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Once upon time i want to translate mods, for playing with friends, and found that the feature of Project Zomboid its especially encoding, that can not correct support some Languages (for example Cyrillic). Its make me sad, but i found way to solve it. This tutorial learns how to solve this problem, and also contain recommendations to modders for making translator's life simply. First of all we need tool to edit text. I strongly recommend to use free Notepad++ As example i will translate mod by RoboMat "Lockpicking Mod" on Russian language 1. Install mod as usual in C:\Users\%username%\Zomboid\mods 2. In mod folder go to \media\scripts\Mods This folder contains "Scripts" text files, which adding items in game. Here in every item, replace parameter "DisplayName" to your translated variant example: DisplayName = Bobby Pin,on DisplayName = Заколка, Save and close. If text wont work correct try to switch encoding to "UTF-8 without BOM". Done. 3. Everything other except new items you need to translate manually Open folder "Client", in mod folder, and open every .lua file with Notepad++ Usually, shown for player text, get marked by '' or "", and get grey color. Be warn that not every text in code has used to be shown to player. In this mod you can found Lockpicking_Text.lua with contain all shown text as variables (thx alot to author for good coding) -- Copyright (C) 2014 by RoboMatLockpicking_Text.lockLevels = { "Very Easy", "Easy", "Average", "Hard", "Very Hard", "Broken" };Lockpicking_Text.brokenLockModal = "You can't pick a broken lock.";Lockpicking_Text.contextBreakDoorLock = "Break Lock";Lockpicking_Text.contextPickDoorLock = "Pick Lock";Lockpicking_Text .contextBreakWindowLock = "Break Lock";Lockpicking_Text .traitNimbleFingers = "Nimble Fingers";Lockpicking_Text .traitNimbleFingersDescription = "Years of experience with opening all kinds of locks.\nFaster lockpicking. Better chances for opening a lock.";Lockpicking_Text .professionBurglar = "Burglar";If encoding for you language work correct, you can simple replace words in "" to your variant and its be work perfect. But for my example i need to use Russian language and when i wrote "абвгдеж" its shown "0123456" (encoding error, even trying to switch encode wont work) And here is the way how to solve this problem: Open "%steamfolder%\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate\" and choice folder with your localization. For me its "RU". Open UI_RU.txt For beautiful organization you can use multiple text files to store variables, but im lazy and put all in one file (UI_RU.txt) (its actually comfortable) In the end of file BUT BEFORE "}" add your variables for every shown text for me is result as UI_ConvertWorld = "Конвертирование мира на новую версию, это может занять некоторое время в течение первой загрузки старого сохранения.",--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--CUSTOM MODS--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//---- Lockpick modUI_prof_Burglar = "Домушник",UI_NimbleFingers = "Ловкие пальцы",UI_NimbleFingersDescription = "Замки взламываются быстрее. Повышен шанс успешного взлома.",UI_BreakLock = "Выломать замок",UI_PickLock = "Взломать замок";UI_PLVE = "Элементарно",UI_PLE = "Легко",UI_PLA = "Нормально",UI_PLH = "Сложно",UI_PLVH = "Очень сложно",UI_PLBR = "Сломано",UI_LockBroken = "Вы не можете взломать сломаный замок",}We define text variables and for now we must to substitute text in code and text in translate folder (be warn that every variable name must be unique) with this help lua function getText("")its call variables from translate folder and substitute text. How it works: -- Still?-- Copyright (C) 2014 by RoboMat Lockpicking_Text.lockLevels = { getText("UI_PLVE"), getText("UI_PLE"), getText("UI_PLA"), getText("UI_PLH"), getText("UI_PLVH"), getText("UI_PLBR") };Lockpicking_Text.brokenLockModal = getText("UI_LockBroken");Lockpicking_Text.contextBreakDoorLock = getText("UI_BreakLock");Lockpicking_Text.contextPickDoorLock = getText("UI_PickLock");Lockpicking_Text.contextBreakWindowLock = getText("UI_BreakLock");By magical way, text which "taken" from translate folder shown correct in game. We did it If coder wont create separated file with text variables (evil coder?) you can use getText function just in code, its work perfect too. (for example in craft helper mod) FOR MODDERS: How to make mods to make translator's life simply Store all text in translate folder, and translators be very thankful. If it will in one file, thankfully a lot. "%steamfolder%\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate\" Pros: + Easy to translate your mod + Easy to fix text + Solve problem with multilingual (without tons of code) Cons: - User must manually copy-paste text when installing your mod - If you force user to replace translate file, his can lost other mods variables (don't do that !!!) = PZ updates replace translate file (backups prevent f*ckups) How my translate-store file looks --\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--CUSTOM MODS--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//--\\ll//---- Lockpick modUI_prof_Burglar = "Домушник",UI_NimbleFingers = "Ловкие пальцы",UI_NimbleFingersDescription = "Замки взламываются быстрее. Повышен шанс успешного взлома.",UI_BreakLock = "Выломать замок",UI_PickLock = "Взломать замок";UI_PLVE = "Элементарно",UI_PLE = "Легко",UI_PLA = "Нормально",UI_PLH = "Сложно",UI_PLVH = "Очень сложно",UI_PLBR = "Сломано",UI_LockBroken = "Вы не можете взломать сломаный замок",-- Craft HelperUI_ChMenu = "Помощник крафта",UI_ChIz = "С предметом ",UI_ChKeep = "Держать ",UI_ChMojete = ", вы можете:",UI_ChTitle = "Помощник крафта для предмета: ",UI_ChOTitle = "Книга рецептов",-- Building modUI_BmBuildMore= "Дополнительные строения",UI_BmStor = "Хранилища",UI_BmFood = "Еда",UI_BmFurn = "Мебель",UI_BmBuild = "Строения", UI_BmGunlock = "Ящик для оружия",UI_BmGunlockDesc = "Храните ваше оружие подальше от детей, особенно если они зомби. ",UI_BmBeDr = "Бежевый шкаф",UI_BmBeDrDesc = "Отличный шкаф для ваших грязных носков. ",--...}Its easy to navigate and can store lots of translations.
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ApCom [sP/MP] Apocalypse Communications code: TurboTuTone, artwork: Nasko Features: HAM Radio and 12 Walkie talkies with different properties.Wear a walkie talkie in secondary slot to use it normally, place it down to lure zombies or spy on people.Small HUD element that displays your walkie talkie's status.12 Frequencies to tune in on.A taperecorder and 5 different styled cassettes.Record speech on cassettes.Broadcast cassettes repeatedly via a HAM Radio.Power usage, devices need a battery to operate and drain power hourly.Interference due to bad weather, or when a device is bordering its maximum range.Players chatcolors are copied by all of the mods devices to dinstinguish "voices".Depending on type, the devices will attract zombies in certain radius. Look at the information section at the bottom of this post for more detailed info and usage, it also showcases some of the awesome artwork Nasko made! Make sure to send him some love when he posts in this thread Thanks to: Twiggy for testing, suggestions, support, streaming, awesomeness Viceroy, for a bunch of cool suggestions made during one of our apparantly more serious convo's LogiHack, a fellow country man who helped out testing! EnigmaGrey, testing and correcting my grammar error's dko112, gameplay convenience suggestions A special thanks to: Both EasyP and RJ, various functionallity of the mod would not have been possible without help from your side, thanks guys! its awesome and very much appreciated [incase i forgot to mention someone, gimme a poke!] Thanks twiggy and subscribers for testing the mod with a bunch of people! A save of the stream can be found here: Project Zomboid | Subscriber Stream w/ ApCom (Radios) | Indie Hype*~! Twiggy @ Twiggy's twitter Download Requires build 27 and a fresh world for the items to spawn in containers. On a server to get best out of it set 'GlobalChat' to false serveroptions.ini. Also works in single player but chat is limited to the lines produced by pressing 'q'. Eventhough it has been tested, it's version 1.0 so there may be unforseen consequences. Apcom version 1.0 Up to date version can be downloaded here. (last update 13 june 2015) Credit goes to Dr_Cox1911, who has tracked and fixed the incompatibility issues with new PZ versions! Also, a shoutout to ThatUser and Siriusx72 who posted a different approach for a fix in the thread, much appreciated! previous versions: Public servers running ApCom mod: Information This device can only be used when placed in the world, it can broadcast all over the map and thus is ideal for base to base communications. The ham radio has the ability to play cassettes as repeated broadcasts on a frequency, so they could be used to gather people or advertise a merchant outpost as well. (see tape recorder section for more info) A ham radio can be picked up and it will return the radio + optionally the battery or cassette inside the device. Whacking a ham radio with a weapon is not advised as it will destroy the radio and all in it. When receiving transmissions this device shows a animation. This device will attract zombies in a wide range, so secure your base perimeters, zombies will locate the sound coming from the machine but the cold steel confuses them so they wont destroy it Walker Talkers When equiping a fresh found walker talker as secondary, a GUI like this will show up in left side of screen. Insert a battery and it will display battery status: When equiped as secondary, you can rightclick the inventory icon and turn the device on. When doing so, the sprite will show a green led, and more advanced models will light on their display, the frequency text will also be brighter when turned on: When the device recieves text it will also indicate it in the hud: The hud will display different stages of battery life as such: Finally when the battery is about to die, the item icon will start blinking a red led: About chat behaviour Interference will occur during bad weather, when its thundering the interference will be really bad. When interference is applied it will replace words or even multiple words at once with scrambled text. Interference will also occur at the last 10% of a device's range, the interference will become worse as you reach the limits of its range untill nothing is received anymore. Power consumption These cool oldskool cassette tapes can be found all over the place, when rightclicking a cassette in your inventory it will display its ID and for convience the lines that are recorded on it. This menu has no functionallity, but the ID will come in handy. Tape Recorder The item properties below can be read as follows: - broadcast range is for outgoing signal only, to be clear a budget walker talker can only emit 500m but still receive chat from for example a ham radio which has global range.- voice detect range, the amount of tiles a player has to be near the device for it to pick up speech.- can hear range, the amount of tiles a player has to be near device to see "hear" its text.- loot chance, obvious.- zombie attraction, the displayed value for played devices, walker talkers have reduced attraction when worn as secondary item. Also note this value doesn’t always coincide with can hear range.- battery consumption, rate at which a device will consume power on hourly basis. HAM Radio: broadcastrange: GLOBAL voice detect range: 5 can hear range: 16 weight: 15 loot chance: very rare zombie attraction: extremely high battery consumption: extremely low Tier1: Walker Talker Budget standard broadcastrange: 500m voice detect range: 6 can hear range: 12 weight: 0.5 loot chance: high zombie attraction: high battery consumption: very high colored broadcastrange: 1000m voice detect range: 8 can hear range: 10 weight: 0.5 loot chance: high zombie attraction: high battery consumption: very high army broadcastrange: 1500m voice detect range: 10 can hear range: 9 weight: 1.0 loot chance: normal zombie attraction: high battery consumption: very high Tier 2: Walker Talker Standard standard broadcastrange: 2000m voice detect range: 12 can hear range: 8 weight: 1.5 loot chance: medium zombie attraction: medium battery consumption: medium silver broadcastrange: 2500m voice detect range: 14 can hear range: 5 weight: 2.0 loot chance: medium zombie attraction: medium battery consumption: medium Tier 3: Walker Talker Black Edition standard broadcastrange: 3000m voice detect range: 16 can hear range: 3 weight: 2.25 loot chance: low zombie attraction: low battery consumption: low army broadcastrange: 3500m voice detect range: 18 can hear range: 2 weight: 2.5 loot chance: low zombie attraction: low battery consumption: low Tier 4: Walker Talker Tactical standard broadcastrange: 4500m voice detect range: 20 can hear range: 1 weight: 2.75 loot chance: rare zombie attraction: very low battery consumption: very low army broadcastrange: GLOBAL voice detect range: 25 can hear range: 0 weight: 3.0 loot chance: very rare zombie attraction: ZERO battery consumption: very low
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This mod makes the zombies look a bit more brutal, they have more wounds on their body and the areas around their eyes have been darkened to give a walking dead-esque decay effect. Make sure the zombies are set to 3D, or else this wont work / show up! Personally, I think these changes are, when the zombies are fully clothed, rather subtile but still give me a scarier athmosphere, seeing eyeless zombies and ones with their whole face ripped apart Here are the links (old version) NEWER VERSION; Update 1 Also, I haven't tested yet, but: These skins do NOT work in multiplayer when you use them as a MOD. That's for sure. However, (I haven't tested yet!) if you just move the skin files over to your project zomboid folder (the one where the executables are), then they SHOULD show up in multiplayer too. If you do that, make sure to backup your files, if you grow tired of my skins some day you dont have to reinstall the whole game
Fire Fighting Mod By Robyrq Credits to LaDestitute and Doxortho for creating the sprites Hey guys! Before getting into details on this mod I'd like to say that this is my first mod for PZ. Before this I used to make some small mods involving LUA and Garry's Mod. So feedback on this mod is appreciated. The sprites in this mod are an attempt for a custom item, but remember that I'm a programmer and not an sprites artist. Big thanks to LaDestitude and Doxortho for retouching the sprites. This being said, let's get into the details. Introduction While playing PZ for a while I some how managed to set my safe house on fire (clumsiness with the stove?) and all my precious belongings in it. Due the fact I was unable to fight the fire I started to create this fire fighting mod. I noticed that there was one out the there (correct me if I'm wrong) wich used water and dirt to put out the fire (quite clever), but I missed to prevention tools wich are available in most of the houses. Both items are listed below: The Fire Extinguisher Fire Blanket. Features Fire Extinguisher: - Can put out fires - Can be filled with water - Can be used to drink from - Holds up to 10 uses - Weight without water 2.0 - Weight with water 5.0 Fire Banket - Can be used to put out a player on fire. - Consists of a one time use. Both items can be found in the kitchen and/ or shed. Screenshots Items stored in inventory Fire Extinguisher can be filled with water It then can be used to extinguish fires If the fire extinguisher is empty, the player will be given notice If the player is on fire you can use the fire blanket to put him out. That's all for now I hope you guys like this addition to the list of items. Any remarks, problems and feedback can be posted below. The modification is posted in the attached files Have a nice day. Bugslist - Bug 1 : Sprites are not being loaded when creating a new save/world (gets replaced by a questionmark icon) Changelog v1.0.0 - Initial release v1.0.1 - Sprites retouched by LaDestitute - Poster.png replaced. - Items text file rewriten. v1.0.2 - Fixed Bug 1 (Sprites loading) - Updated screenshots with new sprites v1.0.3 - Fire Extinguisher sprite retouched by Doxortho - Updated Poster.png with new icon Need Permission? Feel free to let me know about your project. I'd like to hear what your working on.
Hello everyone, With the upcoming Build 27 you'll be able to set your server as Public, so every client could see it in the new Public Server list, just like this : Spoiler Please note : This doesn't meant will host servers, this only mean you can share your server info with everyone, so either you have a public server, or even you want some coop-4 players max server and doesn't find friends to play with you 1) As a client, seek for server With the build 27, when you click on "Join Server" in the main menu, you'll notice at the bottom of the server list screen a "Public Servers" button, click on it, all the public server will be refreshed (refresh allowed only 1 time per minute). Then click on the server you want, select a username and click on "save", it'll add this server to your favorite, send you back to your saved servers list and select the new saved server, then you'll just have to join it like you do with any other servers. The servers are sorted by players connected, you also have a name filter to search in the server list (it may change with tags and stuff, but for now you can search for [FR] or [COOP] etc.) Servers are updated every 2hours or when a player connect/disconnect, and if a server is inactive for 3 hours, it'll disapear from the list, this mean some server can be in the list but not available (we'll balance it after some testing ) The following part is for server owner : 2) Setup the Server Options After launching your server, you'll have some new Server Options (by default in users/YOU/Zomboid/server/servername.ini, default servername = servertest) You'll have to modify 3 of this options to become public, this is what I've done for my server (which is only local, dev's trick ) : Public=truePublicName=[COOP][RP] RJ ServerPublicDescription=Have fun with RJ ! Yay !Public = true // Enable the public list PublicName = thing // MANDATORY TO BE IN PUBLIC LIST ! PublicDescription = server public desc // Optionnal But also new : MaxPlayers=64 // The number of players on your server IMPORTANT : YOUR SERVER NEED TO BE OPEN (no registration needed) TO BE IN PUBLIC LISTING (we'll see how we can setup an in game registration later if needed) 3) Other infos shown The public server also show the players connected, the mods used and the last update time. 4) Info sent to Everytime you start your server and every 2 hours, all the infos (name, desc, mods..) of your server will be sent to, then every 5min a .xml file is generated with all the into on all servers But also everytime a player connect/disconnect (max 1 time per 10min), it'll update your server (so the last update time will be 0minute) and the players connected. This mean your server will stay up to date pretty easily If your server hasn't been updated for 3hours, it'll disapear from the list (it'll come back once your server will be up !) 5) Shutdown This service can be shutdown VERY quickly and easily by us, if we see anyone who try to hack (like what, hacking the public server list ? what's the point anyway ?) or too much data sent, we'll shutdown it without any warning (a post will be open on the forum tho), so please don't be THAT asshole trying to hack (even if we put a lot of anti-hacking stuff) just to piss off everyone (ook, I may feel angry there, but I know someone will try, Internet is full of troll), cheers If you have other idea for it (more infos..) or any question, please post them here, I'll do my best to answer
The vanilla skintones are waaay to yellow for my liking, so I changed all the white skin tones be more reddish / pink. Make sure you have the characters on 3d (players only is ABSOLUTELY necessary for this to work) Here's the link: Also, I made the underwear of the female skin a complete white, it was blueish before, and made 2 skins have white boxer shorts. Incase of a very hot summer day in multiplayer, you wont see every single person run around in the same black boxer shorts, lol Also, I haven't tested yet, but: These skins do NOT work in multiplayer when you use them as a MOD. That's for sure. However, (I haven't tested yet!) if you just move the skin files over to your project zomboid folder (the one where the executables are), then they SHOULD show up in multiplayer too. If you do that, make sure to backup your files, if you grow tired of my skins some day you dont have to reinstall the whole game! Pics are low quality, sorry! But I believe you'll get the idea of what you get.
Hello everyone, with the build 27 the trapping is out ! So let me explain it quickly (post will be updated, but we're in a rush right there ) PLEASE NOTE : Timed action aren't done yet, so every action relative to trap will be instant, this will be fixed soon, thanks. The trap system haven't really be tested during internal test phase, so expect bugs (sorry !) 1) IT'S A TRAAAAAAP First, you need a trap, you can find Mouse trap in house or build one, with nails, plank, a saw.. Some advanced trap will require a better trapping and/or woodwork experience. 2) IT'S A TRAAAAAAAAAP Once you have it, just right click somewhere in the world and select "place trap ->" then select the trap, drag the trap where you want and click to place it. Place it smartly though, you have more chance to catch a rat/mouse in town zone/trailer park, or rabbit in vegitation/forest, etc. Then you'll need a bait, any food can be used as bait, I setup a list of bait commonly used by animals, each bait is different and will work more or less well for each animal (SPOILER : carrots for rabbits ) Animal won't be attracted by rotten food, so be sure your bait is still fresh ! Don't put your trap in a heavy zombie infested zone too, animals avoid them. And that's it ! Well, now you need to often check your trap to be sure someone didn't stole your bait, that your bait is still fresh, or your trap isn't broken, or just that you got something ! Please note that the animals aren't wandering in the world, they will just be catched dead 3) IT'S A TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP You have several animals, from rabbit to mouse, including birds... All come in different size, all trap are more or less effective for each animal (you won't catch a bird with a snare trap for example). When you see that your trap is close, right click on it and select "check trap", it'll give you the dead animal, you can then cut it with a knife and cook it (or use in several recipes)
Server Status: ONLINE Last Soft Reset: 11:59am Friday 7/11/2014 Next Soft Reset: ~Morning Friday 7/18/2014 ------------- [6/28/2014]: Hey everyone! Been running a private server with me and some friends the past couple weeks, decided it's high time to open it to the community. No mods required; should be up 24-7; PvP enabled; pauses when players are offline; otherwise, normal settings. No white-list necessary. Maximum players is currently set to 64; will most likely be lowered once I get a feel for how many players we can support w/o lagging. Server IP is Server also has a subreddit available for the community at: You can reach me either in this thread, or the subreddit. Have fun out there! [7/06/2014]: Soft-Reset dates have been determined! Early Friday mornings, when most people are at work/class, I'll be doing a soft reset, so as to maximize Water/Electricity up-time during the weekends, when most people are available to play. Still haven't decided if/how we'll handle Hard Resets, feedback welcome. [7/11/2014]: Server has been set to Public!
--Notice: I did not originally create this mod. Credit for the original mod idea and (some of) the code goes to Austin. I added sounds, images and updated and refined the code. The original thread can be found here: As said above, I have updated the Fletchery Mod to be compatible with build 27. This mod adds 3 new bows, 2 of which can be found and a third which can be made, as well as a sling. Crossbow - found as loot, most powerful, slowest. Uses bolts. Bow - found as loot, second most powerful, 2nd slowest. Uses Arrows. Homemade Bow - crafted (2 planks, 1 bandage, glue/duct tape etc, Carpentry LV2). Third most powerful, equal fastest. Uses Arrows. Arrows can be crafted (Duct tape, Kitchen knife, Arrow shafts from plank and saw, Feathers from pillows, Carpentry LV1) Sling - crafted (2 bandages). Least powerful, equal fastest. Uses stones, found in bins. If anyone has any ideas for more features, please reply to this thread! Download Here: Changelog: Version 1.2: Updated for Build 27Added skill requirements - Woodwork LV1 for arrows, LV2 for bows.Bows are now 2-handed weaponsLooted bows and crafted bows use the same arrows, and normal arrows are made through crafting.This mod now overwrites vanilla duct tape, wood glue etc. so they have many more usesMade everything rarer once more, closer to vanilla weapons (let me know if it's too harsh)Fixed a couple of bugs! Version 1.1: Reduced spawn rates of items, let me know if the new ones are too harsh!Reduced weight of ammo, increased weight of weapons.Rebalanced recipes, should work better now. Also takes more realistic amounts of time.Fixed a typo in the file. Bug Fixes: Firing sounds now actually play! Version 1.0: Updated to be compatible with build 23Bows now require reloadingAdded IconsStill no models, impossible in current state of Zomboid Known bugs: None!
Craftable Molotov Cocktails by Giulianosse Molotov cocktails is a craftable weapon that was disabled in Build 26 for unknown reasons. This little mod simply re-adds the previously disabled recipe. In order to craft one, you'll need a gas can, empty whiskey bottle and a bandage. Equip the molotov in your primary slot and a lighter in the secondary slot. Works with Build 27 and the current Build 28 "IWBUMS" branch To install: Copy/Paste the main folder into the PZomboid mod directory (C:/Users/"NAME"/Zomboid/mods) Download link 1 (PZNexus) Download link 2 (PZ-mods) |ATTENTION| I'm simply re-adding the removed recipe. The molotov item is still acquirable in the game via server commands or item spawners, however, since Build 26 you can't craft them anymore. This mod simply re-adds the recipe needed to craft it. I've made this "mod" for personal use, but I decided to upload it in case anyone else was also interested in it. I've played with it for quite some time and didn't see any serious issues. I've no idea why the developers disabled it in the first place (save corruption, bugs), so creating a backup of your save before installing this mod is highly encouraged. I am not held responsible for anything bad that happens to your game. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
With permission from Suomiboi (you can read our conversation here:, I am placing my WIP mod, "Rain Parka Mod" available for download and testing. Rain Parka Mod spawns rain parkas across the game world in all the available colors shirts can spawn as. The parkas *are wearable* and will replace your current vest, blouse, or sweater when worn. You will reach wetness level "Damp" when wearing a parka (they don't cover your whole body) but should not progress any past that as long as they are equipped to your torso slot. This is a WIP mod. Currently there is an issue that, in order to make these wearable, the game engine seems to be refusing to load custom artwork. Rain parkas will spawn with a "?" icon of their respective color when equipped for the time being. Hopefully if I can find a solution to this problem in the future. Thanks again to Suomiboi for letting me use his script as a basis for this mod! Download:
I made a mod for build 25 and 26 where I created my own occupation and traits based on some "The Walking Dead" characters. Now I can't get them to work on build 27. Did something change? What am I missing?
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Could someone make a notebook or journal that i can actually write(type) in? I would like to use the in game notebooks or convert them to a usable notebook that i can list things iv done and plan on doing. Like i have a notepad i write in for things i must or want to do within so many days for PZ, but it would be better if it was actually in game and wouldn't make PZ feel so much like work. I would also like the time to stop if possible while i type in it. I will be using it for single player only, so as for the menu to type in it can be anything from a chat box to a pop up window. I hope one of you great coders can jump on this asap, Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone! I tought it would be fun to make a craftable Potato Cannon for the game... why, you ask? Because why not?! You'll finally be able to give a deadly use to potatoes! Features Deadly Long-range tuber crop launcher. (aka. Potato Cannon) Crafting recipe. [ PVC Pipe, Empty Pop Bottle/Water Bottle, Ductape, Nails/Screws, Lighter (Full), Saw and Hammer/Screwdriver]New Item: PVC Pipe ( Required for crafting recipe ) Download: v1.0 - Download Known Bugs ??? Feedback needed. Changelog v1.0 (Release) -Fixed Weapon Audio. -Updated Icons. -Balanced Sound radius and damage. -Fixed Crafting recipe. v0.5 -Added Sounds. -Added Spawning points for PVC Pipe. -Removed Battery from crafting recipe. v0.1 -Added Items. -Added Icons. -Added Recipe.
A quick mod I slapped together in 10 minutes but I figured the community might like a chance to use it. TRAPPING BOOKS MOD This mod creates and distributes the missing Trapping skill books throughout the PZ world at the usual locations for skill books to be found. Enjoy! Download: Updated to v1.1: Forgot to edit a server file that applied the skill multiplier upon reading the books. Whoops! Fixed now! Sorry about that!
I was wondering which method i should use to get custom items to spawn in game correctly. They all have proper item names, display names, icons, and icon names. I'm not sure whether to use a copy of the SuburbsDistributions.lua in my mod with the new items added to the lists like Arican says here, or if i should make a new lua file for the new items only? I don't know if using a copy of the lua will cause problems seeing how base.items will be listed twice. I had a look at the items and recipes tutorials and it was set up like this. I'm guessing that table.insert(SuburbsDistributions) adds into the SuburbsDistributions.lua so is this the preferred way? Also a question about backpacks: why does a pack that has weight reduction 100 with 45 capacity cause the players main inventory to act as if its full? I had the full back pack on and only clothes on and it said 2/8 i believe but i couldn't pick anything up, but i could add items to another bag if i had it in my hands along with the full backpack on my back.
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Hey guys this is my first working mod I created for Project Zomboid! I'm barely proficient as a scripter but, through study and a lot of trial and error, I managed to create something I'm pretty proud of. Rifle Mod adds a custom .30-30 Hunting Rifle to vanilla Project Zomboid, as well as .30-30 bullets which can be boxed and unboxed as necessary. I tried my best to create a balanced weapon that felt natural to the game in its current development state and I feel pretty good about the end result. The Hunting Rifle and its ammunition can be found in most places you would normally be able to find shotguns and/or shotgun shells (sometimes both firearms can spawn at the same location if you're really lucky). The Hunting Rifle's power is just barely above that of the stock pistol but has slightly longer effective range. .30-30 rounds generally drop in increments of "6," which is exactly the size of one magazine. 24 .30-30 bullets can be converted into a Box of .30-30 rounds and vice versa. All custom sounds from Stormy's additions to the client and you can learn more about them at his thread here: Special thanks to RoboMat, Stormy, and NCrawler! Your collective tutorials and released mods are what I studied to learn the basics of LUA and create this mod. You guys rock! Download Rifle Mod v1.1a: *Updated Distribution tables to account for map expansion in Build 27*
Hi everyone. I'm currently struggling on translation (localication) of recipes and items introduced in a mod. I suppose we should be able to do that without modifying PZ's installation folder, right? So I've created C:\Users\User\Zomboid\mods\mymod\media\lua\*\Translate folder as well as translation files within it, but PZ seems not to parse it My hope was that contents of Item_<LOCALEID> and Recipe_<LOCALEID> would "append" to the the default ones, provided in corresponing files located in PZ's installation folder. Unfortunately, they don't. UPD Console outputs contains following: MOD: mod "MyMode" overrides media/lua/shared/Translate/RU/Items_RU.txtLoading RakNet from: ./translator: language is RUA problem occurs with the translation : Slice Bread : "Нарезать хлеб,which makes me think that PZ tries to read mod-provided translations. On the other hand Process Monitor registers shows that no bytes were read from mod's Items_RU.txt
Mod Created by Tommysticks This mod replaces some skin textures with custom ones. It only works with 3-D models enabled. Place the mod folder in the following directory: users > username > Zomboid > mods o When you start a new game, choose a male character and the furtherest right "Body Type" and "Hair Type" for Spiderman.o Choose the furthest left body type and furthest right hair type for Captain America.o Choose the 2nd body type from the left for Scorpion.o Choose the furthest left female body type for Spiffo.o You will only be able to see the custom skins in-game if your character is not wearing clothes. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD NOW I will accept requests for custom skins. Keep in mind, it will only look good if the skin is a "body suit" like Spidey's.
- 28 replies
- Custom Skin
- Spiderman
(and 1 more)
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Hi everyone. I'm currently struggling on translation (localication) of recipes and items introduced in a mod. I suppose we should be able to do that without modifying PZ's installation folder, right? So I've created C:\Users\User\Zomboid\mods\mymod\media\lua\*\Translate folder as well as translation files within it, but PZ seems not to parse it My hope was that contents of Item_<LOCALEID> and Recipe_<LOCALEID> would "append" to the the default ones, provided in corresponing files located in PZ's installation folder. Unfortunately, they don't. UPD Console outputs contains following: MOD: mod "MyMode" overrides media/lua/shared/Translate/RU/Items_RU.txtLoading RakNet from: ./translator: language is RUA problem occurs with the translation : Slice Bread : "Нарезать хлеб,which makes me think that PZ tries to read mod-provided translations. On the other hand Process Monitor registers shows that no bytes were read from mod's Items_RU.txt