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Found 3 results

  1. If path to mod contains national (no-ascii) characters, then in linux-version this mod is not visible in mod-list, and occurs error like this: WARN : Mod, 1599768637312> ChooseGameInfo.readModInfo> can't find "/home/narrnika/.steam/steam/steamapps/workshop/content/108600/1411032745/mods/Hydrocraft - Traduction Fran??aise/mod.info" LOG : General, 1599768637312> ------------------------------------------------------------- attempted index: getId of non-table: null LOG : General, 1599768637313> ----------------------------------------- STACK TRACE ----------------------------------------- function: populateListBox -- file: ModSelector.lua line # 525 function: onMenuItemMouseDownMainMenu -- file: MainScreen.lua line # 1538 ERROR: General, 1599768637313> ExceptionLogger.logException> Exception thrown java.lang.RuntimeException: attempted index: getId of non-table: null at KahluaThread.tableget line:1690. ERROR: General, 1599768637313> DebugLogStream.printException> Stack trace: java.lang.RuntimeException: attempted index: getId of non-table: null at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.tableget(KahluaThread.java:1690) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.luaMainloop(KahluaThread.java:642) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.call(KahluaThread.java:163) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcall(KahluaThread.java:1981) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcall(KahluaThread.java:1783) at se.krka.kahlua.integration.LuaCaller.pcall(LuaCaller.java:76) at zombie.ui.UIElement.onMouseDown(UIElement.java:993) at zombie.ui.UIElement.onMouseDown(UIElement.java:953) at zombie.ui.UIElement.onMouseDown(UIElement.java:953) at zombie.ui.UIManager.update(UIManager.java:713) at zombie.GameWindow.logic(GameWindow.java:234) at zombie.core.profiling.AbstractPerformanceProfileProbe.invokeAndMeasure(AbstractPerformanceProfileProbe.java:71) at zombie.GameWindow.frameStep(GameWindow.java:708) at zombie.GameWindow.run_ez(GameWindow.java:626) at zombie.GameWindow.mainThread(GameWindow.java:453) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) (actually it is the directory "Hydrocraft - Traduction Française") In Steam Workshop are several of these mods and they seem to work without issue in windows. This is not critical, but, IMHO, it is better to do equally - or such paths are acceptable everywhere, or nowhere.
  2. When using functions getFileReader, getFileWriter, getModFileReader, getModFileWriter in lua, national (no-ascii) characters are lost (more precisely, they turn into question marks when writing and into an unprintable character when reading). In the original game (without mods) this is manifested when saving/loading character settings or sandbox settings: Try to read a corrected file: It is not very critical in this particular place, but sometimes creates problems in mods (both when writing and when using). In this regard, the suggestion: if the files are badly read from lua, then read them in java, and transfer a table of strings to lua. And vice versa - transfer to functions a table with strings, which will be written to the file in Java. That is, add something like this: // in addition to getFileReader() @LuaMethod(name = "ReadFileToTable", global = true) public static KahluaTable ReadFileToTable(String param1String, boolean param1Boolean) { ... } // in addition to getModFileReader() @LuaMethod(name = "ReadModFileToTable", global = true) public static KahluaTable ReadModFileToTable(String param1String1, String param1String2, boolean param1Boolean) { ... } // in addition to getFileWriter() @LuaMethod(name = "WriteTableToFile", global = true) public static void WriteTableToFile(KahluaTable param1KahluaTable, String param1String, boolean param1Boolean1, boolean param1Boolean2) { ... } // in addition to getModFileWriter() @LuaMethod(name = "WriteTableToModFile", global = true) public static void WriteTableToModFile(KahluaTable param1KahluaTable, String param1String1, String param1String2, boolean param1Boolean1, boolean param1Boolean2) { ... }
  3. Good afternoon. I attempted to search through the Vanilla rendition of PZ's files to find the script that represents the White Microwave, to no avail. Much to my chagrin, it does not exist in the SCRIPTS file and is only referenced in the Translation file. The Microwave sound effect is there, but for the likes of me, I can't see where the Microwave itself is located. The reason I want to know the answer to this is because the "Hydro Craft" Mod has several items that can spawn in cabinets that are exact, but non-functioning, duplicates of placable Furniture. For example, you can find a microwave (HCMicrowave), a mini-fridge (HCMinifridge), and a washing machine (HCWashingmachine). All three of those items have equivalents in the Vanilla rendition. None of the HC versions really do anything outside of being disassembled. I know that it is completely possible to disassemble a placable Furniture piece (e.g. a television or radio), but what about the opposite? What I want to write is a Crafting Recipe that takes the non-functioning HC versions of furniture and converts them to the Vanilla rendition furniture. With this ability in place, likewise, I also want to create a Recipe for the opposite, so that the special parts HC adds to those things can be gathered more fairly. I know or a fact that Vanilla rendition Furniture has a reference as an Item, because you can pick them up and interact with them. Where are the files for the Vanilla rendition, placeable Furniture located? What can I do with them, and how? Thank you. -TURTLESHROOM
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