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Found 11 results

  1. v41 IWBUMS PTB. I'm not sure if Ive done something wrong but I cannot ever find a magazine for a rifle. I've been to the gun store, cleared it, no magazines for the 7 rifles I found there. I've been to the shooting range cleared it, same thing no rifle magazines. Is there a setting I'm missing in regards to them spawning? Is there a way for me to spawn in a magazine for the rifles so I can at least test them out for myself? PLease help
  2. For some reason, the Reloading skill bar is not gaining ANY XP POINTS AT ALL. I tried starting a game with XP bonus of 1000, and I have reloaded ALL guns and their clips (except the assault rifle; haven't found it yet) and haven't gained a single XP point in that skill branch.
  3. So I have been playing that accrual mini game on PZ a lot lately using hardcore reload mode. While I like that you must reload your weapon and then rack it in order to fire it, I do not like the fact that I have to keep my inventory screen open and right click to reload. Sometimes I click my shoes, what's up with that? I'm not going to accidentally try to reload my shoes regardless of how panicked I am. I propose a hotkey, much like the 'x' to rack, for reloading. If there is already a key for this, please ignore my rant and kindly tell me what it is. (hehe) Edit: On a side note, perhaps reloading while panicked could lead to dropping of ammunition.
  4. So recently I've noticed a lot of players on multiplayer have been "save reloading" aka backing up their player data so they can reload it after they die. I was thinking about it more and more, and thought of a solution to this exploit, checksums. Why not have say, a random server-side checksum that's generated maybe based on the current server-side system time (just an example) and then copied onto the client's multiplayer folder? You could hash and maybe even salt the checksum (or just don't show it in the command prompt log) to prevent anyone from being "clever" and copying it or even using rainbow tables. Then when the player's demise has happened, you could have the server delete the checksum on it's end from a Lua table, or some sort of database? Therefore when the player tried to "reload" their old backup it would simply say "nope" and force them into a new character creation menu. I don't imagine that the Lua table file, or database would be too extreme in size considering it would be smaller strings of text for each user, maybe 30-60 bytes each checksum? Maybe I'm just overlooking something, or I'm oversimplifying the process and I apologize if I am! You could also have it so server's had an option to disable or enable this feature perhaps, just in-case a server doesn't mind players backing up their saves? Anyways it's all just in theory I guess, not practice yet, so you tell me if that's possible or I'm just spewing nonsense! Thanks!
  5. Hi, I am very noob with all this coding thing and Lua files. I tried to do some things for adding to the game, some of them asked before in Suggestion forum. The thing is I managed to do some of them, but find a BIG BUG when I made a Ranged Weapon. At first couldnt shoot with it. Then I thought I fixed some things but instead the weapon became endless ammo. It shoots, it does what was supossed to do in the rest of things, but the ammo don't decrease. Then I messed all up in the ReloadUtil file and ... well, I am a bit lost. At first I tried to make the weapon use the same pistol clip as the default gun, but couldnt do it to reload, so I made a new item, SBerettaclip (it is almost the same as default but with a change in name and I get it from Necroforge spawning by this moment). Here are the Items as part of WeaponsGuns txt file in the folder scripts: And here is the CompilationReloadUtil lua file put in the folder lua/shared/Reloading: Can somebody pleazeeeeed help me with this mess?
  6. All, I am working on my mod which adds new guns and ammos to the PZ world, I am working on a distributions script to give a chance for spare empty magazines to show up, however I don't want them showing up if the reload difficulty is set on easy... I have tried a couple of things testing it out on an item spawning script to no avail... does someone have an idea what that scrip would be? Much thanks in advance!
  7. I apologize firstly for the small book below, and if this has been suggested previously, as I am new to the forum. I've been playing PZ for a while, and have thought that a reloading system (similar to "Fallout: New Vegas") would be a major addition to the game. As an avid shooter in real life, I understand the advantage of having the tools required to reuse my spent shell casings. It isn't a hobby EVERY shooter does, but I'm sure every shooter appreciates. In the game, I understand that we are trying to survive, and not scrounge on mall parking lots looking for little brass shell casings (hard enough to find when you aren't looking over your shoulder for zombies) but if the player were able to find occasional small and rarely large caches of used, empty brass (or hulls, for shotgun...of course) and able to find lead fishing weights or tire weights, BBs or anything that could be melted and poured into a mold (nails for a shotgun shell...picture it...you know you want to), it would add to the atmospheric realism, as in a war-torn suburban region (especially in Kentucky) these would be fairly common. Regular smokeless gunpowder would have to be scavenged, but blackpowder can be made from natural materials (no, I'm not familiar with what exactly they are, but it is something a lot of preppers talk about doing). The only other element would be finding primers (the part of the cartridge that ignites the powder...makes it go boom). These come in sleeves of 100 in real life, and if a cache of reloading supplies were found, they would likely be in the mix. The best example i can give is to check out "Fallout: New Vegas's" reloading system. You can find the brass and hulls in the world, and for every round fired, theres a percent chance (i don't know what, maybe 20%) that you will recieve an empty case. The powder is found in jars, and cannot be crafted. The bullets are constructed from a parent materieal simply referred to as "lead." Primers are also found in the world...there are different sizes but i wont go into that for the purpose of this post. An example cartridge would require 1 case (of respective cartridge, since PZ doesnt deal with cartridge, it would simply be 'pistol' or 'shotgun shell'), lets say 5 powder, 1 primer, and 7 lead. Bigger cartridges would take more powder and more lead and so on. In F:NV the player must use reloading stations that cannot be moved...however in PZ, the use of single-stage, hand presses could be used to allow hauling back to base camp. The other advantage this could allow...again pointing at Fallout...is the ability to craft different types of rounds. Although armor piercing (until you have the military to deal with) wouldnt be practical, the use of hollow-point (HP) and jacketed-soft-point (JSP) would grant some combat bonuses. Maybe I'm getting too deep with this, I just know it's a valid skill. I'm aware it would really take some doing to do it right, but it would give an extra dynamic to the shooting element of the game. The use of smokeless vs blackpowder would cause some grief in real life, and would demand constant cleaning of guns...so it would be a matter of where do we draw the line. It would also possibly open up a new 'profession' for participants in a role-playing server. Someone who can keep you in ammo is as important as your botanist and your doctor.
  8. This is something really simple that's bugged me for a long time. When using your gun you don't know how many more shots you have left. I know it is like real life but you should be able to click a button and have you remove the mag and count the bullets. it would save a lot of wasted shots and unneeded reloading. The second idea is being able to unload guns. *drops mic.
  9. I was able to max out aiming at level 5 and only gain one level of reloading. This was done though serious min/max reload after every shot of the pistol grinding. That can't be right. Reloading needs rebalanced to gain much faster so it's reasonable. A problem with this is reloading is already fast enough at the first skill level if you take away panic or any other factors. The entire skill needs looked at for rebalance. Sprinting is another strange skill. I can run from Knox to Muldraugh and back and only gain half a level or so. Even intentionally grinding it by running laps around an area would take months of work but I have not tested that thoroughly yet. It seems like this skill takes far too long to gain points in and needs adjusted. Skill books could address both these issues, a rebalance of the time it takes to gain a skill point or the amount of points gained, or another approach. As it stands, it's pretty silly.
  10. I suggested this on the old forums but wanted to repeat it here... Way back when the pistol and reloading mechanism was a mod, not part of the vanilla game, the "hardcore" reloading style was the only one available. Although realistic, it was rather buggy and definitely not user-friendly, and I definitely support making the "style" of reloading an option in PZ's settings rather than forcing one set style (easy, normal, hardcore) on the player. However, the old mod version of reloading had something that I don't think was included when it was incorporated into the vanilla game version: shotguns had to be "pumped" between shots. If you hadn't tried it, it sounds dreadful and annoying, right? But I recall that once I got used to it, it was such a visceral, cool-feeling concept of shooting, whacking space to rack the shotgun slide, shoot, repeat. It did take getting used to, but it made the shotgun feel more "real" to me than any shotgun in any other game. It also balanced out the power/capacity of the gun (especially compared to the pistol) nicely, IMO. What I'd LOVE to see is this added back in. Not forced, because I'm sure loads of new players would utterly hate it, but with added via a menu option (below "Reloading" in the Options menu?) to let the player choose between: Easy: Shotguns are all semi-auto (as the game is now)Normal/Hardcore: Shotguns must be pumped before each shot (as described above) Keeping this option separate from the pistol reloading would satisfy players (like me) who wanted one but not the other. Ideally, this would only affect the current shotgun in the game ("pump action"), so at some point in the future, either vanilla or via a mod, a new double-barrel shotgun (never needs to be pumped but only holds two shots) could be added for balance and variety. It would also allow for bolt-action rifles to be added to the game at some point too. All that is "future stuff" that doesn't need to be worried about now, yes, but getting the basis of a "cock/rack before each shot" gun mechanism into the game at this point would make such future additions more viable as well as making shotguns more realistic (right now, why ever use a pistol instead of a shotgun?).
  11. Hello Everyone. Let me start off by saying I'm really bad at understanding any programming language, but I'm pretty good at piecing together/slightly modding other people's work to get what I need done. That being said, I have a question and some ramblings. TL;DR Is there a way to make custom weapons require reloading using the game's reloading Lua?
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