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Found 6 results

  1. Long story short, there appears to be some work going on with car interiors judging from some of the assets in the current game that simply don't spawn in the actual playspace, (and there may also be some devlogs I missed). With this said, I'd be interested in seeing some features related to those car interiors: Zombies inside of cars: Either buckled or unbuckled, buckled zombies being unable to move and easy to deal with (for example, near-guaranteed headstabs with knives and spears), unbuckled zombies being able to crawl between seats, smash windows to get out, slip out of open doors and windows, etc. Thus to loot some cars, you may have to lure a zombie out, or kill and remove them if they're stuck inside. If you're really foolhardy, maybe you could even leave a zombie buckled into the back seat opposite of the driver's side as a little road trip companion. Corpses inside of cars: Similar concept as above. Corpses that are either dead players, part of the world generation as environmental events, whether it be car crashes, survivors who've crashed or killed themselves with some loot in the car and on their person, etc etc, that the player has to drag out of the car to make use of the seats they occupy. Bonus points if these 'corpses' can be sleeper zombies that wake up when you start trying to mess with them or attack them with no aiming outline until they're awake (even when using it for all weapons), but are still able to be attacked. Loot inside of cars: Also pretty simple, loot inside of car seats or bags sitting on seats. After the exclusion zone was put up it's very likely that lots of people would have packed their necessities into bags and tossed them into the seats of their car. Guns, clothes, canned goods, non-perishables, toys, and just other everyday essentials and luxuries that people would want to take with them. Even if not in bags, loose stuff found inside of cars visible from the outside of the car would be awesome, and give more of a purpose to wrecked or low condition cars left on the side of the road, as well as serve as a nice little treat to get now and again when looking for cars with keys or gas.
  2. In Project Zomboid if you don't dump the loot and clothing a corpse (zombie or regular dead human) has before the time they rot away, it'll rot away with them. This makes it incredibly inconvenient to have to go to every corpse and dump the clothes and loot so you don't have to constantly check the body to see what it has on it. The body disappearing but everything it had on it remaining is what should happen. It'd be so much more convenient for the player as well as being more realistic.
  3. Hello! I have a problem with interacting with zombies and cars, namely with: “I can’t see what lies in the corpse, I only see the ground.” In the car, I can’t see the glove compartment and the trunk itself. "I will be sure there will be more nuances of the likeness of this. Has anyone treated this problem or is this the version like that?
  4. i don't know if it's a bug or just how the beta is for now but usually when looting a container, the character faces the wrong way. in the image example: the character just looted the bathroom cabinet, but looked like he was looting the wall next to it
  5. So while playing I noticed that, when the power is off for the city, the buildings are still alarmed and go off, something a lot of people believe is taking away from the immersion of the atmosphere. During my contemptations about how to deal with this, and messing with my skills at the time, I came up with an idea that makes sense, especially for the long run for gameplay and possibly for MP as well. Instead of relying on alarms alone for an audio cue for zeds to swarm a location, put a small change to cause a more subtle "looting alarm" for players looking through loot locations. It could be a sound cue that plays and attracts zeds to the loot location similar to alarms, but has a smaller radius and could be linked to a skill, particularly Nimble or Stealth, so that the audio cue goes from something like a shelf falling at level 0 to a small box or can falling over at level 5, with changing radius of effect for each. I imagine that, with the large majority of locations you can loot, the chances for this "alarm" to be caused would be fairly small, something like 1 in every 250 locations or something, and maybe depending on the loot location, such as small shelfs over appliances, there could be a higher chance for "failure," causing the player to act quickly and stay on his/her toes. Not to completely remove alarms from the end of the game, as generators are planned for implementation, so they could theoretically be powered by "invisible generators" we just don't see yet, but I think this addition could really help immerse the player more than the usual alarm.
  6. Now that all zombies / corpses have standard clothing items in their inventories, I find it much more tedious to sift through their pockets. They carry valuable items sometimes, but clicking through a stack of bodies and noticing the odd extra item is difficult. As we rarely need to loot more than 1 or 2 zombies / closets for clothing in an entire game session, I think it would be useful to have a clothing filter for these (and possibly other) containers that can be turned on and off, making it easier to spot items of interest. I don't think this would be unrealistic or against the spirit of the game. If I were looting in real life, I would be able to ignore clothing when searching a body or a wardrobe for useful items.
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