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Found 12 results

  1. Rediscover Zomboid in a new way with interesting and new mods! IP: - Port: 24300 100% PVE 24/7 Optimized & hosted Server Beginner friendly Treasure Hunt events Quality of Life Mods, Popular Weapon and skin mods etc 10 character faces to choose Infection via Saliva only 3X EXP Bonus Ampule Cure Zombies: bad vision at night, 10% Sprinter (25% slower) Skill recovery Journal - Safehouse for everyone (shareable) More Traits and +2 points - New Base Building System Minigames: Computer, Lockpicking Faster Reading New Music and SFX Growing Community Roleplay & Collectibles available http://discord.gg/6gX9nSJaAN for the spice IP: Port: 24300
  2. Hi everyone, I am looking for a server with the following characteristics: Europe Steam (I play from Steam but honestly I don't know if I can connect to non-Steam servers) PvE Vanilla (NO mods at all) Roleplay (optional) Not reset often Even recently started (since some servers started a while ago have the world semi-ravaged and with extremely limited resources for new players) I'd like to find a server that isn't a battle royale but where you can build a community where you can make yourself useful with the available roles (mechanic, doctor, chef, etc.) or even going around looking for resources for the faction you belong to or, perhaps, help other survivors escape a dangerous area via an emergency vehicle. I hope to find the right server. Thanks
  3. Bored of the abundant loot? Too many slow shamblers? Of the cars in good condition? Are you looking for a more challenging environment? Say. No. More. Be prepared to be parachuted into the undead territory and forced to survive. In Final Days loot is so scarce you would be relieved to find a bag of chips! Sprinters come along the shamblers to keep you on your toes, no more peaceful walks in town! Also, good luck finding a car with no missing parts as action takes place 10 years later! Are you up for the challenge? Join our community today, bring your friends, team up, meet new survivors, try to accomplish your mission, and prepare for the way back home! HOW TO CONNECT MAIN FEATURES - Spawn with your friends. - Ridiculously rare loot. - Worse vehicle condition. - Chance of getting caught by sprinters. - Pitch-black nights. - Zombies moves slow at night. - PVP and friendly fire always ON, be careful. - Safehouse after 12 days of survival. - Farming and nature abundance is very poor. - Professions and traits are nerfed. - No password, no whitelist. - Other finely selected settings and mods. - No server wipe until the next big run! Join us on Discord today: https://discord.gg/4KECTFFN7k Check out the full list of mods here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2800516433
  4. Bored of the abundant loot? Too many slow shamblers? Of the cars in good condition? Are you looking for a more challenging environment? Say. No. More. In Final Days loot is so scarce you would be relieved to find a bag of chips! Sprinters come along the shamblers to keep you on your toes, no more peaceful walks in town! Also, good luck finding a car with no missing parts as action takes place 10 years later! Are you up for the challenge? Join our community today, bring your friends, team up, meet new survivors, try to accomplish your mission, and prepare for the way back home! HOW TO CONNECT MAIN FEATURES - Spawn with your friends. - Ridiculously rare loot. - Worse vehicle condition. - Chance of getting caught by sprinters. - Dark nights. - Zombies moves slow at night. - PVP and friendly fire always ON, be careful. - Safehouse after 12 days of survival. - Farming and nature abundance is very poor. - Professions and traits are nerfed. - No password, no whitelist. - Other finely selected settings and mods. - No server wipe until the next big run! Join us on Discord today: https://discord.gg/4KECTFFN7k Check out the full list of mods here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2800516433
  5. Come join us on Redboid! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands... The possibilities are endless! We are a Public PVP based server, with a designated Kill-On-Sight Zone and simple Warn-before-kill rules. Our aim is to provide a fun place that accommodates all types of players looking for that risk & thrill the apocalypse has to offer. Server info: Server Name: Redboid [PVP] IP: Server Settings: - Player XP Bonus: 5x - Starter Kits: No - Safehouses: No - Nutrition: Enabled - Day Length: 3 Real-Life Hours - Night Darkness: Bright Mods: - Anomalous Storm - RED-Pak - Eris Minimap - Even More Hair Mods - GPS - True Actions - True Music - More Build - Autostar Yacht Club - Vanilla Vehicle Overhaul And many more! Links and other info: Custom Events: We generally host numerous events throughout the seasons, all with different themes, goals & prizes to be had! Links: Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/2abTaWY Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Redboid/ Trailer: Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s rules, information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! - The Redboid Admin Team P.S. We are based in Europe, though house players from all over, generally with smooth connections to overseas.
  6. Come join us on Redboid! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands... The possibilities are endless! We are a Public PVP based server, with a designated Kill-On-Sight Zone and simple Warn-before-kill rules. Our aim is to provide a fun place that accommodates all types of players looking for that risk & thrill the apocalypse has to offer. Server info: Server Name: Redboid [PVP] IP: Server Settings: - Player XP Bonus: 5x - Starter Kits: No - Safehouses: No - Nutrition: Enabled - Day Length: 3 Real-Life Hours - Night Darkness: Bright Mods: - Eris Minimap - More Hair Mods - GPS - RED-Pak - Driving Skill - Eris container protection - True Actions - True Music - More Build - Authentic z And many more! Links and other info: Custom Events: We generally host numerous events throughout the seasons, all with different themes, goals & prizes to be had! Links: Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/2abTaWY Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Redboid/ Trailer: Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s rules, information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! - The Redboid Admin Team P.S. We are based in Europe, though house players from all over, generally with smooth connections to overseas.
  7. Hello, we are happy to announce we are testing out a PZ server for experienced players. LINK TO THE DISCORD SERVER ---> https://discord.gg/7jmvCq66Cf We are using a Six month's later, insane population, extremely rare loot configuration with additional hardcore settings to make the survival experience even harder. To name a few, there is no safe-house system, and no in-game maps, and immediate infection. Better if you can join with a friend! SERVER INFO: - Server title: FinalDays - IP: - Port: 27450 The server is still being tested. We are open for feedback, so join our discord if you want to propose a change in the server or new mods. We hope to officially launch the server in the coming weeks. The game is almost vanilla. We've added mods to add more vehicles, weapons, and more to make the experience more immersive. Hope you enjoy!
  8. C&G Roleplay Welcome to C&G, where we create a unique roleplay experience in Project Zomboid. We are creating a serious roleplay server with the premise of all characters being part of a single group of survivors. The story will evolve naturally over time through the actions of the players, but events are periodically thrown in to keep things interesting. We want to create the feel of a serialized story where each session is like a chapter in a book or an episode of a TV show. Want to roleplay outside the confines of the group? We also need players to play event characters such as raiders, traders, other survivor groups and more! We are looking for roleplayers who would be interested in this serialized, tight-knit, format of roleplay. There is no whitelist application required since this is aimed to run at a smaller scale than most RP servers. Anyone is welcome! Sound interesting? Check out our discord at https://discord.gg/hZ9xdX28b4 Note: We have a server ready to use and are currently planning out the final details before we start. We would love any feedback or suggestions you have.
  9. Hi, please come check out Project Zomboid Roleplay! To know how to whitelist, visit our discord channel: http://discord.gg/KqhFTRVxDY We are the largest whitelisted RP server currently operating in the latest version of Project Zomboid, with around 600 whitelisted users! We also have some mods installed to improve the quality of gameplay. The mod collection can be seen here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2732135037 We are a very RP friendly community and is currently 3 months into the server (at the time of writing) and is building up a lore based on the interactions of the players. Keep in mind that the lore was built upon using rumors of the survivors. Here are some of them: Formation of Isiah's Followers (A religious faction headed by a pastor) and the UGC (United Central Government) who allied and operated in West Point. The formation of Homeplate, a Lawful Evil faction who fortified the place of America's favorite pastime, the baseball stadium in Louisville. [the stadium is too big to screenshot] As tensions rise between the 2 biggest factions, a treaty was signed where the UGC and Homeplate cannot cross the bridge that connects West Point and the north. This treaty led to the building of Second Chance, a fortification on the bridge built by the populace that ensures the people's safety on both sides. After a month, the alleged joining of the 2 factions into the NKR (New Kentucky Republic) was announced. Lockhart became president with Otto as his governor of West Point and started taxing the populace. It was then soon found out that the Mayor was actually captured upon violating the treaty after trying to find weapons in the military checkpoint. The UGC was apparently annexed into NKR, and the mayor was sent to die. They found his body along with some of the belongings he was allowed to keep. It turned out that the mayor's death was a fake. He was saved by one of his men, used an infected's body, and placed his belongings on it. He came back for a final battle on the bridge against the NKR with his loyal men along with the help of the people in Second Chance. The mayor's side won the fight (details redacted) but he didn't re-establish the UGC. He founded the ZLF (Zombie Liberation Front) and evacuated from West Point. Who will now rise up to power? Will the remnants of Homeplate get their revenge? The rest, is up to you to discover. There are more events and factions in the server like the formation of trading factions, the Salvage Union (AKA The Scrappers) who laid a claim on every metal (horsepower and firepower) in Louisville, the Rangers with the mission of reconnaissance, the KC Express led by the courier who does jobs no questions asked, etc. Join us now and have the best RP experience in one of Project Zomboid's biggest RP server!
  10. AliceCooper


  11. THIS SERVER IS RUNNING THE BUILD 25v3 updated at 26.03.14 - 19:45 CET See here the instructions : http://theindiestone...build-25-sp-mp/ Hey Yo Survivor, its me Jesse. What you didnt knew, i love Video Games. I thought i host a Server after my odyssey with Walter.... finally can chill out in Germany (alaska was way too cold) and play pZ all day long. mostly very friendly ppl playing on this server PS: still got some blue meth left muhahahaha! CONNECTION Hostname (IP) : Jp-Pz.No-Ip.Biz Port : 16261 (default) Username : YOURNAME (without spaces or special characters) You can choose a password if you want, so your username will be protected. SERVER SETTINGS Max. Players = 32 Zombie Population = normal Loot Rarity = normal PVP=truePauseEmpty=trueGlobalChat=trueOpen=trueLogLocalChat=true (so u wont miss what ur buddy wrote local)AutoCreateUserInWhiteList=trueDisplayUserName=trueSpawnPoint=0,0,0SafetySystem=trueShowSafety=trueSafetyToggleTimer=100SafetyCooldownTimer=120SpawnItems= Don't kill on sight! And definately don't kill fresh Spawns... It's desirable to do RP to make this the best experience possible. But you don't have to do RP, just dont play it like a damn Maniac! You can choose a password when you join so your username will be protected and nobody else can take it. RULES RULE 1 No cheating. RULE 2 No insults, racism, etc. RULE 3 Don't use unallowed Characters in ur Name, allowed Characters are A-Z, 0-9.... etc..... unallowed are especially those crypt symbols no one has on his keyboard....I dont want to see those Crypto Names anymore, Names like "Фант".... get an instant Ban RESET SOFT RESETS AREN'T WORKING VERY WELL, WE'LL CONTINUE WITH FULL RESETS ONLY. NEXT HARD RESET WILL BE perhaps ON 28/03/2014 16:30 CET + (gmt+1) Server has been hard resetted 24/03/2014 at 16:15 CET (gmt+1) SERVER STATUS Problems connecting? Check if u have Build 25v3 (Update from 25.03.14) installed then leave me please a Message Main Menu Bottom right corner shows Build 25
  12. Hello everyone, myself and a friend are playing PZ currently and have found only one server in EU which is currently overpopulated and laggy. I run a gaming community called It's A Trap and have recently started Live Streaming my/our Project Zomboid journey over on my Twitch channel where I have been getting regular viewers and nice chat interaction. My request is that myself and my friend join your private server where we would regularly record/stream footage, any videos uploaded would have your usernames credited accordingly if you wish. We're mainly just new to PZ and looking for somewhere fun and interesting to play without huge 32-man server lag. Feel free to check out my Twitch channel if you want to see what we're up to. Thanks in advance, Hydriss.
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