kentucky. Custom Loot and difficulty: We have fine tuned our loot distribution over the last few months and over the past 3 wipes to create a balance that keeps veteran players still having to go and loot for the things they need while new players won't struggle for hours to find a single can of beans. Using a customizable loot mod we can fine tune our loot spawns down to the individual items to better serve the community, both old and new. Reliable Host: Hosted through Ping Perfect servers we have access to the fastest of M.2 storage and 25 Gigabytes of RAM at all times.
  5. Its that time again for a new lore to be starting up. The start of the lore is Friday, March 2nd, 2018 at 7pm EST. It is not too late to jump on over to the forums and submit a character application HERE If you do though, please be sure to read the lore posting bellow or on the forums HERE as well as the server and community rules HERE Mods - You will find out in game Zombie and world settings - you will find out in game 1. The Lore It all started without a single voice on the television warning us, a silent whisper through the streets of Fairhaven. Our only warnings were hidden within the depths of the web, even then, the information was bare, mere mentions of a super-virus with no list of symptoms accompanying it. How could we have prepared? We couldn’t have. Within weeks, the super-virus finally tore through the veil shrouding it. It made national news, and Fairhaven was placed under quarantine by the U.S Government. We watched as parking lots were converted into refugee camps, shopping centers became quarantine centers, and our neighbors houses became burnt out shells of their former selves. Nobody told us anything, just that we couldn’t leave. We held on by a thread, biting the bullet where we could until people started vanishing from the camps, starting with the elderly, ending with children. Nobody had any real clue what was going on, families made scenes, tried to incite violence, until they vanished too. People were too afraid to act past the formation of C.E.I.T.A. We kept on eating our pills, taking our shots and watching the news for more information. All of this in the span of three days … three days, a major populace was nearly wiped to nothing, sections of the city barred off … only in three days. By day four? All we could hear were gunshots in the distance, the news telling us the quarantine had been expanded to Peoria and Bloomington, cutting us off from South Illinois. It wasn’t long until many of us were loaded up in buses and hauled off towards the military evacuation point outside the city … but not all of us, some of us were left behind to make our own way there. We gathered up in our cars and rode off, some towards the border, and some towards the evac point, right up until we reached the backed up highway with cars miles down. 2. The Towns Over The River (Fairhaven) (City) Valley Station (Kings Mill) Muldraugh (Twinsburg) West Point (Hartsdale) Rosewood (Union Center) Ohio Map + Dixie (White Horse Creek)
  6. Earlier I was listening/reading the radio events and I noticed the president had a private meeting with the CDC. I would love to hear the other side of the story, but logically there is no way the player would be privy to the president's meetings. I would love to hear the explanation of walking corpses to the president, his reaction and the CDC recommendations. So what if as you accomplished things in game (Such as get X kills, Die from infection/starvation/lead poisoning murder, Convince an NPC to do etc, Burn down a building, die in a fire, survive being on fire, survive a bite/scratch, etc) You would unlock a 'gallery' entry or two. Things like art, behind the scenes/ in-progress art/clips, and 'extra' story elements (Like the president's meeting, how the military knew to mobilize so quickly, notes from CDC scientists studying the infected after the exclusion zone, military/survivor journals from up north, other neat Lore things)
  7. I don't know about you, but if society as I know it were to fall apart, one of the first things I'd be packing is a pen and a notebook. In the event that you have to leave everything you've ever known behind, and go fates only know where, trying to evade death at every turn... something has to keep your mind occupied when you're holed up in a gas station crawl space for the night. So I suggest a collection of travel logs to be found on zombies throughout the end of the world. A paragraph here, a bloodstained chapter there, no complete stories, simply a diary from when they first knew it was all coming to an end until their death. What they were thinking, who they missed, what they wished they hadn't left behind. Hopes, fears, love and loss. Can we perhaps create a forum category to submit these and maybe [how exciting would this be?] see our submissions in game? Can we talk a dev into writing a few [hundred?] out to give us something to read around [Or feed to] the campfire?
  8. Hello everyone, Some of you are probably waiting for the Kate & Baldspot tutorial to return. Why not choose between different starting scenarios or have a random starting scenario? Example: After choosing policeman as a profession, there is a chance you start 1. in the policestation with several other policemen and hurt civilians. On the outside, zombies are trying to force their way inside. You don't have much time. What are you going to do? 2. on a patrol with your mate. Someone has reported violence in the trailer park. You're investigating and suddenly zeds are coming from all directions. 3. with a police car in the woods, where you fled after the initial outbreak. You're running low on food and you have to drive back to Muldraugh/West Point. 4. locked inside an armoured police truck in the center of Louisville, where the special operation forces unsuccesfully tried to engage the undead. Of course starting scenarios don't have to depend on what profession you choose. There could be scenarios where you have to look after your loved ones (just like K&B), but they are on the other side of the town. Will you be able to save them? Or raiders have just stolen your pants and tied you to a lamppost. Well, what do you think?
  9. I did a search before this, but found nothing. Obviously the story is a good while away, but before whenever it arrives I thought'd be fun to think up names to have K&B call these things. If they're just calling them 'zeds' and 'crawlers' or whatever, then fine. But maybe we might find something unique? You never know what agreement we might come to. Let's let the crawlers stay crawlers. Anyway, I assume, no 'walkers', 'geeks' etc... will be added, so surely some of you have great names for these.... things. I can't think of anything right now, just the idea of naming them for a signal to each other.
  10. Mog's Cast - Press Play! Channel Link Kerbal Space Program inspired me to start recording and sharing my experience with the gaming community as a whole. Squad has done a spectacular job making a wondrous universe to blast off into for all of us who've wanted to explore the stars and land on distant worlds. I have a very limited knowledge of space travel and the physics that come into play when dealing with gravity and atmosphere and the black dead void of space... so it can be a little tricky at times. Come watch me try my hardest to keep my Kerbals alive in their harsh world and beyond. Currently Filming: KSP - Season 3 Career Mode - Newest Episode: 7b XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Newest Episode: 35 Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag - Newest Episode: 08 Finished Works: Season 2 of United Kerbal Industries (25 Episode season) - Complete Season 1 of United Kerbal Industries (25 Episode season) - Complete Season 1 of Project Zomboid (28 Episode season) - Complete Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs (12 Episode session) - Complete Bioshock Infinite (25 Episode season) - Complete Schedule: 2 Episodes each weekend for current game, Saturday and Sunday Additional sporadic uploads randomly for secondary games, time permitting NEWS: 12/08/2013 Nearly finished with XCOM: Enemy Unknown and working my way through Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. I'm also pushing on through Career mode in the new KSP version. Been thinking of updating Project Zomboid and playing another season or so of those episodes. Also been considering updating Skyrim and playing a 1-Up series (Single life, once you die... you die). Cheers! KSP Season 3 - Career Mode Introduction Asparagus Staging Tutorial Notes: Currently on the Table - Kentucky Route Zero, Mark of the Ninja, Skyrim, Little Inferno, DayZ (possible co-commentary), & FTL - Faster Than Light ~All in-game footage used with permission, either directly given or posted publicly~~ All Music used with permission or from YouTube friendly collections~
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