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  1. Hey there, First of all I loooove this game so much! Thats why I really wanted to make this post to give my perspective. First couple playthroughs (tried with AND without mods): BUGS: - I've noticed that walking in some areas my whole screen just went white, the whole game worked, I could still move and when I went away from the location it dissapeared. It were specific locations but it mostly was at entering some buildings. - I had only one instance where I heard a zombie, but I looked everywhere and there was no zombie, until about 2 minutes later he spawned outside and I killed him. This may had to do something with the setting where you can choose if you want to spawn with zombies in your room, house, around or none at the start of the game. ---------------------- IDEAS: - I love the concept of when you get bit it's over. I always choose the saliva only, but having a way to either delay or create a cure later on would make it so much more interesting for people who played hours into their character. I currently use the CDC mod and for me it's a MUST to be able to enjoy playing, because I love putting damage high but I don't like it when I get bit more because of it. - I accidentally punched my own window down when killing a zombie, the first instinct was: put a closet in front of it, but u need a ball-peen hammer and all other stuff while, in real life I would try to push the closet in front of it. - What I would love to see is progression on minigames. This gave me an idea about bites. What if you had a quicktime minigame where you have to spam a key and/or release on time to not get bit. Maybe even better, make the odds of "dodging" depend on your strength/weapon/agility(etc.) levels. ------------------------ DEATH: - When you are bitten or know you will die, one of the only ways is to kill yourself is drink bleach. But I feel there should be more. For instance, my character got bit, first instinct was take my revolver with for bullets, go into a horde of zombies, smoke a sig, drink some whisky and save the last bullet for me. -------------------------------- ANIMALS and CROPS: I LOVE EM, KEEP GOING!! I do wish that the "sounds of animals attract zombies" would be on at default. - I hope that you could somehow make them interact with the zombies aswell, for instance, if a cow gets in the horde, he's dead. If you have a great relationship with your animals, they charge the closest zombie so they fall. --------------------------- All just Ideas, I don't know exactly where to put them, but hopefully it's somewhat helpful! Sincerely, Kyarah/KAIIRA P.S. If theres a better way to help or get in contact with your brainstorm sessions, please let me know, I'm not a professional, but I am a die-hard fan that wants to help out!
  2. Running out of ammo or just discarding a weapon on the verge of breaking, this could be good reasons for why throwable weapons may be useful. If players have a weapon in hand and hold the "Push/Shove" key, the weapon should launch at the zombie and connect, based on the players "Aim Skill Level". While holding the "Push/Shove" key, players would only be able to launch the item in hand after the animation is complete. This would not only look great but add balance to the feature.
  3. Basements should have multiple entry points. On the inside of the home, basements can be accessed by a door followed by a staircase which descends into the lower ground or a trap door with a latch handle that would be followed by a ladder/rope. The outside of the home, basements can be accessed through a cellar door which can be followed by a staircase or a staircase which descends into the ground which is then followed by a door leading into the basement. When crafting a basement, pillars should be placed in specific locations to hold the ground above. Walls of the basement can also leak water in heavy rainfalls which can then flood the chamber, causing players (or zombies) to move at a slower movement speeds (depending if the player is jogging/Sprinting). Cellar windows can be another entry point for players to enter buildings in a more "stealthy approach" or be used to escape hordes of zombies. The Cellar windows can also allow players to have a "Shin-bone View" of the surrounding area. Trap doors can be crafted using Wood or sheet metal while, latch handles can be made out of rope however, if a player crafts a metal latch handle, locks can be applied to the trap door. Cellar windows can be glass or barred with metal scrap/wood planks.
  4. 123
  5. Hello community. I just got off Project Zomboid playing the Endless Winter Challenge map, and I was thinking about some stuff. The game is great as it is, but I see a few flaws in it... Safty in the woods: Lets say you take a walk through the woods and find a nice opening where you can construct a base. Fast forward a few days, and you manage to self sustain youself. Zombies cant get to you, and the game ultimately ends up being boring after 2 in-game months of tending to plants and existing. So here's the idea: what if their was wildlife. (Yes, i know that their basically already is wildlife, but keep reading...) For example, wildlife like Bears can knock down your walls and caus a commotion. The bear could then consume your plants, and then go for you. This would be a pain in the neck, but such events would be rare. Perhaps a pack of wolves, wandering through the forest would stumble across your compound in the middle of the night. They would be scripted to howl - which would attract hordes of zombies toward you location. No End: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've all heard it. "Whats the point in playing the game if you cant win it.". I propose a new gamemode: "Story Mode". In this mode, you get two characters to choose from (one female, one male) with two differant starting points. One in West point, the other in the second city. The story is that the two characters are ingaged, and are for some reason seperated. Blah blah blah, the infection hits, and the military come to help. As one of the characters, your goal is to try to reach your loved one. Since the two locations are very far away, it would take a few in-game weeks to reach the targeted city. First few days, your town is occupied by the military. After two days, zombies are scripted to overun the military in your city. Thats when all the civilian, and military NPC's slowly start turning into zombies one by one, until your the only one left by day 7. Erosion would be very fast. After two weeks, most roads would be cracked and covered in grass, shrubs, etc. The game would end with you finding out your loved one has been looking for you too, and is back where you started. Idk, along the way, you would encounter military forts and bases setup. Some hostile, others abandoned. The game would start out as something easy, and then drastically escalate into the "6 months later" difficulty. Its a pretty cool idea. No Seasons: Well, yeah. Theirs not much to emphasize on this. Perhaps a looping system of seasons that go from summer, to fall to winter. Trees and shrubs would alternate from one texture to another according to the seasons. Boats: We know that cars are soon coming, but what about sea-based vehicles? The concept is that their would be boats floating around near the shore. You can wade into the water about waist deep and board the boats, not as a vehicle, but almost as a movable structure. Its only when you activate the boat and pilot it, does it act like a vehicle and move. Driving a boat slowly consumes gas (Which cannot be replenished), and if you run out of fuel in the middle of the lake, you better hope the boat drifts close enough to land. Also, if you were to walk off the edge of the boat, your character would drown. You can only be in water at a certian distance from the shore. Differant types of Zombies: Gameplay would be much better if their were more types of zombies. Think of military personnel that would have been converted. They would wear armor and helmets, making them really hard to take down with pistols and shotguns. For these types of zombies, you would have to get up close and personnel to stick an axe into that helmet. Fat zombies, that can take a few more shots and bashes then the regular old zombies. Could be found in diners and malls, where their was lots of meat to eat... Fire that spreads: Ever have a zombie chase you through a burning building, and then you had thst zombie catch on fire? If that zombie stops chasing you, and then walks over a few corpses, or through a bush, those corpses and bushes dont catch fire. I believe fire should spread. If the forest catches fire, then the fire would spread a few dozen cells, and then stop. Fire shouldnt be OP, but it should be taken into consideration as a larger threat. Cannibalism: Yeah... Having the option to eat other healthy people may sound wrong, but it can help you survive in multiplayer and the proposed "Story Mode" gamemodes. Well, those are my thoughts. Tell me what you think should be in the game. Do you agree with me? Should their be a mod with all of this in it?
  6. What sup guys, last night with my GF, we were thinking of ideas for PZ, and we came across the idea of NPCs, well we all know that the dev are working on NPCs. but the idea is for a more develop NPC mechanism. First Idea was that NPCs should able to roam around the map not just stay in a single spot (Dev may have already thought about it). Secondly, NPCs should be able to barricade their houses and/or either we tell them what to do. Thirdly, Later in the development NPCs should be able to create a small community or like a small base. (like TWD tv show) Fourthly, that would be cool to see NPCs that has interaction with the world, such as you see them walking in the street of Muldraugh, in group or single, you see them roaming, or you see a group of bandit looting a store. Fifthly, each NPCs has their own little story and job, it can be generated by the game it doesnt have to be like scripted. Last but not least, Would be cool with you would be able to trade with NPCs and that they have factions of NPCs. ex the Military faction, the bandit faction, the Savior faction(they are the nicer one), The cannibal faction (Thats self-explanatory)... Maybe most of those Ideas were already taken I dont know but let me know
  7. So when NPC's release I suggest we use a similar system to what State of Decay does as far as safe house tagging goes. You say 'our place' and boom everyone moves. It's complicated and might mean some internal grouping but I think that'll be the easiest way to do it. Maybe right click and "mark as safe house" or something and everyone in your 'group' will just know it is the safe house. But only the leader can do it. Meaning if you aren't the leader you can't. Sometimes I hate responsibility and if it was up to me every time it would suck. Unless the leader ordered you to of course but then I'd just tell him to go fall off a bridge cause frankly I'm not doing it. lol
  8. Ok first of all I would like to warn everyone that this will be a VERY long post so if you intend to read all of it, hope you are comfy and have all you need. Second of all I would like to say I didn’t steal anyone’s ideas, I have had most of these for months but have not bothered to post them until I had them in an ok format. Third of all and the last thing before I start please remember nothing is confirmed and some of these ideas may reference my other posts and or upcoming posts so some things not implemented in the game may be talked about for possibilities of the future. Thank you and enjoy the Post. 1.) Now before we begin I would like to make a list of tools that may be used in the maintenance and upgrades of some vehicles. · Wrench- can be used as a weapon and for certain repairs. · Blow torch- used to weld metal together to fix the car body. · Engine lift- used to lift the engine. · Creeper- makes fixing under a car easier and slightly more efficient. · Oil pan- used to collect oil from the ground instead of leaving an oil mark. · Cutting pliers- used to cut certain things off and pull items out. · Pliers- used to pull small parts out. · Air brush- making paint and decals last longer. 2.) Now for a list of stats that may seem a bit confusing: · Weapon usage- what weapons you can use and from what seat. · Storage capacity- how much something can hold or carry · Tow strength- how much something can tow. · Damage resistance- how much it can take from impacts like crashes or blunt damage. · Mirror view- how much you can see around you using mirrors. · Noise- how much noise it makes when moving. 3.) Now with that out of the way we can get the cars and vehicles. This area will cover player powered vehicles. Bike- this is a standard vehicle and will be the start of the list. It has 2 wheels, comes with 3 variations, can have a multitude of add-ons and much more. · Fatigue rate: medium-slow · Speed: poor · Storage capacity: poor · Turn radius: ok-good · Weapon usage: single hand weapons only · Noise: very little-silent · Seats: 1 · Variations: Road, mountain, cruiser Notes: The variations are Road, Mountain and Cruiser. Mountain bikes are good off road as well as on road. They are very durable and pretty fast but cause fatigue slightly faster. The road bikes are best at going fast on the roads while poor off-road. The cruiser is the standard bike with ok on road and poor off road speed but while on roads it has less fatigue rate. Both the cruiser and street bike have higher fatigue speed off roads while the mountain bike has the same rate for both roads and off roads while being lower than the bikes standard on road speed. Big wheel/Tricycle- This is a 3 wheel bike that is more of a joke but will serve as a basic type of transportation if needed. · Fatigue rate: medium-low · Speed: poor · Storage capacity: None · Turn radius: Very poor · Weapon usage: one handed weapons only · Noise: quiet, loud · Seats: 1,2 · Variations: Tricycle, big wheel Notes: The tricycle is a smaller bike with the ability to carry a person on the back. They are very slow due to big legs and small pedals. The tricycle is a poor weapon but can coast. The Big wheel has the same problem being slow but only carries 1 person and is much louder. It is however it is better off roads slightly and is a bit faster. It also has plastic tires that can’t pop. Scooter- These are another player powered vehicle. · Fatigue rate: medium · Speed: ok-poor · Storage capacity: very poor · Turn radius: ok · Weapon usage: None · Noise: ok-slightly noisy · Seats: 1 · Variations: None Notes: This vehicle can be folded and stored for transportation reasons. It also has Plastic tires that preventing popping. Skateboard- This is a board with wheels, not much else to say. · Fatigue rate: medium-slow · Speed: ok-poor · Storage capacity: none · Turn radius: Very good · Weapon usage: any weapon besides guns · Noise: medium-Loud · Seats: 1 · Variations: Long board, Penny board, shortboard. · Notes: First of all each of these can be used as a weapons and have non popping wheels. The long board has the farthest attack range but the worst durability. It also is easier to ride but is heavier and has a bigger turning radius. The shortboard is the perfect middle child. Good range, weight, ok to learn, can do tricks, can turn fast, and only has the downfall of poor durability. Now the penny board, while being the smallest is the most durable but it harder to learn and can’t do tricks as easily. It’s also very light and has short range. Roller-skates- These are like shoes but make you move. · Fatigue rate: medium-slow · Speed: ok-poor · Storage capacity: None · Turn radius: ok · Weapon usage: all but guns. · Noise: medium-loud · Seats: 1 · Variations: None · Notes: these are shoes that take a while to stop, longer to turn, such off-road, and can coast down streets. Kiddie cars- those small pedal cars for kids. · Fatigue rate: medium · Speed: slow-medium · Storage capacity: None · Turn radius: poor · Weapon usage: one handed weapons · Noise: medium · Seats: 1 · Notes: they do look different but these are where the differences end. 3.) Now we are on to small cars and vehicles. This is only a start. ATV- this is your standard Quad for off-roading adventures. · Fuel tank size: ok-small · Fuel efficiency: poor-ok · Noise: very noisy-Loud · Speed: Ok-fast · Storage capacity: poor · Seats: 2 · Turning radius: ok-poor · Weapon use: person Driver can’t, passenger gets full 360 degrees to attack. · Notes: This vehicle has the same speed on and off road but is more efficient off road. Dirt Bike- This is the mountain bike but motorized. · Fuel tank size: small · Fuel efficiency: ok · Noise: Very Loud · Speed: Fast · Storage capacity: Poor · Seats: 2 · Turning radius: ok-good · Weapon use: Same as ATV · Notes: Its faster than the ATV but it is also louder and holds less fuel. Golf Cart- Clubbing Zombies in style since 1984. · Fuel efficiency: ok · Fuel tank size: Ok · Battery Efficiency: Ok-poor · Noise: low-quiet, low · Speed: slow, slow-ok · Storage capacity: Ok, good · Seats: 3,5 · Turning radius: Ok-poor · Weapon use: passengers can use weapons. · Variations: electric powered, Fuel powered · Notes: The cart can be your standard white frame and be electrical or have a more rugged frame and better off road capability that uses fuel. The electrical has less storage, can’t go off road, and can hold less people but can charge easily and quickly. The fuel powered can hold 5 people and more storage. It also is better off road than its electrical counterpart. Its only downside is it takes more to fix it, you need fuel to run it, and it is louder. Motorcycle- Vroom vroom! · Fuel efficiency: good · Fuel tank size: ok-good · Noise: loud-extremely loud · Speed: fast- very fast · Seats: 2 · Turning radius: good · Weapon use: one handed weapons or passenger · Notes: Passenger has full 360 attack radius. It is best for quick escapes but attracts many zombies. Motorized scooters- So very hipster · Fuel efficiency: ok-good · Fuel tank size: ok-small · Noise: ok-loud · Speed: ok-fast · Seats: 1 · Turning radius: ok · Weapon use: One handed weapons only. · Notes: This is like the dirt bike but slower, quieter, and made for on road. Ride Mower- Got to keep your lawn clean in the zombie apocalypse. · Fuel efficiency: poor-ok · Fuel tank size: ok-large · Noise: ok, loud · Speed: slow · Seats: 1 · Turning radius: ok-poor · Weapon use: any weapon. · Notes: This will actively kill crawlers and cut grass at the same time. The blades are able to be toggled but it makes noise when on. Otherwise it’s pretty quiet. 4.) Well now that we have finished with the smaller vehicles we can move on the major cars, small trucks, and others! Coupe · Fuel efficiency: ok-good · Fuel tank size: ok-good · Damage resistance: ok-poor · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok-loud · Speed: ok-fast · Storage capacity: ok-good · Turning radius: ok-good · Seats: 2,4 · Weapons usage: passenger seat only. · Mirror view: good · Variations: this car can have a 4 seater with 2 small seats behind the 2 main chairs at the cost of less trunk space. The 2 seater has more space but only 2 seats. · Notes: this is a standard car and is one of the most common. Sports car · Fuel efficiency: ok-poor · Fuel tank size: ok · Damage resistance: ok-poor · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: loud · Speed: fast-very fast · Storage capacity: some-little · Turning radius: ok · Seats: 2 · Weapons usage: only the passenger. · Mirror view: ok-good · Variations: none · Notes: this is a 2 door coupe but louder faster and with a different body. It is meant to go fast. Convertible · Fuel efficiency: ok-good · Fuel tank size: good · Damage resistance: ok-poor · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: ok-good · Turning radius: ok · Seats: 5 · Weapons usage: all but driver · Mirror view: great · Variations: Cover, Coverless. · Notes: some have covers that can be pulled over and back to keep dry while the coverless don’t have those luxuries. Hybrid car · Fuel efficiency: great · Fuel tank size: good · Damage resistance: ok · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: low-none · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: ok · Turning radius: ok · Seats: 5 · Weapons usage: only those near windows. · Mirror view: ok · Variations: None · Notes: This car is more fuel efficient but less common as well. Van · Fuel efficiency: ok-poor · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: ok · Bullet resistance: poor-ok · Noise: ok-loud · Speed: Ok-fast · Storage capacity: good-very good · Tow strength: poor · Turning radius: Poor · Seats: 2,8,15 · Weapons usage: Passenger and back seats. · Mirror view: poor · Variations: the 2 seater, 8 seater, and 15 seater. · Notes: The 2 seater is just 2 front seats and an empty back for storage. The 8 Seater replaces the open back for 6 more seats. The larger 15 seater has even more room and seats. Sedan · Fuel efficiency: ok-poor · Fuel tank size: ok · Damage resistance: ok-poor · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok-loud · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: ok-good · Turning radius: ok-poor · Seats: 5 · Weapons usage: passenger and window seats. · Mirror view: good · Variations: none · Notes: this is a standard car with room and space but poor fuel ratings. SUV · Fuel efficiency: good · Fuel tank size: good · Damage resistance: good · Bullet resistance: ok · Noise: ok-loud · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: good · Seats: 7 · Tow strength: ok · Turning radius: ok · Weapons usage: any window seat or back seats · Mirror view: good · Variations: none · Notes: this is a good car but has the problem of being rare and high maintenance. Pickup truck · Fuel efficiency: ok-poor · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: ok-good · Bullet resistance: ok · Noise: loud · Speed: slow · Storage capacity: great · Tow strength: ok · Turning radius: poor · Seats:2 · Weapons usage: passengers · Mirror view: ok · Variations: none · Notes: this is the most common truck but it still uncommon. Crossover · Fuel efficiency: good- very good · Fuel tank size: good · Damage resistance: ok-poor · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: low- quiet · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: good · Tow strength: poor · Turning radius: ok · Seats: 7 · Weapons usage: windowed seats besides driver. · Mirror view: ok-good · Variations: none · Notes: this is a better fueled SUV but meant for the road. Police car · Fuel efficiency: good · Fuel tank size: ok · Damage resistance: good · Bullet resistance: ok · Noise: ok · Speed: fast · Storage capacity: low · Seats: 5 · Turning radius: good · Weapons usage: the passenger seat · Mirror view: good · Variations: none · Notes: this car has no horn but instead a siren. It also has 5 seats but the back 3 can only be opened from the outside. The back windows are also reinforced and separated by a reinforced glass window. Humvee · Fuel efficiency: poor · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: Very good · Bullet resistance: medium · Noise: loud · Speed: ok-slow · Storage capacity: ok · Seats: 4 · Tow strength: ok · Turning radius: ok · Weapons usage: top gunner hole or gun hatches on each side. (1 on each) · Mirror view: poor · Variations: None · Notes: this is a rare military vehicle that is very durable but is also high maintenance. Armored Vehicle · Fuel efficiency: ok-poor · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: good-very good · Bullet resistance: medium · Noise: loud · Speed: slow · Storage capacity: large · Seats: 2, 4 · Turning radius: Poor · Weapons usage: passenger window, top gunner sport or side peep holes. · Mirror view: ok · Variations: Bank, Military · Notes: the bank version has more room but only 2 seats and only a window for shooting. The Police version (like S.W.A.T.) would have the hatches instead of the window, an extra 2 seats, the ability to hang from the edges of the vehicle, and a siren. 5.) Now to finish up with this part of the list. It’s time for large trucks and big vehicles. Truck · Fuel efficiency: ok · Fuel tank size: ok-large · Damage resistance: ok-high · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok- loud · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: Great · Seats: 5, 6 · Tow strength: good · Turning radius: ok · Mirror view: ok · Variations: 5 seater, 6 seater · Notes: The only differences between the 2 are the 6 seater loses the spot between the driver and passenger seat but has a chair instead. Tow Truck · Fuel efficiency: Poor · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: ok-good · Bullet resistance: poor-ok · Noise: loud-ok · Speed: slow · Storage capacity: low · Seats: 2 · Tow strength: Strong · Turning radius: very Poor · Mirror view: Poor · Variations: None · Notes: it is able to tow by using a hook rather than a hitch but this take a specific job to do so. Dump truck · Fuel efficiency: poor-ok · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: good-high · Bullet resistance: ok · Noise: loud · Speed: slow · Storage capacity: low · Seats:2 · Turning radius: poor · Mirror view: poor-ok · Variations: none · Notes: This is only found near or in the construction zones and other workplaces. It can carry objects but they will commonly fall out if filled too much and need to be filled by other methods. Ambulance · Fuel efficiency: ok · Fuel tank size: medium · Damage resistance: ok · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: medium · Speed: fast-ok · Storage capacity: ok · Seats: 6 · Turning radius: ok · Mirror view: ok · Notes: The 6th seat is the stretcher in the back of the ambulance. Not this vehicle also has 3 seats in the back and 2 up front. The front can look back safely through a window. This vehicle also has a siren and flashing lights. Fire truck · Fuel efficiency: ok · Fuel tank size: ok-large · Damage resistance: ok · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: loud-ok · Speed: Fast-ok · Storage capacity: large · Seats: 2 · Turning radius: poor · Mirror view: poor · Variations: None · Notes: This is much like the ambulance but can hold 4 extra people on the outside and holds much more. It also has a siren. It does have water stored in it that can be used with a firehose but this requires a fire fighter. It also can only really stop a small fire from spreading and runs out quiet quick. Tank truck- A truck with a tank of liquid on it. · Fuel efficiency: ok · Fuel tank size: Ok-Large · Damage resistance: ok · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok-loud · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: poor · Seats: 2 · Tow strength: ok · Turning radius: poor · Mirror view: poor · Variations: None · Notes: This vehicle can hold a ton of a specific liquid ranging from fuel to water. Garbage truck · Fuel efficiency: poor · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: high · Bullet resistance: ok · Noise: loud · Speed: ok-slow · Storage capacity: poor · Seats: 2 · Turning radius: very poor · Mirror view: poor · Variations: None · Notes: 2 more people can hang on to the back as well as 2 in the cab. The back can also hold a lot but is normally full of trash. RV · Fuel efficiency: ok · Fuel tank size: Large · Damage resistance: ok · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok · Speed: ok · Storage capacity: moderate-good · Seats: 5 · Tow strength: poor · Turning radius: · Mirror view: poor · Variations: None · Notes: This place has a fully working stove, microwave, sinks, toilet, and storage space. It also has a 2 person bed, a small couch with a table, and the car radio. Tractor · Fuel efficiency: poor · Fuel tank size: medium · Damage resistance: poor · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok-low · Speed: slow · Storage capacity: none · Seats: 1 · Tow strength: low · Turning radius: ok · Mirror view: none · Variations: None · Notes: This vehicle is only found on farms. 6-wheeler · Fuel efficiency: poor · Fuel tank size: medium-large · Damage resistance: high · Bullet resistance: poor-ok · Noise: Loud · Speed: Slow · Storage capacity: Low · Seats: 2 · Tow strength: Very strong · Turning radius: poor · Mirror view: poor · Variations: sleeper, Normal · Notes: They only variations is the sleeper vs the normal. The sleeper has a bed in the back and is slightly large but has no real difference besides that. Excavator · Fuel efficiency: poor-ok · Fuel tank size: Large · Damage resistance: High · Bullet resistance: Low · Noise: loud-ok · Speed: very slow · Storage capacity: Poor · Seats: 1 · Turning radius: Good · Mirror view: None · Variations: None · Notes: it has the scoop on the front working fully. Both can be operated if they have a high driving skill or choose a specific job. Bulldozer · Fuel efficiency: Poor · Fuel tank size: Large · Damage resistance: high · Bullet resistance: ok · Noise: Ok-loud · Speed: very slow · Storage capacity: poor · Seats: 1 · Tow strength: ok · Turning radius: great · Mirror view: None · Variations: None · Notes: It requires a chain to tow most things and is very inefficient due to the lack of speed. Back hoe loader · Fuel efficiency: poor · Fuel tank size: small-ok · Damage resistance: High · Bullet resistance: Ok · Noise: Ok-low · Speed: slow-ok · Storage capacity: poor · Seats: 1 · Turning radius: Ok · Mirror view: None · Variations: None · Notes: this is one of those things that have the dipper on the back and the scoop on the front. It also has 2 supports on the back that prevent it from dipping back and moving at full speed. Bus · Fuel efficiency: Poor-ok · Fuel tank size: large · Damage resistance: ok-poor · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: ok-noisy · Speed: ok-good · Storage capacity: good-great · Seats: 24, 42 · Turning radius: very poor · Mirror view: ok · Variations: school, transit · Notes: The school bus has fewer seats, is smaller, and is yellow. It also has those stop lights when in a full stop or opening doors while bus is running. The Transit bus has more seats, is longer, and comes in grey shades. It also has space under the seat, better air conditioning, and a bike carrier on the front for 2 bikes. Military transport · Fuel efficiency: Ok-poor · Fuel tank size: ok · Damage resistance: ok-good · Bullet resistance: poor · Noise: Low-ok · Speed: moderate · Storage capacity: great · Seats: 20 · Tow strength: ok-high · Turning radius: ok-poor · Mirror view: ok · Variations: none · Notes: This can either be used to carry a good amount of people or used to transport cargo. This can only be found with military convoys or damaged by the road side. 6.) Now with all of my vehicles out of the way let’s move onto a different topic. Now for a list of trailers as well as items that can be pushed or pulled by players. · Shopping cart- This is a play pushed utility that can be used to hold and store items or push 2 people. It does require both hands to control. · Push Mower- This is a player pushed utility that consumes fuel to work. When pushed over tall grass it will trim it. It does make noise however. · Horse trailer- This is a medium weight trailer that can be pulled by most vehicles with tow capabilities. It has a good amount of space for storage or it can also be built in. · Tank trailer- this can be small or large. The only difference is that the large requires a 6 wheeler and a small can be towed by anything as well as holds less. · Box trailer- this is another 6 wheeler trailer that also has a small variant much like the horse trailer. · Tow dolly- This can be towed by pretty much any car. It can be used to tow another car. · Equipment trailer- this is used to pull small cars, work vehicles, and other small utilities. · Sled- This player pulled utility is best used when there is snow. It can be filled with items or a person. It can also be pulled on non-snow surfaces but makes noise and requires much more strength. Either way it takes both hands. · Wagon- This is much like the sled but is better over solid surfaces like roads and pavement rather than dirt and snow. It does make less noise however and can hold more items then a sled. · Refrigerated trailer- This is like the box trailer for the 6 wheeler but has a fuel powered ac installed to keep it cool inside. · Log trailer- this is a large 6 wheeler exclusive that holds large logs. This is found in the log mill and is pretty much useless considering there is no use for the huge logs as of now. · Car transporter- another 6 wheeler exclusive that can hold a total of 8 cars; 4 top and 4 bottom. This does however require precision and time when unloading. · Dump trailer- this is a smaller trailer that can be dumped back using a small battery. · Camper – this can be pulled by most vehicles. It is a smaller version of the RV having a working stove, sink, microwave, a bed, and room to hold 3 people inside. · Utility trailer- this is a mix of the equipment trailer and the wagon. It is able to hold more things than the equipment trailer could such as generators and crates, but is still not able to hold items just lying there. 7.) Now for a list of additions that can be added to cars or added to customize your car: · Winch- This can be attacked to most trucks and a few cars. It can be attached to assist pulling a stuck car, knocking over trees, and pulling out stuck objects like unmovable poles, light posts and signs. · Seat belt cover- This just simply can be added to any car besides busses, and give an extra decrease of panic. · Fuels saving tires- tires built for the road. They save fuel while on road but are horrid off-road. · Off road tires- These will help remover the speed reduction on your cars while off road but it provides no buff on roads. · Large tires- these are just tires for things like tractors, some 6x6 and large trucks. They do increase fuel efficiency and speed by slightly. · Small tires- these are for things like wagons, ATV’s, and things along that line. · Basic tires- the standard car tire. · Hitch lock- these need to be attached to tucks in order for them to tow, excluding the 6x6, bulldozer, and tractor. · Bike rack- This can be attached to the front or back of most vehicles. It will provide some extra protection to the front but can also hold 2 bikes. · Roll cage- a small addition to some vehicles improving damage resistance to the top. · Shell- this adds extra room to trucks as well as protection from elements. · Basket- a bike and scooter attachment that adds some storage space. · Bell- Noise maker for bikes and scooters. · Horn- Noise maker for bikes and scooters. · Skateboard wheels- replacements. · Scooter wheels- replacements. · Bike tires- Spare tires. · Bike mirrors- add mirrors to the bike to see behind you. · Bike light- let there be light. · Seat covers- provide extra panic decrease. · Ladder rack- a type of add-on to trucks that can allow for more items and a less likely chance of things falling out. · Headache rack- protection for the back window but deceases visibility from rear view mirror. · Light bars- This is a protective front piece that has lights connected to it. · Nerf bars- steps into trucks that improve entering speed as well as a little blunt damage. · Skid plate-extra protection to the underside and front of you vehicle. · Mud flaps- This decreases the amount of dirt and mud that need to be cleaned off the back and is shown in tracks. · Bull bar- This is a light bar but without the lights and can endure much more blunt damage. · Water bottle holder- a small bike attachment that can be used to hold a water bottle or smaller pop bottle of sorts. · Bike bags- These can be put onto bikes to add 2 small storage units on it. · Muffler- this can be attached to just about any vehicle and is used to make it slightly quieter. Extremely quiet for motorcycles. · Snow plow- able to be attached to most vehicles and will both clear slow in front of you and push objects out of the way. 8.) Now with that out of the way we are still far from finished. Now we have the list of problems with the car. · Leak- fluids of sorts are leaking leaving trails from your car. This can be fixed by replacing parts or patching it up using tape. It could be fuel, oil, coolant, or antifreeze. · Scratches- small gashes to the car that could lead to more serious damage if blunt damage is taken. · Dent- This is from blunt damage. · Broken window- just as it sounds. · Missing _______- parts are missing. Its normally important. · Smoking- this says smoke is coming out of somewhere. · Loose- parts could fall off or disconnect. · Bent- from more serious blunt damage. · Destroyed- ruined and needs to be replaced. · Rusty- next to no defense but still usable, of sorts. · Burnt- charred edges but similar to rust. 9.) We are not done yet, now let’s get to the jobs and skills. Skills: · Driving skill- This is the skill of how well you can drive your car. It increase brake reaction time, how much you jerk your car, or even details like how well you can prevent disaster like spinouts. It grows from driving and once you get high enough you can drive things like big rigs or RV’s. · Mechanic skill- This is just the skill of fixing cars. Nothing else to it besides the normal benefits. · Maneuverability skill- This skill only really applies to the player powered ones and motorcycles. This improves how well you can move as well as (this is for all cars here) how well you can’t turn or if you can do things like drift. Occupations: Note, things like construction worker can drive construction live vehicles with more ease then a normal person. · Chauffeur- This job costs +4 points and in return gives +3 driving skill. You also get the trait quiet. · Taxi driver- This job costs +4 and gives +2 driving skill and +1 maneuverability. · Street racer- This job costs -6 and in return gives a driving skill of 3 and a maneuverability skill of +3. · Mechanic- This job costs a total of -4 and in return give a total of +3 mechanical skill and +2 electrical skill. · Cyclist- This job costs -+4 and in return gives +1 to light footed, +1 to maneuverability, as well as a buff to fitness. · Bus Driver- This job costs +2 and in return gives +3 to driving and the skill to drive a bus near perfectly. · Truck driver- This job costs+4 and in return gives a +2 to driving, the skill of driving a 6x6 next to perfectly as well as the trait coffee junkie. Traits: · Quiet- This trait makes you less noisy as well as shout quieter. · Technical- This job gives you +1 to both electrical and mechanical for -8 points. · Eagle eye- Now if you have this trait and level 3 mechanical skill you can tell problems just by looking at the car. Even if they may be interior ones. · Crafty- Able to make parts or repairs using less or parts that normally are not able to be used. Ex. Saran wrap for windows, or a wire clothes hanger for the radio antenna. · Coffee Junkie- This trait makes the player less affected by sleep when having coffee as well as a longer effect of it. It also reduces any effect of jitters from caffeine (if added). 10.) Now this will be one of the last things on the list. Now for mechanics and other noted/ideas. · Driving conditions- In rain or snow driving becomes harder. With rain you can’t see as far ahead or behind, as well as going to fast has a chance of causing a spinout. Now with snow the problems double. You may start to slide while driving, may not be able to stop, and even the same problems as rain but with 2x the effect. · Car conditions- Cars can be found in many places and situations. Some may be in good shape but out of fuel. Others may be completely wrecked. Most may just need a few new pats or a little fix. That being said most can just be hopped in and drove but others could cause more damage in the form of a fire. · Car locations- Not all cars spawn in the same areas. The police vehicles spawn near the police station, and rarely on the road. Construction vehicles are only in the construction site, and found in a few other places like the log mill or on a truck in the road. · Special vehicle abilities- Now some vehicles like the smaller cars can do things like drift or make a quick U-turn. Other things like bikes and skateboards can do jumps over hazards like crawlers at a high enough level. · Player made upgrades- These normally cause damage to the vehicle unless done at a high mechanical skill. That being said it is not normally recommended. · Zombies in cars- Some zombies can spawn under or even inside of cars. Typically they need to crawl out then can get up once out of the vehicle. · Terrain troubles- While raining or snowing the ground will become more dangerous. If it is wet from rain you will slide around slightly, and have troubles stopping. This gets even worse with snow. Above all that is ice, which is even worse. Now if the ground is wet and you drive on dirt, this will create a muddy terrain that will slow down your vehicle as well as stop it if you got to slow or the vehicle weighs too much. · Starting cars- Cars can be started by owning a compatible set of car keys or a few other methods. Other methods include hotwiring or making a makeshift key. Hot wiring just requires a knife, scissors, or pliers, as well as a screwdriver. · Hitting Zombies- Running over zombies doesn’t do much damage to your car but with each kill it leaves a .1% chance of breaking your front windshield due to zombies crashing through it and as you kill more covers your windshield in blood making it harder to see. Crawlers have a chance to pass under cars when drive over. Well it was fun writing this but now, it is over. A list of car parts may be added along with a few pictures but for now I think you guys would like to see this. Anyways thank you if you managed to painfully read all of it. Anyways, thank you and I hope to hear from you guys. Anyway sorry for this long and scary looking post, And hope to hear feedback. ..... whoops. didn't realize how long it was until i posted it.... Heh heh....
  9. Hey, I've been playing zomboid for some time now. I'm what you'd call a low profile surivivor, I just derp around as much as I need to in order to find myself the needed tools. Once I have an axe, saw, hammer and trowel, I settle down in a quiet spot in the midst of nature, build me a fence for protection and start farming potatoes. Because, we all know about them taters, don't we now. Boy, I love me some puturdurs. Stuff them in a stew. Make a soup. Mmm-hmm. Anyway, before I get carried away, let me list a few things I noticed myself missing in the game. 1. Something to cut them pesky fences with. Like wire cutters or such. Helps breaking into those storage areas without having to circle round and meeting a gathering of former employees all standing around snarling about the lack of grey brain matter in the cafeteria these days. 2. More clothes, and different kinds of them. I'm talking jackets, coats, shirts, boots, worker overalls, raincoats, whatever. Something to add to the survivor wardrobe for some stylish brain bashing, and to help protect against the cold and rain. We can't all be outdoorsmen, and I know I prefer being a spud farmer. Because boy, do I love me some taters. 3. A bit more variety to the tool world, and maybe loosen the need for them up a bit. I do apprectiate the fact that you can basically use anything to cut down your tree with if you have the time, but since we're already at the stage of being able to cut down a tree with a frying pan, why don't we use the saw to do the same? I heard rumors about a possible addition of a chainsaw which is very welcome, but I think I could fell a tree with the saw currently in the game. 4. This has been up before, but I feel I need to say it again. Vehicles. We're in towns, and I really feel we need cars. Even if they're not drivable yet, just abandoned vehicles littering the streets, acting as barricades, perhaps lootable for gasoline and wunderbaums. Tire irons and such. These car-casses would add depth and the sense of apocalypse to the game. RIght now, it seems you're wandering an idyllic amish village without the horses and the awesome hats. 5. A bit more realism to the water part of the game. Right now after the trusty pipelines go dry, you either find yourself a well, or hope to have that fouth filled square on your carpentry skill and build yourself a plain old box with a garbage bag in it to gather the water. Unless you happen to be in West Point where you can just scoop it right out of the river. Right when we got perfectly good trash cans and buckets and pots, kettles and mugs, bowls and jugs all over the game. So who says we can't just stick any old container out in the drizzle and wait for it to fill up? 6. Maybe some kind of activities you can occupy yourself with while waiting for them lovely spuds to grow. Maybe exercise? Maybe you could get better fitness by running around, work on that spare tire you got around your waist from all that fast food you'll never see again. How about crafting yourself some kinda weight lifting rig in your safe house to work on your triceps, getting that strenght level up? These are some things I come to think of. Other than this, I thank everyone involved for an awesome gaming experience. It's an unique game, exactly what I've been looking for since the beginning of zombies in games. When I saw it come out, I knew this was the game for me, and I haven't regretted it since. Tipped off all my friends about it. Regards, BoxBeckin
  10. Hi, so recently there has been a topic regarding permanent scars on your health panel, which was quite interesting to watch and read, lot of people liked the idea, myself included and it got me thinking a little, why not take it a little bit further, now there is way more ways about doing this, but here is the core idea. So, as a long time survivalist and an absolute idiot at times I tend to break my face over a lot of objects (jumping out of windows on a second floor and shattering my legs into million pieces is my absolute favourite or setting my rear end on fire while cooking that one's good too) and honestly, if you were to break your leg in a zombie apocalypse, thats a pretty heavy injury to sustain and without a doctor around, even splinted there is real possibility you would suffer some sort of permanent damage or psychological impact of some sort. So, the idea is to have a character after such a heavy injury gain some sort of a "stat penalty" or affection to them say you break your leg and there would be a chance your character would not recover to 100% movement speed after that, rather maybe 80% max, not so much to make it a pain moving about, but still enough for you to notice and to not consider these kind of injuries just like any other scratch. But physical injuries also often incur some psychological impact as well, someone who has had pretty heavy burn happen to them probably isnt going to be all that comfortable around a fire, or someone who slit their arm open and bled all over the floor when crawling through a broken window would be more conscious about it the next time. As far as the cosmetic side of things the most obvious things would be the scars or slightly "missaligned" limbs from having a bone grow back a bit crooked, maybe a limp and stuff like that, it would add a little bit of flavour and more realism, it would also encourage the player to again be more wary about heavy injuries. Another thing was that not only bad things would come from this say, which is another thing I want to mention, over-time perks. We all know there are traits at the start when you create your character, but when you begin you are still just your regular Joe who just found out there are a lot of deaders roaming outside, the only thing to you is just your natural talents. These perks I had in mind would be more alongside the experience through surviving. Say you use the fire axe to chop of zombie bits all over the place, after a few hundred kills(or levels in blade profficiency) you would learn where and how to cut them better and with a little bit less effort, making you tire slightly less when swinging your weapon of choice. Or say you like to keep your distance and shoot them suckers from a far, after some time you would have enough guns gone through your hands you would learn to understand them a bit better, increasing the maximum and decreasing the minimum range or maybe learning how to stuff a few extra bullets into a mag for maximum efficiency. Now you could argue that these improvements is what the levels are there for, however I mean them as lets call them milestones in your progression, since experience right now is a steady line, it would be nice to have a little bonus for reaching the higher levels, by making them a little bit more impactful that way. All in all I would imagine some people would find permanent penalties for such things annoying so probably have this be an option/feature that could be checked in a sandbox or the options menu (similar to reloading) would probably be required. Anyway I'm sure this was suggested before in bits and pieces, so I just had thrown it all together in my brain and if not an official feature, it would make a cool mod at least.
  11. Hey people, long time player AND lurker, first time poster! I've put more than 100 hours into PZ, and I've had plenty of ideas that I'd love to share a few mod ideas I've had. Now, excluding big things like ability to learn how to fly and travel between maps, I'd rather focus on small things that would either just be fun, useful or plain logical. Blindfold Could be attached to zombies or players by "attacking" them with it. Removes all vision, except for things that are like... literally touching you. Capture the Dead Inspired by Day of the Dead, it would be really fun to be able to capture zombies. Not for any particular reason. It could be a few items that just makes zombies harmless. A muzzle that makes them unable to bite. Handcuffs that make them unable to scratch. A collar that you can attach a chain to, to keep them in your back yard. You could attach it by "attacking" them with the equipped item when they're on the ground. Notches I'd love to be able to carve notches into walls, similar to the spray paint mod, but with sharp objects, and onto walls. Each notch "upgrades" the texture to a new one. Not a big deal, but would be kinda cool. Pots and Pans By leaving mugs, cooking pots and bowls outside during rain, they fill up with water. Dirty water, perhaps, but water nonetheless. Could be useful for characters with low carpenting! Solitaire My illiterate character needs some way to decrease boredom. We already have playing cards, why not have some fun with it? Wheelbarrow Basically a movable container. Winter is Coming Not a big thing, but during winter and cold weather, zombies should be slower. I'll probably update with more ideas further. Please feel free to comment or use it.
  12. I think new weapons should be introduced to the Project Zomboid universe! (I'm sure I'm not the first to say this) I think Antize Weapons and bags Mod is a good start if you guys weren't already working on one, or is there a way to upvote/vote for a mod to be implemented into the core game? I've tested it and it seems fine, and you can tweak the balance of the weapons easily too.
  13. The multiplayer is severely broken. Like, really, really broken. With that being said, I understand that I purchased this game with Early Access via Steam and willingly took on the responsibility. However, I don't think the focus should be on adding cars and the such when the MP side of things are so broken that it might ruin the potential of it ever being what it could be down the road. I might have to stop playing all together because it's that bad. With that being said - it has a lot of potential, but some things I thought of, in my opinion, my plant some seeds - who knows. If you are already working on some of these things, great! If not, then I worry a bit. I understand that this was a SP game first and foremost, therefore if the focus isn't going to be on multiplayer in fixing these huge problems within the next few months, then I'd say remove the MP until it can be better focused on altogether because the single player is great! This is from two weeks and almost 100 hours of playing Project Zomboid Multiplayer. (I played the single player like it was going out of style from 2013 and up and love the idea of the multiplayer) 1. Server Side Saving This would fix so many problems it's not even funny. People can easily manipulate the saves therefore, everyday on the server I'm on we're hit by more hackers than actually DDOSing now because people just load their save right back in once they die, or they edit the save file since it's saved on the computer in an easy-to-find location. It doesn't quite make much sense. This would prevent the easy editing and at least make it much, much harder to change things in-game. The server I'm on even checks files for its size to see if its been modified and still to no anvil. 2. Server optimization The netcode could be optimized a lot better than it is, but I'm sure this is already being worked on. 3. Zombie spawn behavior The spawn system for the zombies are a little weird, I think from experience the game checks to see if there isn't anyone in the area and if it isn't then it'll spawn zombies, so the end result is that you have zombies in places nobody will ever visit/or visit often and most of the zombies in the city killed off. Shouldn't it be something along the lines of % based + the activity in the area? I.E. if there's more activity in the city than the highway, then focus on spawning zombies around that area instead of the house by the lake which no one goes to and it ends up lagging the server because of all these zombies. (One time it was so many zombies, they all would lag off my screen when shot, then reappear out of no where and some wouldn't die, but they couldn't do damage to you when I had 67-92 ping) 4. Balance the weapons The weapons are extremely unbalanced in the multiplayer side of things. I'm not exactly sure how the weapons act besides from experience, reading the wiki, and hearing from others but it seems its just single player weapons for multiplayer. 5. Respawn times I had food from the night before, I logged back on the server and one second later it's rotten.. What? I just made it. It shouldn't go by the timer of the server if it's in your bag, each item should just have it's own timer, global protocols don't work for everything. 6. Multiplayer should only allow one file save. I've noticed that people are modifying saves so they can get resources way faster by just making multiple accounts all hacked to max level in different areas gathering different things. Not sure if that's an issue, but - it's happening. I think one save is good enough since it's a hardcore game first off and secondly, it'll probably be a lot more manageable for the server, the dev and the end user. 7. Fires can start but can't be put out without an admin? Fires should be able to be put out with dropping water on the ground at least. Or a fire extinguisher that's located in most stores. What happens is if an admin isn't on, people start fires online and it lags the entire server badly. It's like if one person is lagging, everyone is gonna lag - regardless if they aren't even by the fire itself, they will feel the lag as if they were nearby it for whatever reason. Misc. things Logged in but I'm not logged in.. How does that happen? It should be a checker to see if they haven't moved/said anything/no interaction with anything then they should be kicked after a certain time for inactivity instead of being denied service. Even after kicking the "ghost" of my friend dark nano, he was still unable to come on because it said he was still on the server. I think if you have a backpack on you, you shouldn't need to drag items to your main inventory, the game should just know what items you have and either just do it automatically or just treat it like an extension of the player, which it is, and cut out the dragging of items so much. These are a few of my ideas, regardless of them all I hope that Project Zomboid thrives to become something amazing as it's one of the best Early Access games I've gotten to read about, see videos of, and play myself for me to see that this is a game with a great community and even amazing devs with passion. I just really want the multiplayer to thrive because I believe people come for the single player, and stay for the multiplayer. I'll make another one of these if more ideas come into my head.
  14. I've been thinking of some cool things that might make the game even better -Horses (Must be fed foraged grass, susceptible to scraches bites and can be bandaged) -Bicycles (With durability) -Dangerous Wildlife (Bears, Coyotes etc. and visible animals to hunt) -Flares or Fireworks (To attract/ distract zombies) -Beard and Hair growth over time (Use a Razor for beard, Scissors for hair) -Stumble/Fall over when drunk -Trade window for multiplayer (prevents people picking up items meant for trade) -Random nightmares (Wake up in the middle of the night full panic and cant sleep for an hour) -Bow and arrows (Craftable, for silent kills. also possible to equip arrow itself as blade weapon) -Cannibalism (Just for multiplayer purposes, kill somebody? now they're food!) -Piercings, Tattoos and Glasses (For more character customization) -Rocket Launcher (For giant mob killing) -Chainsaw (Chop down trees faster, powered by gas, sound attracts zombies much like a gunshot) -Peephole (To see out your door, Drilled with screwdriver) -Zombie Traps (Such as pits they fall in, bear traps etc.) -Gas generator (for when the power goes out) -Tree Stand (For either hunting or evading zombies) -Basements/Underground forts (Seems realistic, right) I'm sure people may have already mentioned some of these ideas before but I don't read every single post on here. Also, It'd be cool if containers outside acted as refrigorators in the colder months, (November to February)
  15. Maybe one mod can add a sort of generator and a lead system. Which works with gas. And so to have electricity again. Or at least the duration of the Gas. I know. This will make noise... So we can put a little away from our base and connect the cables. Maybe it's a little complicated to make and use. Perhaps Can need more items. But I think it's a good idea and that maybe in the future can work. Well... that's all. And if my english is bad, Sorry. But i don't speak much english. Greetings.
  16. I don't know how game design works, or how difficult this would be to set up, and I suppose it doesn't nessecarily have to do this. One thing I always enjoyed from dwarf fortress, (Even having never played it) was that the story of your dwarves were so in depth. They all had back story, and the backstory was very far down the line. I would browse the internet and read in depth stories of how peoples kingdoms fell, and great warriors that were born in their kingdom, who fended off entire hordes of demons by themselves, dying and taking their fortress with them. Something I always thought would be cool for a game to do, would be if the game followed your charecter, and sort of took notes of the actions being done, all the important things they ever did, with logs and dates listed. Then on the forums, there could be a place where you can post the story of your survivor, and how they died. I feel like it would fit the over arching theme of project zomboid, since the story is essentially "this is how you died". I feel like this could be done without the game doing it for you, but details would be missing, and people would be less encouraged to post about their charecters demise. It would add a deeper level to your charecter, and when they die, you can look back and read their story, share it with your friends, and reel in the nostalgia. It also opens plenty of avenues for one to improve, by seeing how they made mistakes. Of course this wouldn't be a recent thing, but it's something I ponder about from time to time. Feel free to post your feelings about it, maybe we can get the attention of the big dogs (raccoons?) at the head of this company. Thanks for taking the time to read, and post if you did. -Redx6504
  17. Well, I've come up with plenty of ideas for PZ recently, some of them may be too ambitious, but here's the list: -A large variety of electricity generators, like solar panels as loot, craftable windmills, or perhaps portable gas generator... Also, some kind of input distributing devices near or inside the houses so it's possible to use electric stuff like stove and lights... Also, maybe locations as power dams or thermal stations -Some changes to the jumping from high places, because always breaking bones after jumping from second floor isn't that realistic to me, and it highly decreases he odds of survival... maybe adding a skill to handle that -Armored doors and walls, impossible to break down with sledgehammer or burn down, but there should be an ability to blow the doors open with explosives or a locksmith (picking) skill plus rare lootable tools for cracking the locks -Traps for players - mines, tripwires attached to shotguns or shelves with logs, or maybe disguised bear-pits -Skill(s) for repairing cars or setting up generators -More meds - for curing fever, performance enchancing drugs... I personally like how it was made in all fallout games - increasing stats, but a chance of dependency... Maybe a trait of resisting addiction -Major developing of character generation: ability to choose skills, age and so on...Also, jobs should affect skills -Adding perks which you can get by doing some challenges or reading special books -The sewer should be a source of water, but with high chance of contracting a desease which would cause fever... And an ability to purify it somehow, like adding rare lootable water filters, and boiling it - the more you purify it, the less chance of illness -Scavenger skill/trait/perk - now, I've faced a problem of getting loot on server after it's been active for a while, so maybe players with this could rarely get hidden loot from the containers... Also, it should be worth a lot of trait points or whatever, because otherwise it'll ruin the balance Tell me what you think, so I may come up with more ideas BTW, nice work making the game... I hope there'll be much more updates in the future!
  18. I've been thinking,when the Kate and Baldspot tutorial first came out i wondered,"Where did they come from, and how did they get in that predicament? Did they get stuck in Muldraugh during a vacation, or did they get stuck there because Louisville was the first to go?" So i was thinking, how about a world that gets persistently worse as the infection spreads? Like everything is normal, then police get called in, then riots in the streets, then the CDC and the National Guard gets called in, then they quarantine the area, then they start bombing runs, then the quarantine fails and it spreads even farther. Please write your criticism and your thoughts in the comments!
  19. 1 - Seeds or seedlings tree: Why not? If you need tree you can grow your OWN TREE!!! 2 - Respawn/spawn trees: One tree grow 1-3 months. 3 - VODKA Rotten food in trash cans, in "Old world" people throwed rotten food! 4 - More trash : Yeah, why not? You eating chips with packaging? 5 - Cans : You can fill water in cans or drinking tea. 6 - Fat or military zombies : Fat zombies : Very slow and more damage, military zombies : Have more health and more damage. 7 - Hospitals : Yeah, in big city we need BIG hospital or hospitals. 8 - Winter : Yep, just winter, in winter zombies walk very slow 9 - Hats : Saves from sunstroke/warming. Дружба и магия PS: Sry my bad language.
  20. 1. Cause of death. tell the player what killed them. i was in good health no injuries well fed and on day like 37 and just dropped dead...no reason, no explanation. 2. mapping besides "bread crumbing". 3. better first aid/more info in the health panel. such as splinting, antibiotics, amputation, listing disease status. 4. non over powered vehicles such as wheelchairs, skateboards, scooters, mo-peds? 5. co-op activities (for amputees wheel barrow using a gun while friend pushes?) climbing, co-carry bags or things like furniture 6. perhaps make it so crafting recipes register even when items are in separate equipped inventory bags on your person.
  21. Hello. So the other day I was thinking about some stuff that I think should come to PZ soon. Here's a Few (Feel free to leave your own in the comments.) 1. More improvised weapons. This should be added soon, because it adds a more survival-y feel. Things like knives on a stick (could be made by sawing a plank into 4 sticks) and duct tape to tape them together and make a spear (Like a knife but with more range) and could break easier but can be repaired with duct tape. 2. More non-improvised weapons. We need more of these as well. Aluminium bats for one, break easier but is easier to find. Maybe a machete, a hatchet or a larger array of knives... 3. More guns and attachments. We need to have some more guns. Period. Hunting rifles, assault rifles, revolvers, carbines (this ones a bit controversial among the PZ community, people think that it would be just like the pistol but maybe it has more attachments for it and is more powerful?) and maybe a doulbe barrel shotgun? Attachments would include scopes (Allow to see MUCH further away from your character), laser sights, suppressors (Should only be added when they add a military base that should have mounds of zombies around it.), not really an attachment but gun cleaning kits or oil and maybe some holsters (Only military bases and police station.) 4. Firing gun at levels. This is a big one, you might think "Why have scopes and hunting rifles if your just standing on the road?" well this is where this come in play, imagine you could fortify Giga Mart, sit on top it in a chair (Oh yeah add sitting) and allow you to take pot-shots and zombies below. 5. More perks. Also big there should be some more professions and perks for current ones. Security guards should be able to sleep in chairs, benches and maybe the floor! Park Ranger should be able to walk through trees faster as well as being able to have better fishing and other survivalist skills (once they're in the game) That's all I got for now but I'll make another list soon.
  22. Great game, has a lot of potential, and I can see it going far, but my suggestions aren't a simple "add a new recipe/trait/profession" as I don't see those things as improving the lifespan of the game (those "recipes" are things which I believe are best for the mod community). I've spent the better part of 6 hours typing out this shit, so... uh.... So far in my survival game, I've killed the majority of the zombies on the map using a shotgun and MMORPG kiting tactics. I'm able to wipe out 300+ zombies in a matter of minutes by kiting them into a large open area and mowing them down with a shotgun and surplus shells, but once the zombies are gone, it basically becomes another (albeit graphically worse version of) The Sims, which really sucks. I want to feel like I'm in danger - all the time. I want to feel like any day could be my last. I don't want to spend the rest of the game playing 'Old McDonald had a Farm'. I want the game to have replay value. I want the game to feel like it didn't scam me out of $$$ for 10 hours of gameplay (sorry, but in regards to replay value, this is largely true.) What I'm suggesting might already be considered by the devs, or it might not, but I feel my suggestions will help improve the long term gaming value of Project Zomboid (especially multiplayer), and help retain a lot of players. I have no doubt the recent PZ steam sale was quite successful, but I doubt a significant number of people that purchased the game would be playing beyond the 15 hour mark. This game has potential to not simply be a good game, but an amazing game, especially multiplayer-wise, but currently, in my (unprofessional) opinion, it lacks the balanced long-term value to make it a raging success, either in single player, or multiplayer. Zombie respawning, difficulty, and 'special' zombies As I've already stated, once you've killed all the zombies in an area, the game is too easy (and seriously boring). I believe the zombies should respawn in random locations around the map every 5 to 10 days, with between 30-200 zombies spawning at a time. This would help alleviate the sudden emptiness that is experienced once all the zombies are wiped out. Additionally, the zombies could be made to be more difficult as time passes (this has already been mentioned in other threads, but I'm a big supporter and feel it should be mentioned again). The longer you stay alive, the harder the zombies become. The difficulty could increase every 4 to 8 weeks, or whatever is considered suitable. The difficulty of each newly spawned zombie could be based on a % multiplier, eg. 5 weeks = +5% chance of increased difficulty, 10 weeks = 10% chance of increased difficulty, 15 weeks = 15% chance of increased difficulty, 20 weeks = 20% chance of increased difficulty, 25 weeks = 25% chance of increased difficulty, etc. This would prevent players from becoming complacent and would require a change in tactics (no more shotgun kiting), and introduce a new element of survival. If you spent those early couple of weeks preparing well, then you should be ready for the zombie onslaught! Another possibility is to include 'Hunter' zombies. Special zombies that exclusively hunt the player. These might only randomly spawn 10-50 at a time, but it would add a new aspect to the game. Knowing that every minute of the game, you are being hunted by smarter than usual zombies. These could follow the same spawn patterns as the regular zombies, where they spawn every 5 to 10 days, between 10-50 at a time. They might all spawn at the opposite side of the map, and then, one day, 4-5 weeks later, you've got up to 250 zombies smashing up your fort, trying to devour your brains. I don't know what idea or vision the developers have with regards to the zombies, but I believe this would be a big hit amongst all players. It would really emphasize survival, developing escape routes and strategic building, as well as utilising multiple safe houses. In multiplayer it could be taken a step further, by having X amount of hunter zombies spawn for every player that has played a certain amount of time on the server. The new players would need to play for a certain amount of time before a new number of hunter zombies will spawn. Hypothetically, with 100 players on a server, that means 100-500 hunter zombies will spawn every 5-10 days. They might all go for one player, or for a mix of players. It would truly require people to work together, create a worthy (sustainable) stronghold, and survive the waves of zombies. This could also lead to a Multiplayer starting area, where it's a stronghold protected by NPC's, and the players occasionally have to help protect the stronghold. After a while, the players are told to leave, and have to fend for themselves (or join a group/clan/guild/whatever), but are able to return (if they're not visibly sick or infected) to trade goods. But I don't know. That's a different topic again. RPG Style Stat Points Some people are either going to love this idea, or hate it, but personally, I'd love to see RPG style stat points introduced to the game. It would add a personalised element, unique to each player, and would give the player extra incentive for keeping their character alive (I've "killed" 7 players so far just from collecting resources from around the map to build a nice stronghold with a main character). It would improve replay value, as there would be different ways to build a character, and, in multiplayer, it would give more meaning to the term 'veteran survivor', with a greater emphasis on a balanced group/guild/clan/whatever (especially with the suggested profession changes.) Some stat points, which I think might be suitable are: Strength (STR) - Affects carrying capacity and melee damage.Stamina (STA) - Affects ability to run faster when exhausted (will require change to current exhausted mechanics), and reduces sleep duration (heal/recover/recuperate faster in sleep).Dexterity (DEX) - Affects ranged weapon skills and sneaking/climbing.Agility (AGI) - The ability to avoid damage from combat/falling (eg. dodge/roll/parry etc) (works with PC and NPC alike, eg. PvE and PvP).Intelligence (INT)- Affects Carpentry and other trade related skills.Wisdom (WIS) - Affects food related skills (farming/cooking/fishing etc).Luck (LCK)- Affects everything.Note: STR's benefits and DEX's benefits would be fairly balanced in this way. Increased capacity is great, but combat wise, you have to get up close and personal, likewise with DEX, sneaking doesn't exactly work with using loud firearms. The major benefit they provide is negated by the combat requirement. My idea of how each skill would affect each attribute would be like this: Blunt/Blade - StrengthAiming/Reloading - DexterityCarpentry/Other Trades - IntelligenceFarming/Cooking/Food - WisdomSneaking/Light footed/Nimble - DexteritySprinting - StaminaI could see two possible ways for this to work: The stats will automatically increase at each level up depending on what skills are used. At each level up you can gain a maximum of 2 points based on what skills got you the level up, PLUS a possible +1 to LCK (random chance). So if, for example, you gained a level by using mostly melee skills and carpentry, you would gain 1 point to STR and 1 point to INT. Additionally, there's a small (1%-5%) chance of gaining a point to LCK. If, however, you got a level up by simply using melee skills, then you would get 2 points to str. The other possibility, is using skill points for stats rather than for skills. At the moment, my survival character has 19 skill points banked and waiting to be used. Until a skill has received enough exp, the skill points can't be used, so they're useless. If we had the ability to put them into stat points (within reason of course), it would make the game a little more strategic in how you plan and play your character. Do you put all your skill points into skills, or do you put them into stats? Or do you choose an equal mix?Regardless of which system is used, limitations would have to be introduced to prevent it from becoming game breaking. For example limiting a maximum increase of 10 points to each stat. Additionally, for the sake of balance, an increase in one stat point could result in the decrease in another. For example, if you were to primarily use melee weapons (STR), then your STR stats would increase at level up, but at the same time, your DEX skill would decrease, and vice-versa, using DEX skills would decrease STR (after all, a strong oaf is not going to be a nimble ninja!) This is all assuming there's a limit, of course (the last thing anyone would want is a STR stat of 1 - you wouldn't even be able to wear clothes!) For personalisation, and unique character building, all of this would add another dimension to the game - nobody can be perfect in everything - which realistically reflects real life standards. If you try to be perfect in everything, then you're going to be mediocre, at best. EDIT: Each stat would provide a bonus to the player in the form of practical or skill based benefit. I thought long and hard about this earlier, but I'm too tired to type it all out now. So maybe tomorrow instead. Professions At the moment, I believe the only profession worth using is the Construction Worker. The ability to withstand cuts and scratches is better than everything else offered by the other professions, and the Thick Skinned perk in combination with resilient trait will make a player virtually immune to disease, injury and zombification. The other professions don't have anything even remotely comparable to this. Also, each profession should have a negative trait to coincide with their positive traits - even a professional will have their own drawbacks and internal demons! At the moment, I believe the biggest problems with the professions is their ability to become a master in any skill, and I don't believe that is right. I've created a list of the professions, along with abilities/traits/skills, which I believe most closely reflect real word professionals, as well as trying to balance them with negative traits. Even if the class has Positive Traits or Negative Traits, they don't get a bonus nor penalty to trait selections, and as a result, will not have points to spend nor balance. Professional Skills = Blue http://pzwiki.net/wiki/Occupation Positive Traits = Green (Underlined) (Currently implemented) http://pzwiki.net/wiki/Traits Negative (General) = Orange (Requires implementing) Negative Traits = Red (Underlined) (Currently Implemented) http://pzwiki.net/wiki/Traits Conditional = Turqoise (Underlined) (Requires implementing) Unemployed Has a bonus 8 points to spend on traitsReceives a -50% penalty to experience gain. Can become a master in all skills.A bum in the ultimate sense of the word. Has no formal talent or skill, and yet, skillwise, the unemployed is without equal. While they are slow to grasp new skills and abilities, the unemployed can easily become the most skilled of all professions. Although, it will take a lot longer to get there. Fire Officer Axe Man Hot Temperature Resistance. (Isn't affected by hot temperatures due to training and experience. Can effectively wear winter clothing in summer and only experience mild discomfort,)Naturally Brave (They run into fire, what more can i say?)Has Keen Hearing (Naturally more aware of their surroundings, important in a fire as visiblitiy is low, so they must rely on hearing.)Becomes t ired 25% faster and therefore requires sleep more often (Reflection of their on-call style work, and their need to get sleep whenever they can)Is Short Sighted.Cannot select Eagle Eyed or Coward or Hard of Hearing traits.Is only 1 of 2 profession that can become master in Bladed Weapons.(5/5)Can only achieve max. intermediate level in Blunt, Aiming, Reloading, Construction and Farming.(2/5)While the Fire Officer is great with an axe, they have tremendous amounts of courage, and are aware of their surroundings. They simply don't have the time to commit to building and farming projects. Likewise, they are required by their profession to be skilled with the axe, that they never bother training with firearms, and their training has made them highly resistant to hot temperatures. The demands of work are physically very taxing, and as a result, the Fire Officer requires more sleep than the average individual. Police Officer MarksmanEagle Eyed. (After all, a police officer is trained to be observant).Resilient (They deal with all kinds of scum and junkies on a daily basis).Highly prone to depressionHas a Hearty Appetite.Is a Hypohondriac. (With all the exposure they have to scum, it's no wonder they're so paranoid.)Cannot select Light Eater or Short Sighted or Prone to Illness traits.Can only achieve max. intermediate level in Blunt, Blade, Cooking, and Sneaking.(2/5)Is only 1 of 2 professions that can become Master in Aiming and Reloading.(5/5)The Police Officer is a fantastic marksman. Trained to observe and apprehend targets, they are perfectly suited to dealing with human disputes, albeit they are highly prone to depression due to the events they experience on the job. This depression translates into an unhealthy eating disorder, whereby the Police Officer enjoys everything in excess, from Donuts to Sunflower Seeds. Food is an escape for the average Police Officer. Due to their training, and demanding work hours, the Police Officer is not skilled in the art of silent approach, nor the culinary arts, nor in melee weapony skills. They are, however, only one of two professions capable of achieveing Mastery in Aiming and Reloading. Due to training and experience, the Police Officer is perfectly suited to a front line combat role. Park Ranger Outdoorsman (Can wear summer clothing in winter and only experience mild discomfort. Not affected by rain.)Expert Foresters (all saplings planted and maintaned by Foresters grow 50% faster. Can forage for food and water in trees/forests. This skill also improves Hunting/Trapping skills within the local area for everybody.)Naturally Strong (to reflect the fact they have to carry lots of supplies while hiking through the woods)Naturally Claustrophobic.Cannot select Agoraphobic or Brave or Weak or Feeble traits. Can only achieve max. intermediate level in ALL combat skills, farming, and Construction. (2/5) (A Park Ranger knows how to live off the land, not how to fight, farm and build.)The Park Ranger is the custodian of the wild. Trained to handle the harsh environments and live of the lands, they are the ultimate survivalist. They understand the lay of the land, as well as the fundamental requirements for flora and fauna to coexist in harmony. While they are trained to survive in the wild, they lack the skills to succeed in combat. Additionally, what can be achieved in the wild is vastly different to modern day suburban living. As a result, the Park Ranger severely lacks the skills and abilities in combat, farming, and construction, as their knowledge only reaches as far as the edge of the forest. While the Park Ranger is perfectly suited for survival, he struggles with living inside buildings and small rooms. Construction Worker Thick SkinnedBuilding time/repairs reduced by 40%Start off as advanced carpenter (3/5 Carpentry).Construction Worker is addicted to alcohol and TobaccoIs a Light Drinker. (I've never known a person working in a trade that wasn't some sort of substance abuser and didn't come to work drunk or with a hang over).Is Short TemperedConstruction Worker is more Prone to Illness, due to beng a drunkard.Cannot select Hardened Drinker or Resilient or Patient traitsIs only 1 of 2 professions that can become master in Blunt Weapons.Can only achieve max. beginner level in Blade, Aiming, Reloading, and Lightfooted. (1/5)A violent drunkard and a fool! Despite this, the Construction Worker is second to none when it comes to hammer in hand, with all construction work being done in only a fraction of the time it would take an ordinary citizen to complete. Due to the rigorous demands of the building industry, the Construction Worker has developed a physically Thick Skin. While the Construction Worker is a drunken idiot, he's not without his merits. In his intrawork conflicts, he has developed mastery with blunt weapons that other professions can only dream of. Being a drunkard, he's a heavy footed Security Guard Night OwlNaturally Lucky.Is a Light EaterIs Overweight. (Seriously, have you ever seen an in-shape security guard? I haven't. Ever!)Is stupidly Clumsy.Cannot select Athletic or Graceful or Unlucky or Hearty Appetite traitsCan only achieve Expert in ALL weapon skills. (4/5)Can only achieve max. advanced level in Carpentry, Cooking, Farming, and Fishing. (3/5)A lazy overweight security guard whom spends most of his time sleeping on the job. Who needs to go on patrol, when it's so quiet around here? I think I'll just sleep a little longer... The Security Guard is the lucky individual that gets to sleep on the job. When they get called out, there's nothing there.No delinquents. No break-ins. No problems. The Security Guard gets to go back to their comfy chair and rest. They spend so much time sleeping on the job, that they require less sleep on their time off. In fact, for them, the job is almost a chance to catch up on last sleep. And they're lucky, too, considering how clumsy they are. Perhaps the only reason they've never come across a crime is because the criminal heard the Security Guard's clumsy feet long before the Security Guard appeaerd. For the security, this peace and quiet works well! It allows him to catch up on reading Books, Magazines and DIY manuals, giving him a rounded (no pun intended) education. All the profession have been balanced in a way that makes them both strong and weak in certain areas. Additionally, they have greater multiplayer value, as working in a balanced group allows for the best chance of survival. For example In a group of 4 people that play multiplayer together, a groupe consisting of Park Ranger, Construction Worker, Security Guard and either Police, Fire, or Unemployed for the last spot, would provide an extremely well balanced group. Park Ranger can provide the timber and environment for improved trapping, the (drunk) Construction Worker can handle all the building/repairs, Security Guard can provide crowd control (killing zombies) and snagging rarer loots from their corpses, and the remaining player can fill the gap any of the remaining 3 characters create. Park Ranger (continued) The park ranger is an expert forester, which means the park ranger has the added ability to maintain saplings planted by them (park ranger cannot maintain saplings planted by other professions). This maintenance work would be very simple stuff that isn't actually detailed in the game, but simply revolves around current occupational requirements such as: removing debris, cutting down rotten/diseased plants, removing pests, etc. Basically, a Park Ranger allows a plantation of trees to grow faster and more succesfully than what would happen for the other professions. In addition, this maintenance work provides a better environment for wildlife, and improves the hunting/trapping success rate within the area. They also have the ability to forage for food/water amongst trees. The forage ability would have a random success rate, and a time based refresh rate, eg. a park ranger can't fail multiple times in one spot until finally getting lucky, they have to keep trying new spots. When they succeed, they don't actually get food food in their inventory, but rather, their hunger/thirst level decreases. The Forage success % would need to be deteremined by the devs in order to be balanced. Ability to replant saplings after chopping down trees (Forestry) It gets to a point in this game where you have to run to the other side of the map for more logs. This is, for lack of a better word, a pain in the arse. What would be great is the ability to replant trees we've chopped down in a way that is similair to Minecraft. After chopping down a tree, there's a chance a sapling will drop, which we can replant. Conservation is something that has been around for a long time, with many ancient civilizations realising the importance of sustainability. This would allow for more sustainable gameplay with respect to building/cooking/maintenance/repair. (There would also be an ability for which the Park Ranger receives a massive bonus towards this feature - explained above). Skills affect quality of work I believe the skill system needs a bit of a change. If you become a master in carpentry, the quality of what you produce should be dramatically better than when an amateur can produce. For example, a master carpenter should be able to build the same thing as an amateur, but use fewer materials in the process. Or, for instance, the skill progression coul change the requirements for certain things. eg. Beginner = -10% materials, Intermediate = -10% build time, Advanced = -20% materials, Expert = -20% build time, Master = -30% materials. So becoming a master would mean you end up with -20% build time and -30% materials to make an item. Or something along those lines. At the moment, the current skill system doesn't have any significant effect on the products other than how they look. I want to see an improvement in the overall quality of the item, and not just the visual quality. This goes for all the skills. Mastercrafted crates could have a 50% weight reduction bonus. Campfire its could have a +50% burn time. Rain catcher barrels could have increased capacity. I'm only talking about carpentry related items, but it really applies to everything. Book/Magazines/Newspaper turn into Trash when read One way to combat depression/boredom in this game is to read a book/magazine/newspaper, but when you've finished reading, the material disappears. Why? Why would it suddenly disappear? Just because you've read it doesn't mean it should disappear, right? I feel these reading materials should turn into trash, which can then be used as an ignition source to start camp fires/ovens. I've been camping many, many times in my life, and we commonly used old magzines and newspapers as firestarters (long after any of us had read them). Sledgehammers should destroy ALL wooden walls This was one of the most exciting features I had read about this game! Think about it: you're being chased by zombies, you've been chased into a room with no doors or windows. There's no way out. You have to fight your way out. At least that is until you find a sledgehammer in the room, and you use it to bust down the wall and make your grand escape! Sadly, this isn't the case. I was immensely disappointed by this. This game made me excited at the prospect of being able to knock out a wall or two of a house, to escape, or possibly even add an extension to it. But I can't even destroy fences or crates, which sucks in a really big way. In reality, if we can't use a sledgehammer to do what is claimed, then the information regarding demolition should be changed to "You can only destroy doors, windows, and what you have built yourself (except floors for some strange reason)". Cut through chain link fences and barbwire fences This is similair to the sledge hammers in that I think we should be able to cut through chain link fences and barbwire fences using a pair of sidecutters/pliers. Additionally, the barbwire fence could be cut and collected and reused in our own constructions. Ovens (wood/coal/charcoal/oil/gas/electric) and chimneys A camp fire is good and all, but it would be great to be able to build our own oven based on available materials and supplies. We could use mud and grass, bricks and mortar, or even salvaged iron and steel to make a simple wood fired oven, which could be used for an increased variety of recipes (pizza) as well as heating a house. Additionally, a chimney would need to be built to accomodate the oven. Anyone who builds a fire indoors without proper ventilation is a fool asking for death! So a chimney makes sense. It would also provide better, longer lasting heat for the house, including top floors. All at the expense of a light source, of course. Alcohol Still The still could be used to create alcohol from farmed fruit/vegetables. Different types of fruit/veg could be used to make different types of alcohol, and the different types could be used for different things. For example some types of alcohol could be used for First Aid (disinfection), some could be used for boredom, others could be used in Ovens and Lamps (next suggestion), some could be used in cooking, and others could be used for combat/malicious reasons. Oil Lamps Put simply, these are lamps that burn oil. The oil can be found throughout the map, or created via an Alcohol Still using the proper ingredients. The lamps could be suspended on a pole (for static area lighting), or they could carried in hand. This would be a sustainable alternative to the current Flashlight/battery and Campfire setup. A simple Oil Lamp could be made from Soda Can, Oil, and some tissue/rag/sheet/bandage/whatever. Video to see some samples: Starting fires We should be able to set things on fire with matches/lighter and a suitable fuel source. If I'm being chased by a horde of zombies and the only thing I have is a bottle of spirits and lighter, I should be able to lead them into a forest or a house, and then set it on fire. I want to burn a house down wihout having to shove a dead rat in the oven! My inner pyromaniac burns with disappointment! Fire should destroy grass/trees Self explanatory. Being tired should make you pass out or even die! Self explanatory. My character hasn't slept in over 4 weeks. It's game breaking. Needs to be fixed. Beds We should be able to build beds. This would coincide with a proper sleeping system (similair to Robomat's sleeping overhaul). Comfort level of where you sleep affects your the healing/recovery/recuperation process. Cutting grass Been mentioned already by others, but cutting grass is essential in my opinion. We could use it as kindling, compost, bedding, animal feed, food (yum!), or whatever. And being grass, it could grow back quite quickly Irrigation and/or drip system Based on the Drip Irrigation mod by Kyun (http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/4763-drip-irrigation-farming-rain-collector-barrel/), in my opinion, this is another essential feature. We should be able to automate the farming process ( to a certain degree) based on a combination of farming, carpentry, intelligence and wisdom. Carry weight and Bags I don't know what the carry weight is based on, kilograms or pounds, but if it's pounds, then these characters are stupidly weak and deserve to be eaten by zombies. Even if it's kilograms, it's still ridiculous. As an ex-electrician, I used to wear a toolbelt with 10kg of tools hanging from it, as well as carrying a portable toolbox full of tools weighing over 20kg, as well additional materials (up to a further 20kgs). At the time I was not a big guy, nor was I ridiculously strong (I only weighed 67kg at the time), but for an average person, they should be able to comfortably carry half their body weight in their bags/belts/pockets. The bag system really needs to reflect this. The Australian and British SAS regularly carry a 60kg+ pack in addition to 8-12kg webbing, 4-8 litres of water, and a rifle. Some operations require them to carry over 80kg in weight! While these guys are trained to do this sort of thing, it's not unreasonable to suggest an everyday person, with a properly fitted pack, cannot comfortably carry half their weight. This is something I feel needs to be looked at in the game. I have many, many other ideas, but's now midnight, and I'm tired...
  23. Delete this thread not posting anymore..
  24. Hi there, I am back, after a lot of thinking, I have got some good ideas to implement in the game: - A trait "steel stomach" so a person has better stomach and even eating food in bad conditions can't make you sick easily as usual. - A trait "fragile stomach" so a person can not eat everything easily, even food in good condition will have a small opportunity to make you feel sick, of course you don't get the disease for this, but you will feel bad. - There should be an ability that increases your carry capacity and strength by training or doing excercise, this way the more excersice you do, the more strength. - Some way to inform the player he has leveled up please! - Able to run and look behind you. - Some kind of truck would be a good idea, a small truck to transport lots of materials, slowly of course, but you don't break your bones or hurt yourself.
  25. First of.. Hi =) I would really like to see some ways to armor yourself against the undead. Perhaps a more indepth clothing system. Where you can make "armor" from things in your surrounding. For example: A magazine turned around your wrist would prevent bittings/scratchings there. (World War Z) I also thought about degrigation on the things you wear and the factors played from that. Like if you have dirty clothes, your unhappyness will fall. Just an example. I really aint that guy that are focused on grapichs, tho I would really like to see some form of upgrade in the inventory system and your character screen. As if you get scratched on your leg, the pants on that part will rip and you would have to patch it up or find new pants. I feel there is alot of things that could come out from this so if someone is interested in disscusing things, I would much so join! this is my first post in this forum so, pipe down the hate Great game btw! Alooooooot of potential. /Torne
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