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  1. Hi playng now more than 50 hours in the 42 i would to say thank u! it's amazing but as u said in the blogs u want to make interactions between players and, inthe future, with npc, so i suggest to u to create a new skill weaponsmithing, with this skill u can craft the weapons instead of use carpentry, in my opinion have more sense, the idea is more u grow in the skil more different weapons u can create with the crafted or looted items and some after magazine has been read.
  2. I know it’s the beginning days of the test branch but veteran has had the worse nerf ever. I don’t mind the changes to desensitized but I do mind that it still cost 8 points when I could just pick police officer and brave to get a better build. My suggestion is to lower the cost of veteran or add 1-2 more aiming skill to compensate for the price. I personally love veteran but build 42 has basically turned him into the farmer of 41. Useless and forgotten because there is an obvious advantage by picking the currently better occupation. (Police officer) Please zombiod devs fix this issue!!!
  3. When a power grid fails, it's not just "lights out". It can be a bit chaotic and scary, even. Power surges, fried electronics, and brownouts as a result of grid instability. Damage to electrical systems and shorts are inevitable between the grid failure and the initial chaos of the outbreak. That is to say; your electrical skills will be put to the test as the worst power failure knox country will ever see is wrought upon anything connected to the grid. Switches failing, lights flickering and shattering, and appliances shorting out or outright igniting until the grid finally breathes its last in a crescendo of smoke, sparks, and shattered glass. In its wake is a world of damaged appliances awaiting a survivor to repair them... and for the aspiring electrician, a reprieve from the climb of 1,000 watches and a sea of uses for all the electrical parts you accumulate in your journey. These damaged appliances may have a negative impact on connected generators as well, as short circuits can cause very high power draw until appropriate repairs -- or removals, are performed. I briefly thought about circuit breakers we could disable to protect buildings from that, but I'm perhaps incorrectly assuming that the power grid isn't designed in a way to support that. If it was doable, though, they could later act as a generator hookup node to power larger buildings directly without worrying about generator range (or power spilling over into other properties on accident). This could also be implemented as a tell of sorts for generator health -- making your lights flicker as it approaches critical condition. Though, I don't think I'd have electronics take damage from a generator in poor condition.
  4. I just started looking into PZ modding and my first effort is going to be a Memory skill mod. The goal is to help the player remember explored information in a way that feels natural in the PZ world, which means imperfect memory but you can work at it to improve. I thought I'd post to get general feedback and maybe some tips and modding words of wisdom focused on what I'm looking into. I'm already looking over the wiki modding section. There's a lot to cover. The mod will add a new skill: Memory. The first piece I want to implement is vehicles, starting with the content of the "Vehicle Mechanics" window. When the player closes this window the mod will store everything. When remembering is triggered (TBD) the same info will be presented to the player but some pieces will be missing or incorrect. The higher the memory skill, the more complete and accurate the info will be. So far I've only just hooked into the Vehicle Mechanics window close operation to log the first set of into I want to store. The things I still need to explore are: Storing and accessing memory data in a persistent way Add the ability to open the remembered data either from a context menu or on mouseover with a small delay Add map markers with a way to show the remembered data from the full view map Reuse or clone the Vehicle Mechanics window to use with memory data I'm not sure if this will allow for weird interactions like starting a repair from far away I want to avoid the associated action of opening and closing the hood Record vehicle data abstractly. Right now I'm checking a number of specific fields and getters such as vehicle:getEngineLoudness(). There doesn't seem to be a copy/clone method on vehicles. Expand the behavior to all containers, storing the inventory memory on close crates, shelves, fridges, and all the standard containers vehicle trunks vehicle glove compartments vehicles with special indoor containers from mods (stretch goal) bags?
  5. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS: -Show the actual trait, skill and xp percentages. -Bring back the old music options. The new options don't work for some reason. The new music is good, but I miss the old ones. -More creepy and depressing music such as: Long Ambient. (Haven't heard this in the current version.) Where Is Everyone. (The older one was creepier.) Low (Haven't heard this in the current version.) All the creepy ambients. (Never heard them in game. Can be found in the music folder.) -Player crawling. -Zombies with missing or crippled limbs. -Zombies eat animals they can catch. -Wandering hordes. A wandering horde picks a random direction to wander towards to look for food presumably. (1000-10000 tiles.) Perhaps a wandering horde could spawn the zombies once the player is close enough. The wandering hordes would be much rarer and larger than regular hordes. -Allow zombies to wander and redistribute into the "Player's square". I don't know what it is really called, but you can see it in debug mode as a white box around your survivor. (Smaller than a cell.) Currently zombies seem to stop by the edges of the player's square when meta events or redistribution happen. With a cleared area the player can safely camp in their base for months with canned food and farming. It's a bit unfair for the poor zombies. -Only chefs and burger flippers may add large amounts of extra happiness to their foods. Currently pretty much any occupation can become a master cook by just watching TV, which makes the cook occupations questionable. All non-cook occupations should have very small happiness boost for their foods. With this cooks would have a more useful role lowering unhappiness in groups. -Remove rotten food recipes. Using a month old rotten food doesn't seem realistic. -Nasty foods can make you vomit. Nasty foods could be: worms, maggots, insects, rotten food. Vomiting increases hunger and adds nauseus moodle which will fade in time. Vomiting could be prevented with a strong stomach. With a weak stomach the player will very likely vomit from any nasty food. Strong stomach could be a great pick for forest dwellers. -Rotten foods disappear or become completely ruined as time passes. -Rebalance all the negative weight traits. Currently you can get rid of very underweight in a week. If you also pick fit trait (+2 fitness), very underweight becomes free points. -Dangerous wound infections. Would make first aid and antibiotics more useful. Currently it seems infections only slow down healing. -Ability to open canned foods with knives. -Non-poisonous rain water. Perhaps add a sandbox option for this (acid rain). -Gas expires. (6-12 months.) This might work well with the rebuilding phase. -Throwable distractions: Mugs, glasses, glass bottles, jars, empty cans, bells. Cans and bells would be reusable as they don't shatter. Bells have a higher distraction effect. Bells don't have any uses currently. -Differently shaped survivors and zombies depending on traits. Average, thin, fat, fit, strong. -More candles. Perhaps add boxes of candles too. Can't remember the last time I found a candle. Currently flashlights and batteries are much more easy to find which makes scavenging for candles a questionable choise for light. -Water in pipes becomes tainted in few days after water shutoff. Currently you can potentially survive months with pipe water, making water storage useless (pots and bottles). SANDBOX OPTIONS: -Show the actual option percentages. For an example: Normal 50%, high 60%, very high 70%... Would make things much easier instead of judging and figuring options out by testing. -More hardcore options. Ever lasting winter and ever lasting summer. Extremely high and extremely low temperature options. Insanely hard farming, trapping, foraging or fishing. Impossible farming, trapping, foraging or fishing. Impossibly low food rarity. Polluted water or nature. (Most wild life will die.) -Water in pipes after water shutoff option. -Zombie evolution and degeneration option. Shamblers turn to sprinters or vice versa. -Zombie stamina option. Zombies get slow after chasing player for a long time, but can recover. Could balance sprinters. -Zombie activity option. More active zombies wander more and try to find the player. -Zombie smell option. Zombies approach nearby places where the player has spent time or is currently. -Sprinter speed option. Joggers, runners, sprinters... I know these next 3 suggestions could perhaps be counted as special infected, thought they don't have any super human powers. -Lone zombies option. Zombies that will never join a rally group while there are existing rally groups. Currently it seems all zombies will join a group eventually which leaves wide gaps between them. -Screamer zombie option. Some zombies scream while attacking which may alert other zombies. -Varying zombie % option. Adds several different zombies with varying traits. Some examples: Screaming sprinters which never join rally groups. 1 %. Joggers which sometimes join rally groups. 12 %. Shamblers which always join rally groups. 87 %. Viimeisin muokkaaja on Lodkar; 1 tunti sitten
  6. Would be amazing to craft a shooting target, like using the scarecrows or also a simple target made with planks, nails and paint , sure wil not give the same exp of shoot to a zed but finally u can train ur aim's skill safely and have funny shooting and plus will be very realistic ....
  7. I think it'd be nice to be able to lock pick in the game like for car doors as well as regular doors. I think this mechanic could be some kind of lock picking skill that you'd improve from picking locks as well as boost through lock picking books. Maybe there could even be a locksmith occupation that gets you started on the functional capabilities of said skill. Perhaps the skill could also be in the burglar occupation. I think for the tools needed it'd be standard lock picks or maybe you could even make some out of the paperclips you find in the game. For starters, It'd be nice to be able to unlock a car without having to find the key or smash the window in addition to hotwiring it. As for doors it'd be nice being able to get in the building without having to find the key or bash my way in through said door or other entrance. For padlocks it'd be nice to get through those too. I guess for the mechanic to work, with all the proper items and skills in hand you'd right click the you want to lock pick and select "pick lock" and the progress meter would fill up as you pick the lock. It will take a few tries until success and fewer tries and faster ones as you level up.
  8. I suggested this in the Steam discussions suggestion but thought I should also post it here. As much as I genuinely love the trait system, there is a pretty significant limitation to it, which is that even if you were given infinite free trait points, you don't really have full freedom to create a character min-maxing a certain ability above a certain point. Considering some servers might have some free trait points given or that a coop group could each take a certain profession and min-max that profession as much as possible, each player will still be pretty average in their profession of choice. Further still, there is the issue of character death which, if you spent dozens of IRL hours practicing a certain craft can be EXTREMELY frustrating when you can't even sacrifice points you would spend on a few crucial traits to min-max that skill as much as possible. My suggestion would be to take inspiration from the "storytelling" tabletop RPG system on a way to directly purchase skill levels. The idea is simple. After choosing the positive and negative traits, you'd have a next window to spend any remaining trait points. To purchase a level of the desired skill you would spend: Next level / 2 = cost in trait points [rounded up]. Explaining and examples: To get "Axe" level 1 with this system alone, you'd spend 1 trait point, but to get Axe level 3 you'd spend 1+1+2=4 trait points. 6 for level 4, 9 for level 5 and so on. To start with Carpentry level 10 going from Carpentry 0, you'd spend 1+1+2+2+3+3+4+4+5+5 = 30 trait points. This would be EXTREMELY useful for a server that says the story started 10 years in the future and gives players a high value of free trait points to create their characters or for a more RPing friendly server, or even a more casual server with free points on character creation or even in a normal game to create a min-maxed character. Return to GG's Annotated Map
  9. After trying it in both situation, the amount of xp gained for sneaking and furtivity is very different depending of if you're the host of the game, or just a client : it goes way faster when you're the host (as fast as in SP) than when you're a client. In both situations, there were a lot of zombies around as I was moving, that didn't detect me, but as a client the xp would barely increase.
  10. How it works? Loot is generated when opening a container? When a player enters a chunk? Are there any differences from the singleplayer mode? I have found various options on the forums, but I don’t understand which one is correct.
  11. As it is now, if you start a new world, you've got a fresh new character, starting from scratch. You work real hard and spend many days building up that character's skills (and gear), building a base, leveling carpentry. You're at Level 7 carpentry now, and you're 45 days in. Annnn' ya bit. So, this character dies, and we spawn a new character into the same Sandbox. They start, timeline wise, after the first character died-- makes sense-- but their skills are default. That is, they only get the same chance for character points that the first character got, but, lore-wise, it is implied that this character has survived the apocalypse so far-- technically, outlived the first character (and, well, all the other characters). So, why don't they have any skills? My thought is that when you spawn a new character, depending upon how far into the timeline you are, you're given extra character points. In addition, you're given a bunch of skill levels that make sense for your character type, how long it's been in the sandbox, and some of the difficulty settings (if it's a easy setup, you don't want an OP character). I think it would make death less-frustrating, give more reason for people to persist a single game/sandbox and continue building plans, but still allow pretty dangerous minute-to-minute gameplay without having death cost the most time-consuming, grindiest part of the game.
  12. So how does one normally start of these off? Welp here goes nothing.... I do enjoy Project zomboid from Alpha eight until forty-one but over the course of time. A few things about the game has bothered me a tiny little bit and I do implore the Dev's if they decide to read this to at least consider the ideas going forward. Idea 1#: A Hospital / FEMA Quarantine zone: I believe in every zombie survival game. There should be a Hospital / Quarantine zone and hopefully with a little magic it should be loaded with zombies. either on the outside or inside depending. I think it would be a fun idea to have a very small possibility of having Nurses and or Doctors spawning in said hospital or Quarantine zone. With that being mentioned. There should be a very small chance of finding Hazmat suits along with hazmat zombies that should be much harder to kill with fire. I think it would add more to the Lore of the game and it would add a tiny bit more to the game with some added challenge. Idea 2#: Jobs and Skills and items: One thing that has bothered me is how lack luster the job section is at the start of the game. I think to add some more Zang into the mix. The Job skill that is selected should be able to carry some upgrades as the game goes on that allows the players to unlock exclusive perks. For example: A FEMA Military Solider over the course of time could turn into Veteran with added benefits or another example a Nurse could turn into a Doctor or a Doctor could turn into Surgeon with added medical perks. I believe having a job upgrade system would implore players on MP or Single player to live out for as long as possible and it would add value to keeping your character alive for long as possible. ( Moving forward on this subject ) - Going about Surgeon - I think if someone is shot they have to undergo Surgery depending on location of the bullet in which it hits the player body, which requires someone to either be knocked out via Medicine or if we go back to the old civil war days. Lots and Lots of booze or if you wanted to be awake during this painful event, an extreme amount of painkillers. Idea 2 Part 2: I also think Gunsmithing should be considered along with more types of guns and being able to make bullets for all types of guns along with a workbench to craft add on to bullets like explosives rounds or incendiary rounds. Also I think being able to make scopes for guns would be interesting as well. I think it should be noted that more guns Like Heavy Machine guns or Sub machine guns should be added to the game however, the lack of guns disturbs me a bit coming from a military background and a guy who enjoy's coming up with said ideas for these types of games! Idea 2 Part 3: Lastly, I think if we can grow wheat in high quantities. You should be able to make Bio-fuel and put a stop to what it seems to be unlimited Gas farming at the Gas Stations. It also would add even more importance to the Engineers in the game and would add long term play ability to their kits as well. Last by not least Idea #3 Events: I think the game should try to include extremely rare but very extreme events such as a blizzard, Polar Vortex, Major Forrest Fire or Flooding/ Flash Floods. I think if the game could add extreme environment events. It would add another layer of Strategy per play through of the game and it would make it very difficult for some players to stay in one area for example near the river or in the woods for example. Personally, regarding events. I think when it comes to player decision. there needs to be some sort of Risk element to every decision or otherwise the game loses out on repeatability. What do you guys think ? Also please feel free to add comments and add more ideas . I would love to read about them. JewishCowboy - Over and Out - (Radio goes silent )
  13. Tybs


    Playing with gamepad, IWBUMS version 41.33. In previous builds, when trying to open the menu for character information (and skills, health, etc), normally you follow this procedure: 1. Hold the SELECT button to make the radial menu show. 2. Use the right stick to select the required option. 3. Release SELECT to open the selected option. However, the radial menu currently disappears within half a second, despite holding SELECT. To select the requested option you need to respond quite fast, usually it fails. You can see this effect for player 2 in the video sample below at time 3:04. This also happens while playing solo, btw... quite harsh when you're bleeding out quickly and try to patch up your neck 😅 If behavior could be reverted to the previous situation, that would be much appreciated! Example:
  14. I found a function in the API: AddPerk(PerkFactory.Perks perk, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String level1, java.lang.String level2, java.lang.String level3, java.lang.String level4, java.lang.String level5, int xp1, int xp2, int xp3, int xp4, int xp5, int xp6, int xp7, int xp8, int xp9, int xp10) But I can't use it. It exists in the game code but there is no examples how to use it. What strings are level1, level2, level3 etc? What should I give as first parameter? So I have to make injection directly into interface in a very strange manner: local function inject(u) local xp = u:getXp() local m = getmetatable(xp) local old_boost = m.__index.getPerkBoost m.__index.getPerkBoost = function(self, perk_type, ...) if perk_type == ClassCustomSkill then return 0 end return old_boost(self, perk_type, ...) end local old_mult = m.__index.getMultiplier m.__index.getMultiplier = function(self, perk_type, ...) if perk_type == ClassCustomSkill then return 0 end return old_mult(self, perk_type, ...) end m = getmetatable(u) m.__index.getXp = function(self, ... ) return xp end local old_level = m.__index.getPerkLevel m.__index.getPerkLevel = function(self, perk_type, ...) if perk_type == ClassCustomSkill then return perk_type.level end return old_level(self, perk_type, ...) end local old_up = m.__index.LevelPerk m.__index.LevelPerk = function(self, perk_type, ...) if perk_type == ClassCustomSkill then return perk_type:LevelUp() end return old_up(self, perk_type, ...) end end I'd like to avoid these dirty hacks and to start using normal API.
  15. For some reason, the Reloading skill bar is not gaining ANY XP POINTS AT ALL. I tried starting a game with XP bonus of 1000, and I have reloaded ALL guns and their clips (except the assault rifle; haven't found it yet) and haven't gained a single XP point in that skill branch.
  16. Hello all, I've recently encountered a problem regarding butchering. For some reason, despite having a fresh dead bird and a hunting knife in my primary inventory, I cannot butcher the corpse. No option to butcher has appeared, both when I select the bird and the knife. I've attempted this with both a hunting knife and a kitchen knife, as well as both a bird and a mouse, yet the option still hasn't appeared. Does anyone know of a potential resolution to this problem? Thanks.
  17. With the discussion surrounding another skill related thread, I thought it'd be a good idea to ask this simple question to get a feeling of the community's opinion. If you answer yes, feel free to express which skills you think should be added and if such skills should be freely available or if they should require extra steps because they are rarer and more exotics. If it's the later, feel free to express which steps should be taken to gain access. Also, do you think these should be a low or high priority after the animations and NPCs. Edit : In this post, I won't quote or comment people's posts. I might like a few posts here or there... or if I feel a topic need more in-depth coverage I might privately suggest (once) a new more in-depth. My restriction on commenting posts also include reaction to my answer, if any.
  18. I've been working on a profession mod for our RP server - AGN New Dawn. Link on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913317143 What does it add? - Several new professions - Several core professions changed - Upgraded stats for all new professions - Starting books from Hydrocraft Mod based on what profession is chosen (Hydrocraft Required) - Several new traits from the New Trait Mod (New Trait Mod not required) Intended Updates: - More Professions based on Server needs. - Balancing of skills and costs - Negative traits - Images for all professions and traits - Skills added instead of hydrocraft books - Starting items based on chosen professions The mod DOES work, and we are playing it on our server - it currently shows language errors, so one final step will be adding language translations. If you want to try out the mod in a server environment, please visit us on AGN at: https://newdawn.aggressivegaming.org/
  19. Please stop this madness. Instantly becoming exhausted after foraging once is just insane. At most, foraging after a couple times being exhausted would be fine. There is no reason why this should be a thing. I thought this whole time it was simply a bug until I heard otherwise. For the love of all that is gaming, remove the "instant exhaustion" in favor of something that makes sense and as more purely based on skill level. Simple really.... example numbers. baseEnergy 100 baseForagingCost 60 (makes it once without instant exhaustion at base level) energyLeft = currentEnergy - (foragingLevelMultiplier * baseForagingCost) Then assign an energy used reduction per level. Maybe at level 2 a reduction thats enough to get 2 shots without exhaustion but not enough energy for more. Then each level after would be a smaller energy reduction equaled out to achieve a goal of X amount of times total at a certain higher level. So say you want the max to ever be able to do is 10 times... take the energy needed for 8 times and apply reductions for skill levels 3-10 so that by skill level 10, they can accomplish the 8 times.
  20. I am the co-owner of the server in Newdawn (AGN / pz.aggressivegaming.org). This idea came from this server as we had issues with overwhelming perks / skills level in the past as players grind blindly without any RP. Hence this idea becoming a reality! I am working on this mod that allows server owner to change the skills max level so it will never be over powered when new player just joined trying to rp. The proposed idea is that it can be per character, per server and per steam account cap. This mod is still in work in progress and has no preview or anything. The features may increase overtime when the base intended features is done.
  21. Driving skills! I'm sure this is already being considered, but driving should definitely be worked into character creation when vehicle development stabilizes. High drive skill could increase (and low would decrease): - Turning responsiveness or likelihood of rollover (safe and effective control of momentum) - Likelihood of car starting on first turn of the key (knowing how/when to turn the key for a rough starter) - Control when running over obstacles (default erratic response when driving over something/zeds) - Others?
  22. This mod adds the possibility to obtain a blessing or curse when "Look at Spiffo eyes" on the Spiffo item. (Item consumed after using it) Blessings: Level up one random skill. (In case of receiving the blessing in a skill that is already at the maximum level, you will receive a global xp point to spend on the skill you want) Curse: Receives random scratches anywhere on the body. (Do not contain Z infection) Chances will depend on certain traits you have. It works in Singleplayer and MP. Language support at the moment: ES_es, ES_ar, IT_it, FR_fr, EN_en. If you want to add a another language support contact me!!! Video Example: Download V1.5 WorkShop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=953218312 External Downloading: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2718p8bja2a0fpa/SpiffoSkills1.5.rar (Sorry about my language, i speak spanish)
  23. Before I begin, I would like to say that this suggestion only applies to the eventual finished product - v. 1.0. Perhaps it is just me, but I feel very strongly that any ability a character can start with, such as the nutritionist's knowledge of nutrition facts and a cook's recipes for pie dough should be available through study or training, etc. to everyone in the game. I know that things such as the recipe for pie dough is available in a magazine. After untold lifetimes, I actually found one of those and learned the recipe. But just as everyone with a skill learned it somewhere, I think the designers should keep in mind that a character who does not possess a skill or recipe might want to learn one. They don't all have to be available in books or trade journals, perhaps there can be NPCs that can teach the skills, but all characters should have the potential to somehow acquire all skills, and not just through their background. This is not to say that I think characters should be able to acquire the bonuses that a chef has at improving cooking skills or that a carpenter has at improving his carpentry skill should be available - there are certain advantages that practicing a trade prior to the apocalypse should provide. I just think that all characters should be able to somehow gain access to any skill, recipe or ability available to any other character. Thank you for listening.
  24. At first, I thought of some traits like "Cooking hobby", "Hates fishing" that would give skills. But that would be too much of clutter for the traits list. So it may be nice to buy some skills directly for skill points in a most expensive and non-economic way! Or get some points for taking multipliers like 0.25. Any thoughts about it?
  25. Redux I've done a similar suggestion a while back and it seems to have been deleted, probably from lack of activity. It was then limited to falling from sheet ropes. I've since saw a discussion on steam about sheet ropes breaking. I've also climbed a sheet rope while carrying 3 fridges (1 primary, 1 secondary, 1 in inventory)... so I think it's time to get this out there again. From the past to the present Initialy, there was some complaints about the randomness of possible injury that made that suggestion unpopular. Although there may be a random part to it, most of this suggestion is about common sense and realism. It's not normal that one can climb a rope while carrying a fridge in his right and left hand... and another in his pockets. Climbing a rope while carrying a single fridge should be a feat in itself, one where you pray to whatever god you worship (or all of them) that the rope does not break, that you don't fall or even that you don't drop that fridge and break it. It's not all about randomness Things like weight/bulkiness (simplified into weight units for convenience), having items equiped sencondary/primary, skills (nimble, strength, maybe others), rope strength (I've made a suggesion about marinas and possible high grade ropes too... but the regular rope vs sheet rope is a start), and lastly luck should affect the outcome of climbing a rope. So what would it look like in game? Breaking If you try to climb with lot of weight (including yourself... another drawback of being overweight) or if the rope is weak, it should have a high chance of breaking. Low to moderate weight should have none to low chance of breaking. Falling or other form of fails If you try to climb a rope with low skills, high weight or item equiped in hands, there should be a high chance of falling resulting in injury. There should also be a chance that you drop said equiped items (or even some inventory). While this is not so bad for simple items like weapons, clothes, etc... delicate items (electronics, furniture, etc) or obvious breakables (glass containers) would have a high chance of breaking with a single story drop (and near certainty for higher drops). But it could be done, with or without some degree of risk Now, if your smart about it and carry minimal weight (say... only what you have in a big hicking bag on your back) and have normal strength... it should be near automatic success. A few extra point in nimble would guarantee the success and/or allow more risky moves. Wait, what about moodles? Yes, moodles like exertion or fatigue could have an adverse effect to, but only on the falling part. Same would go for drunkedness. ... and what about traits? Well, some of them have direct effect already (character weight, strength). But others like clumsy/agile could come into play as well in the falling part. Exemples that where given a while back for unfun RNG Hitting your thumb with a hammer, sawing yourself while using a saw or even cutting yourself with a knife. Those are rarer occurrences in normal life, assuming the person is not extremely tired or intoxicated (or clumsy). I've used all of the above a lot of time in my life and count only a few minor cuts and one broken finger (working below material to try to remove it without breaking it). Assuming I'm average, for simplification purposes those things have no chance of happening. Now I've never been able to actualy climb a rope... so I don't know how I'd do that while carrying 3 fridges (I've never carried 3 fridges either...). My character must be Chuck Norris I've seen or been one out of two guys struggling to move a fridge (one) up stairs without a dolly. I don't think I could carry one up a rope... I don't think anyone could... well, except Chuck Norris of course .
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