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Hey guys, i started the world in 42.0.0 and it got updated to 42.0.2 and since there i have a bug when entering and exiting the car on driver seat, the tachometer wont show, also i cant open the car hood and see the mechanics Here in more detail i hope you can do something with it this is when entering the car this when exiting this when you open the car hood
- singleplayer
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Hello guys! First time posting here so I ask you to have some mercy on me . Let's get straight to it. I have purchased the game on steam to play with friends, but the issue is that when I try to run the game, either on common or alternative launch, it won't start. With normal launch, it will be stored on background and it won't come to foreground by any chance. And with alternative launch, it will get stuck in the console. I have also downloaded the Intel Driver and Support Assistant so my graphics drivers should be updated Specifications on my laptop: Processor: Intel Core i3 2350M at 2.30 GHz RAM: 4GB at DDR3 on single channel Disk: I have a 240GB SSD so that won't be a problem Yes, yes I know that my laptop is kinda old, but it meets the minimum requirements, or so I think right? I shall also share my console.txt files So, I don't know what else to do, can someone give me a hand? I will be answering asap to your comments console.txt
Can confirm: [Single Player] [Reproducible] [version 41.78.16] I can hear the Discord app "mute self" sound effect in the Project Zomboid thunderstorm sound effect. The first time I heard this a few minutes ago, while I was playing, I thought I muted my Discord app, but then I realized it was not open on my computer. So I ruled out user error. I placed my character outside and performed no input to my computer and continued to hear the discord mute sound during the thunderstorm. I googled "project zomboid discord mute" and saw another report from July 2022 with no real resolution, and no proof. Here is a YT video (not mine) of 1 hour of the Project Zomboid thunderstorm sound effect. The sound effect error I heard in my game, that the July 2022 post user also heard, is also present in this video. I have the video time stamped at 00:00:15 seconds and the 'discord mute sound' can be heard during the first half of second 00:00:18. In my headset, it can be heard in my right ear and it is "under"/quieter than the thunder. It can be heard again at 00:02:36 and I assume every interval of 141 seconds after (per the video, at least. I don't know if PZ's thunderstorm loop is naturally 141 seconds or if the author of the video has decided to loop it as such.) 00:04:53 and beyond. For reference, this is a YT clip of "discord mute" sound effect: While not a game-breaking bug, it destroys immersion briefly, though, repeatedly.
• 41.78.16 • Singleplayer/Multiplayer. • Host. • No. • Still occurs on new save • Reproduction steps: 1. Start game in Apocalypse mode. 2. Attack a zombie with downward kick (Left ALT by Default) in a fighting stance. 3. Moving during the hit, the zombie falls instantly. I think this bug is serious and it breaks the game. Fix it as soon as possible.
So I made a nice functional little mod which adds a bunch of zombie outfits the spawn pools, based off another mod. That's all working great. But I'm trying to expand the functionality right now and I'm running into a really weird and frustrating issue. The thing is, I want to add spawn chance multipliers and a couple of booleans as sandboxvars that control whether certain behaviours run or not. Now, so far as I can tell all of this code should work but the game is completely ignoring any changes to the settings themselves. Take, for instance, this block; ExosEnabled = 0 if SandboxVars.ArcStalkerOutfits.ExoZombies == true then noise('Exo Zombie Spawns: Enabled') ExosEnabled = 1 end Simple enough, right? ExosEnabled serves as a final multiplier to the chance of all zombies of a specific type. It defaults to x0, and if the sandbox option is true then it prints a message to the console/log that says they're enabled and sets the multiplier to x1. A few lines later, the base spawn chance is multiplied by the faction spawn chance, and then by the ExosEnabled value - and anything multiplied by zero equals zero, so the chance of ever seeing those types of zombies in the wild should be... zero. But here's the kicker; the sandboxvar defaults to true, and even if I uncheck the box so that it's false it still acts like it's true and prints the message to the console/log. The only way it actually stops doing that is if I set the default value of the sandboxvar to false in the sandbox-options.txt. And even then, it still apparently treats ExosEnabled as 1, because I'm still able to find that zombie type in the world by random chance. Worse, it's also treating every other sandboxvar added by the mod as 1, and for some reason if I try to print their value to the console they come back as blank. Everything else works, there's no compile errors in the console, nothing like that. The sandbox options are just being completely ignored for reasons I can't fathom. Are they just busted to the point I should use Mod Options or Easy Config? Is there some trick I'm missing? Have all mod SandboxVars secretly been FUBAR this entire time and somehow nobody's noticed?
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- zombie spawning
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In my adventures to create a mod that adds new zombies to the spawn lists, I've been trying to add configuration options that, well, function as intended. My efforts have been blocked either because the 'core' sandbox options don't apply consistently, and I know they're not applying reliably, because if I put a nice little block of code into my mod to print the variable values to the console, it always returns the default values set in the sandbox-options.txt instead of the values I defined during game setup. I've tried using OnLoad and OnGameStart functions in which case they do work... but only for Singleplayer, and then the functions completely break Multiplayer compatibility -- which is a dealbreaker. All I want to do is make it so players and serveradmins can adjust the spawning frequency of certain types of zombie to suit their tastes. Having sandbox vars be saved, loaded, and applied properly would go a long way, and it's possible this is a problem for other mods using them as well.
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- zombie spawning
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41.73 • Singleplayer • No Mod • New Save • General Use of Firearms • 41.73 Not completely sure if it's a bug or a feature. Going off of 41.73 patch notes on Firearms crit chance fix and how they worked in 41.72 Tested in debug using combat logging in command console while using firearms. Firearms edited to 0 damage to test crit chance (so I don't have to constantly spawn a new zed). Non-edited weapons used for damage testing. Done in sandbox with minimal adjusting of base settings (no erosion, no population peak day). Crit chance applied according to range from target. Increased crit chance at close range, falls off to a floor of 10% approaching max range of weapons. Essentially the inverse of how they worked in 41.72. Like I said, not sure if intentional, but the way the patch was noted, I'm unsure if the intention was to make crit for firearms constant, or if how they work now is as intended. Additionaly: Attachments affecting range do not affect crit chance floor distance. M14 max AIM reaches 10% crit floor at ~21 tiles, even with an 8x scope. Damage applied SEEMS to work similarly, with doing an average amount less at close range, and doing more at long range. Long range damage seems to have diminishing returns though. Adding a 8x scope will not drastically increase damage output.
• Version: 41.70 • Singleplayer/Multiplayer: Singleplayer (but I assume this also happens in multiplayer) • Mods: Nope • Old or new save: New save • Reproduction steps: 1. Start new game. 2. Wait for music/OST. 3. Open the Map (Press M). 4. Music stops and won't play after you close the map
I found a bug related to the action of "walking to" when accelerating the time going down a ladder, the character suffers a fall damage that can lead to the character's instant death AT-cm_lUBbZKKkt2tJUUiHFODchA_Trim.mp4
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- ladder
- fall damage
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Version 41.68 Both Single player and Multiplayer Host No mods. Vanilla version. Reproduction steps: Start game as Custom Sandbox Find a VHS that boosts a skill Watch the VHS that boosts a skill Kill player Create new player Attempt to re-watch the same VHS No skill boost. Also the tape is watched under the character UI prior to re-watching. Relates to:
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- vhs
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Steps to reproduce: - Place a trailer counter - Place a premium walkie-talkie on it - Try to place a floating counter above the counter (this won't be allowed) However: - Place a trailer counter - Place a floating counter over the counter - Place premium walkie-talkie on the counter (this will be allowed) Tried with furniture facing EAST. Other walkie-talkies/radios/other stuff might also cause the issue - didn't try.
---------------------------------------------------------Let Me Speak!-------------------------------------------------------- Note: Svarog and Aricane (owner of PZ-Mods) both had an unaltered copy of V1.2, the latest version before I had a PC failure that effectively erased this mod. If you like this mod, you have them to thank for its continued existence. This mod has something for just about everybody. Whether it be roleplay, immersion, Lua, singleplayer admin, etc, this mod has it all. What stemmed from a suggestion from here has become much, much more. Press T to open up the chat. As of V1.3, it supports Tiny Automated Version Checker. If you don't have it, I highly recommend you download it from its thread here. Steam Workshop Download Google Drive Download Features: A fully functional singleplayer chat bar. Admin commands. Admin command keybinding. A built in Lua interpreter. Conditional speech, with over 100 possible lines of dialogue. Admin Commands /lua codehere -- built in Lua interpreter. can also access methods from CheatCore /help OptionalTopicOrPageNumber -- displays help. just type "/help" without quotes to display page 1 of help. /toggleconditionalspeech -- toggles conditional speech /godmode -- toggles god mode /creative -- toggles creative mode /deletemode -- toggles delete mode (when enabled, press X to delete the object under your mouse) /heal -- heals you /refillammo -- refills your currently equipped item. /repair -- repairs held item /infiniteammo -- it toggles, well, y'know /infinitedurability -- toggle infinite durability for held item /noshotdelay -- no delay between shots /toggleneed needhere -- toggles the need. type "/toggleneed all" to toggle all needs on or off. /firebrush -- toggles firebrush. when enabled, click to create fire /zombiebrush numberofzombiestospawn -- toggles zombiebrush. when enabled, click to create zombies. Type one of the following (without the quotes) to disable: "/zombiebrush disable", "/zombiebrush off", "/zombiebrush toggle", "/zombiebrush 0" /levelskill codedefinedskillnamehere numbertolevelto -- level up skill. "/levelskill all" levels all skills /instakill -- toggles instakill melee /settime numbertimehere timeordayormonthoryear -- set the time /barricadebrush numberofplanks -- press Z to barricade the object under your mouse /teleport X Y optionalZ -- teleports you to the specified X, Y, and optional Z (height). /additem caseSensitiveName optionalCount optionalItemBase -- adds the specified number of items /keybind key command infinite optional parameters -- binds the selected key to a command. /unkeybind key -- unbinds the selected key. /keybinds -- prints a list of all keybinds to the chat box. /fly -- toggles fly mode To Do - Add a fully functional options menu. Installation: Special Thanks: Svarog and Aricane (owner of PZ-Mods), for providing a backup of the lost V1.2 version. This mod would've been lost forever if it wasn't for them. PZ-NOOB, for the amazing suggestion this was based on. This mod wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. CzarUltra, for his contribution to the suggestion and the mod in general. He expanded the idea to something even more amazing. If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be a chat bar at all, nor would there be admin commands or the lua debugger. Most if not all of the conditional speech lines were thought of or inspired by him. Mike280, for his contribution to the suggestion. His post was vital for outlining what kinds of things I should add conditions for. Changelog:
- 46 replies
- conditional speech
- build 31
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Good evening. I have thoroughly enjoyed Ethanwdp's "Let Me Speak Mod", which is a coding masterpiece in and of itself. My one problem is that the Mod's Conditional Speech causes your character to curse like a sailor and constantly take the Lord's Name In Vain. I can't have this in my "Project Zomboid", so I made an alternate to the conditional speech in the default. This requires the full "Let Me Speak" Mod to function. To install this Mod, you must go into the Steam Workshop folders and look for: "(STEAM CONSOLE ROOT)\steanapps\workshop\content\108600\503791964\mods\Let Me Speak!\media\lua\client". Copy and paste my "LETMESPEAKCONDITIONS.LUA" over the one in the Mod. There you go! Now, your character will take Spiffo the Raccoon's name in vain and use euphamisms and/or Dixie-friendly words. As a bonus, I also added a few lines to the quote list. If you're okay with swearing but want a more lighthearted narration, this is also the way to go. Only one of the original lines have been cut out of the Mod ("ouchies"). They have only been censored. With this Mod, I hope more people will engage in the "Let Me Speak" Mod and use all the wonderful features it has to offer. The file is in the attachment below. Thank you. -TURTLESHROOM --- DOWNLOAD: letmespeakconditions.lua
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- cleaned
- no cursing
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1. - Advanced brick/concrete walls that should be really hard to create in singleplayer ,cuz of being alone for a balanced gameplay ,and they should be able to hold like 45 zombies before taking any damage ,maybe like having the ability to put barbed wire on top of the walls ,if the players are able to climb trough the brick walls with enough skill ,and concrete walls with like a sharp really durable object/weapon and again ... —————————Also you might wanna go check out this guy’s profile ,he’s got some cool stuff there. making walls buffer was his idea or he just skimmed someones post and gave his own opinion/twist on things ,kinda like i did heh.——————————————————————2.- Bigger ,stronger ,slowly sliding heavy metal gates which should be able to hold 35 zombies before taking any damage ,and the player should be able to cover up the gate with a lot of cloth pieces to prevent zombies from seeing us ,a great way to create a multiplayer commumity ,or a safe heaven in singleplayer. Kinda like the Alexandria Safe Zone from TWD
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- advanced
- singleplayer
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Suggestion about single-player: Each task has a certain 'required time' value (for example 60 - 100 for crafting -> see crafting menu). Is it possible to include a multiplicator for the required time in sandbox menu? For me it feels a little strange to be able to dig like 20 graves or build up walls in a few seconds for example. With the multiplicator players would be able to generate more/less time-consume per task and make gameplay a more realistic factor, or more arcade-style. For example: If you go with realistic values you'll need 10-20 mins to build up a wall and you have to secure the environment for zombies first. Its about time planning and strategy.
Hey guys. I've made a mod that allows use of any of the traits on any of the occupations during character creation. This includes the three professional traits (Night Owl, Desensitized, and Axe Man) and all the green positive and red negative traits that you normally need to balance with each other. Furthermore, I've added back all the traits that were previously removed from the game. These six removed traits are Brooding, Marksman, Hardened Drinker, Light Drinker, Patient, and Short Tempered. Enjoy being able to use these traits once again! Once you have installed the mod, enabled it, created your character, and saved your game, you no longer need the mod. You can delete it if you wish, and your save file will still have your character with all of the traits you have selected. Obviously, you can keep it in your mods but you don't need to run it every time to have your save file with modified traits. They will stay with that character until that character dies. My mod should work alongside the Cheat Menu mod found here: Combine these two mods to allow for thorough mod testing, learning of game mechanics, or just cheatin'. You could also play using the sandbox to allow for extremely tailored gameplay. Works on the latest build, v31.13 DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION: Q&A Q: Can I cheat with this? A: Yeah. Q: Can I cheat online with this? A: No. Q: Will this work on a build older than 31? A: No. Build 31 completely changed the way that occupations and traits work, and also added a ton of new traits. Q: Will your old version still work on the newer builds? A: No, for the same reasons stated above. Q: If you fall off the planet, can I update this mod? A: Sure. The following link is an OLD VERSION of the mod which WILL NOT work on build 31 or newer. The last build it was tested on was 29.4 and it worked fine. It may work on build 30 but I never tested it. Download:
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- mod
- singleplayer
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Just a suggestion,maybe instead of planks and ripped sheets or sheets to make a campfire kit. How about a certain amount of stones and sticks/tree branches?
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Don't know whether this has been brought up or not but i thought what would be really cool? If by a random chance that during a heavy storm or thunder storm that maybe,just maybe every now and then randomly Lightning strikes a tree or a house Resulting in it burning into a crisp and starting a fire or just instant crisp(with a tree or a wall frame or you know what i'm getting to) Also make like a lightning effect like how it is on the main menu. Would add to the apocalyptic feel and the im scared,alone and about to jump outta my pants feeling for some. (And yes i know i spelled Lightning wrong in the title haha very tired and running on little sleep)
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- 30.9
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Okay it may've been already brought up or planned in the future. I was thinking to add to the realistic feel that you guys should bring back from the good ole days of when you could find items dropped on the floor that you can pick up. then the second thing is to make it where random foods are found in the ovens. I mean it is weird that none has anything in it on the fact someone would've been cooking something somewhere. i mean it doesn't have to be a pot of soup but a can of beans or soup,Uncooked steak found in it,hamburger..anything edible really.
I was wondering if there was a way to enlarge the Day/Month text in future updates? I can see it clearly but it can be hard to tell what date it is sometimes in a pinch. Also i know this is just me but please make an option to be able to switch the default layout for the Day/Month bar where it can be Month/Day?
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Okay so i have some great ideas for traps or ways of torture. The first trap 1:Bear-traps:Simple enough. Can be found on farms or out in the cabins randomly? Used to Seriously injure another player on multiplayer or used to put a zombie to a halt,maybe because i saw somewheres on the forums that it would be difficult to make it where one zombie has an arm missing and another has a leg,and arm missing..etc.. well i thought instead of showing the zombie missing the missing leg maybe once it hits the trap they automatically become a crawler. Also maybe option where trapping skill ties into this where the bear traps success rate depends on Trapping Skill/Level. 2:Trip wire: Ahhh my all time favorite. Basic used for either a zombie or person. But i was thinking aiming more towards PvP. The main player rigs up a trip wire to a tree where if another player walks by and trips the wire that one way the trap could work is if used in a hangman kinda style. But when they hang its not by the neck but by the leg/foot. So then on PvP maps the player who rigged the trap can torture the captured player. OR better yet use them as some sort of Pawn or Hostage so they can get supplies,etc... heres a website i found with a snare trap: also: 3:Holes: yes i know this one is a stretch but just thinking if you guys put in a new item that could have multiple uses could be used to dig holes. And then players could fall into it. But better yet that would be noticeable right? How about the ability that when you forage that there is a chance of getting leaves and maybe with thread/rope/fishing line that the player could use the items of leaves and one of those strings to craft a gillie camo flooring to camo the hole then use the captured zombies or players for hostage 4: Tying People up: Okay by know you are assuming i'm some psycho or creep living in my moms basement haha. But seriously give the ability with a high enough trap skill combined with a high carpentry that the player could maybe injure a players legs and maybe tie them up to a chair then torture them or use them as bait/hostage/or a pawn. Or maybe just maybe beat them to near death with a spoon and force them to drink bleach. Well that's all for now...Maybe these ideas will come in use?
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- Multiplayer
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