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Found 2 results

  1. Server Description: x4 Pop, Extremely Rare Loot, No PvP, No Zed Respawn, 2hr Days, 24 Loot Respawn. Skill Journal, Zombies can only infect on a bite. Play for Coop or be a Hermit. Server IP&Port: The server is free for all to play, work together to establish a small foothold, or keep moving as a nomad. With Hydrocraft you can specialise in a skill and provide for others or bolster your own stash. If this is something that sounds interesting to you, you can find more out at https://www.bportal.ca everything is always under construction so I am always looking for help. Current Mod List Maps Blackwood Grapeseed Raven Creek Riverwood Textures throttlekitty's tiles Dylan's Tile Pack Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles PertsPartyTiles Mods HydroCraft b41 Continued Skill Journal Vanilla Firearms Expansion (B41) Another Vehicle Claim System Braven's Bicycles Redux Braven's Utilities Common Sense Deathboard Craft Helper Continued Reduced Lag of Crafting Menu
  2. The Struggle Role-play [TSRP] IP: Port: 16262 Need to be white-listed to join. I'll be changing song's randomly through the year. Server Lore Prologue - SERVER HAS BEEN REVAMPED PROLOGUE WILL HAPPEN SOON, (NEED MAIN CHARACTERS AND A PLOT HOLDER I DON'T WANT TO WRITE HOW THE VIRUS STARTED, JUST A NORMAL DAY THEN YOU HEAR SCREAMING THROUGHOUT THE STREETS AND SUCH!) NEED A GOOD WRITER ALSO! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Factions Slot Available: Slot Available: Slot Available: Slot Available: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules Server is Private you must APPLY to join!No randomly shooting.. don't charge 5-10 zombies at once if you are alone.. Fear RP and Run if neededPVP will be activated when I have a good reason to activate it.Do not steal from others meaning; Don't drink their water, Don't take their items, Don't even walk inside their base..You must add Warsow [TSRP] once you applied or add that account on steam if you haven't already.Server isn't that strict, just play like your actually in-game.. sure you can OOC: In "Y" for OOC stuff but without "Radio:" it's not IC.Be Mature on the server admin has the last word well because it's my server ^^.No Power-gaming.No Meta-gaming.There are no Vaccines for zombies, once you are bit it's over.. no admin heals unless you fall down something unintentionally or you encountered a bug.When all players log out, Server will shut-down.. Server turns on at 12:00 on SS and 3:00 PM on MTWTF [sMTWTFS are the week names via; "Monday"] Have fun on the server please.I look at logs daily.. so I know what you are doing.All applications must be on Indie Stone, previous ones are an acceptance. You can add me by typing in the username below in steam, it should come up with that funny little Nicholas Cage picture. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheStruggleRoleplay That's for the group page on steam, you will be invited once you are accepted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Apply on the Server ATTENTION: You can apply on this server most likely you will be accepted but put EFFORT into the applications the server has no current staff and will be getting a player wipe soon. So PM me on steam that you are active within the 1st day of December. Post your application on the forum i'll most likely see it rather than on the website [b]Steam ID[/b]: http://steamidfinder.com/[b]In-Game Name[/b]: [b]Character Biography[/b] (2 paragraphs minimum) [b]Why do you want to join our server[/b]:[b]What will you do on the server[/b]:[b]Notes[/b]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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