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Found 5 results

  1. Hi! I'm new to modding and I bet you guys get asked this a lot so I'll try keep it brief: I'm working on an armor pack that adds Doomguy's armor and so far I've gotten the helmet working, stats all work fine. Problem is that it's missing polygons that should otherwise be there and the issue gets worse depending on what else you wear! (I have not created a texture for the model yet). The first attached image is without the helmet equipped, the second is a side profile with the helmet on, and the third is with jeans and sneakers added on as well which removes another handful of polygons from the helmet near the top and probably other places too. This is my first mod for the game and I think I'm off to a great start. I've searched around and google was as helpful as always, irrelevant results and whatnot so I made an account and thought it would be better to ask some experienced pros directly. Thanks in advance! - Future :D
  2. South West of Echo Creek there is a Wildlife Center with 3 big caged in wildlife enclousers. Sadly they don't contain Wildlife. There are pigs and chickens tho and the area looks quite nice. I know WIldlife is spawning in randomly across the map, but if you build such a nice place desigend for Wildlife please make it contain some! Add some guaranteed spawns or something to make it even greater! Great work so far with b42 im enjoying my stay . Greetings Mqtrix
  3. So this issue has been hard to find anything about. I am posting here in hopes someone can help me find a solution. I have a save that I have been playing for several months, the save is single player. As the months went by something happened during an update and I was super confused. Multiple storage boxes dissapeared. No texture was visible and I couldn't pick them up or place a new box where they were. Just gone, but after a bit of confusion I realized I could still access the stored items. I have attempted to add these storage boxes in as I am 100% sure they were part of the "Fort Knox" Mod. But no matter what I did the storage boxes would never re appear. I am not overly affected by this issue but I was hoping to remove the offending invisible storage containers. My desire for help comes as this. How do I delete or destroy these ghost containers? Attempted the following. Pickup - no Sledgehammer - no Place a new container - no Prayer - no Using multiple versions of Fort Knox Mod - no Accept I have invisible storage - yes I appreciate any feedback, thank you. Edit: Attached images of the effected boxes.
  4. Hey, strange problem that no one else seems to have except maybe Linux users.(?) I have a MacBook Pro late 2013, OS X 10.10.2, NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M, Intel Iris Pro (switchable). And no matter what settings I've tried tweaking, turning things on and off restarting deleting .ini 's, running on battery or no battery etc., my characters and zombies do not have faces textures or feet textures. Now I know I can simply turn off 3D models, but damned if I just don't love me some 3D models! You feel me right? Right. Because I'm 3D. Thanks for any help or information. -huck
  5. Hey, I'm trying to return to Radcliff once again after gaining some willpower after 2 lost PCs. I had this same issue with the last pc, and I solved it by not caring about it. This time I'd want to do this proper. The problem is missing tilesets after opening the session after it was backed up and moved to a new pc. I have the "Tilesets..." pointing in the right folder and all in there is seemingly ok. The issue is that tiled isn't recognizing some sets that are there. Here's a couple of pics to illustrate: Spoiler More weird is that the missing tiles are different in some cells... Could it be that it depends on what's in the cell? I also want to point out that this could be a serious thing if something happens to the official files the devs are using and this is an actual issue with no solution. As this makes editing old areas of the map impossible. If there's anything anyone knows in regards of how to fix this I'd appreciate it a ton! Thanks beforehand!
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