Hi guys! My name is Joni Kuusisto and I work at Rockodile Games. We have a new game out now and we would really appreciate it if you guys could check it out. The game is called Rescue Co. and it's a space themed sidescroller with a physics engine. The game is F2P with an IAP system. You swipe the character on the screen trying to navigate through rough terrain while staying in the safe zone. You save passengers from crashed spaceships and try to collect ScrapMetal that works as the currency. You can upgrade various aspects of your character in order to progress faster. Screenshots: KtKMTCB1amnjtUK4qbCmR45TxkdwNcwOaZ_Uj1OPiwniAg8YX7QSfk-ICC14MTF0kg=h310 wwPpgjiH0CF91jawtMLjqIpnfpi9JY2aiHXV0ooKHTd9OEN7fFcfvA1fqzRQjTJfIwYV=h310 Trailer for Rescue Co. App Store Google Play We are truly grateful for any feedback you guys can give us. Hope you like it! Joni Kuusisto Twitter: @RockodileGames Facebook: www.facebook.com/Rockodilegames