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Found 5 results

  1. Version: [42.000] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Arrived at house with coordinates x:1760 y:11216 z:0 (attached in screenshot). 2. [not sure if provoked by this or if the rabbit was in the fridge before] Butchered a rabbit hunted (found on the road) in the kitchen and stored in the fridge 3. In the fridge there's a full rabbit that if you butcher it, you receive meat+head but it stands still there, allowing you to perform this actions as many times as you want. On the second picture (Zomboid 2) you can see that I butchered the same rabbit 3 times (3 heads + 3 meats)
  2. Version? 41.68 • Singleplayer/Multiplayer? Multi • Host or dedicated? Hosted • Mods? No • Reproduction steps: Connect two popsicle fridges and a couple of lights. See attached image. Generator total fuel consumption is way higher than the sum of the listed appliances. Have been monitoring over more than one in-game week and the generator actually consumes the higher total amount. I tried uploading a screenshot or inserting from URL but the indie stone forums hang and then after a while return an error so I uploaded the screenshot of the consumption here: https://phishtank.de/~evilphish/generator.png
  3. Dispensers machine that serve drinks traditionally serve them cold. Following that logic they should function as a refrigerator (without freeze comparment in build 34)
  4. So I love the new cooking system and I really like how it can keep your spirits up. There's a bit of a problem though; When the power goes out most of the cooking becomes unavailable because meats go off too quickly and building a campfire is far too dangerous (one slip of the keyboard and you're on fire) To fix this you can always sandbox and make sure the power never goes off but that kind of ruins the immersion. I'm proposing simple craftable items. 1) Wood fueled BBQ/Oven. Use concrete or metal parts and the carpentry skill to create a BBQ that functions using wood as fuel but doesn't set the surroundings on fire. OR apply something to an existing oven that turns it into a wood burning oven that can make you sick when near it (smoke everywhere) 2) Insulated pits or rooms that make items cold. Dig a hole and insulate with clothes and then make airtight with garbage bags/ duct tape and then craft a thick wooden lid to keep it deeper underground. This would work as a shoddy fridge. Basically keep food insulated and away from light and you increase it's life expectancy (air tight is always good too) Has this been suggested before?
  5. Can anyone help me, I'm trying to change the max storage capacity of the various static containers in the world and I can't seem to find where they are in the game files... can someone point me in the right direction.
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