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  1. Something I already posted in the pz suggestions, but also wanted to share. I'd love simple electrical systems in zomboid, in order to make traps and such. The basic idea is to be able place down electrical wiring and connect different components with each other to make a system that fullfills a need. Ideas for some components are buttons and switches, and placeable motion sensors/pressure plates (which give a electrical signal when activated, so any lamps hooked up to the circuit light up) This would allow a number of things like: Zombie trap systems (main reason I wrote this post). In combination with the addition of more devices, electrical wiring makes you able to design their own traps. The motion sensor, when hooked up to a lamp, allows a player to check for zombie activity without being in line of sight of the zombies. Another example is a lever activated noise generator system, which could be an effective way to clear an area you frequent. The ability to hook up a generator to multiple buildings, and devices that are out of it's normal range, like a lampost. Servos as a crafting item that can let certain things move, like gates, or even spears? This system is meant to spice up the mid to late gameplay, and should be locked behind a higher electrical skill to compensate for potential OP-ness. This would also make electrical a more interesting and desired skill and greatly expand the functionality of zombie traps. The degree of complexity is up to you. Do individual wires have to form a closed circuit for a contraption to work, or is just hooking a wire up enough? Do we need to care about voltage and ampere? Do wires have to be insulated to prevent shocks and be protected from rain? Can circuits randomly short? I don't know, but you guys probably do. I'm thinking of Ark in terms of placing down cables, and Prison Architect and Minecraft in terms of functionality. (kind of) The most important thing is that it allows for creativity! Like how they do it in Minecraft. It would be another specialization a player could get into without punishing those who prefer not to use it. I think it would fit in nicely with the more complex crafting specializations from Build 42. Feel free to adapt this idea to however you please, I wrote this for the devs to see but I'd love to see what you guys can do with it. I couldn't find anything on the workshop that does this and I think it's a creative idea that adds a lot to the game while being pretty simple. I hope gives you inspiration for a mod.
  2. -------------------Credits to Brybry and Blindcoder for help with getting started------------------- ------------------If I forgot anyone who helped me get this done, Let me know.------------------- 1.2: Updated Hydrocraft support to 3.4. Overwriting other CustomCategory modules is now possible.1.1: This mod is now Modular. Anyone who wishes to make use of this mod for their own mod can do so!Instructions at end of post. If someone makes use of this for their mod, It would still be recommended to leave this out of your mod, in case some people do not wish for the extra categories.--------If anyone finds any items that do not fit in the category assigned, or found that I have missed something, please let me know.------ This mod aims to add new categories to vanilla and mod items for better organization. The mod adds the following categories: Ammunition, Carpentry, Cleaning, Comfort, Critters, Drinkable, Fillable, Edible(Perishable), Non-Perishable, Sealed, Electronics, Engineering, Farming, Fishing, Fuel, Hunting(includes Trapping-related items), Ingredient, Instruction Manual(Skill + Recipe books), Kitchenware, Martial Arts(Reserved for Custom Animations), Medical, Office, Painting, Recreation, Repair, Seeds, Smokable(Cigarettes), Survival, Terraforming, Weapon Upgrade. With the inclusion of Hydrocraft, the following were also added: All-Purpose, Animal, Animal - Caged, Animal Care, Animal - Dead, Automotive, Bones, Brewing, Chemistry, Clothcraft, Container - Component, Container - Packed, Critters - Tools, Critters - Jarred, Currency, Dog, Holiday, Illumination, Material Working,Pack Dog, Pottery, Stone Working, Vehicle. Melee Weapon Categorization takes on a slightly different approach. They are categorized first by weapon length, then damage type, and then finally a category from above: Sledgehammer: Long Blunt Weapon - Carpentry Axe: Long Blade Weapon - Carpentry Fork: Stabbing Kitchenware Ranged Weapon Categorization is also slightly different. Pistol: Ranged - Gun Shotgun: Ranged - Long Gun LongBow: Ranged - Archery Potato Cannon: Ranged - Improvised Molotov: Ranged - Thrown Firebomb This is what the game looks like using this mod. (Hydrocraft loaded in image) Instructions on how to make your own mod's categories. For other examples, see: CustomCategories\media\lua\client\CustomCategories_Base.lua In order to make use of CustomCategories for your mod, you will need to begin your new LUA file with: if getActivatedMods():contains("CustomCategories") then require("CustomCategories_Core"); require("CustomCategories_Base"); --Add if you need to overwrite a Base Item. else return end --"Add a check like the following for any mod's CustomCategories module you wish to override." Example: Hydrocraft. if getActivatedMods():contains("Hydrocraft") then require("CustomCategories_Hydrocraft"); endOnce initialized, for each item to modify follow the syntax: CustomCategories.Database["MODULE.ITEMID"] = "CATEGORYID";Breakdown: MODULE.ITEMID Example -> Base.AxeBreakdown: CATEGORYID Example -> WoodWorking, ArtsAndCraftsTo add the visible text in game, you will need to go to/create lua/Shared/Translate/EN/IG_UI_EN.txt If this file did not exist already, you can initialize your own using: IGUI_EN = { ALL_CONTENTS_HERE } Now that you have the file open/set up, you will need to create your Category Definition IGUI_ItemCat_CATEGORYID = "Visible String in game", Breakdown: CATEGORYID Example -> WoodWorking, ArtsAndCraftsBreakdown: "Visible String in game" Example -> "Woodworking", "Arts and Crafts"-------------------------------WORKING EXAMPLE--------------------------------------------------------To make the Base Item - Plank have a display category of "Awesome Pants Man"in your LUA file, you would assign it CustomCategories.Database["Base.Plank"] = "AwesomePantsMan";Inside lua/Shared/Translate/EN/IG_UI_EN.txt, you would then create your display category. IGUI_ItemCat_AwesomePantsMan = "Awesome Pants Man",That should be all there is to it.The list of CATEGORYIDs already added are in this mod's IG_UI_EN.txt.Use them as you see fit. If you see one that doesn't fit, Simply make your own in your own mod's IG_UI_EN.txt!CustomCategories 1.0.zip CustomCategories 1.1.zip CustomCategories 1.2.zip
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