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Currently, character can become panicked only if he sees zombies, so I decided to write a short list of things that can make you panic. 1. Witness murder at first times. 2. Being surrendered by zombies outside the building. 3. Triggering home/vehicle alarm. 4. Being inside burning building. 5. Falling from roof. 6. Sudden zombie appearance (from behind the corners and trees e.t.c). 7. Being under fire. 8. Being damaged. 9. Got bitten. 10. Idk what to add. You can continue list in comments.
No More Panic Mod Request In short, the more zombies the player has killed, the less panicked they are when encountering them. This mod means panic reduces faster over time for more experienced survivors. It also means panic is *multiplied* for less experienced survivors. Heres the gist: 0 kills: panic * 4.00 1 kill: panic * 2.00 2 kill: panic * 1.00 5 kills: panic * 0.95 10 kills: panic * 0.90 25 kills: panic * 0.85 50 kills: panic * 0.80 100 kills: panic * 0.70 250 kills: panic * 0.60 500 kills: panic * 0.50 1000 kills: panic * 0.25 Based on time to calm down: 1000 kills: panic cool down * 4.00 500 kills: panic cool down * 2.00 250 kills: panic cool down * 1.00 etc.. This makes beta blockers more valuable early on, and makes killing zombies versus avoiding / saving your weapon more of a choice. Survivors who live and fight long enough become hardened and unphased by the sight of the dead, which is as to be expected. The beautiful thing is if you are six months or a year in, you no longer have to be annoyed by the panic moodle constantly popping up for something *you should be used to be now*.
Irl claustrophobia and Agoraphobia are very manageable with Beta blockers such as atenolol and propanolol. Taking beta blockers after being panicked from claustrophobia or agoraphobia doesn't lower your panicked state. Perhaps a buff of beta blockers or a change in the mechanics of How panic is induced by those traits. Or an addition of benzodiazepines as an acute panic reducer, and a de buff to beta blockers to a milder panic reliever. Benzodiazepines do have sedative effects though.
- 4 replies
- Agoraphobia
- Claustrophobia
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Panic is now something that doesn't do much. It has practically no effect on a character. Players don't care that characters are panicked etc. I suggest implement "fear" moodle/system to fix that. It could be something like this: Character is very panicked (max lvl of "panic" moodle) for long time because for example: horde of zombies are chasing him and then player would lose control over his character for some time and character would run away mindlessly from horde. It is realistic and it would force players to maintain panic level ( like we maintain other things like hunger, health etc.) or bad things gonna happen because character could run away in wrong direction. I know that many people don't like idea of losing control over their characters and i don't like it too but in this case it would be good thing. Now "average joe" has nerves of steel and he don't care if he fight with a spoon with 100 zombies for 5h in his first day in apocalypse. Normal people could be just in such strong shock that it would cause things like runnig away without thinking. Also resistance to be panicked/feared should be gained over time. After 3-6months character would be familiar with fighting zombies so he wouldn't panic so quickly. Also there was a topic with many great suggestions to panic system a year ago:
I know in the "Common Suggestions" topic, that one of the things that will not be implemented will be military aid. I think a more likely (and difficult) senario would be having individual soldiers shooting at anything that moves out of panic. Like in the "Code Red" scene of 28 Weeks Later, where, at first, the military tries to kill everyone to stop the infection, but get overwhelmed. Of course, in the game, this would have happened much earlier, so that only a few personel are still alive and scattered all over the map. They could already be infected, or just in shock from being the only survivors of their units. They could be armed with marksman rifles (Hunting Rifles with 4x or 8x scopes), shotguns, or pistols, assuming that assault rifles or semi-auto civilian rifles will not be added to the game. Effectively, they are just raiders/bandits but better armed and with better shooting and fitness stats. The only major issue I can foresee, other than balancing issues, is needing another set of models with military uniforms. I would even suggest having a group of 3-5 hostile soldiers patrolling for more realism, but that would be more complicated to program, and it would make survival almost impossible if unlucky. Another possibility is to have destroyed military vehicles and bloody fortifications scattered showing where a final stand happened.
Would the devs be interested in adding a trait that makes the player more prone to panic at night? This seems like somthing that a lot of real people have, and would fit well among the kinds of traits in the game so far.
I just watched Last Level Press's "Passing Pineview Forest" video, and one of the things Mr. Black commented on was that the character seemed to be walking faster towards the end of the run, when he might reasonably be expected to be more scared. I realized, when I was commenting on the video, that that seems like a really Zomboidish thing: fear makes you breathe harder and makes your pulse race, but it also makes you step just a little (or, as the panic rises, maybe quite a bit) more lively when you're trying to walk or sneak about. Walking faster based on your Panic moodles would also have a lot of appropriate knock-on effects: you would get fatigued faster and recover from fatigue more slowly, you would be less stealthy sneaking or walking when you were scared, and you would probably be a little less likely to actually get caught by the zombies that are chasing you even without full-on running. Running I wouldn't have affected by fear (it's called 'sprinting' in the skill menu, after all), but walking I would make quicker.
I feel like you shouldn't get completely panicked from simply going indoors. It should vary depending on the amount of room you actually have. For example, a living room or kitchen (etc.) could make you slightly panicked. Where as, a closet or a skinny hallway (etc.) could make you extremely panicked. If this is something you can eventually do, that would be awesome, if not, I love you all either way, peace.
- 3 replies
- Project Zomboid
- Indoors
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If I understand it correctly, the Panic system is intended to simulate the effects of the fight-or-flight response on the survivor: tunnel vision, degredation of fine motor control (wild swings with close-combat weapons, poor aiming with firearms, impaired stealth when moving), stress, suppression of drowsiness, acceleration of fatigue buildup, burst of strength, slowed digestion of food, faster clotting of blood, &c. (Not all of these are implemented, and I don't know if all of these will be implemented, but they make sense physically.) Based on this, I'd like to suggest a spectrum of traits akin to the Weak/Feeble/Stout/Strong set: Intrepid, Steady, Nervous, and Jumpy. I imagine these traits making the character suffer the negative effects of panic less (or more), but this could be replaced by or combined with making the character panic slower and calm down faster (or vice-versa). Regardless of the details, an Intrepid character would be able to function much better in a terrifying situation than normal, and a Jumpy character would function much more poorly.
Hey all This is my first post here, so hello! Finally made an account, been playing PZ since early desura days, but finally had a suggestion that I wanted to share. Basically, during play I noticed that while my character has survived for a few months, killed thousands of zombies, he still panics just as easily at the sight of a zombie, or a horde even. Now, the panic mechanic is fine, great even because it makes sense, but wouldn't you start to feel slightly less intimidated or afraid of oncoming zombies after you've just beaten the skulls in of 3000 or so prior, sometimes taking on 20-30 at once, I know I would. In fact, I think I'd be a little TOO cocky and that would probably cause me to make a mistake. The lack of fear would perhaps cause you to think too little of the threat you face perhaps. Nevertheless, I think a decent addition would be the diminishing returns of panic the longer you're exposed to zombies, or maybe this could be measured through zombie kills as an alternative, or a cumulative tally with time exposed to the panic moodles. Let me know what you think, perhaps this would make endgame characters too good? Having the extreme panic moodle does certainly take effect on your ability to fight, but I find it hard to believe my character begins to panic at the sight of a single zombie after 3 months of butchering them .
ok i have read a bit around th forum and a lot o people has been talking about panic and how you should get use to zed after some time. I think its a good idea and it should be reflect by the way you play (here comme the examples!!) ok we got 3 skill "branches" into the skill "tree" first is fighting (blunt and all) after utilitys (farming, building...) and after agility (sneak and other). I think that 2 factor the panic "ability", zed in the immediat area and those that spoted you and wish to say hello. So if you play more fighter you should get less panicked by zed on you (that are going to you for a snack) and have more panic by the number around (of course HAS you lvl in that "branche"), you know how to fight them, so 3 or 4 on you bha no big deal but add like 20 zed around ... ok bad idea. if your more agility, well less panic from number around and more from those on you (same HAS skill rise) you know how to go around and get out quick so a crowd of idiots is no prob, but a couple spoted me... im in trouble. and if your more farmer... well to bad for you your gonna crap your pants all the time. and of course time could do some change to thats all (sorry for anything that i could have did wrong and for my bad english)