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  1. Chickens are omnivores, so I think it would be interesting if they preying on small animals like mice, which would give it a realistic touch. If you released a mouse into the chickens' pen, it would relieve stress and improve the chickens' well-being, as well as providing them with food. You could also feed them earthworms.
  2. Attached is a file containing the fix. Put simply, someone forgot a couple not's that resulted in isSowMonth and other nearby functions to prematurely return. This results in all crops planted being cursed, with my fix, crops are cursed as intended, a 50% chance when in a risky month, and 100% chance when out of season entirely. I also fixed a couple nearby functions that had similar problems, hopefully that fixes other bugs. SPlantGlobalObject.lua
  3. Version: 42.0.01 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: None Save: Old Save (Pre Patch) Reproduction steps: 1. Plant a few crops of (anything) in the correct season 2. Wait for it to grow, keep crops watered and (supposedly) healthy 3. Leave chunk several times while the plants grow 4. Return and try to use the "Info" function on a plant Roughly 7 out of 10 plants will die without any reason or sickness shown and when they die the tooltip that's shown when using the "Info" function will just flash up quickly and disappear immediately without giving you time to read (Or information on why the crop died.) Very frustrating, especially cause I planted so much and so little survived.
  4. Project Zomboid - 2024-12-18 8-53-59 PM.mp4
  5. With build 42 adding critters and pests I was thinking of having raised garden beds be a thing. Uses for it could be a way to help prevent diseases and pests from getting to your plants, keep fertilizer in the soil, and in my opinion look better than having dirt on the floor in someplace like a roof. Tubs could be moved outside and filled with dirt to be used before you can make garden beds. Wood beds could decay over time giving another use to metalworking by making better garden beds. I hope The Indie Stone sees this idea and adds it into the game. Sincerely, someone who has not made it to winter yet bad editing job with the picture but you can get the idea
  6. Hello survivors, I uploaded to Steam's workshop a mod that might interest modders and players that like farming. With existing mods like Farmoid and Hydrocraft out there there wasn't much of a point in making my own with a few new crop types, since farming mods are not compatible in their current forms. So that's the issue I decided to solve and now is in its first working version. The mod makes changes to basicFarming.lua and farming_vegetableconf.lua so that all mods using these modified files will work together, as well as allowing for some extra customization. Here are the current features: -New crop types in the "Sow Seed" menu without the need to replace ISFarmingMenu.lua. -New crop types without the need to change farming_vegetableconf.lua. -Uses specific grow functions for each crop type, without the need to reference them directly in basicFarming.lua. -Allows custom growing stage descriptions (seedling, young, ready for harvest, and so on) for each stage, Check corn for examples. -Allows custom plants to remain in a spot when harvested just like strawberries. They revert to the growing stage number defined in "retainOnHarvest" for that crop type. And some ideas for future versions, in case people feel they are worth adding: -Customizable resistance or weakness to diseases for each crop type. -Plant types that don't use seeds with their separate "sow" menu. Known bug: Plant types using custom icons have instead a white square in the plant info window. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. I hope to get some feedback and that farming mods change to to this system so we can finally decide to play with them together, and make new smaller farming mods interesting to have. Beyond that new system the mod adds beets, cauliflowers and corn as new crop types. Insecticide and mildew spray cans that can be found in crates and counters.
  7. It isn't a very complex idea neither one that would change the game much but as farming is the main theme of build 42 it would be rather nice and would make players take more care of they're plants. Most or all vegetables & fruits would have different sizes between them. Bigger ones having better stats (more cal etc) and smaller ones less. The more you water your plant / add fertilizer / or have a higher farming level would increase the chance of getting for example a potato with better stats or even gather little bit more potatoes. Wouldn't really be needed to make new sprites could just do a name change between them "(small) tomato" , "(big) tomato" and change stats between them
  8. On green square u can take some dirt, on red its arleady taken like on furrowed ground but still trees are growing everywhere. Add implementation to stop stuff growing on furrowed ground or ground with dirt taken out.
  9. I wanted to make this suggestion as a way to tie down a few previous suggestion I sent recently a bit more in depth. The Sewing Machine and Pillows with a small detail for the Smoking Overhaul. 1- Plantable Cotton Simply put, a new seed in the game that when harvested would give a few units of "Raw Cotton" per plant when harvest. 2- Cotton gin You'd need to find or make a device called "Cotton gin" that is needed for the "ginning" process to separate the fibers from the seed. To craft, this device would be made of wood planks with a few screws, a saw, a screwdriver and one pipe. You would need a some levels in carpentry and a few in mechanics as well to make the moving parts. It should also be found in the world and picked up like any furniture, learn the building recipe through disassembling or learn how to build through a new magazine "The history of clothing". (After going through the ginning process you'd receive 1 unit of "cotton seeds" and 1 unit of "cotton balls" per "raw cotton". ) 3- Spinning or Rolling. By right clicking "cotton balls" in your inventory, you'd have the option to "spin into yarn", which is the act of converting the cotton balls into "Yarn" (an item already present in the game as a miscellaneous, possibly renamed to "cotton yarn") or into thinner "thread". You'd need a pencil, pen, screwdriver or any such small and thin tool in order to do that. There could also be a "yarn spinning wheel" as a possible buildable that would make it take a 1/10 of the time needed to spin it by hand. It would need only a considerably small level of carpentry and mechanics, planks + "woodglue, nails or [screws + screwdriver]" + saw + file If you have a pair of scissors in your inventory or in the vicinity, by right clicking the cotton balls you'd also get the choice to "roll and cut into filters" to produce cigarette filters. 4- Weaving or knitting If using "Knitting Needles", another item already present in the game, with either the "Yarn" or the "Thread" and you could directly craft "Knitted" clothing pieces from the crafting menu or craft "Cotton Fabric" slowly. It would require 4 or 5 levels in Tailoring. It would have a low probability of producing "High-quality Cotton Fabric" that grows with your tailoring level to 50% with level 10. Another option would be to build a "Weaver" machine, that would require either to find it in the world (somewhat rare) or build with a high carpentry level and needing the building recipe for it to be available to build. (Also learnable through a new magazine "The history of clothing.") Similar to the previous, to craft it it would be mostly out of "wood planks" with a few "screws", some pieces of cut "metal pipe" needing a "saw", a "hammer" and a "screwdriver" as tools. Also needing carpentry and mechanics levels, just in higher values than the others. By weaving you'd produce fabric EXTREMELY faster and also a higher probability of making "high-quality cotton fabric" reaching 100% with level 10. The act of weaving with the machine would require a lot less knowledge level in tailoring than "Knitting" with only 2 or 3 levels of tailoring. 5- Sewing ("Cotton fabric" or "High-quality cotton fabric") + (sewing machine or needle) + (thread or yarn) = Clothes, Sheets, Bandages, Towels, etc Learn recipes through new magazines that unlock making clothes from the fabric. Some clothes could use exclusively high-quality fabric. ("Cotton fabric" or "High-quality cotton fabric") + Cotton balls + (sewing machine or needle) + (thread or yarn) = (High-quality) Pillow Increased effect if used the High-Quality version to sleep, as mentioned in the "Pillows" suggestion. "High-quality cotton fabric" + Cotton balls + (sewing machine or needle) + (thread or yarn) + wire + metal pipe + pliers = "High-quality mattress" (keeps the pipe. Needed only to make the wire spring for the mattress) [Suggested item needed to make any "good" quality bed and high in value for trade.] All of these could be tradeable goods with NPCs of bases you visit or merchants who visit your base (if there are any, which should). High quality goods would be 1.5x more valuable than common quality goods. This together with what I suggested in the Sewing Machine post would make the Tailoring skill be a lot more valuable and be another option for producing goods for sale if there is trade with the NPCs through farming and processing the cotton alone, which would be a self sufficient process. Extra: Similarly to my "Pillows" suggestion mentioned previously, sleeping with sheets in your inventory should make your character sleep better when the weather is cold. Extra 2: More options with these same tools and process would be opened with the animals update if sheep and goats are some of the animals added to the game, both giving "wool". The only difference being it would produce "wool yarn" and "wool fabric" to make wool clothes with high insulation and more valuable for trade near or during the winter. Extra 3: It would also produce the "cotton balls" needed for making medicine and the bandages. Add in a process to make alcohol and a few medicinal plants you can farm + a process to make suture needles from the common needle, to make common needle out of wire, tweezer, suture needle holders and other pharmaceutical medicines and this all adds together to be not only part of a grid of mechanics that supplies the clothes, but a considerable dynamic with the process to produce medicine late game as well, which would also be a very valuable good to trade and very needed for the NPCs (specially if they get hurt randomly within the base and need a doctor). Return to GG's Annotated Map
  10. As far as I know, the current game still allows you to farm during winter time (even if it snows). The farming is a bit slower then and I think you harvest a bit less but in principal, the current system allows you to survive for infinite time without leaving your safe house area. You just need to constantly plant a lot of stuff around your safe house. My suggestion: Farming during winter shouldn't be possible anymore. This could spice up the late game a little bit since surviving winter might become more difficult if it comes to food supply. Moreover, such a change seems quite realist to me. By a quick web search, I found some sources which state that the main farming season in Kentucky is between May and October. (Not sure if those sources are reliable though. Probably needs some more serious research.) To compensate for the more difficult farming, I suggest to change the system for food preservation a bit. For example, food preservation by canning and cooking could only require a jar, a jar lid, some water and a cooking pot with water (that would also be close to the real life canning and cooking process). After a jar with food has been consumed, you will receive an empty jar and lid which can be used again. The durability of preserved food could also last a bit longer to give players a fair chance to survive winter with food they preserved.
  11. While i was talking with friends about plant deseases & translations about them, to not give wrong infos about translations and all, i went on google to read some docs about these crop deseases. So i learnt that you can apparently make seeds immune to some of those common IRL deseases (including the two we got in PZ atm). I'd like to suggest the following mecanism to the game. Recipe : - grab some seeds (any type of) - fill a cooking pot with 9/10 water & 1/10 bleach - boil water in another cooking pot - put the seeds in the water/bleach pot for a few moment, seeds becoming "poisonous" due to the bleach but also gaining resistance to deseases - put the poisonous seeds into the boiling water for a longer time to remove all the poisonous effect - here are your seeds which cannot get infected by any deseases (or, for balance purpose, a really strong resistance to deseases like 80/90% chance of not getting sick) It could be any other water container but cooking pot is my fav & large, so i've choosen it ahah If you know some french (or wanna use translation anyways) here is a link providing informations i've said : https://www.canna.ca/fr-ca/fungi_le_royaume_des_champignons (you can find the "bleach" part down below in "Quelques conseils pour lutter contre la fonte des semis", first part below this subtitle). Thought it'd be pretty realistic since it apparently exists IRL and we got all the ressources needed to make it come into PZ, so here is my suggestion ! Thanks for reading ! Have a great day, take care and Happy Gaming *Edit : for balance purpose, this could be achieved at a medium/high Farming skill level only, obviously, i didn't knew it was possible 1hr ago, so it's fair to say not many people know it, then medium/high lvl skill required !
  12. Hi, will farming be fixed so that in winter, in frosty weather, it is impossible to grow plants? Well, or upgrade farming, and add greenhouses in which it will be possible to grow all year round? And greenhouses can also be heated in winter, another reason to use a generator. sorry, google translate
  13. I usually use smoking character. There for it's logical that a character could light a cigarette from camp fire right? Farming for medical, spice or tabacco plants in higher levels of farming could be an interesting option. Noise maker is totally useless even though it requires 3 Electrical skill to build. I suggest to add a battery or couple of batteries in to the recipe and make it more powerful (extended range, extended period of sound generation). Otherwise it just more practical to use simple alarm clock instead... Electrical skill could be improved by adding relays and building basic automation.
  14. Hey i dont know if someone else already had the same Bug but i noticed that potatoes grow from seedling to full grown with seeds in less than 2 Minutes rather than growing in the stated days they should...also they dont give points to your farming skill when you harvest them...and if you dont Walter them immediately in one Minute they are completly dried out and are dead. Carrots on the other Hand are growing normally so far...i cant say anything about other crops because i only found potatoes and carrots because seeds are really f***ing rare in my games.... But i have to say that i dont know if its on the games side or if the Problem is that i Play with the new Hydrocraft build that is also in beta
  15. Brex


    To me, it makes no sense how you are somehow able to just pour a bunch of dirt on a concrete roof and suddenly bam, you've got yourself some crops. I think a more logical step would be implementing planter boxes, like raised garden beds so you can grow crops on roofs or on concrete/non-soil surfaces. Plots, planters, boxes...anything like that would be more immersive and make more sense.
  16. I downloaded it from the workshop, got lucky and found some seeds for corn and cauliflower but when I tried to use them the corn grew way faster than normal, like one stage each hour passed. Does anyone had a similar situation happening when using this mod? If so, how did you managed to fix the mod to use the normal time required for crops to grow?
  17. First of all - yes I'm back, albeit briefly. Hello there. Second - to the actual suggestion. So I've seen numerous attempts by the developers in the past to create a need to remove zombie corpses, to make them dangerous to be around in, but anything that was introduced might have been a bit too much in terms of player satisfaction of the game - just slowly dying with fly noises all over you doesn't sound like the most fun or engaging way to die. People took ages to figure out that using generators indoors will kill them - and that's with amount of warnings that generators have every time you try to use them. So I thought of a better, a bit more interesting (in my opinion) ways that dead zombie bodies might influence the game. 1) Dead zombie corpses in the game cell increase the chance of the crops spoiling. This one is a bit self-explanatory. The more dead zombies you have in the area, the more chance you have of not eating fresh cabbages every few months. Given how Farming has been a staple to "long-term survival", making you go out and have to clear dead zombies from your yard could be a hurdle that will directly impact your survival chances, without players going "Why did my character suddenly drop dead again?" 2) Infected crops. Infected crops will grow if you don't tend to your garden and let a dead zombie decay nearby. For gameplay purposes they should have a clear distinction from just "spoiled" food - those might have worms crawling over it, or something to indicate that those crops are more dangerous and will cause more than just "pain in a tummy". Eating those will more than likely get you infected same as a zombie bite would. Using those infected crops for compost will probably be as dangerous for your garden as dead zombies. Those are a few ways I thought dead zombies should impact your survival chances, without being too intrusive or annoying to the clueless players.
  18. Yesterday after taking a better look at Farming I started thinking it would be nice to have more options as far as landscaping goes. Somone as OCD as myself would really appriciate the option to beautify your makeshift home and shelter from the undead. Patches of flowers, rose bushes, herbs, grass, etc.
  19. Suggestion: Check endurance to let it dig or not when endurancemoodlelevel > 3. I check the way to found worms in that action it's too easy. IsPlowAction.lua Reducing endurance when dig the floor Maybe add sandboxvars.natureabundance in the code to control ZombRand() chances to find them. With that system i think players can't farm worms too easy.
  20. Disclaimer: I will try not to cover topics done to death(wheat->flour, irrigation, animals but i would love to see chickens asap due them not needing a smart ai) I would like to see farming move to a more stardew valley style(crop growth length is about the same), and by that I mean a trellis that certain crops need to grow effectively requires farming lvl ?? and carpentry lvl ??, crops performing better in one season( i doubt they would kill our crops with change of season due to the otherwise limited nature of seeds and fresh winter food) Requested crops(i know many of these have been asked for already) corn, bell peppers, eggplant, leeks, onions, beans(requires trellis),peas(requires trellis), pineaple, hops (requires trellis), zucchini, water melon, grapes(requires trellis), sunflower(if possible they could follow the sun) coffee, tea ,pickles(now decay), beets and pumpkins(we'd better get these by Halloween, and be able to carve jack-o-lanterns). cotton or flax (for making thread/twine) n.b. you should be able to grow some non-ideal crops in the region but they should have a lower yield (no idea what less ideal crops would be as i don't live anywhere near Kentucky) and rarer seeds(I recommend some sort of gardening store/ plant nursery should show-up somewhere). some plants should be unplantable till you have a high enough farming skill(so newbies don;t get overwhelmed) Trees Apple, banana, avocado, cherry, apricot, lemon,peach, pomegranate, orange. trees would require years to bear fruit and would require maintenance for the first few years and would only bear fruit in the correct season, non would bear fruit in winter. why invest in such a long term solution??? long term multiplayer servers where you can only dream of fruit(besides strawberries) and would make mouse traps usable long after the power goes out(all of the bait is currently non-renewable). also require a decent farming lvl to plant ~4 Bees As no game is complete without them and the associated risks. would require careful acquisition and set up Preserving More foods should be jar'able, maybe with different recipes. eg strawberry jam, apricot jam, marmalade(lemon+orange), and peaches should be jar'able the regular way(i used to do this when i was a kid). banana's and apples could be dried out, and avocado smashed(to appease the millennial's). all of these can be made at home Refining Hops should be brew able into alcohol among other crops, potentially making different types(vodka from potatoes, mead from honey!), or just generic moonshine and vinegar, all alcohols should also now provide carbs as well. beets should be grind able into sugar. to allowed renewable preserving. eggs could be made into mayo(not sure if you can do this at home), milk into cheese or butter(both of which can be made at home, with the right equipment). lastly, if you think i missed wheat, try reading the top of the thread again. and if anyone could point out what would be non-ideal(will still grow) and unviable crops(won;t grow) I'll update the post accordingly
  21. I read a while back that the devs were thinking about adding deer to hunt, not sure what the progress is on that. I was thinking, there's all these farms around Redwood with chicken coops and other animal enclosures, wouldn't these animals still be around? It would add so many levels of gameplay. - zombies could attack the animals initially, chasing them out of their enclosures and also causing more noise and disturbance. This could make for great early-game distractions for those who like more zombies but want a slightly easier start. - the animals would mostly die after a couple of in-game months for lack of food, and they'd get skinnier and provide fewer calories over time. Maybe some could find food and live longer - for example, some could find the corn field near Muldraugh. [This reminds me, why are there so few crop fields like this one? And why do they go rotten so quickly? But that's another suggestion for a Farming overhaul...] - taming should be an option, depending on Farming skill - cows will be easy targets for zombies and many won't survive, but those who make it can live off the land forever. They could be easiest to tame but harder to find, and you won't want to slaughter them unless it's an emergency, so they'll only be good for milk. You could "tame" them just by attaching a rope to them, but you'll them have to lead them all the way back to your base... - chickens could provide meat and eggs but attract zombies in the morning. Breeding would be easier (but eggs are already pretty plentiful). Cereal or popcorn to tame, leave a trail into a wire cage. There'd be fewer chickens in the world initially, but they can't be caught by zombies, just chased away. However they won't last long in the wild (maybe natural predation?) - pigs would be hardest to find, hardest to tame (you'd need fresh apples or something) and would take longer to breed and then rear, but could potentially have a big litter of piglets. - to hunt these and wild animals, you'd have to be either great at sneaking and use a spear, or use a bow and arrow (please add!), but this wouldn't kill them outright. You'd have to track their blood trail, which along with the noise would attract zombies. - also, future potential for using animal skins to make warm clothes. EDIT: oh, also - horses?
  22. Not sure if this is a bug, but normally when you use "Take Dirt" on a tile with something on it, it leaves that something. If you place a bush you've picked up (Ornamental Bush) and then Take Dirt, it removes the bush. However you can Take Dirt first and then place the bush. I'd expect the Take Dirt action to remove grass and wild bushes, but not placed bushes or other placed items.
  23. The small corner hedge piece can only rotate so the inside corner is north or south, not east or west.
  24. Updated for Build 26 (SP & MP). How to install.Single player : as with any mod, put the waterPipe directory inside the mod folder of project zomboid and check "garden hoses" in the in game mod menu. When joining a server, desactivate the mod. Multiplayer (on both server and client computers) : The easiest way to install it is to place the media folder of the mod inside the project zomboid installation directory, saying yes to overwriting 2 files. - overwriting 2 files (rain barrels and takewater action). - I didn't find any other way to activate a mod, I may be missing something. - Obviously, don't activate the mod in game anymore. - To revert back, delete the mod files (or do a steam check integrity) What it does for farming.Plants with a pipe on the same square connected to a barrel will receive 1 water every 2 in game hours. You don't have to check them every day anymore, as long as you have water. Otherwise, refill your barrels. - It’s the same amount the plant lose every 2 in game hours, but not accounting for sunny days ( an additional - 0.1 water every 2 hours ). It may be necessary to check some plants after a lot of sunny days. Which means you HAVE TO water your plants the first time you plow, otherwise they’ll stay at level 0. If you don’t have enough water in your barrels for all plants within a cluster, only some will receive water ( always the same ones, so all may not die ). Plants will receive fertilizer if there are enough for all of them within the cluster ( both water and fertilizer ). - You can take your time pouring the fertilizer without fearing the trigger. - If you have 10 plants and want to fertilize all of them to level 3, add 30 fertilizer doses in total to the barrels of the cluster. They will be fertilized in 3*2 in game hours, unit by unit. During winter (october - january) plants will lose health if they are outdoor. What is does for rain barrel collectors.Barrel water level is averaged with all barrels within a cluster. - You will have the optimal refill when raining at all times. - Don’t connect a 40 unit barrel with a 100 unit one, you will lose all water above 40. Barrels are filled when connected to a piped source (sink and such). It’s a good idea to have one big cluster when water is still on. You can pour in / take water. - Water taken is proportional to item number of uses to fill. Water poured is proportional to item number of uses (with water). - Amounts of water taken/poured back/transferred are coherent among all items. - When taking water, you can interrupt the action, amounts will be coherent. - When pouring, as I didn’t implement it over time, if you interrupt it nothing happens; you have to see it through. You can pour in fertilizer. Please report any bug you encounter, but read the description before. Balance suggestions are welcomed too.Note : When picking pipes up, you need to pick up 10 to get a garden hose back. It's to avoid having plenty of garden hoses with 0.1 uses or less. It's kind of anoying when you need all of them and misplaced one, as you need to pick up 9 more ... will see if I can change that. The download link for build 26, SP & MP. or on PZ-mods. The old download link for build 23 (< build 25). Community update Change log. I hope you enjoy it, and my thanks to Robert Johnson for it's rain collector barrel and farming mod, Kyun.
  25. Project Farmoid version 0.75c is out! Trellis kits now function as a separate farming plot. Once you have a trellis kit and either a shovel or a trowel, you will be able to place them just like you would a farming plot. Once placed, trellis kits can be planted with their own list of seeds. If you remove the plot, you will get the trellis kit back, regardless of whether there are vines growing on it or not. After you have harvested your vines, the plot will revert back to an unplanted trellis plot ready to be reseeded! You must be farming level 2 and have read the magazine Better Shelters and Farms in order to make your own trellis kits. However, if you find a trellis kit in some loot, you can use that right away, regardless of your farming level. This also means you can steal trellises that someone else has already planted. Keep an eye on your gardens! This new system fixes the bug that consumed more than 1 trellis kit when planting vines. Adjusted vegetable yields to balance them out more. Loot distribution has also been adjusted to balance out reusable trellis kits and the increase in farmable crops. Let me know if it seems appropriate for your loot settings. Thank you for using my mod! Keep calm and farm on! -K A video showing the change highlights can be found at: Project Farmoid v0.75c Update Highlights
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