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  1. nater

    Defecation v3.3

    With this mod installed, players will need to defecate. This can be noisy and you'll need some kind of toilet paper, but holding it in too long will only make matters worse. Combine this with the zombie apocalypse and you get some interesting scenarios... If you are looking for the b40 version, please download using the link below and install manually. Defecation_v125.rar Features Config file GUI Get the poop scared out of you Diarrhea Multiple sounds with their own noise radiuses Lucky/Unlucky compensations Rebindable hot-key Feces can be used as compost or fuel in a fire Feces can be used in food as a poison like bleach (it is easily detectable and 6 times weaker than bleach) Burn feces Download Steam Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1436878551 Source Files - The files are lightly commented: Defecation33.7z Feel free to edit this for private distribution, but if you wish to upload it publicly you will need to ask for permission. Changelog Config As of version 2.1 the settings are now located in the vanilla sandbox settings under the 'Defecation' category. Any of these values can be set to a decimal value (0.25, etc). Please note these are all multipliers, so whatever the default value is times this value, these are not the actual values. How to Use To open the GUI press the , (comma) key on your keyboard by default. You can right click the window to transform it to the mini display. The GUI was designed to be updated in real time, so it can be left open, or you can open it periodically to check the status. As of version 3.0 this keybind can be changed in options in the 'mods' tab under 'Defecation Status'. If you are above 66.66% you can right click in the world to 'Defecate' and you will become stressed. If you have the required materials in your inventory, you will be able to click the 'Defecate' option - if you do not have the required materials, it will let you know all of the available options. Clicking the defecate option will start the process, it will be one short timer for pulling down your pants and another longer timer for actually defecating. You will always defecate on the ground. As of version 1.1 you can alternatively defecate using a toilet. This will require 10 units of water (in the toilet), you will flush your feces, the toilet will make a loud noise, and you will not need toilet paper. Drinking dirty water or eating raw or rotten food can give you the possibility of getting diarrhea. If you have diarrhea you will see the upset stomach icon and you will need to defecate up to 4x quicker than usual. You can find 'Anti-Diarrheal Pills' in medical stores or bathrooms and these will calm your stomach, but they will not cure you. You will only be cured when your body no longer has contaminants (dirty water, bad food) in it. If you are under the influence of anti-diarrheal pills, the upset stomach icon will be green rather than red for 3 hours, up to 6 hours maximum. If you are panicked, and over 80% (or 70%, if you have diarrhea) you have the possibility to poop yourself. This will upset your character and debuff the lowest layered item on your groin/upper legs (you can easily tell what clothing items are debuffed by looking for '(Defecated)'. Continuing to wear them will further upset your character so they should be sterilized with bleach or cleaning liquid and water. Standing near piles of feces (at least 5) will slowly make your character unhappy/sick as well, making them nauseated. You will hear a 'flies' sound and see flies on at least one of the piles of feces. As of version 3.0 this checks your inventory, the ground, and any nearby containers. Details Credits The 'human feces' sprite comes from Hydrocraft and is used with permission from the creator, Hydromancerx. The anti-diarrheal pill and box sprites are recolored and they also come from Hydrocraft with permission from the creator, Man_In_The_Purple_Hat. Permission https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2530-mod-permissions/&tab=comments#comment-36478
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