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  1. I haven't seen this and I even searched for it seeming that I couldn't be the only one who has thought of this so far. I think when you are using the shotgun that if a zombie is close to you, you should have to shove the zombie away before shooting. The sawed off and pistol can still be used to kill zombies in close combat, this seems realistic. I can't imagine having a zombie in my face and still be able to use the shotgun effectively. On the same note, when you run out of ammo with a weapon, you should be able to shove zombies away. I had to reload my shotgun today, but needed to shove a zombie off of me first. By the time I figured I couldn't shove a zombie while having a shooting weapon equipped, it was too late and I was eaten. Not that I care that I died - I mean don't we all in the end - but I thought it was weird that this wasn't a feature with ranged weapons, but is already a feature with melee weapons.
  2. Before i start i want to state that i searched the forum for a little while and i didn't find a satisfactory thread to bump. So i just think that you should be able to zoom out much more because almost noone just sees what is going on only for 50 meters around him. What do you think? The first issue many of you will have is that it will make things around the survivor look really small and even so small that you can't click them. Well in fact that's a good thing. It simulates that your attention is drawn far away and you just assess the big picture at the moment. If you want to click at things close to you, you zoom in. Zooming in on your survivor then simulates that you draw your attention to your close surroundings and you aren't aware of the current big picture. Maybe a feature would be to zoom in somewhat (not all the way) at a far location, let's say 150 meters away. That simulates you concentrating at what's going on at that location and losing all visual sense of your surroundings (or maybe a little corner of the screen remains zoomed on the survivor to simulate a little visual sense of your surroundings you have with the corners of your eyes). Maybe some noise indicators could warn you if something is sneaking up on you. Offcourse as the distance of the far away location you observe increases you are able to zoom in less. The above features could be used for "sniping" with long range guns you may find (like a bolt action hunting rifle). The above features would also give meaning to items like binoculars, gun scopes and even telescopes. Another issue with zooming out would be that it may affect the performance of low end computers. I don't know about that. When zooming out you only see what happens in your line of sight, not everwhere, so 90% of the screen would still be affected by the "fog of war", so i don't think it will have a big impact on performance. What do you people think???
  3. So I was thinking for some time how the weapons could be made slightly more effective with more of a downside. Such as a few more weapons to the game, or allowing certain levels of accuracy to change the effect on zombies. Such as crit. hits on the head, making zombies going into crawlers, that sort of stuff. So what I would out up for discussion would be slight more additions to the firearms. Only a few, and nothing overpowered. I'd suggest the addition of an Sub-machine gun (Semi-automatic only) It'd be an improvement over the pistol in most ways, and use the exact same 9mm ammo. For instance, range could be increased, the magazine could be increased to 30 although the accuracy would be exactly the same. However, there would be a few downsides to this. It would be louder than the pistol, causing more zombies to hear it. Level 2/3 accuracy (Or reload) would be needed. I assume a sub-machine gun would be harder to aim than a pistol and so without the correct accuracy/reload level then the player would just not be able to use it 'stating something along the lines of I don't trust myself with this' or something. Also, it could not be equipped with a silencer. Which brings me to my next point. Silencers. Silencers could be extremely rare, accuracy level one and to of read a book on equipping silencers. This would mean that people who use handguns (As it'd be for handguns only) could use it to be more silent. It'd be as loud as a melee weapon then, or a little louder. The downside could be that accuracy is reduced, and the handgun's 'life' is reduced from 1/60 to 1/20 or 1/15. Lastly, what about skill books for guns, only causing a slight xp boost. Sorry about the rant about guns, I really enjoy using the guns in PZ, and I find having the sandbox settings of Zombies - Insane, high health and extremely strong with loot abundant to be quite fun!
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