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Found 17 results

  1. For some reason, when I got a bucket of sheep's blood and placed it near a bucket of water, both buckets became full of blood. But, only textures. If I open an inventory of the floor I can see bucket of blood and bucket of water.
  2. I wondering if it'd be possible to implement a gore/gibbing system in the game where you kill zombies and can make their body parts pop off externally and internally. As in blast off their limbs or blast out their guts. Right now the only thing that could possibly be considered gore are the zombies being all bloody and when they rot away. Good but could be improved. Bladed weapons would obviously do things like dismember zombies, blunt weapons would bash them to a pulp and firearms such as the shotguns would blast chunks out of them.
  3. nater

    Bleed Severity

    Hey guys, I am working on a mod and I'm not sure how to set how bad a player is bleeding. I can set the player's body part to bleeding with 'setBleeding' and I can control how long with 'setBleedingTime' without issue, but it's only 'minor bleeding'. I've also tried 'setDeepWounded' true, but that doesn't effect the bleeding severity. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know as I've been stuck on this issue for a few days now without any success.
  4. Hello. My name is Vladislav Castillo. I'm looking for support for my project Tomato Way. Аbout game: This is a cruel, bloody and psychedelic game (slasher\horror) about Tomato Malo. PC ( Languages: Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Japanese) Demo \first level https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2qVaKS2a_5hMm1la0czNndpNmc&usp=sharing Video Indiegogo (you can buy full game for 1 dollar) https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tomato-way/x/13336999#/
  5. What you think about bloody spots in PZ, When you live in some house you will be enraged this. Can you add this please?
  6. CzarUltra


    Tired of that boring old, monochromatic blood? Well this is the texture pack for you! DOWNLOAD IT HERE! created using Minic90's unpacker/packer tool here http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/3511-pz-unpacker/ annnnnd paint.net in only 3 hours This small texture pack is the precursor to a mod I'm doing-- THE CLOWN MOD. So... yeah, look out for that, until then, check this out, laugh a little bit, then put it back to normal. How do I find steamapps? for windows users, it'll be in C:/programfiles(x86)/steam or C:/programfiles(x64)/steam -- whichever one of those you have. It won't be in C:/programfiles/, just look for the one with an x and a number. For Mac users--
  7. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but I would really like to see rain slowly wash blood away from grass and concrete. Love the current bleach option for interior cleaning.
  8. The humans and any other animals you choose to put into the game should leave blood trails when we're critically injured. Depending on how bad you're bleeding, and how fast you're moving will define how bad the blood spill will be. Which will be a must if we're going to hunt wild animals, that we'd immediately lose as soon as they run out of our viewing distance. But with a blood trail, we have a way of tracking them, and finding where they collapsed. We can save on bullets, as long as you're good at hitting vital areas, or are at least good at critically injuring whatever you hit. But the zombies shouldn't leave blood trails, they should only leave the blood you whack or shoot off them off of them. Except for the running zombies, they haven't been stricken with rigamortis yet. So the runners should just bleed everywhere. Besides it's not like you're gonna have the time to be tracking when you're running from runners. And oh yeah, the zombies should be more bloody on a daily basis. Hell, there should be more blood everywhere on a daily basis. But that's all, I'm still loving the game so far. I love you all, peace.
  9. Sometimes when i play i feel weird visiting big places, becouse everything there is okay, glasses arent broken, chairs are nice set up, nothing is destroyed, almost no blood, no corpses, i cant see the chaos. Its like there wasn't any zombie breakout. Just like in second everyone turned on into zombies, and they didnt touched computers chairs tables, and everything was left clean My idea: Add more blood over the map, maybe graffiti on walls, or blood subtitles like "god forgive us" , "there is no help " flipped trash cans, newspaper all over the city, massacred corpses and bones, holes in the walls, broken doors, burned houses, shopping carts near the super market. Or any sight of survivors i mean Barricaded houses with more loot but no one inside, sign saying "nothing is here" or "big horde over here" or already looted houses Zombie events: I mean when you walk on the street you can see a group of zombies eating someone, they cant see you so you can walk around or fight them Thank u for reading
  10. Rules of War -Best of 3. Whoever wins twice, proceeds in the tournament. -Colour has to be choosen randomly -3 Days Per Turn -Standard Chess Put a number on your game as well as the link to the finished match and post the result in this thread. Example: Game 1: Dangerklaus wins, *link* Game 2: Walth_r wins, *link* Game 3: Walth_r wins, *link* Try to finish your match within a week. The matches are as follows: (click to enlargilizeuate)
  11. Can somebody explain how to work with with blood splats? What type this is? How I can check it is present at current square or not and how I can add or remove it? After some time of debugging I find what IsoGridSquare has two methods bloodSpalt(...) and DoSplat(...). I think what DoSplat is adding splats on a square. But how detect and remove splats from it?
  12. So I have another topic in the PZ suggestions called "Neat Little Ideas". (Found here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10095-neat-little-ideas/ ) Here is one of the ideas I suggested to be implemented into the game, and more, in case anyone would like to make it a mod. For reference, humanoid characters or characters are NPCs, Players, and Zombies. Is sorta shorter for me to write. When a zombie, NPC, or player dies, a blood puddle slowly forms around the body, suggesting they are bleeding on the ground. The size of the blood puddle and how fast it forms would depend on the type of weapon used to kill them and/or the severity of injuries on the body at the time of death. Which one is added, should depend on the games limits. (List of blood puddle size to weapon killed with: Fists: None/Very Small. Fork: Very small. Bat: Medium. Kitchen Knife: Large. Axe: Large, and so on.) Maybe a humanoid character stepping on the blood puddles or other blood textures would give that character bloody footprints for a short time, resulting in interesting player, zombie, and npc tracking. Another cool idea, is that the blood textures should look different, depending how much damage is done. Ex: The blood textures should look gorier if hit with an axe five times, than hit with a fork or bat. Characters should show better blood particles when being hit instead of chunks of meat flying out and blood magically appearing on the ground when hit. Blood particles look somewhat like this: (But it should look more... Realistic, than this example. ) Well, that's my mod request. Get your brilliant coding minds working, and I hope at least one of these suggestions become a mod! I appreciate feedback. Thanks for reading!
  13. I like little interesting things in games that you have to be paying attention to appreciate. Here's a list of some that I will update. Ideas: Comment on this topic with an idea, and I can add one of your ideas. CheezeIsGouda: When a zombie, NPC, or player dies, a blood puddle slowly forms around the body, suggesting they are bleeding on the ground. The size of the blood puddle and how fast it forms would depend on the type of weapon used to kill them and/or the severity of injuries on the body at the time of death. Which one is added, should depend on the games limits. (List of blood puddle size to weapon killed with: Fists: None/Very Small. Fork: Very small. Bat: Medium. Kitchen Knife: Large. Axe: Large, and so on.) Maybe a humanoid character stepping on the blood puddles or other blood decals would give that character bloody footprints for a short time, resulting in interesting player, zombie, and npc tracking. CheezeIsGouda: When a player or NPC has a bleeding debuff, they slowly drip blood onto the ground. Oops, bleeding onto ground from bleeding debuff is already added. -snip-: Have the weapon in your hand slowly break in appearance as the quality goes down. -snip-: I think you should change the amount of blood dripping depending on weapon, into amount of blood dripping depending on the severity of the cut, you could kill someone with an axe, but there is no guarantee it will be a large cut. malankatank: ...It would be cool when you swing the axe and one shot kill a zombie with a head blow, that there is a possibility the head could be lopped off. Also along the lines of that you could hack off a leg (making a crawler (we shall call him Stumpy)) or take off an arm. INoEmo: I think it would be pretty cool if, with some weapons, when it breaks it leaves you with something sharp (golf club stick with a pointy end where it broke, baseball bat handle that is sharp, etc) that you can stick in a zombies face for an insta kill, but you don't get it back. It would be like one last "fuck you" to the horde as they start chomping down on you. Thanks for reading, and please leave some ideas of your own, or any comments.
  14. Soo this occured to me. I believe a nice addition to the game would be that you can remove blood stains inside a house using rags. The simple reason behind this is - now that you can move corpses (and with the new release burn them unless you want to become unhealthy and depressed) all those nasty stains still stay there which are just as demoralizing as the corpses themselves. Recepie for this could be - tear any type of clothing similar to bandages to create 2-4 rags, which will be called "Rag" use this on the surface you want cleaned by right clicking - then it becomes a "Dirty Rag" or "Stained Rag" - then you can burn these as well as the bodies (either in a campfire to provide 0.01 fuel?). I would LOVE this as to be honest it pisses me off when a nicely painted safehouse gets blood stains because someones left the front door open and a zombie wanders in. This would be a FULLY cosmetic update feature, which could be thrown into one of those small releases before we get our dream NPC's ^^ Please say I am not the only one who was thinking this? P.s. blood stains on my lovely farm could also be washed away by rain maybe? Or disappear after a while (4-7 days). That also makes my OCD on edge sometimes ^^
  15. Hey everyone, i find it really annoying that when i finally have got my new base i have all these dead bodies of the zombies i killed inside the house. I think it would be a really good feature that you can drag, drop and even burn dead body's (for example with gasoline and a lighter/matches). and also a way to clean up blood. To some pleople this might sound unnecessary. But i think that would be pretty awesome. Thanks for paying attention and hopefully some people like my idea
  16. And this suggestion came up a long time ago. How about one type of clothing would protect more against zombie bites or scratches. It's pretty obvious that a leather bomber jacket is gonna protect a scratch, maybe even a bite, but a polo shirt isn't. And what if you clothes get so much drenched with zombie blood, it would make your character sad or even drepressed (I can't believe if anyone would like to wear blood coated jeans or t-shirts).
  17. I don't think I've seen this particular suggestion before, I may be wrong though and if so I apologize. I understand it's planned that we'll be able to dispose of corpses at some point, I think that there needs to be the ability to drag the corpses around and also to clean up bloodstains. In my current game I've cleared out a few streets in West Point (probably around 200 zombies on the streets and in the houses so far!) and want to settle down in the area, however the number of corpses is substantial. When we have the ability to (I'm assuming) burn the corpses, I'd like to be able to drag them all to a big pile and then set that alight. Then I'd like to be able to clean up the blood scattering the roads and interiors of houses, in order to make it 'feel' safe. Also, a way to bury a corpse could be cool too (and make a grave marker), when NPC's and Multiplayer are added, I'd like to bury fallen comrades and burn the zombies. Just think it'd be neat if you could have a graveyard (maybe even bury your previous characters after looting them ) What do you guys think? EDIT: Ah shite, just looked through the 'Commonly Suggested' post and saw it's pretty much confirmed My bad, well, burial is still there!
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