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  1. I've been working on a map-mod, and have it loaded into the game, however, the in-game map and mini map is not showing the mod. What do I do, not finding much help on google.
  2. I share my Utilities class here, it add a variety of useful function to help make mods implementation works both in SP as in MP. It contains client only functions, server only functions and shared functions that can be used by both the client and server. The networking functions give the modders a way to make networking code work also in Single Player without needing extra code to handle that. It also give functions to check if a player is admin and moderator that both works in single player and multiplayer. For the admin function to be true in single player the game must run with debug mode enabled. This post will be updated if I update my version of the Utilities class with future game updates. Post suggestions, errors, fixes, refactor ideas of this class in this post to help improve this class. Current Game Version: 41.66 Location to place the file in your mods: media\lua\shared\Utilities.lua How to use: local Utilities = require("Utilities"); The Class: ---@class Utilities local Utilities = {}; --- [SHARED] --- Return a IsoPlayer from its username if found function Utilities.GetPlayerFromUsername(username) if isServer() then local players = getOnlinePlayers(); for i = 0, players:size() - 1 do local player = players:get(i); if player:getUsername() == username then return player; end end elseif isClient() then return getPlayerFromUsername(username); end end --- [SHARED] --- Return true if game is single player ---@return boolean function Utilities.IsSinglePlayer() return not isClient() and not isServer(); end --- [SHARED] --- Return true if game is single player with debug enabled ---@return boolean function Utilities.IsSinglePlayerDebug() return Utilities.IsSinglePlayer() and isDebugEnabled(); end --- [CLIENT] --- Return true if the game is client or single player function Utilities.IsClientOrSinglePlayer() return isClient() or Utilities.IsSinglePlayer(); end --- [SERVER] --- Return true if the game is server or single player function Utilities.IsServerOrSinglePlayer() return isServer() or Utilities.IsSinglePlayer(); end --- [CLIENT] --- Return true if client is admin or single player + debug mode ---@return boolean function Utilities.IsClientAdmin() return (isClient() and isAdmin()) or Utilities.IsSinglePlayerDebug(); end --- [CLIENT] --- Return true if the client is admin or moderator ---@return boolean function Utilities.IsClientStaff() local playerObj = getPlayer(); return Utilities.IsClientAdmin() or (instanceof(playerObj, "IsoPlayer") and playerObj:getAccessLevel() == "Moderator"); end --- [SERVER] --- Return true if the IsoPlayer is admin or single player + debug mode ---@param playerObjOrUsername IsoPlayer|string ---@return boolean function Utilities.IsPlayerAdmin(playerObjOrUsername) if type(playerObjOrUsername) == "string" then playerObjOrUsername = Utilities.GetPlayerFromUsername(playerObjOrUsername); end return (instanceof(playerObjOrUsername, "IsoPlayer") and playerObjOrUsername:getAccessLevel() == "Admin") or Utilities.IsSinglePlayerDebug(); end --- [SERVER] --- Return true if the IsoPlayer is admin or moderator ---@param playerObjOrUsername IsoPlayer|string ---@return boolean function Utilities.IsPlayerStaff(playerObjOrUsername) if type(playerObjOrUsername) == "string" then playerObjOrUsername = Utilities.GetPlayerFromUsername(playerObjOrUsername); end return (instanceof(playerObjOrUsername, "IsoPlayer") and (playerObjOrUsername:getAccessLevel() == "Admin" or playerObjOrUsername:getAccessLevel() == "Moderator")) or Utilities.IsSinglePlayerDebug(); end --- [CLIENT] --- Send a command from the client to the server ---@param _module string ---@param _command string ---@param _data table function Utilities.SendClientCommand(_module, _command, _data) if Utilities.IsClientOrSinglePlayer() then sendClientCommand(_module, _command, _data); end end --- [SERVER] --- Send a command from the server to a specific client ---@param _targetPlayerObj IsoPlayer ---@param _module string ---@param _command string ---@param _data table function Utilities.SendServerCommandTo(_targetPlayerObj, _module, _command, _data) if Utilities.IsServerOrSinglePlayer() then if Utilities.IsSinglePlayer() then triggerEvent("OnServerCommand", _module, _command, _data); else sendServerCommand(_targetPlayerObj, _module, _command, _data); end end end --- [SERVER] --- Send a command from the server to all clients ---@param _module string ---@param _command string ---@param _data table function Utilities.SendServerCommandToAll(_module, _command, _data) if Utilities.IsServerOrSinglePlayer() then if Utilities.IsSinglePlayer() then triggerEvent("OnServerCommand", _module, _command, _data); else sendServerCommand(_module, _command, _data); end end end --- [SERVER] --- Send a command from the server to all clients in range ---@param _x number ---@param _y number ---@param _z number ---@param _distanceMin number ---@param _distanceMax number ---@param _module string ---@param _command string ---@param _data table function Utilities.SendServerCommandToAllInRange(_x, _y, _z, _distanceMin, _distanceMax, _module, _command, _data) if Utilities.IsServerOrSinglePlayer() then if Utilities.IsSinglePlayer() then if Utilities.IsPlayerInRange(getPlayer(), _x, _y, _z, _distanceMin, _distanceMax) then triggerEvent("OnServerCommand", _module, _command, _data); end else local players = getOnlinePlayers(); if players then for i = 0, players:size() - 1 do local targetPlayer = players:get(i); if Utilities.IsPlayerInRange(targetPlayer, _x, _y, _z, _distanceMin, _distanceMax) then sendServerCommand(targetPlayer, _module, _command, _data); end end end end end end --- [SHARED] --- Return true if the IsoPlayer is in range ---@param _x number ---@param _y number ---@param _z number ---@param _distanceMin number ---@param _distanceMax number ---@return boolean function Utilities.IsPlayerInRange(_playerObj, _x, _y, _z, _distanceMin, _distanceMax) if not _playerObj then return false; end local x2, y2, z2 = _playerObj:getX(), _playerObj:getY(), _playerObj:getZ(); local currentDistance = IsoUtils.DistanceTo(_x, _y, _z, x2, y2, z2); return (currentDistance >= _distanceMin and currentDistance <= _distanceMax); end --- Check if a square is powerred function Utilities.SquareHasElectricity(square) return (SandboxVars.AllowExteriorGenerator and square and square:haveElectricity()) or (SandboxVars.ElecShutModifier > -1 and GameTime:getInstance():getNightsSurvived() < SandboxVars.ElecShutModifier); end --- Get the server name or the save file name in single player function Utilities.GetServerName() if Utilities.IsSinglePlayer() then local world = getWorld():getWorld(); if type(world) == "string" and world ~= "" then local saveInfo = getSaveInfo(world) if saveInfo and saveInfo.gameMode then return saveInfo.saveName; end end return "SinglePlayerGame"; else return getServerOptions():getOptionByName("PublicName"):getValue(); end return "Unknown"; end function Utilities.SplitString(str, delimiter) local result = {} for match in (str..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)%"..delimiter) do table.insert(result, match) end return result end function Utilities.SquareToString(square) if square then return square:getX() .. "|" .. square:getY() .. "|" .. square:getZ(); end end function Utilities.StringToSquare(string) local split = Utilities.SplitString(string, "|"); if #split >= 3 then local x, y, z = tonumber(split[1]), tonumber(split[2]), tonumber(split[3]); local square = getCell():getGridSquare(x, y, z); if square then return square; end end end function Utilities.FindAllItemInInventoryByTag(inventory, tag) local foundItems = ArrayList.new() local validItems = getScriptManager():getItemsTag(tag) if validItems then for i=0, validItems:size()-1 do foundItems:addAll(inventory:getItemsFromFullType(validItems:get(i):getFullName())) end end return foundItems end function Utilities.GetMoveableDisplayName(obj) if not obj then return nil end if not obj:getSprite() then return nil end local props = obj:getSprite():getProperties(); if props:Is("CustomName") then local name = props:Val("CustomName"); if props:Is("GroupName") then name = props:Val("GroupName") .. " " .. name; end return Translator.getMoveableDisplayName(name); end return nil; end return Utilities;
  3. This post is for requesting two new global functions followed with a description and pro/con. __________________________________________________________________ The functions: Json Encode A function to serialize data into a json string. Json Decode A function to deserialize a json string back into data. __________________________________________________________________ We currently have access to an external LUA json library that works pretty well. But using an Java version of it would save a lot of LUA calls and run much faster especially for serializing large amount of data. The function de/serialize a Kalhua Table as a Json Array or a Json Object. __________________________________________________________________ Pro: - To use an exposed java json serializer would greatly improve the performance compared to using a LUA json script. Con: - Require TIS dev team to implement it and make it exposed and bug less.
  4. How to install Notepad++ PZS syntax highlight plugin Download the latest version from: https://github.com/ibrrus/npp-pzs/blob/master/PZS.xml Open Notepad++ Open the User Defined Language Dialog e.g. via Language > Define your language .... Press the Import ... button and select the downloaded file. Open Project Zomboid script file and select Language > PZS.
  5. Hi, here from time to time I will attach buildings that will be added to the server "Wild West", I will be glad if someone adds their own buildings that I will also gladly add to the server
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