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Found 14 results

  1. Hi everyone ! First post here, I was a ghost watcher for a long time but I have finally decided to bring my contribution. english is not my native language so bear with me is my sentences doesn't make sense sometimes XD. Be prepared, this post is going to be a little long. PART 1 First, I would like to say that I really love this game, I am not a hardcore player who has like 1400 hours on it but I have played it enough to appreciate it ^^ The developpers have made already a really good game and I am very thankful for that. This post will not be about some gameplay changes but about the overall artistic scope of the game. Honestly, the only thing that bother me in this game is the lack of mood and horror vibes. I have seen some suggestion post about that, like adding some crows and such, which is already a very good suggestion in my opinions. But so far I have seen nothing about the lighting or colorimetry of the game. So I have made some little rough mockup about some stuff I would like to be added if possible of course. I am in no way a game designer or a programmer so I have 0 knowledge about what is possible to do. So, my first point is about lighting and ambient light. I find the overall lighting of a room ( when you press the switch on the wall) lacking of credibility. The room suddenly become clear and you can't see where the light attached to the switch is. I have add some shading on the floor and a glow at the top to look like the light is attached on the ceiling Another similar examples is about bedside lamp, the 2d asset have no real difference between switch on or off right now. So I have made a little mock up that show a more clear difference in my opinion. I don't know if it's possible to add some rim lighting on the characters but it could add a lot more mood and presence to them. In this scene you see the TV screen give a real sense of presence in the room. I think, the tv screen asset could be better with some animated GIF depending on the channel you're on. I also have imagined what a near lightning strike could do on the screen with a big flash ! I think it could bring a lot more horror vibe ^^ Again, I really don't know if the rim light on the character is possible. Another thing I was thinking about is flickering light. Of course, a very few lamp in the game would flick but again It could add some really creepy mood. I have attached some examples, but I imagine the same could be applied to the lighting of a gas station or a neon motel sign for example.
  2. THE GAME Colour me, stupid! is a revolutionary never-before-seen original concept where the entrant (that means you) has to take the provided outline (there it is, down the bottom!) and colour (using any pixel location and RGB value setting art software you may have) it in making something that looks like (has the appearance of) something, vaguely. The key, you see, is not drawing something obvious - if the outline is a teddy bear, don't draw the inside of a teddy bear unless you do something where you literally see its insides (livers, kidneys, etc) but instead do a spaceship, or a man riding a donkey, or something. Here is an example... Is it a wizard in a wizard's hat? No! It's a penguin! You get the idea! You can rotate (in 90 degree steps) and flip the outline to your heart's content and make something out of the inside, outside, or both if you like - there are no hard and fast rules and no entry will be disqualified for any reason unless you draw something completely filthy! Pervert. The more creative the better, but don't panic if you can't draw very well because we don't judge on quality - it's about the idea! So the more amazingly you can turn one thing into another, regardless of whether what you produced only looks like a mountain gorilla if you squint a lot and use your imagination, the more chance you have of winning! HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? Just download the latest outline (at the bottom of this post), do something funky with it, and then post your entry in this thread along with any explanation you might want to add. HOW DO I WIN, THEN? The winner of the previous round provides the outline and chooses the winner of the next! Okay, so you don't get a speedboat or anything but it's the thought that counts, and I just thought about a really cool speedboat. Please keep outlines to 128x128 or smaller. CURRENT ROUND OUTLINE (Round Over) Download it! Flip it (optionally)! Colour it in, stupid!
  3. Hello, i hope this reaches one of the artists of Indie Stone Firstly, your game is by far the best specimen of survival genre i've seen, but i love your art the most I'm embarking on game development, and we are making an isometric game, as i am the only visual guy, i need some tips on how to make actors in a 2d isometric structure as beautiful and with variety like yours Tips that can make my life easier are mucho appreciado. I didn't start proper asset creation, but my current method in mind is making male and female naked actors, every movement in every direction, then creating cosmetics and outfits in every movement in every direction. I am intimidated by the sheer work, i would also appreciate software advice as well. I am using Aseprite right now, but open to suggestions Love you guys, best luck with the game
  4. Big fan, saw the recent blog post about your new texturing: http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2016/06/bloody-business/. Since it gives you the ability to combine as many textures as you like, I thought: why not add, as time passes, ageing to all found clothing in the game, conveying the encroaching worldly demise, perhaps as a sepia-toned texture set with minor imperfections.
  5. Namely, I'd like to see what a given player or zombie is wearing/carrying. Not everything, mind, but if they're carrying a bag, a weapon, et al; it'd be nice to have an indication. There'd be limits to this, of course. Weapons/items in hand, but only weapons and containers-there's no need to add a 'held' sprite for literally every item. Guns would be tucked into a pocket or holster, and shotguns with strap would be displayed strapped across the body. Various backpacks could also be rendered on the back. This'd make engaging the zed a more tempting idea; you see one carrying a duffel bag shuffling brainlessly in the middle of a small pack and go..."What's he got in there?" Early-game when finding a container matters, it'd be reason to engage the zed at all-because they've got a Big Hiking Bag, dammit! A little extra work, but not too much, I think; the code should be there, needing only a little tweaking...but then I don't know what the item display code looks like.
  6. Making some art for a project, thought i would share in case it is helpful for others. Hope this is right forum section. I give anybody permission to use them for any Project Zomboid mod. From top left to bottom right (after planter box and filled planter box)... Apple, Avocado, Banana, Bell Pepper, Blackberry, Blueberry, Broccoli, Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Cherry, Chinese Cabbage, Corn, Cotton, Coffee, Eggplant, Garlic, Grape, Green Onion, Hemp, Jute, Lemon, Leek, Lettuce, Lime, Orange, Onion, Pear, Peach, Pumpkin, Peanut, Pea, Pineapple, Potato, Poppy, Radish, Rubber, Strawberry, Sunflower, Sweet Potato, Tea, Tomato, Watermelon, Zucchini Lotus, Papyrus, Watercress, Taro, Water Hawthorn, Eel Grass, Lepironia, Sweet Flag, Aloe, Bamboo, Barberry, Basil, Bean, Belladonna, Celery, Cashew, Chamomile, Clove, Date Palm, Elderberry, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Henna, Kava, Lavender, Mango, Maple, Mandrake, Mescal, Mint, Okra, Pepper (chili), Papaya, Passion-fruit, Peyote, Rice, Rosemary, Sage, Spinach, Sugarcane, Thyme, Turmeric, Valerian, Wheat-grass. Also made these non farming related objects.
  7. I am adding several new items made from vanilla items and I want the icons in the inventory to have a vanilla feel and look, and thus I would like to see the different art files up close in photoshop, but I can't seem to find them?
  8. Hi guys I've spent 2 days playing and I love this game so I thought I could make something for you so here it is (I'm pasting the URL) http://s5.postimg.org/dy2qet0qv/Zombi_01.jpg
  9. Hello everybody, I'm Cristian, lead designer for Black The Fall, and I just wanted to let you know about our Kickstarter campaign. Black The Fall is a sharp, modern action game set in a post-communist industrial world. Our intention is to craft a one-of-a-kind sidescrolling game that mixes combat with stealth and puzzle elements. We've got 46 h to go, so if you like out game, now is the time to check it out! Some really cool rewards are available only for this campaign: This collector Black Box contains: the cool 3D print of Black – 5.9 inches (15 cm tall)the DVD of the game with a retro design (signed) a booklet with concept art and game instructions all six postcards signed by our teamYou can find more goodies on our Kickstarter page.
  10. Okay, so I've been a PZ player for a while now (first played the game WAYYY back a few years ago) however I've never really 'stuck with' a single game, I usually get bored and sacrifice myself. However, in this current game, I'm at Day 27 (my personal record so far, my previous being about 5 days) and I'm still going strong.. I'm wondering where I go from here? I have a pretty secure place (in the middle of the town in West Point, believe it or not), I've wiped most zombies from the area and only a few wanderers really come in. I've got a good supply of non-perishables stored in my base (enough to last at least another month and a half) and rain collection barrels set up outside. I have a pretty decent stockpile of weapons (3 fire axes, 4 baseball bats, 2 crowbars, plenty of knifes, 2 pistols, a shotgun, golfclubs, etc) and I'm not short on ammunition either, plus I've opened the gun shop near my base so if I do run low on ammo (which I hardly use) then there's plenty there. I also have amassed a large amount of medicine from the nearby pharmacy which I've also stored in my base. The only thing I find that I'm in short supply of is nails, continually go out on supply runs to find damn nails. I raided the warehouse in West Point (just south of town) and the majority of shops in town.. I know there are nails further north in the neighbourhoods (in the sheds), however I tried to make a supply run into that area and it's infested as hell, no way I can loot that right now. I'm considering making the trip to Muldraugh to get some supplies, however I fear how long the walk will be. So what are you guys thoughts? What does a player do once they have an established base? And do you recommend I make the trip to Muldraugh?
  11. Heya guys, I've been working on this off and on for the last few years. It's really an out pouring of my soul and I hope it shows how much I love zombies: http://i.imgur.com/RXrY1AC.png
  12. Hey Guys check out my fan-art. Just finished it today on Photoshop. Hope you like it! Took me 6-8 hours? I think... http://benjohnsonstb.edublogs.org/
  13. I hate cropping images and trying to take a good picture of my pencil drawings but I was able to do my best with what I got and I posted this cartoon like zombie I named phil... EDIT: Hey, I remade Phil on my pc paint program so he looks better. Let me just say it was a pain in the a** to re-create him on paint considering the limitations the program has but I was able to do it none the less...
  14. ( BaldSpot/Bob Smith, Original pic: http://cghub.com/images/view/170851/ ) All wallpapers are made with gimp and are completely custom aside from some images like blood and BaldSpot/Bob Smith, Oh and the Spiffo of course. Anyway I hope you people enjoy these things... "Surviving Muldraugh" http://zedhead1997.deviantart.com/art/Surviving-Muldraugh-395963066 "PZ Wallpaper" http://zedhead1997.deviantart.com/art/PZ-Wallpaper-395964959?ga_submit_new=10%3A1377488570 "Spiffo Wallpaper" http://zedhead1997.deviantart.com/art/Spiffo-Wallpaper-411858219
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