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  1. AliceCooper


  2. So I had some ideas that I wanted to put out there, they are all multi player focused and mainly Dealing with PVE. 1) Safe houses: it would be cool if you could mark your safe house and what I mean by that is kinda two fold. One I mean it would be nice to be able to craft signs that you can mark your safe house clearly for others to see, renamed bags kinda work but real ones would be better. Two, a way to mark it for the meta game, meaning a kind of way point that you could have a general sense of how to get back home, also zombies could be attracted to it so you end up having to defend it. I guess because I'm noticed when I build a base far out in the woods I never end up having to deal with Zeds, with farming, fishing and soon trapping the out doors men type will end up playing a camping sim vs Apoc survival. My second idea ties into marking a safe house in the meta game, perhaps a way to set ownership on containers That flag people as raiders when the loot it, if you can only have one safe house marked at a time then people couldn't just set ownership on random stuff to prevent others looting stuff from place they wanna loot but don't have the means to at the time. I say this because if the server has pvp off there's no way to keep your stuff safe, people can just walk into your safe house while you are standing there and take your stuff and there is really nothing you can do. At least this way people could see at a glance who could be trusted and who can't.
  3. Server Info: (IP: pzo1.no-ip.biz) Welcome to Project Zomboid: Online! ProjectZomboidOnline.com is the first multiplayer PZ community, aiming to host a selection of quality servers and maintain an enjoyable and structured environment. PZ:O recognizes the amazing MMO-esque potential this game has and hopes to gather like-minded individuals to enjoy the same aspects (as well as let the PZ team know that such interest exists)! PZ:O will host a handful of servers of varying types (with different PVE/PVP types, reset times, etc.), as well as providing community tools to introduce players to each other and keep them engaged (forums, chatroom, twitter, facebook). Feel free to spread the word about PZ:O and bring your friends along! Server Info: (Alpha - IP: pzo1.no-ip.biz) Project Zomboid: Online currently hosts one server (named "Alpha"). Alpha is accessible via the following IP address: pzo1.no-ip.biz. The server allows PVP but is intended to be more cooperative than not (obviously this aspect is up to the players, but just as in a "real" zombie apocalypse it's in everybody's favor to collaborate and trade with other individuals/clans). The Alpha server will "soft reset" (refill containers) once per week (next on 3/17/2014). The server will "hard reset" (everything gone) once per month (next on 4/10/2014). We recommend everyone follow us on Twitter to get instant news about the server (including exciting "clan"/in-game news, server notices, etc.). http://twitter.com/ProjectZOnline
  4. www.projectz.bl.ee ^ [sERVER STATUS] ^ Region / Região [BR] & [EUA] __________________________________________ \\\\\\\\ How to play / Como jogar //////// www.projectz.bl.ee/Como-jogar/ IP: Necessario Patch para se obter / Patch needed to obtain __________________________________________ \\\\\\\\ Patch Download //////// ProjectZ_Patch_v1.rar Size / Tamanho: 1.4 MBS www.projectz.bl.ee/Downloads/ \\\ Features / Recursos /// - Spawn Bug - Time Out - Save - Zumbis Invisibles __________________________________________ \\\\\\\\ Contact / Contato //////// FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/projectz.bl.ee Skype: Project.Z1 Email: Contato@projectz.bl.ee Formulario de Contato / Contact Form: www.projectz/Contato/
  5. Bonjour, bonsoir, à toutes les personnes qui liront ce topic en fonction de votre heure et de l'endroit où vous le lisez ! Après quelques recherches sur divers forums je me suis rendu compte que les serveurs francophones Project Zomboid sont encore très rares voir quasi-inexistants. Après quelques déboires de mise en place (5h de boulot sur une machine dédié en lignes de commande), j'ai finalement réussi à lancer le serveur. I. Pourquoi Legacy ? La communauté que je dirige a pris ses origines dans Starbound sous le nom de Starmania. Peu à peu au vu du développement de celle-ci et des ressources consommées par le serveur je me suis rapidement mis à la configuration sur des machines dédiés (seules à tenir le choc). Depuis peu la communauté prend des airs de multigaming et un site est en cours de programation. Tout cela pour en venir au point important : Legacy (héritage en anglais) est une racine du nouveau nom de la communauté: StarLegacy (Héritage des étoiles), symbole de notre origine Starbounaise ! II. Les informations serveurs. Le serveur tourne sur une petite machine payée 120 euros et qui héberge d'autres serveurs de jeu comme Garry's Mod, Starbound, CS, ShootMania, etc.. Les caractéristiques machine : Modèle: Sys-i7-3 CPU: Intel i7-950 Cores /Threads: 4 c / 8 t Freq. : 3.06 GHz+ RAM: 48 Go (soit 32 de plus que la machine actuelle !) Disque: 2x 2 To SATA Réseau: 200 Mbps Connection : 1 Gbps Tout cela acheté dans un seul but : fournir une expérience de jeu toujours plus optimale aux joueurs. III. Nous rejoindre Dans un premier temps j'ai choisi de privatiser le serveur pour ne pas me retrouver face à des problèmes de grief, vol et autres fantaisies du genre. Aussi pour accéder au serveur je demanderais d'être âgé de 18 ANS MINIMUM (de 16 à 18 si la personne se montre vraiment motivé je peux éventuellement passer outre l'age). Ce n'est pas une restriction mais l'ensemble de ma communauté actuelle est âgée de 18+ et dans un souci des sujets évoqués je préfère restreindre l'accès aux plus jeunes. Si vous remplissez ces caractéristiques ajoutez au choix : -Spongeman sur steam (homme éponge avec femelle écureuil sur la photo de profil) -walter_victor sur skype IV. Pour finir. Je sais que beaucoup n'auront pas lu mon post jusqu'au bout mais il m'a semblé important d'exposer ma pleine vision des choses et vous communiquer le maximum d'information. Je reste bien évidemment disponible pour répondre à toutes vos questions. Enfin je remercie du fond du cœur les développeurs de ce jeu qui ont su fournir une véritable qualité de jeu sans en demander rétribution excessive. S'ils voient ce post je tenais à leur dire un grand MERCI ! Spongeman, Administrateur du serveur Project Zomboid
  6. Sunnyvale Roleplay Survival The one and only, best in the Midwest, USA based PVE server UPGRADING SERVER - TEMP ~Admins ~FUG1T1V3~ Jim_Lahey ~ ~Pve~ ~Roleplaying Suggested~ ~Restarted Often~ ~No Hacking, trolling or abuse~ ~Build 25.v2 (3D Model Version)~
  7. Anyone hosting a private PVE server? I'm looking to join a small group of survivors to start building a new community of ExTrEmE Survival! (Explosions explosions!) just kidding. Btw, not a big fan of teamspeak (don't want my boss knowing what I'm actually doing ) I like to keep it oldskool chatting
  8. Hello everyone, myself and a friend are playing PZ currently and have found only one server in EU which is currently overpopulated and laggy. I run a gaming community called It's A Trap and have recently started Live Streaming my/our Project Zomboid journey over on my Twitch channel where I have been getting regular viewers and nice chat interaction. My request is that myself and my friend join your private server where we would regularly record/stream footage, any videos uploaded would have your usernames credited accordingly if you wish. We're mainly just new to PZ and looking for somewhere fun and interesting to play without huge 32-man server lag. Feel free to check out my Twitch channel if you want to see what we're up to. Thanks in advance, Hydriss.
  9. Recruing up to 4 survivors for PVE session. Server located in NZ and players must use hamachi to join the server. #Simple Server Rules# 1. Respect others, no swearing. 2. Please help us stay alive(NO smashing windows, NO running around, etc) 3. PVE ONLY 4. NO IDIOTS 5. HAVE FUN Will comeback with public ip address hopefully in near future.
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