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  1. Using Amphora or Rain Collector to store liquids like milk or petrol will always fill your containers in your inventory with water unless you manually select "Fluid options > transfer fluid." Additionally, Rain collectors take a long time to fill with rain; in debug mode after a storm, a metal or wooden feeder (100L and 50L respectively) fills in seconds, whereas a rain collector accumulates only about 100L per 24 hours.
  2. Version: 42.2.0 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: None Save: New Save Reproduction steps: 1. Set lighting to lowest in the display settings 2. Walk into a porche like the one in 8133x11671x0 3. Screen goes white as long as you are within the wooden tiles of that porch 4. Leave the porche and the screen goes back to normal OS: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
  3. It's in Rosewood
  4. Hello there, for my mod, which adds more SNES games for the Video Game Consoles mod (made by Spicy_Apples/Unconid), I'm looking for help on how to change the "Time" parameter in a crafting recipe. First, a short info about my mod/the Video Game Consoles mod: "Playing" a video game is implemented through custom recipes. You need the right video game in your inventory and be near a TV and the right video game console. Then you can "play" the video game via right-click menu on the cartridge in your inventory or through the crafting menu. A custom sound is played and afterwards there is a chance to reduce boredom and unhappiness. The duration of how long you play a game is defined in the recipe for each video game (Time parameter). My mod is just adding more SNES games to play (new items, new recipes, new sounds) I would like to add a sandbox option to my mod so that a player can choose how long a "gaming session" is. Currently it is coded in each game's recipe for approx. 3 minutes (Time=1900). Here's an example of how a recipe for the SNES game "Contra 3" looks like (from my custom recipe script file): craftRecipe Play Contra 3 { timedAction = VGC_Addon_SNESGames.PlayContra3SNES, Time = 1900, OnTest = VGC_OnTest_SNES, OnCreate = VGC_PlayGame, Tags = InHandCraft;CanBeDoneInDark;Electrical, category = Leisure, inputs { item 1 [VGC_Addon_SNESGames.SNES_Cartridge_Contra3] mode:keep, } } I'm far away from being a skilled programmer, but I can understand most some code and what it does so I'm learning while writing this mod by adapting code from similar mods. However, I cannot find an example anywhere where a mod changes the "Time" parameter of a recipe through sandbox options. I have found something similar for items. The "Custom Consumption" mod changes an items UseDelta through sandbox options. Here's an excerpt from its custom Lua file: local function adjustItem(Name, Property, Value) local Item = ScriptManager.instance:getItem(Name) Item:DoParam(Property.." = "..Value) end and then further in the same file: local function initCustomConsumption() local vars = setLocalSandboxVars() --[[Modifies Torch (= Flashlight) consumption from 0.0009 (Default)--]] adjustItem("Base.Torch", "UseDelta", 0.0009 / vars.TorchConsumption) --[[Modifies Battery consumption from 0.00001 (Default)--]] adjustItem("Base.Battery", "UseDelta", 0.00001 / vars.BatteryConsumption) . . . and so on...(for other items) I'm looking for something similar for my mod (but just only for a global setting for all games/recipes, not individually). But this example shows editing of the Item class. "DoParam( )", where the magic happens in the above example, does not exist for the Recipe class (apparently?). There is a "getTimeToMake()" for this class, but no "setTimeToMake()" according to https://projectzomboid.com/modding/zombie/scripting/objects/Recipe.html So here I am asking you folks if someone can help me out / give an example for a function that would adjust the "Time" parameter if thats currently possible. Greetings Alex
  5. B42.2.0 rev:26060 Tile: camping_01_6 I had never been to that location before, so it spawned like that. It only extinguished after I closed and opened the game, altough to the game it had always been unlite apparently (see screenshot). I'm not sure if it was an animation thing or if it was actually working as a lit campfire. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I think it actually emited heat, as my character got a bit hot after standing next to it for a while. I'm playing in linux, ubuntu, if it matters (Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS)
  6. Version: [42.2.0] Mods: [Vanilla] Save: [No Matter] Reproduction steps: 1. Open fluids script files. 2. See properties. I'm pretty sure this should not be intended like this ways and I think this is caused from a confusing of early release so I report this issue here. At the first (42.0.0 or 42.0.2), I was thinking TIS are keep balancing, adjusting and fine tuning scripts so I didn't think this is something a bug. But I saw patch note that they changed "Thirst" of fluids and i started thinking this is a bug, or at least they didn't notice yet. Because the direction of patch was still wrong. All fluid properties are based on 1000ml, whatever you are looking at. 300ml of soda can says it has -20 Thirst 2L of Soda bottle also says it has -20 Thirst Because they are based on 1000ml. so you will gain -40 Thirst when you drink all 2L Soda bottle while you only gain -6.7 Thirst when drink soda pop It's completely fine but the problem is, new value of properties(thirst, fatigue, etc) doesn't make sense at all. Pure Water only gives -20 thirst when you drink 1L. This mean is, when you drink 100ml water with your teacup, you will only gain -2 thirst. BTW, If you Auto-Drink 1L water then you will gain -90 Thirst. I think this is right, and this is what they intended for first. ------------------------ Coffee and Tea type fluid are also bugged, but I believe it's because Base.Coffee2 is not drainable type yet. Since Base.Coffee2 has -50 fatigue, but if you brew a cup of coffee with Base.Coffee2, then you will only gain -10 fatigue for 1000ml. and brewing a cup of coffee will gives you max 200ml of coffee type fluid, you will only gain -3 fatigue while original coffee gives -50 fatigue. So I think devs are missing something from "properties are based on 1000ml"?
  7. So I updated my game and I get crashes when spawning on the map. I'll provide the information of my system so it hopefully could be fixed. System : Fedora 40 kernel 6.12.4-100.fc40.x86_64 GNOME 46.7 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U (4) @ 3.00 GHz NVIDIA GeForce 610M/710M/810M/820M / GT 620M/625M/630M/720M (2GB) Intel HD Graphics 5500 @ 0.95 GHz [Integrated] 8GB RAM Logs.zip
  8. Version: 42.0.2 Rev: 25282 2024-12-22 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: None Save: New Save The recipe to build the leather shelter (entity Leather_Shelter) require tarp instead of leather. In fact, the component of that recipe are striclty identical to those of the tarp shelter.
  9. I have immediately noticed this weird house as soon as I entered it. In the bottom right corner of the house, there is a bedroom that is only accessible through the bathroom. Now I am not from the US so I don't know if this is just regular house design or is it an early build silly thing House is located in Echo Creek, here is a link to the house on the interactive map: https://b42map.com?3581x11081
  10. In my first couple of hours playing Build 42, I've found the new lighting system to be an amazing way to better set the game's tone and vibe. Seeing the streetlights in the night, or actually being able to experience colored lighting helps give the world a lot more life. But, as I was playing, there were a few things that took me out of the experience that I would love to see updated. 1. The first major one is the lighting radius that tabletop lamps give off. From my testing, the lamps only give off light to about 2 tiles away from it, meaning that if you have a standard table lamp in a bedroom, it will only light up about a quarter of the space. This feels extremely unrealistic as a table lamp would at least be able to give off some level of dim light to a much greater distance, but in the current state of Build 42 the rest of the room is pitch black. While I can understand that the light might be dim further across the room, I would at least like the rest of the space to not being engulfed in darkness when there is a table lamp in a viable position. In the following screenshot, you can see what I mean. I've outlined the shape of this room in red. 2. The second thing that could be changed is that table lamps would give off a larger light radius when placed on top of another object such as a bedside table. In real life, lamps placed up higher will shed light over a longer distance, and I think it would be interesting if that were implemented in Project Zomboid too. 3. The third thing that I would also like to note is how windows with closed curtains currently don't let in any amount of light. In real life, blinds or curtains would not be able to block 100% of the sunlight coming in from outside and would still slightly light up a room even if they were completely closed. I think it would be interested if this was represented in Project Zomboid. Currently, having an open shade in a standard residential room will light up the entire space in the daylight. I feel like it would make more sense if when the shades were closed instead of blocking all light coming from outside, that they made the light dimmer and shed for about 1-2 tiles inside before the blackness started up once more. (See yellow lines below for reference). Perhaps it would be possible to craft or find "Blackout Curtains" that did have the current effect and blocked all light from outside. 4. The fourth and final thing that I thing would make the B42 lighting more realistic and interesting would be light coming through the cracks around the edges of a door. Right now, closed doors completely seal off any light from passing through them, but once again, this isn't very realistic. I think the easiest way to represent this with Project Zomboid's lighting system would be that if there was a significant amount of light on the opposite side of the door, it would dimly light up one tile directly in front of the door. (See orange lines below for reference). This would serve the double purpose of making the lighting more realistic, and giving players a navigation tool if they are in a pitch black room-- after all, in real life you would be able to see at least some amount of light filtering beneath and beside a door leading somewhere brighter if you were in darkness.
  11. Version: [42.2] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save/Old Save] Graphics Card: amd radeon hd 6700 Reproduction steps: 1. Start the game with lowest lighting settings 2. Go under a roof 3. Observe Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (5).mp4
  12. Hello, like the title says, im not able to edit the spawnpoints.lua file for Muldraugh in my mod. I changed all spawns for Rosewood, Echo Creek, Riverside and Westpoint without any troubles. Whenever i try it for Muldraugh it results in a crashing game or that i spawn in an endless wilderniss. Any help is appreciated!
  13. Build 42.2.0, all conditions met when have 8 planks, 2 doorknobs, 4 hinges to build. Once building process finishes, no result of gate being finished and it also wastes resources.
  14. Version: 42.0.01 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: None Save: Old Save (Pre-Patch) Reproduction steps: 1. Have a Cow (In my case Angus) be pregnant and die. 2. Attach Cow to Butchering Hook 3. Bleed the Cow (9.4L), leave while the blood drains. 4. After Bleeding the Butchering hook will become inaccessible. (Butchering window flashes when interacting with Hook but disappears immediately) I have restarted the game, which lead to a graphical glitch where the cow is still there but you cannot pick up the body, nor is the Butchering hook showing it. After attaching another Animal (Pig) The Body of the Cow still wont disappear. I have Vsynch turned on and the Textures set to max, all other graphical settings are default. I also have a pretty beefy PC so it should be able to take it Update: It fixed itself after going into debug. The cow respawned underneath the Butchering hook with full health, juvenile and not pregnant.
  15. Seen posts on reddit showing more issues to do with animals multiplying rapidly.
  16. I got 2 traps, it's a start. Placed them in a "deep forest" zone. Quite a walk to get there, but it's fine since it's a great foraging route. Both my traps got a Rabbit. I got the first rabbit form a trap. It's in my hands. It's ALIVE, unfortunately. There are four options upon RMB: Animal Info, Drop, Feed, Give Water If I "Drop" it disappears, not sure if it was supposed to run around or just evaporates as it did. I even tried dropping on an animal zone, surrounded by fences and it definitely completely disappeared. I have a kitchen knife but there is no option to use it at all. Crafting menu won't work either as the butcher only work on dead rabbits. I tried equipping the knife, but equipping anything drops the rabbit, disintegrating it completely, losing the meat. Also can't put the thing on my bag or duffle bag to free my hands, it simply wont go. I got another trap waiting for me to deal with the first rabbit. WTH am I supposed to do with a damn rabbit in my hands to get it's meat? How the hell do I kill a damn trap Rabbit? PS: walking all the way to any furniture would make this a BUG since it's pure BS that I can't kill a rabbit on the spot. PS2: apologies for the language, but my save is literally stuck since I can't afford to lose the calories at hand
  17. Cutting bacon into strips resets it to uncooked and cutting bacon cooked strips to bits resets it to uncooked Status
  18. Chickens disappeared overnight from unfenced farm area overnight. They had a hutch and feed and water. Eggs remained in hutch but 3 chickens and a rooster simply vanished. Apocalypse mode build 42.
  19. Hi, Please add various handheld cages (with some craftable versions) for small animal transportation. It's such a drag otherwise. For instance, I was there, in an 11 months after the Event sandbox, all cars broken beyond repair, living in the woods, and I find those 3 chickens miraculously alive (because every other farm animal spawns dead in an 11 months situation, apparently) in the middle of a road. I want so bad to bring them back to my camp (with my pig Glitchy who came back from the dead thanks to a bug with the butcher hook ), and I was considering I'll have to go back and forth between this location and my (far away) camp, because I can only carry 1 chicken at a time, with both my hands (even mice require using both hands to carry them). That's when I suddenly had a flash of memories from the local marketplace of my childhood town: The noise, the people, the morning sun gently piercing through the platanus foliage, the stalls full of the products of the land and... the live chickens you could buy in their wooden cages. Buc buc. So, please, would you add this (the cages, not the morning sun piercing through the platanus foliage ... unless?) to the game if technically possible? Thank you!
  20. Hi, I've seen some questions and answers here about overriding lua functions, but I'm looking for something more trivial: I want to override a recipe. If I just define a recipe with the same name as the original one, the game mix them together. I read that there was an override:true tag in previous builds, but I don't know how we proceed in build 42. I've naively tried to add a override=TRUE in the recipe's definition, but to no avail. Can anyone help me? Thank you. EDIT: damned, I posted this under the wrong subforum, what a disgrace. And I don't know how to move or remove it. I'm ashamed. EDIT2: Post have been moved. Hurray \o/
  21. I have the following observations and context that may be relevant to why my game is now crashing. My Riverside safehouse has animals: chicken, pigs, cows, and sheep About an in-game day before my game started to crash, my game started to heavily stutter and FPS went very low, at which point I Quit to Desktop and reloaded the save, seemingly without any issue. Playing on generally normal settings but without zombie respawn The game runs fine when I am away from my safehouse (even went on a trip from Riverside to Muldraugh to test), but the moment I begin to approach my safehouse, to the extent that it is a bit closer than the edge of the default-zoom minimap, my game will crash. Further testing: When I approach the side of the safehouse with the cows and sheep, they load fine. When I approach the side of the chicken and pigs, the game crashes. The game still crashes even after minimizing the graphics settings. Reducing resolution does not prevent crashing, but allows me to approach the safehouse further than with a higher resolution. Project Zomboid - 2025-01-09 17-04-31.mp4
  22. Version: 42.0.2 Rev: 25282 2024-12-22 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: None Save: New Save 1) Have a Base.Antibiotics in your inventory (bug also happens if antibiotic is on the ground or any reachable container) 2) Open the crafting menu => An error is logged. I saw there're other bug reports relating to this item, but as it's not in the same circumstances I though it was better to file a new bug report. Sorry if I should have not. STACK TRACE ----------------------------------------- Callframe at: isNormalAndFullFood function: NormalGoodFullFood -- file: recipecode.lua line # 3006 | Vanilla function: GenericPacking -- file: recipecode.lua line # 2989 | Vanilla Callframe at: setRecipes function: refreshRecipeList -- file: ISHandCraftPanel.lua line # 213 | Vanilla function: createChildren -- file: ISHandCraftPanel.lua line # 58 | Vanilla function: instantiate -- file: ISUIElement.lua line # 696 | Vanilla function: createChildren -- file: ISHandcraftWindow.lua line # 43 | Vanilla function: instantiate -- file: ISUIElement.lua line # 696 | Vanilla function: createWindow -- file: ISEntityUI.lua line # 397 | Vanilla function: OpenHandcraftWindow -- file: ISEntityUI.lua line # 534 | Vanilla function: onOptionMouseDown -- file: ISEquippedItem.lua line # 455 | Vanilla function: onMouseUp -- file: ISButton.lua line # 56 | Vanilla. [09-01-25 00:49:08.614] ERROR: General f:83513, t:1736380148614> ExceptionLogger.logException> Exception thrown java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method). Stack trace: java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.caller.MethodCaller.call(MethodCaller.java:62) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:211) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:201) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.callJava(KahluaThread.java:192) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.luaMainloop(KahluaThread.java:1076) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.call(KahluaThread.java:173) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcall(KahluaThread.java:1963) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcallBoolean(KahluaThread.java:1853) se.krka.kahlua.integration.LuaCaller.protectedCallBoolean(LuaCaller.java:91) zombie.scripting.entity.components.crafting.CraftRecipe.OnTestItem(CraftRecipe.java:904) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeManager.consumeInputItemInternal(CraftRecipeManager.java:870) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeManager.consumeInputItem(CraftRecipeManager.java:798) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeInputFromItems(CraftRecipeData.java:1222) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeRecipeInputs(CraftRecipeData.java:1090) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeInputsInternal(CraftRecipeData.java:795) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeInputsInternal(CraftRecipeData.java:778) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.canPerform(CraftRecipeData.java:554) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.createCachedRecipeInfo(BaseCraftingLogic.java:361) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.createCachedRecipeInfo(HandcraftLogic.java:888) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.rebuildCachedRecipeInfo(HandcraftLogic.java:878) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.sortRecipeList(BaseCraftingLogic.java:349) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.filterRecipeList(BaseCraftingLogic.java:132) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.filterRecipeList(HandcraftLogic.java:579) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.filterRecipeList(BaseCraftingLogic.java:87) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.setRecipes(BaseCraftingLogic.java:408) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.setRecipes(HandcraftLogic.java:503) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.caller.MethodCaller.call(MethodCaller.java:62) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:211) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:201) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.callJava(KahluaThread.java:192) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.luaMainloop(KahluaThread.java:988) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.call(KahluaThread.java:173) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcall(KahluaThread.java:1963) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcallBoolean(KahluaThread.java:1902) se.krka.kahlua.integration.LuaCaller.protectedCallBoolean(LuaCaller.java:104) zombie.ui.UIElement.onMouseUp(UIElement.java:1626) zombie.ui.UIElement.onMouseUp(UIElement.java:1581) zombie.ui.UIElement.onConsumeMouseButtonUp(UIElement.java:1688) zombie.ui.UIManager.updateMouseButtons(UIManager.java:873) zombie.ui.UIManager.update(UIManager.java:733) zombie.GameProfiler.invokeAndMeasure(GameProfiler.java:176) zombie.GameWindow.logic(GameWindow.java:319) zombie.core.profiling.AbstractPerformanceProfileProbe.invokeAndMeasure(AbstractPerformanceProfileProbe.java:76) zombie.GameWindow.frameStep(GameWindow.java:917) zombie.GameWindow.run_ez(GameWindow.java:810) zombie.GameWindow.mainThread(GameWindow.java:610) java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Integer.intValue()" because the return value of "zombie.scripting.objects.Item.getPoisonDetectionLevel()" is null zombie.inventory.types.Food.isNormalAndFullFood(Food.java:2286) ... 55 more
  23. Since I heard an awesome feature will be added where zombies will pile up on fences etc instead of walking around them, I thought it'd be cool to be able to stab them with spears or knives through the fence, albeit slowly. But too many of them and maybe it won't help ... Edit: Nvm already in game, and I don't know how to delete this post xD
  24. Version: 42.0.2 Rev: 25282 2024-12-22 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: (Some minor changes on some objects, a mod for hairstyles: nothing touching the moodles or any action even remotly related to cutting down trees) Save: New Save I noticed that cutting down trees build up my character's stress. My character is in the middle of the forest, far away from any zombie and have the trait "cowardly" but someone told me they experience the same thing without this trait. After some discussions with other players trying to find an explanation for that stress, I tried to carefully manage my character's stamina in order not to drain it. They have no injury, are fed and are not thirty, they just got some minor muscle strain from cutting trees (which provoke the slight pain moodle), nothing else. But whatever I do, cutting down trees build up some stress. And the more trees they cut, the more stressed they are, for apparently for no reason.
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