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  1. NB: This issue is not game breaking and does not seem to affect the stability of the game. NB2: This post contains a bugfix. (Scroll to the bottom for bugfix if tl;dr) Version: 41.78.16 Affects all game modes. (single/multiplayer) Reproduction steps: 1. save any game. Issue description: WorldDictionaryReadable.lua is currently not syntactically correct lua code and will error any code that attempts to load it: > -- in lua repl > worldDict = require("WorldDictionaryReadable") error loading module 'WorldDictionaryReadable' from file './WorldDictionaryReadable.lua': ./WorldDictionaryReadable.lua:20356: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 20355) near '=' stack traceback: [C]: in ? [C]: in function 'require' stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: in ? > dofile("WorldDictionaryReadable.lua") WorldDictionaryReadable.lua:20356: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 20355) near '=' stack traceback: [C]: in function 'dofile' stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: in ? This is due to the following generated section (e.g. from a save file of mine, note file continues before and after this section): --[[ ---- OBJECTS ---- --]] objects = { 0 = "American Holly", 1 = "Canadian Hemlock", 2 = "Virginia Pine", 3 = "Riverbirch", 4 = "Cockspur Hawthorn", 5 = "Dogwood", 6 = "Carolina Silverbell", 7 = "Yellowwood", 8 = "Eastern Redbud", 9 = "Redmaple", 10 = "American Linden", 11 = "Spicebush", 12 = "Ninebark", 13 = "Blueberry", 14 = "Blackberry", 15 = "Piedmont azalea", 16 = "Arrowwood viburnum", 17 = "Red chokeberry", 18 = "Beautyberry", 19 = "New jersey tea", 20 = "Wild hydrangea", 21 = "Shrubby St. John's wort", 22 = "Butterfly Weed", 23 = "Swamp Sunflower", 24 = "Purple Coneflower", 25 = "Joe-Pye Weed", 26 = "Blazing Star", 27 = "Wild Bergamot", 28 = "White Beard-tongue", 29 = "Ironweed", 30 = "White Baneberry", 31 = "Wild Columbine", 32 = "Jack-in-the-pulpit", 33 = "Wild Ginger", 34 = "Wild Geranium", 35 = "Alumroot", 36 = "Wild Blue Phlox", 37 = "Polemonium Reptans", 38 = "Foamflower", 39 = "Grass", 40 = "Generic", 41 = "Fern", 42 = "CrackGrass", 43 = "WallVines", 44 = "WallCracks", 45 = "Flowerbed", } Two things are wrong with this generated dump. The first, and minor issue which does not result in syntax errors, is that the generated table is 0-indexed and not 1-indexed which lua operates on. The second, and major issue, is that Number = Value syntax directly is not possible in lua. This is what's causing the loading errors. -- lua requires this syntax for numerical indexes, so the section should look like this: objects = { [1] = "American Holly", -- [...] [45] = "Flowerbed", } this file is generated by zombie.world.DictionaryData's saveAsText method. Debugging the related string information (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se22/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.4.3) from the compiled class, one finds that the string being interpolated in this section of saveAsText's execution is: "\t\u0001 = \"\u0001\",\u0001" Which, when interpolated with a key of 0, a value of "American Holly" (without quotes), and a local system's newline (here we use "\n" for simplicity) would give an example of: "\t0 = \"American Holly\",\n" Which matches the currently syntactically erroneous lua file. It should be: "\t[\u0001] = \"\u0001\",\u0001" which with the above example interpolation would give "\t[0] = \"American Holly\",\n" Which, along with some further knowledge of Java's instruction set allows us to arrive at our solution: Fix (for the syntax errors): The following relevant code inferred from DictionaryData's saveAsText method: // zombie.world.DictionaryData // nb: variable names are ad hoc based on my notes and may not represent those in actual The Indie Store codebases public class DictionaryData { // [...] protected void saveAsText(String readableSaveFileName) throws IOException, WorldDictionaryException { // [...] // the foor loop is extrapolated based on my notes, // in decompiled code this would show as a while(hasNext) called on an iterator. // actual code may vary. for(object in objectIdToNameMap) { readableSaveWriter.write("\t" + object.getKey() + " = \"" + object.getValue() + "\"," + System.lineSeperator()); } // [...] } /* N.B. The instantiation of the readableSaveWriter variable (a java.io.FileWriter instance) * on a java.io.File (opened on the readableSaveFileName argument) is omitted for brevity, as are any related * try blocks or error handling, as that is beyond the scope of this report, and is all working perfectly well. */ Should be: // zombie.world.DictionaryData // nb: above comments in previous code-section apply, but are omitted for brevity public class DictionaryData { // [...] protected void saveAsText(String readableSaveFileName) throws IOException, WorldDictionaryException { // [...] for(object in objectIdToNameMap) { readableSaveWriter.write("\t[" + object.getKey() + "] = \"" + object.getValue() + "\"," + System.lineSeperator()); } // [...] }
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