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  1. I have this in a script: DisplayName = Camelback (UCP),and in the translation file: DisplayName_Camelback_(UCP) = "Sistema de hidratación (UCP)",the problem is that the translation get ignored... Why? is because of the () ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here's another case: DisplayName = .32 ACP - 50 Round Box,translation: DisplayName_.32_ACP_-_50_Round_Box = ".32 ACP - 50 Cartuchos en Caja",is ignored because of the sign - ? NOTE: All other variables in my translation files are OK and ACCEPTED, there's only a few that are ignored, like the vars described in this thread.
  2. I'm translating the items and recipes in my mod into Chinese. But I found that there are missing a lot of characters in the translation system. For example, there is no characters for "bee" and "hive". Does this happen to other language, too?
  3. Hi, I pulled out all of the DisplayNames from Hydrocraft 1.6 files for you people to translate into your languages. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/je25ybhrk7r31sg/Items_PL.txt?dl=0 TODO: Recipes Forget this, read Svarog's post below.
  4. Delete this post PLS. figured everything out. Item_RU.txt Recipes_RU.txt
  5. As tittle. I found it that had been translated of Chinese(CH) on 2014, so far, It had not been translated for a long time.I am apparently much surprised at it ,but it will translate as long as I hv free time. The Personality Traits UI is finally almost done . Final, thanks for the predecessor , the most of translated of CH has been used so far. Link to download the translated of CH, last update 2015/08/18 https://mega.nz/#F!F1cFlBzZ!R0YFj6IfQJCWXYxVqrETCw
  6. Hey there translators, I came up with an idea which could make the translation work a bit more enjoyable. Not that it's a pain right now, but it hurts the eyes ^^ What's the idea ? I personally use notepad++ to edit the .txt files containing the translations. And I thought of a tool which would work like this : You open the .txt file with the toolA window like notepad would open, with the usual tabs like file, edition, etc at the top. In the window itself, you'd have at least two columns.On the left, an uneditable column showing the "command name" in order to know what's being translated. On the right, one or more editable columns showing the actual translation for your language which you can then complete and / or modify as you wish. There might be multiple columns when there are strings of text separated by formatting stuff like BR or LINE which shouldn't be modifiedIf you save your work, it keeps the .txt format because basically, the tool would be a "selective" .txt files editor. You'd be adble to put it back in the appropriate folder and use it as it is.This shopped image speaks for itself, if my explanations suck What's the point ? Pros : It avoids modifying a command line and getting translation errorsI think it would be easier to quickly see what's translated and how it isEditing is made easier, having not to care about the formatting which wouldn't be displayedIt prevents you from turning blind while looking at these small text lines in notepadCons : You cannot edit the formatting - but it's a translating tool, after allYou'd have to use notepad or a similar software if you need to write missing code lines added with a new build - if this ever happens How would the tool work ? I have no proficiency in programming that sort of tools, but my guess would be that : The tool looks at every line in the txt fileFor every line, it displays everything before the "=" sign in the first uneditable columnThen, a new editable column is created for everything detected between two " "Anything edited in those columns is directly put into the .txt file If you think that tool would be a nice thing to have, give a shout, else, you can also argue that's some programming time wasted on something very specific. Maybe it already exists ? And if you're both interested and skilled in programming, why not give it shot ? Teesee, for the French translation
  7. I am romanian, but I was born in austria so the translation isn`t 100% correct. If there is someone else who also speaks the romanian language, please help me. Thank you -Marcus Contributors (Contribuitori): Marcus Progress [build 28]: Context Menu - Complete ​Farming - Complete IG UI - Complete Moodles - Uncomplete Survival Guide - Uncomplete Tooltip - Uncomplete UI - Uncomplete Items - Uncomplete Recipes - Uncomplete ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Context Menu Farming IG UI
  8. #Last updated: 21/05/2014 09:47 CET# EUROPEAN PORTUGUESE (build 28) Translation Files: -----> HERE <----- Contributors RidickuloPenedus The text beneath is outdated, for the most recent text files download the file at the top of this post Source : ContextMenu_PT = { ContextMenu_Destroy = "Destruir ", ContextMenu_Grab = "Agarrar ", ContextMenu_Sleep = "Dormir", ContextMenu_Fill = "Encher ", ContextMenu_Drink = "Beber", ContextMenu_Turn_Off = "Desligar", ContextMenu_Turn_On = "Ligar", ContextMenu_Climb_through = "Subir", ContextMenu_Add_sheet_rope = "Colocar corda de lençóis", ContextMenu_Remove_sheet_rope = "Retirar corda de lençóis", ContextMenu_Barricade = "Barricar", ContextMenu_Unbarricade = "Remover barricada", ContextMenu_Add_sheet = "Pendurar lençol", ContextMenu_Open_window = "Abrir janela", ContextMenu_Close_window = "Fechar janela", ContextMenu_Smash_window = "Partir janela", ContextMenu_Open_curtains = "Abrir cortinas", ContextMenu_Close_curtains = "Fechar cortinas", ContextMenu_Remove_curtains = "Tirar cortinas", ContextMenu_Open_door = "Abrir porta", ContextMenu_Close_door = "Fechar porta", ContextMenu_Orders = "Ordens", ContextMenu_Follow_me = "Segue-me", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Guarda", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Fica", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Aproxima-te", ContextMenu_Walk_to = "Ir para", ContextMenu_Grab_one = "Levar um", ContextMenu_Grab_half = "Levar metade", ContextMenu_Grab_all = "Levar tudo", ContextMenu_Grab = "Levar", ContextMenu_Put_in_Container = "Guardar", ContextMenu_Equip_on_your_Back = "Pôr ás costas", ContextMenu_Eat = "Comer", ContextMenu_Equip_Primary = "Equipar na mão primária", ContextMenu_Equip_Secondary = "Equipar na mão auxiliar", ContextMenu_Reload = "Recarregar", ContextMenu_Pour_into = "Despejar para ", ContextMenu_Pour_on_Ground = "Despejar no chão", ContextMenu_Take_pills = "Tomar comprimidos", ContextMenu_Read = "Ler", ContextMenu_Wear = "Vestir", ContextMenu_Unequip = "Desequipar", ContextMenu_Apply_Bandage = "Colocar penso", ContextMenu_Dry_myself = "Secar-me", ContextMenu_Drop = "Largar", ContextMenu_Full = "Cheio", ContextMenu_Dig = "Escavar", ContextMenu_Fertilize = "Fertilizar", ContextMenu_Sow_Seed = "Semear", ContextMenu_Info = "Informação", ContextMenu_Remove = "Remover", ContextMenu_Water = "Água", ContextMenu_Treat_Problem = "Tratar de problemas", ContextMenu_Seeds = "Sementes", ContextMenu_Harvest = "Colher", ContextMenu_Keep = "Guardar ", ContextMenu_Smoke = "Fumar", ContextMenu_Chop_Tree = "Cortar árvore" -- Crafting menu ContextMenu_Door = "Porta", ContextMenu_Stairs = "Escadas", ContextMenu_Floor = "Chão", ContextMenu_Bar = "Bar", ContextMenu_Furniture = "Mobília", ContextMenu_Fence = "Cerca", ContextMenu_Wooden_Stake = "Estaca (madeira)", ContextMenu_Barbed_Fence = "Cerca de Arame farpado", ContextMenu_Wooden_Fence = "Cerca (madeira)", ContextMenu_Sang_Bag_Wall = "Muro de sacos de areia", ContextMenu_Gravel_Bag_Wall = "Muro de sacos de gravilha", ContextMenu_Wooden_Wall = "Parede (madeira)", ContextMenu_Wooden_Pillar = "Pilar (madeira)", ContextMenu_Windows_Frame = "Janela", ContextMenu_Wooden_Floor = "Piso (madeira)", ContextMenu_Wooden_Crate = "Caixote (madeira)", ContextMenu_Table = "Mesa", ContextMenu_Small_Table = "Mesa pequena", ContextMenu_Large_Table = "Mesa grande", ContextMenu_Table_with_Drawer = "Mesa com gaveta", ContextMenu_Wooden_Chair = "Cadeira (madeira)", ContextMenu_Rain_Collector_Barrel = "Barril para recolher chuva", ContextMenu_Dark_Wooden_Stairs = "Escadas de madeira escura", ContextMenu_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Escadas (madeira)", ContextMenu_Light_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Escadas de madeira clara", ContextMenu_Wooden_Door = "Porta (madeira)", ContextMenu_Door_Frame = "Vão de porta", ContextMenu_Dismantle = "Desmantelar", ContextMenu_Build = "Construir", ContextMenu_Bar_Element = "Balcão", ContextMenu_Bar_Corner = "Esquina de balcão", ContextMenu_Plaster = "Estuque", ContextMenu_Paint = "Tinta", ContextMenu_Blue = "Azul", ContextMenu_Brown = "Castanho", ContextMenu_Cyan = "Ciano", ContextMenu_Green = "Verde", ContextMenu_Grey = "Cinzento", ContextMenu_Light_Blue = "Azul claro", ContextMenu_Light_Brown = "Castanho claro", ContextMenu_Orange = "Laranja", ContextMenu_Pink = "Cor-de-rosa", ContextMenu_Purple = "Roxo", ContextMenu_Turquoise = "Turquesa" ContextMenu_White = "Branco", ContextMenu_Yellow = "Amarelo", ContextMenu_Equip_Two_Hands = "Segurar com ambas as mãos", -- Camping menu ContextMenu_Build_a_fire = "Fazer fogueira", ContextMenu_Add_petrol = "Deitar gasolina", ContextMenu_Light_fire = "Acender fogueira", ContextMenu_Put_up_tent = "Montar tenda", ContextMenu_Take_down_tent = "Desmontar tenda", ContextMenu_Remove_fire = "Levar fogueira", ContextMenu_Put_out_fire = "Apagar fogo", ContextMenu_Add_fuel_to_fire = "Colocar mais lenha", ContextMenu_Sleep_in_tent = "Dormir na tenda", ContextMenu_Light_fire_with_kindling = "Acender fogueira com gravetos", ContextMenu_Light = "Acender", ContextMenu_Spill_Gravel = "Espalhar Gravilha", ContextMenu_Spill_Sand = "Espalhar Areia", ContextMenu_Spill_Dirt = "Espalhar Terra", ContextMenu_Take_some_sands = "Levar alguma areia", ContextMenu_Take_some_gravel = "Levar alguma gravilha", ContextMenu_Take_some_dirt = "Levar alguma terra", ContextMenu_Repair = "Reparar", ContextMenu_NameThisBag = "Dar nome a saco", ContextMenu_RenameBag = "Mudar nome de saco", ContextMenu_Lamp_on_Pillar = "Lanterna em poste", ContextMenu_RenameFood = "Mudar nome " } Translation Notes : Farming Source : Farming_PT = {-- Nome dos vegetais (tipo de semente) Farming_Carrots = "Cenouras", Farming_Broccoli = "Brócolos", Farming_Radishes = "Rabanete", Farming_Strawberry_plant = "Morangueiro", Farming_Tomato_Vine = "Tomate", Farming_Potatoes = "Batatas", Farming_Cabbages = "Repolho", -- fase de crescimento Farming_Seedling = "Rebentos", Farming_Young = "Verde", Farming_Ready_for_Harvest = "Pronto a colher", Farming_In_bloom = "Em flor", Farming_Seed-bearing = "Com semente", Farming_Receding = "A murchar", Farming_Rotten = "Podre", Farming_Destroyed = "Destruído", -- Texto de info agricola -- nome Farming_Plant_Information = "Informação sobre a planta", Farming_Current_growing_phase = "Fase de crescimento atual", Farming_Next_growing_phase = "Próxima fase de crescimento", Farming_Last_time_watered = "Regado pela ultima vez", Farming_Fertilized = "Fertilizado", Farming_Health = "Saúde", Farming_Disease = "Doença", Farming_Water_levels = "Nível de água", -- agua Farming_Well_watered = "Bem regado", Farming_Fine = "Bem", Farming_Thirsty = "Necessita de água", Farming_Dry = "Seco", Farming_Parched = "Ressequido", -- fase de crescimento Farming_Seedling = "Rebento", Farming_Fully_grown = "Maduro", Farming_Ready_to_harvest = "Pronto a colher", -- doença Farming_Mildew = "Bolor", Farming_Pest_Flies = "Pestilento", Farming_Devil_Water_Fungi = "Fungos", -- horas Farming_Hours = "Horas", -- vida Farming_Flourishing = "A florescer", Farming_Verdant = "Verdejante", Farming_Healthy = "Saudável", Farming_Sickly = "Doente", Farming_Stunted = "Atrofiada", } Translation Notes : Items Source : Items_PT = { DisplayNameCampfire_materials = "Material para fogueiras", DisplayNameStone = "Pedra", DisplayNameKindling = "Gravetos", DisplayNameKnotted_Wooden_Plank = "Tábua de madeira", DisplayNameSturdy_Stick = "Vara de madeira", DisplayNameFlint = "Pedra de isqueiro", DisplayNameSteel_Knuckle = "Soqueira", DisplayNameFlint_and_Steel = "Isqueiro artesanal", DisplayNameTent = "Tenda", DisplayNameTent_kit = "Kit de acampamento", DisplayNameTent_Peg = "Estaca da tenda", DisplayNameSeeding_Broccoli = "Brócolos", DisplayNameRadish = "Rabanete", DisplayNameStrawberry = "Morango", DisplayNameTomato = "Tomate", DisplayNamePotato = "Batata", DisplayNameCabbage = "Repolho", DisplayNameMilk_Package = "Pacote de leite", DisplayNameBacon = "Bacon", DisplayNameBacon_Rashers = "Tiras de bacon", DisplayNameBacon_Bits = "Bocados de bacon", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise = "Maionese", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "Garrafa de água", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade = "Garrafa de remoulade", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_Half = "Garrafa de remoulade (meia)", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_Empty = "Garrafa de remoulade (vazia)", DisplayNamePotato_Salad = "Salada de batata", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad = "Preparado para salada de batata", DisplayNamePotato_Salad_Vegetarian = "Salada de batata vegetariana", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad_Vegetarian = "Preparado para salada de batata vegetariana", DisplayNameBoring_Mixed_Salad = "Salada trivial", DisplayNameSimple_Mixed_Salad = "Salada simples", DisplayNameTasty_Mixed_Salad = "Salada saborosa", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Boring_Mixed_Salad = "Preparado de salada trivial ", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds = "Sementes de cenoura", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds = "Sementes de brócolos", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds = "Sementes de rabanete", DisplayNameStrewberry_Seeds = "Sementes de Morango", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds = "Sementes de tomate", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds = "Sementes de batata", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds = "Sementes de repolho", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds_Packet = "Saco de sementes de cenoura", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds_Packet = "Saco de sementes de brócolos", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds_Packet = "Saco de sementes de rabanete", DisplayNameStrewberry_Seeds_Packet = "Saco de sementes de morango", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds_Packet = "Saco de sementes de tomate", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds_Packet = "Saco de sementes de batata", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds_Packet = "Saco de sementes de repolho", DisplayNameTrowel = "Pá de jardinagem", DisplayNameSpade = "Pá", DisplayNameWatering_Can_Full = "Regador (cheio)", DisplayNameWatering_Can = "Regador", DisplayNameNPK_Fertilizer = "Fertilizante", DisplayNameEmpty_Fertilizer = "Fertilizante (vazio)", DisplayNameMildew_Spray = "Spray de sulfato", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_Empty = "Borrifador de jardinagem", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_Full = "Borrifador de jardinagem (cheio)", DisplayNameInsecticide_Spray = "Spray de insecticida", DisplayNameAxe = "Machado", DisplayNameBaseball_Bat = "Taco de baseball", DisplayNameNailed_Baseball_Bat = "Taco com pregos", DisplayNameButter_Knife = "Faca de manteiga", DisplayNameHammer = "Martelo", DisplayNameKitchen_Knife = "Faca de cozinha", DisplayNameMolotov_Cocktail = "Cocktail molotov", DisplayNameFrying_Pan = "Frigideira", DisplayNamePen = "Caneta", DisplayNamePencil = "Lápis", DisplayNamePistol = "Pistola", DisplayNamePlank = "Tábua", DisplayNameNailed_Plank = "Tábua com pregos", DisplayNamePoolcue = "Taco de bilhar", DisplayNameScrewdriver = "Chave de fendas", DisplayNameShotgun = "Caçadeira", DisplayNameSawn_Off_Shotgun = "Caçadeira de canos serrados", DisplayNameSledgehammer = "Marreta", DisplayNameBarbed_wire = "Arame farpado", DisplayNameBarricade = "Barricada", DisplayNameBelt = "Cinto", DisplayName9mm_Magazine = "Carregador de 9mm", DisplayNameBowl = "Tigela", DisplayNameBucket = "Balde", DisplayName9mm_Rounds = "Balas de 9mm", DisplayNameCandle = "Vela", DisplayNameCoffee = "Café em pó", DisplayNameBag_of_Concrete_Powder = "Saco de cimento", DisplayNameCrate = "Caixote", DisplayNameDoor = "Porta", DisplayNameWooden_Door_Frame = "Vão de porta de madeira", DisplayNameDoorknob = "Maçaneta", DisplayNameDrawer = "Gaveta", DisplayNameDoor_Hinge = "Dobradiça", DisplayNamePicture_of_Kate = "Foto da Kate", DisplayNameKettle = "Cafeteira", DisplayNameLog = "Toro", DisplayNameEmpty_Mug = "Caneca (vazia)", DisplayNameNails = "Pregos", DisplayNameEmpty_Notebook = "Caderno vazio", DisplayNamePaint_brush = "Trincha", DisplayNamePillow = "Almofada", DisplayNamePistol_Magazine = "Carregador de pistola", DisplayNameBag_of_Plaster_Powder = "Saco de estuque", DisplayNamePool_Ball = "bola de bilhar", DisplayNameEmpty_Pop_Bottle = "Garrafa de sumo (vazia)", DisplayNameCooking_Pot = "Panela", DisplayNameBandages = "Ligaduras", DisplayNameRoasting_Pan = "Assadeira", DisplayNameSaw = "Serra", DisplayNameSheet = "Lençol", DisplayNameSheet_of_Paper = "Folha de papel", DisplayNameSheet_Rope = "Corda de lençóis", DisplayNameShotgun_Shells = "Cartuchos de caçadeira", DisplayNameSock = "Meia", DisplayNameStairs_Piece = "Bloco de escadas", DisplayNameTea_Bag = "Saqueta de chã", DisplayNameCan_Opener = "Abre-latas", DisplayNameCanned_Beans = "Feijão enlatado", DisplayNameTuna = "Lata de Atum", DisplayNameWall_Piece = "Secção de Parede", DisplayNameEmpty_Bottle = "Garrafa (vazia)", DisplayNameWooden_Window_Frame = "Caixilho de janela (madeira)", DisplayNameBook = "Livro", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Beginners = "Carpintaria para principiantes", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Intermediates = "Carpintaria para novatos", DisplayNameAdvanced_Carpentry = "Carpintaria avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Carpentry = "Carpintaria profissional", DisplayNameMaster_Carpentry = "Mestre de carpintaria", DisplayNameCooking_for_Beginners = "Culinária para principiantes", DisplayNameCooking_for_Intermediates = "Culinária para novatos", DisplayNameAdvanced_Cooking = "Culinária avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Cooking = "Culinária profissional", DisplayNameMaster_Cooking = "Mestre da culinária", DisplayNameFarming_for_Beginners = "Agricultura para principiantes", DisplayNameFarming_for_Intermediates = "Agricultura para novatos", DisplayNameAdvanced_Farming = "Agricultura avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Farming = "Agricultura para profissionais", DisplayNameMaster_Farming = "Mestre da Agricultura", DisplayNameDoodle = "Desenho", DisplayNameJournal = "Diario", DisplayNameMagazine = "Revista", DisplayNamespaper = "Jornal", DisplayNameApple = "Maçã", DisplayNameBroccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "Frango na caçarola com brócolos", DisplayNameBanana = "Banana", DisplayNameBowl_of_Beans = "Tigela de feijão", DisplayNameBoring_Bowl_of_Soup = "Tigela de sopa trivial", DisplayNameBoring_Soup = "Sopa trivial", DisplayNameBread = "Pão", DisplayNameBroccoli = "Brócolos", DisplayNameButter = "Manteiga", DisplayNameCarrots = "Cenouras", DisplayNameCheese = "Queijo", DisplayNameCheese_Sandwich = "Sandes de queijo", DisplayNameChicken = "Frango", DisplayNameChocolate = "Chocolate", DisplayNameCigarettes = "Cigarros", DisplayNameComplex_Bowl_of_Soup = "Tigela de sopa gourmet", DisplayNameComplicated_Soup = "Sopa gourmet", DisplayNameChips = "Batatas fritas", DisplayNameCupcake = "Queque", DisplayNameEgg = "Ovo", DisplayNameGrilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Tosta de queijo", DisplayNameHearty_Bowl_of_Soup = "Tigela de sopa rica", DisplayNameHearty_Soup = "Sopa rica", DisplayNameLollipop = "Chupa-chupa", DisplayNameHot_Cuppa = "Chávena", DisplayNameOpen_Can_of_Beans = "Lata de feijão aberta", DisplayNameOrange = "Laranja", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter = "Manteiga de amendoim", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter_Sandwich = "Sandes de manteiga de amendoim", DisplayNamePeas = "Ervilhas", DisplayNamePie = "Tarte", DisplayNamePop = "Sumo", DisplayNameOrange_Soda = "Sumo de laranja", DisplayNameInstant_Popcorn = "Pipocas instantâneas", DisplayNamePot_of_Soup = "Panela de sopa", DisplayNameDry_Ramen_Noodles = "Ramen seco", DisplayNameBowl_of_Ramen_Noodles = "Tigela de Ramen", DisplayNameSalmon = "Salmão", DisplayNameSimple_Bowl_of_Soup = "Tigela de sopa simples", DisplayNameSimple_Soup = "Sopa simples", DisplayNameBowl_of_Soup = "Tigela de sopa", DisplayNameSteak = "Bife", DisplayNameTV_Dinner = "Refeição congelada", DisplayNameTasty_Bowl_of_Soup = "Tigela de sopa saborosa", DisplayNameTasty_Soup = "Sopa saborosa", DisplayNameCanned_Soup = "Sopa enlatada", DisplayNameOpen_Tin_of_Tuna = "Lata de atum aberta", DisplayNameWatermelon = "Melancia", DisplayNameWatermelon_Slice = "Fatia de melancia", DisplayNameWatermelon_Chunks = "Pedaços de melancia", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_full = "Garrafa de whisky (cheia)", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_half = "Garrafa de whisky (meia)", DisplayNameWet_Dish_Towel = "Pano molhado", DisplayNameDish_Towel = "Pano", DisplayNameBattery = "Pilha", DisplayNameBucket_with_concrete = "Balde de cimento", DisplayNameBucket_with_plaster = "Balde de estuque", DisplayNameBucket_with_water = "Balde de água", DisplayNameLit_Candle = "Vela acesa", DisplayNameFlour = "Farinha", DisplayNameA_Full_Kettle = "Cafeteira cheia", DisplayNameGravel_bag = "Saco de gravilha", DisplayNameLighter = "Isqueiro", DisplayNameMatches = "Fósforos", DisplayNameBlue_Paint = "Tinta azul", DisplayNameBrown_Paint = "Tinta castanha", DisplayNameCyan_Paint = "Tinta ciano", DisplayNameGreen_Paint = "Tinta verde", DisplayNameGrey_Paint = "Tinta cinzenta", DisplayNameLight_Blue_Paint = "Tinta azul clara", DisplayNameLight_Brown_Paint = "Tinta castanha claro", DisplayNameOrange_Paint = "Tinta laranja", DisplayNamePink_Paint = "Tinta cor-de-rosa", DisplayNamePurple_Paint = "Tinta roxa", DisplayNameTurquoise_Paint = "Tinta turquesa", DisplayNameWhite_Paint = "Tinta branca", DisplayNameYellow_Paint = "Tinta amarela", DisplayNameGas_Can = "Jerrican de gasolina", DisplayNamePainkillers = "Analgésico", DisplayNameAnti_depressants = "Anti-depressivo", DisplayNameBeta_Blockers = "Ansiolitico", DisplayNameSleeping_Tablets = "Calmante", DisplayNameSand_bag = "Saco de areia", DisplayNameSugar = "Açúcar", DisplayNameTissue = "Lenço", DisplayNameFlashlight = "Lanterna", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "Garrafa de água", DisplayNameBowl_of_Water = "Tigela de água", DisplayNameA_Mug_of_Water = "Caneca de água", DisplayNameA_Pot_of_Water = "Panela de água", DisplayNameVest = "Colete", DisplayNameSweater = "Camisola", DisplayNameBlouse = "Blusa", DisplayNamePants = "Calças", DisplayNameSkirt = "Saia", DisplayNameShoes = "Sapatos", DisplayNameCrowbar = "Pé-de-cabra", DisplayNameFork = "Garfo", DisplayNameGolfclub = "Taco de golfe", DisplayNameRolling_Pin = "Rolo da massa", DisplayNameScissors = "Tesoura", DisplayNameSpoon = "Colher", DisplayNameWet_Bath_Towel = "Toalha de banho molhada", DisplayNameBath_Towel = "Toalha de banho", DisplayNameBandaid = "Penso", DisplayNameBandage = "Ligadura", DisplayNameBleach = "Lixívia", DisplayNamePlaying_Cards = "Baralho de cartas", DisplayNameComb = "Pente", DisplayNameDice = "Dado", DisplayNameDogfood = "Comida de cão", DisplayNameLipstick = "Batom", DisplayNameLocket = "Medalhão", DisplayNameMirror = "Espelho", DisplayNameRadio = "Radio", DisplayNameRazor = "Gilete", DisplayNameString = "Fio", DisplayNameToy_Bear = "Urso de peluche", DisplayNameVitamins = "Vitaminas", DisplayNameWallet = "Carteira", DisplayNameWedding_Ring = "Anel de casamento", DisplayNameWire = "Cabo", DisplayNameYoyo = "yo-yo", DisplayNameBeef_Jerky = "Carne seca", DisplayNameBerry = "Baga", DisplayNameCandycane = "Rebuçado", DisplayNameCereal = "Cereais", DisplayNameDead_Rat = "Rato morto", DisplayNameOpen_Dogfood = "Comida de cão aberta", DisplayNameIcecream = "Gelado", DisplayNameLemon = "Limão", DisplayNameMilk = "Leite", DisplayNameMushroom = "Cogumelo", DisplayNameOnion = "Cebola", DisplayNameStrawberry = "Morango", DisplayNameDuffelbag = "Mala de viagem", DisplayNamePlastic_Bag = "Saco de plástico", DisplayNameTote_Bag = "Mala", DisplayNameSchoolbag = "Mochila", DisplayNameNormal_Hiking_Bag = "Mochila de campismo", DisplayNameBig_Hiking_Bag = "Mochila de campismo grande", DisplayNameNewspaper = "Jornal", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Half) = "Frasco de maionese (meio)", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Empty) = "Frasco de maionese (vazio)", DisplayNameCorn = "Cereais", DisplayNameEggplant = "Beringela", DisplayNameLeek = "Alho porro", DisplayNameGrapes = "Uvas", DisplayNameThread = "Linha", DisplayNameNeedle = "Agulha", DisplayNameCube = "Cubo mágico", DisplayNameDough= "Massa", DisplayNameBakingTray= "Forma", DisplayNameRolled_Dough= "Massa enrolada", DisplayNameBaking_Tray_With_Bread= "Forma com pão", DisplayNameRope = "Corda", DisplayNameGlue = "Cola", DisplayNameBox_of_Nails = "Caixa de pregos", DisplayNameBox_of_Screws = "Caixa de parafusos", DisplayNameBox_of_9mm_Bullets = "Caixa de balas de 9mm", DisplayNameBox_of_Shotgun_Shells = "Caixa de cartucho de caçadeira", DisplayNameScrews = "Parafusos", DisplayNameDuctTape = "Fita-cola forte", DisplayNameBurger = "Hamburger", DisplayNamePizza = "Pizza", DisplayNameFries = "Batatas fritas", DisplayNamePancakes = "Panquecas", DisplayNameMeat_Patty = "Carne picada", DisplayNameWaffles = "Waffles", DisplayNameGarbage_Bag = "Saco de lixo", DisplayNameEmpty_Sand_bag = "Saco de areia (vazio)", DisplayNameDirt_bag = "Saco de terra", DisplayNameDuct_Tape = "Fita-cola forte", DisplayNameWood_glue = "Cola de madeira", DisplayNameTwine = "Cordel", DisplayNameTooth_paste = "Pasta de dentes", DisplayNameTooth_brush = "Escova de dentes", DisplayNameScotch_tape = "Fita-cola", DisplayNameDigital_Watch = "Relógio digital", } Translation Notes : IG_UI Source : IGUI_PT = { -- All the UI text used in game -- InventoryPane IGUI_invpanel_Type = "Tipo", IGUI_invpanel_Category = "Categoria", IGUI_invpanel_Pack = "Empacotar", IGUI_invpanel_unpack = "Desempacotar", IGUI_invpanel_drop_all = "Largar todos", IGUI_invpanel_drop_one = "Largar um", IGUI_invpanel_Nutrition = "Nutrição", IGUI_invpanel_Remaining = "Restante", IGUI_invpanel_Condition = "Condição", IGUI_invpanel_Cooking = "A cozinhar" IGUI_invpanel_Burning = "A queimar" IGUI_invpanel_Burnt = "Queimado" -- InventoryPage IGUI_invpage_Loot_all = "Levar tudo", -- Character Screen IGUI_char_Age = "Idade", IGUI_char_Sex = "Sexo", IGUI_char_Traits = "Atributos", IGUI_char_Favourite_Weapon = "Arma preferida", IGUI_char_Zombies_Killed = "Zombies mortos", IGUI_char_Survivor_Killed = "Sobreviventes mortos", IGUI_char_Survived_For = "Sobreviveu ", IGUI_char_Male = "Masculino", IGUI_char_Female = "Feminino", -- Health panel IGUI_health_Scratched = "Arranhado", IGUI_health_Wounded = "Ferido", IGUI_health_Bitten = "Mordido", IGUI_health_Bleeding = "A sangrar", IGUI_health_Bandaged = "Ligado", IGUI_health_Overall_Body_Status = "Estado", IGUI_health_zombified = "ZOMBIFICADO!", IGUI_health_ok = "OK", IGUI_health_Slight_damage = "Magoado", IGUI_health_Very_Minor_damage = "Pequenas escoriações", IGUI_health_Minor_damage = "Ferimentos ligeiros", IGUI_health_Moderate_damage = "Ferido", IGUI_health_Severe_damage = "Ferimentos graves", IGUI_health_Very_Severe_damage = "Ferimentos muito graves", IGUI_health_Crital_damage = "Estado crítico", IGUI_health_Highly_Crital_damage = "Altamente crítico", IGUI_health_Terminal_damage = "Terminal", IGUI_health_Deceased = "Morto", IGUI_health_Left_Hand = "Mão Esquerda", IGUI_health_Right_Hand = "Mão Direita", IGUI_health_Left_Forearm = "Antebraço esquerdo", IGUI_health_Right_Forearm = "Antebraço direito", IGUI_health_Left_Upper_Arm = "Braço esquerdo", IGUI_health_Right_Upper_Arm = "Braço direito", IGUI_health_Upper_Torso = "Tórax", IGUI_health_Lower_Torso = "Abdómen", IGUI_health_Head = "Cabeça", IGUI_health_Neck = "Pescoço", IGUI_health_Groin = "Virilhas", IGUI_health_Left_Thigh = "Anca esquerda", IGUI_health_Right_Thigh = "Anca direita", IGUI_health_Left_Shin = "Canela esquerda", IGUI_health_Right_Shin = "Canela direita", IGUI_health_Left_Foot = "Pé esquerdo", IGUI_health_Right_Foot = "Pé direito", IGUI_health_Unknown_Body_Part = "Parte do corpo desconhecida", -- Skills IGUI_skills_Multiplier = "Multiplicador", IGUI_XP_Next_skill_point = "Próximo ponto de habilidade", IGUI_XP_xp = " exp", IGUI_XP_Skill_point_available = "Pontos de habilidade disponíveis", IGUI_XP_Locked = "Bloqueado", IGUI_XP_UnLocked = "Desbloqueado", IGUI_XP_level = " Nível ", IGUI_XP_Skills = "Habilidades", IGUI_XP_Health = "Vida", IGUI_XP_Info = "Informação", -- Perks IGUI_perks_Combat = "Combate", IGUI_perks_Blunt = "Armas contundentes", IGUI_perks_Blade = "Armas perfurantes", IGUI_perks_Aiming = "Pontaria", IGUI_perks_Reloading = "Recarregar", IGUI_perks_Crafting = "Artes e ofícios", IGUI_perks_Carpentry = "Carpintaria", IGUI_perks_Cooking = "Culinária", IGUI_perks_Farming = "Agricultura", IGUI_perks_Agility = "Agilidade", IGUI_perks_Sprinting = "Rápido", IGUI_perks_Lightfooted = "Silencioso", IGUI_perks_Nimble = "Ágil", IGUI_perks_Sneaking = "Furtivo", -- Item category IGUI_ItemCat_Item = "Item", IGUI_ItemCat_Food = "Comida", IGUI_ItemCat_Drainable = "Esvaziavel", IGUI_ItemCat_Weapon = "Arma", IGUI_ItemCat_Clothing = "Roupa", IGUI_ItemCat_Container = "Contentor", IGUI_ItemCat_Literature = "Literatura", IGUI_perks_Fishing = "Pesca", IGUI_perks_Survivalist = "Sobrevivência", } Translation Notes : Main screen / Traits / Professions Source : UI_PT = { -- Main screen (lua) : UI_mainscreen_laststand = "ULTIMO REDUTO", UI_mainscreen_option = "OPÇÕES", UI_mainscreen_debug = "DEPURAR", UI_mainscreen_demoBtn = "DEMO!", UI_mainscreen_sandbox = "JOGO ABERTO", UI_mainscreen_survival = "SOBREVIVÊNCIA", UI_mainscreen_mods = "MODS", UI_mainscreen_online = "ENTRAR EM SERVIDOR", UI_mainscreen_scoreboard = "JOGADORES" UI_mainscreen_exit = "SAIR", -- Option screen (lua) UI_optionscreen_gameoption = "OPCÕES DE JOGO", UI_optionscreen_display = "VISUALIZAçãO", UI_optionscreen_fullscreen = "ECRã COMPLETO", UI_optionscreen_vsync = "Sincronia vertical", UI_optionscreen_videomemory = "Memória de vídeo ", UI_optionscreen_multicore = "Multi-núcleo ", UI_optionscreen_framerate = "Trancar Lock framerate ", UI_optionscreen_lighting = "Qualidade da luz", UI_optionscreen_lighting_fps = "Atualizações de luminosidade", UI_optionscreen_lighting_fps_tt = "Numero de atualizações de luz por segundo", UI_optionscreen_needreboot = "Necessita reiníciar", UI_optionscreen_shaders = "Shaders ", UI_optionscreen_shadersunsupported = "Não suportado pelo hardware", UI_optionscreen_resolution = "Resolução ", UI_optionscreen_zoom = "Permitir ampliação" UI_optionscreen_inventory_font = "Letra do inventario" UI_optionscreen_language = "Língua ", UI_optionscreen_keybinding = "CONTROLOS", UI_optionscreen_audio = "SOM / MUSICA" UI_optionscreen_sound_volume = "Volume do som" UI_optionscreen_music_volume = "Volume da musica" UI_optionscreen_controller = "CONTROLADOR / GAMEPAD", UI_optionscreen_controller_tip = "Verifica cada controlador que o jogo deve usar." UI_optionscreen_reloading = "Recarregar", UI_optionscreen_easy = "Fácil", UI_optionscreen_normal = "Normal", UI_optionscreen_hardcore = "Duro de roer", -- Map selecter (lua) UI_mapselecter_title = "ESCOLHE O MAPA DO JOGO ", UI_mapselecter_savename = "Nome: ", -- World screen (lua) UI_worldscreen_title = "SELECCIONA UM JOGO GUARDADO", UI_worldscreen_deletesave = "Tens a certeza que queres apagar este jogo?", -- login screen (lua) UI_loginscreen_desurakey = "Chave DESURA:", UI_loginscreen_username = "Utilizador:", UI_loginscreen_purchasemethod = "Método de compra: ", UI_loginscreen_desura = "Desura", UI_loginscreen_google = "Google Checkout/PayPal", UI_loginscreen_password = "Password: ", UI_loginscreen_login = "A LIGAR", UI_loginscreen_loginfailed = "ERRO de LIGACÃO", UI_loginscreen_loginsuccess = "LIGADO", -- characters creation (lua) UI_characreation_title = "PERSONALIZA O PERSONAGEM", UI_characreation_title2 = "Selecciona profissão e atributos", UI_characreation_forename = "Nome", UI_characreation_surname = "Sobrenome", UI_characreation_gender = "Sexo", UI_characreation_body = "Corpo", UI_characreation_bodytype = "Tipo de corpo", UI_characreation_hair = "Cabelo", UI_characreation_hairtype = "Tipo de cabelo", UI_characreation_color = "Cor", UI_characreation_beard = "Barba", UI_characreation_beardtype = "Tipo de barba", UI_characreation_addtrait = " + atributo", UI_characreation_removetrait = " - atributo", UI_characreation_pointToSpend = "Pontos restantes", UI_characreation_occupation = "Profissão", UI_characreation_availabletraits = "Atributos disponíveis", UI_characreation_choosentraits = "Atributos escolhidos", UI_characreation_description = "Descrição", UI_characreation_cost = "Custo", UI_charactercreation_needpoints = "Tens de equilibrar atributos positivos e negativos antes de começares a jogar", -- professions and Traits UI_prof_securityguard = "Segurança", UI_prof_constructionworker = "Construtor civil", UI_prof_parkranger = "Guarda-florestal", UI_prof_policeoff = "Policia", UI_prof_fireoff = "Bombeiro", UI_prof_unemployed = "Desempregado", UI_trait_axeman = "Machados", UI_trait_axemandesc = "Derruba portas com um machado ao dobro da velocidade.<br>Golpes de machado mais rápidos.", UI_trait_handy = "Habilidoso", UI_trait_handydesc = "Barrica-se mais depressa.", UI_trait_thickskinned = "Rijo", UI_trait_thickskinneddesc = "Reduz a chance de arranhões e mordidelas abrirem feridas.", UI_trait_patient = "Paciente", UI_trait_patientdesc = "Reduz a chance de se irritar.", UI_trait_shorttemper = "Temperamental", UI_trait_shorttemperdesc = "Irrita-se facilmente.", UI_trait_brooding = "Depressão", UI_trait_broodingdesc = "Recupera mais lentamente de maus humores.", UI_trait_brave = "Corajoso", UI_trait_bravedesc = "Reduz a chance de entrar em pânico.", UI_trait_cowardly = "Covarde", UI_trait_cowardlydesc = "Aumenta a chance de entrar em pânico.", UI_trait_clumsy = "Trapalhão", UI_trait_clumsydesc = "Faz mais barulho a andar.", UI_trait_graceful = "Gracioso", UI_trait_gracefuldesc = "Faz menos barulho a andar.", UI_trait_hypochon = "Hipocondríaco", UI_trait_hypochondesc = "Pode desenvolver sintomas de infecção sem estar infectado.", UI_trait_shortsigh = "Míope", UI_trait_shortsighdesc = "Vê mal ao longe.<br>Revela escuridão mais devagar", UI_trait_hardhear = "Surdo", UI_trait_hardheardesc = "Raio de percepção reduzido.<br>Alcance auditivo inferior.", UI_trait_keenhearing = "Audição apurada", UI_trait_keenhearingdesc = "Maior raio de percepção.", UI_trait_eagleeyed = "Olhos de águia", UI_trait_eagleeyeddesc = "Revela escuridão mais depressa.<br>Maior campo de visão.", UI_trait_heartyappetite = "Glutão", UI_trait_heartyappetitedesc = "Precisa de comer mais regularmente.", UI_trait_lighteater = "Magricela", UI_trait_lighteaterdesc = "Não precisa de comer tão regularmente.", UI_trait_athletic = "Atlético", UI_trait_athleticdesc = "Corre mais depressa.<br>Corre durante mais tempo sem se cansar.", UI_trait_overweight = "Obeso", UI_trait_overweightdesc = "Corre mais devagar.<br>Cansa-se mais depressa quando corre.", UI_trait_strong = "Forte", UI_trait_strongdesc = "Armas corpo-a-corpo empurram mais.<br>Pode carregar mais peso.", UI_trait_stout = "Robusto", UI_trait_stoutdesc = "Armas corpo-a-corpo empurram mais.<br>Pode carregar mais peso.", UI_trait_weak = "Fraco", UI_trait_weakdesc = "Armas corpo-a-corpo empurram menos.<br>Não pode carregar tanto peso.", UI_trait_feeble = "Lingrinhas", UI_trait_feebledesc = "Armas corpo-a-corpo empurram menos.<br>Não pode carregar tanto peso.", UI_trait_resilient = "Resistente", UI_trait_resilientdesc = "Resistente a doenças.<br>Zombifica mais devagar.", UI_trait_pronetoillness = "Frágil", UI_trait_pronetoillnessdesc = "Adoece facilmente.<br>Zombifica mais rapidamente.", UI_trait_lightdrink = "Abstinente", UI_trait_lightdrinkdesc = "Embebeda-se facilmente.", UI_trait_harddrink = "Estudante", UI_trait_harddrinkdesc = "Não se embebeda facilmente.", UI_trait_agoraphobic = "Agorafóbico", UI_trait_agoraphobicdesc = "Entra em pânico nos exteriores.", UI_trait_claustro = "Claustrofóbico", UI_trait_claustrodesc = "Entra em pânico nos interiores.", UI_trait_marksman = "Atirador", UI_trait_marksmandesc = "Pontaria melhorada.<br>Recarrega mais depressa.", UI_trait_nightowl = "Noctívago", UI_trait_nightowldesc = "Não precisa de dormir tanto.<br>Fica mais alerta durante o sono.", UI_trait_giftgab = "Rei da lábia", UI_trait_giftgabdesc = "Tem mais carisma.<br>Maior chance de conseguir favores de NPCs.", UI_trait_outdoorsman = "Vadio", UI_trait_outdoorsmandesc = "Não é afectado pelo mau tempo.<br>Melhor sentido de orientação.", UI_trait_lucky = "Sortudo", UI_trait_luckydesc = "A vezes, as coisas correm bem.", UI_trait_unlucky = "Azarado", UI_trait_unluckydesc = "O que pode correr mal, tipicamente corre.", -- various UI_btn_back = "RETROCEDER", UI_btn_save = "GUARDAR", UI_btn_next = "SEGUINTE", UI_btn_play = "JOGAR", UI_btn_delete = "APAGAR", UI_btn_new = "NOVO", UI_Yes = "Sim", UI_No = "Não", UI_High = "Alto", UI_Medium = "Médio", UI_Low = "Baixo", UI_Lowest = "O mais baixo", -- Last stand selecter (lua) UI_laststand_title = "ESCOLHE DESAFIO DESESPERADO", UI_characreation_random = "Aleatório", UI_ClickToSkip = "Carrega para avançar", UI_Loading = "A carregar.", UI_ConvertWorld = "A converter mundo para a nova versão, este processo pode demorar algum tempo quando se carrega uma salvaguarda antiga, pela primeira vez.", } Translation Notes : Moodles Source : Moodles_PT = { -- Moodle type : -- Endurance Moodles_endurance_lvl1 = "Cansado", Moodles_endurance_lvl2 = "Muito cansado", Moodles_endurance_lvl3 = "De rastos", Moodles_endurance_lvl4 = "Exausto", -- Heavy Load Moodles_heavyload_lvl1 = "Carga relativamente pesada", Moodles_heavyload_lvl2 = "Carga pesada", Moodles_heavyload_lvl3 = "Carga muito pesada", Moodles_heavyload_lvl4 = "Carga extremamente pesada", -- Angry Moodles_angry_lvl1 = "Irritado", Moodles_angry_lvl2 = "Chateado", Moodles_angry_lvl3 = "Zangado", Moodles_angry_lvl4 = "Furioso", -- Stress Moodles_stress_lvl1 = "Ansioso", Moodles_stress_lvl2 = "Agitado", Moodles_stress_lvl3 = "Stressado", Moodles_stress_lvl4 = "Pilha de nervos", -- Thirst Moodles_thirst_lvl1 = "Com sede", Moodles_thirst_lvl2 = "Sedento", Moodles_thirst_lvl3 = "Desidratado", Moodles_thirst_lvl4 = "A morrer de sede", -- Tired Moodles_tired_lvl1 = "Sonolento", Moodles_tired_lvl2 = "Cansado", Moodles_tired_lvl3 = "Muito cansado", Moodles_tired_lvl4 = "Exausto", -- Hungry Moodles_hungry_lvl1 = "Desconsolado", Moodles_hungry_lvl2 = "Com fome", Moodles_hungry_lvl3 = "Faminto", Moodles_hungry_lvl4 = "A morrer de fome", -- Panic Moodles_panic_lvl1 = "Amedrontado", Moodles_panic_lvl2 = "Com medo", Moodles_panic_lvl3 = "Em Panico", Moodles_panic_lvl4 = "Panico extremo", -- Sick Moodles_sick_lvl1 = "Enjoado", Moodles_sick_lvl2 = "Cólicas", Moodles_sick_lvl3 = "Doente", Moodles_sick_lvl4 = "Febril", -- Bored Moodles_bored_lvl1 = "Aborrecido", Moodles_bored_lvl2 = "Entediado", Moodles_bored_lvl3 = "Muito entediado", Moodles_bored_lvl4 = "A morrer de tédio", -- Unhappy Moodles_unhappy_lvl1 = "Amuado", Moodles_unhappy_lvl2 = "Triste", Moodles_unhappy_lvl3 = "Deprimido", Moodles_unhappy_lvl4 = "Esgotamento", -- Bleeding Moodles_bleeding_lvl1 = "A sangrar", Moodles_bleeding_lvl2 = "Hemorragia", Moodles_bleeding_lvl3 = "Hemorragia grave", Moodles_bleeding_lvl4 = "Grande perda de sangue", -- Wet Moodles_wet_lvl1 = "Húmido", Moodles_wet_lvl2 = "Molhado", Moodles_wet_lvl3 = "Ensopado", Moodles_wet_lvl4 = "Encharcado", -- Has a cold Moodles_hascold_lvl1 = "Congestionado", Moodles_hascold_lvl2 = "Espirros", Moodles_hascold_lvl3 = "Constipado", Moodles_hascold_lvl4 = "Gripado", -- Injured Moodles_injured_lvl1 = "Ferimentos ligeiros", Moodles_injured_lvl2 = "Ferido", Moodles_injured_lvl3 = "Ferimentos graves", Moodles_injured_lvl4 = "Ferimentos críticos", -- Pain Moodles_pain_lvl1 = "Dorido", Moodles_pain_lvl2 = "Com Dores", Moodles_pain_lvl3 = "A sofrer", Moodles_pain_lvl4 = "Em agonia", -- Drunk Moodles_drunk_lvl1 = "Tocado", Moodles_drunk_lvl2 = "Alegre", Moodles_drunk_lvl3 = "Bêbedo", Moodles_drunk_lvl4 = "Grande carroça", -- Dead Moodles_dead_lvl1 = "Morto", -- Zombified Moodles_zombie_lvl1 = "Zombie", -- Food eaten Moodles_foodeaten_lvl1 = "Satisfeito", Moodles_foodeaten_lvl2 = "Sem fome", Moodles_foodeaten_lvl3 = "Bem alimentado", Moodles_foodeaten_lvl4 = "Muito bem alimentado", -- Hyperthermia Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl1 = "Desconfortavelmente quente", Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl2 = "Demasiado quente", Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl3 = "Insolação", Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl4 = "Hipertermia", -- Hypothermia Moodles_hypothermia_lvl1 = "Fresquinho", Moodles_hypothermia_lvl2 = "Com frio", Moodles_hypothermia_lvl3 = "Gelado", Moodles_hypothermia_lvl4 = "Em hipotermia", -- Description of moodle -- Endurance Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl1 = "Descansa.", Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl2 = "Mal consegue correr.", Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl3 = "Mal consegue andar.", Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl4 = "Mal se consegue mexer.", -- Angry Moodles_angry_desc_lvl1 = "Um pouco mal humorado.", Moodles_angry_desc_lvl2 = "Muito mal humorado.", Moodles_angry_desc_lvl3 = "Nervoso.", Moodles_angry_desc_lvl4 = "Mortinho por andar á porrada.", -- Stress Moodles_stress_desc_lvl1 = "Agitado.", Moodles_stress_desc_lvl2 = "Inseguro.", Moodles_stress_desc_lvl3 = "Palmas suadas. Amedrontado.", Moodles_stress_desc_lvl4 = "Aterrado.", -- Thirsty Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl1 = "Boca seca.", Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl2 = "Com alguma sede.", Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl3 = "A desfalecer.", Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl4 = "Desesperado por água.", -- Tired Moodles_tired_desc_lvl1 = "Já dormia um bocadinho.", Moodles_tired_desc_lvl2 = "Atenção reduzida.", Moodles_tired_desc_lvl3 = "Atenção muito reduzida.", Moodles_tired_desc_lvl4 = "Em risco de cair para o lado.", -- Hungry Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl1 = "Já comia qualquer coisa.", Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl2 = "Força e recuperação reduzida.", Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl3 = "Força e recuperação muito reduzida.", Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl4 = "A perder vida gradualmente.", -- Panic Moodles_panic_desc_lvl1 = "Mantém-te calmo.", Moodles_panic_desc_lvl2 = "Pontaria reduzida.", Moodles_panic_desc_lvl3 = "Pontaria muito reduzida.", Moodles_panic_desc_lvl4 = "Pontaria e visão muito reduzidas.", -- Sickness Moodles_sick_desc_lvl1 = "Vai com calma.", Moodles_sick_desc_lvl2 = "Força e recuperação reduzida.", Moodles_sick_desc_lvl3 = "Força e recuperação muito reduzida.", Moodles_sick_desc_lvl4 = "Alto risco de morte.", -- Bored Moodles_bored_desc_lvl1 = "Entretém-te com alguma coisa.", Moodles_bored_desc_lvl2 = "Em risco de se tornar infeliz.", Moodles_bored_desc_lvl3 = "Risco elevado de se tornar infeliz.", Moodles_bored_desc_lvl4 = "Pode-se tornar infeliz a qualquer momento.", -- Unhappy Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl1 = "Tenta melhor a tua disposição.", Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl2 = "Procura aventura ou contacto humano.", Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl3 = "Desolado pela tristeza e o desespero.", Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl4 = "Arranja uma forma de esquecer a realidade.", -- Bleeding Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl1 = "Precisa de ligaduras.", Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl2 = "Força e velocidade reduzidos.", Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl3 = "Força e velocidade muito reduzidos.", Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl4 = "Morte iminente.", -- Wet Moodles_wet_desc_lvl1 = "Sai da chuva.", Moodles_wet_desc_lvl2 = "Velocidade moderadamente reduzida.", Moodles_wet_desc_lvl3 = "Velocidade reduzida. Risco de apanhar uma constipação.", Moodles_wet_desc_lvl4 = "Velocidade muito reduzida. Risco elevado de se constipar.", -- Has a cold Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl1 = "Espirra de vez em quando.", Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl2 = "Tem tendência a espirrar.", Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl3 = "Espirra e tosse. Velocidade e recuperação reduzida.", Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl4 = "Velocidade e recuperação muito reduzidos.", -- Injured Moodles_injured_desc_lvl1 = "Precisa de primeiros socorros.", Moodles_injured_desc_lvl2 = "Força e velocidade reduzidos.", Moodles_injured_desc_lvl3 = "Força e velocidade muito reduzidos.", Moodles_injured_desc_lvl4 = "Dificuldades em adormecer...", -- Pain Moodles_pain_desc_lvl1 = "Com algumas dores.", Moodles_pain_desc_lvl2 = "Velocidade e pontaria um pouco reduzidos.", Moodles_pain_desc_lvl3 = "Velocidade e pontaria reduzidos.", Moodles_pain_desc_lvl4 = "Velocidade e pontaria muito reduzidos.", -- Heavy load Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl1 = "Demasiado peso.", Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl2 = "Velocidade reduzida.", Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl3 = "Velocidade muito reduzida.", Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl4 = "Risco de magoar a coluna. Movimento prejudicado.", -- Drunk Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl1 = "Bebeu um pouco.", Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl2 = "Problemas de coordenação.", Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl3 = "Nenhuma coordenação.", Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl4 = "'ész u gahijo maish fixe 'keu conhess. 'Tá mesmo a bater mano. EU AMO-TE.'", -- Dead Moodles_dead_desc_lvl1 = "Elevado risco de se tornar comida de minhoca.", -- Zombified Moodles_zombified_desc_lvl1 = "Súbito desejo de comer miolos.", -- Food eaten Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl1 = "Pequeno aumento de força e recuperação.", Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl2 = "Aumento de força e recuperação", Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl3 = "Grande aumento de força e recuperação.", Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl4 = "Enorme Aumento de força e recuperação.", -- Hyperthermia Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl1 = "Experimenta descansar num sitio menos exposto. Sede aumentada.", Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl2 = "Sedento. Suado. Exposto ao sol por muito tempo.", Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl3 = "Enjoado, incapaz de se concentrar e desesperado por líquidos.", Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl4 = "A delirar e morte por exposição iminente.", -- Hypothermia Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl1 = "Está fresquinho aqui...", Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl2 = "Precisas de arranjar uma forma de aquecer.", Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl3 = "Corpo e mente afectados pelo frio. Saúde em risco.", Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl4 = "A delirar com o choque térmico. Elevado risco de morte.", } Translation Notes : Recipes Source : Recipe_PT { Recipe_Make_Campfire_Kit = "Fazer kit de fogueira", Recipe_GetSteelAndFlint = "Fazer isqueiro artesanal", Recipe_Make_Kindling = "Cortar gravetos", Recipe_Drill_Plank = "Furar tábua", Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "Fazer vara de madeira", Recipe_Make_Tent_Kit = "Fazer kit de campismo", Recipe_Make_Mildew_Cure = "Fazer sulfato para os fungos", Recipe_Make_Flies_Cure = "Fazer sulfato para as pragas", Recipe_Open_Carrot_Seed_Packet = "Abrir saco de sementes de cenoura", Recipe_Open_Broccoli_Seed_Packet = "Abrir saco de sementes de brócolos", Recipe_Open_Radish_Seed_Packet = "Abrir saco de sementes de rabanetes", Recipe_Open_Strewberry_Seed_Packet = "Abrir saco de sementes de morango", Recipe_Open_Tomato_Seed_Packet = "Abrir saco de sementes de tomate", Recipe_Open_Potato_Seed_Packet = "Abrir saco de sementes de batata", Recipe_Open_Cabbage_Seed_Packet = "Abrir saco de sementes de repolho", Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Bat = "Fazer taco com pregos", Recipe_Sawn-off = "Canos serrados", Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Plank = "Fazer tábua com pregos", Recipe_Empty_Whisky_Bottle = "Garrafa de whisky (vazia)", Recipe_Rip_bandages = "Rasgar em ligaduras", Recipe_Saw_Logs = "Serrar toro", Recipe_Make_Pot_of_Soup = "Fazer uma panela de sopa", Recipe_Slice_Watermelon = "Fatiar melancia", Recipe_Smash_Watermelon = "Esmagar melancia", Recipe_Open_Canned_Beans = "Abrir feijão enlatado", Recipe_Open_Dog_Food = "Abrir comida de cão", Recipe_Make_Beans_Bowl = "Fazer uma tigela de feijão", Recipe_Make_Hot_Drink = "Fazer uma bebida quente", Recipe_Open_Canned_Tuna = "Abrir lata de atum", Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Fazer uma tigela de sopa", Recipe_Make_Ramen = "Fazer Ramen", Recipe_Light_Candle = "Acender vela", Recipe_Make_Cheese_Sandwich = "Fazer sandes de queijo", Recipe_Make_Grilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Fazer tosta de queijo", Recipe_Make_Broccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "Fazer frango na caçarola", Recipe_Make_Boring_Soup = "Fazer sopa trivial", Recipe_Make_Simple_Soup = "Fazer sopa simples", Recipe_Make_Tasty_Soup = "Fazer sopa saborosa", Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Fazer uma tigela de sopa", Recipe_Remove_Battery = "Tirar pilhas", Recipe_Insert_Battery = "Meter pilhas", Recipe_Write_Journal = "Escrever diário", Recipe_Write_Doodle = "Fazer desenho", Recipe_Make_Plaster_Bucket = "Fazer balde de estuque", Recipe_Craft_Drawer = "Fazer gaveta", Recipe_Craft_Sheet_Rope = "Fazer corda de lençóis", Recipe_Make_Boring_Salad = "Fazer salada trivial", Recipe_Make_Simple_Salad = "Fazer salada simples", Recipe_Make_Tasty_Salad = "Fazer salada saborosa", Recipe_Make_Vegetarian_Potato_Salad = "Fazer salada de batata vegetariana", Recipe_Make_Potato_Salad = "Fazer salada de batata", Recipe_Open Nails_box = "Abrir caixa de pregos", Recipe_Open_Screws_box = "Abrir caixa de parafusos", Recipe_Open_9mm_Bullets_box = "Abrir caixa de munição", Recipe_Open_Shotgun_Shells_box = "Abrir caixa de munição", Recipe_Put_in_a_box = "Arrumar numa caixa", } Translation Notes : Survival Guide Source : SurvivalGuide_PT = {SurvivalGuide_entrie1title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #1 - CONTROLA-TE",SurvivalGuide_entrie1txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #1 - CONTROLA-TE <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/control_yourself.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Não vais sobreviver se não respirares fundo e aprenderes os básicos",SurvivalGuide_entrie1moreinfo = " <H1> MOVIMENTO <BR> <TEXT> Para te mexeres no Project Zomboid, usa as teclas WASD. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/walkwasd.png> <LINE> " .. " Mantém premido SHIFT esquerdo para correr. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/shiftrun.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Experimenta também o botão direito do rato para de moveres. O teu personagem vai-se mexer sempre na direcção do ponteiro: quanto mais longe estiver o ponteiro, mais depressa o personagem vai correr. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/walkright.png> <LINE> <BR> <H1> ".. "COMBATE <BR> <TEXT> Para atacar um zombie, tens de primeiro manter premido CTRL para entrares em modo de combate. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combat1.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Para golpear com uma arma prime o botão esquerdo do rato. O golpe da arma vai ser sempre na direcção do cursor. Os melhores sobreviventes posicionam-se melhor com WASD, para facilitar a trituração de miolos de zombie".. " <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combat2.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Para acertar na cabeça dos zombies larga o botão esquerdo do rato. Cuidado, tens de carregar os golpes – clicar desenfreadamente não te vai levar a lado nenhum. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combat3.png> <LINE> <TEXT> <BR> O modo de combate também pode ser usado para te moveres sorrateiramente, para tal mantém premida a tecla CTRL. Isto é recomendado se não quiseres chamar a atenção.. <BR> <H1> INTERACÇÃO <BR> ".. "<H2> MOUSE CLICKS <BR> <TEXT> Podes interagir com objectos clicando neles com o botão do lado esquerdo. Isto pode ser usado para abrir portas, janela ou armários. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/clickdoor.png> <LINE> <TEXT> ".. "<H2> TECLA CONTEXTUAL <BR> <TEXT> Outra forma de interagir é a tecla E. Isto permite interagir com objectos sem sair do modo de combate. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/contextdoor.png> <LINE> Utiliza este método para te defenderes facilmente de qualquer perigo que esteja do outro lado de uma porta. <BR> <TEXT> Manter o E premido permite também interacções secundárias – geralmente em momentos de desespero. Por exemplo, se quiseres saltar de uma janela enquanto estás a ser perseguido, mantém o E premido enquanto estás encostado à janela. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/contexthold.png> ".. " <LINE> <H2> MENU CONTEXTUAL <BR> <TEXT> Interacções detalhadas, como a criação novos utensílios é feito com o menu contextual, através do botão direito do rato. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/contextmenu.png> <LINE> <TEXT> ", SurvivalGuide_entrie2title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #2 - NÃO CORRAS",SurvivalGuide_entrie2txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #2 - NÃO CORRAS <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/dontrun.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Sobreviventes que se mexem rapidamente, morrem rapidamente.",SurvivalGuide_entrie2moreinfo = " <H1> SENTIDOS DOS ZOMBIES <BR> <TEXT> Os zombies, no modo de sobrevivência respondem a estímulos visuais e auditivos. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/running.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Correr faz mais barulhos que caminhar. <BR> Tu corres mais que os zombies, mas não podes fugir para sempre. <BR> ".. " O bom sobrevivente tem como melhor amigo o CTRL esquerdo. Quando pressionado, entras em modo furtivo ou de combate. Surratear lentamente torna-te mais difícil de encontrar e reduz o barulho dos teus passos. Permite também virar mais depressa, para te certificares que não há ninguém a suspirar no teu cachaço. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/sneak.png> <LINE> O Project Zomboid não é um concurso de popularidade. Mantém-te escondido nas sombras. Os zombies só te querem comer. Não estão interessados em abraços.", SurvivalGuide_entrie3title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #3 - PRECISÃO, MINHA GENTE!",SurvivalGuide_entrie3txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #3 - PRECISÃO, MINHA GENTE! <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/be_precise.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Estás a lutar contra os mortos vivos. Perfurar um cranio requer esforço! <LINE> <LINE> LEMBRA-TE: VAI À CARGA!",SurvivalGuide_entrie3moreinfo = " <H1> MECÃNICAS DE COMBATE <BR> <TEXT> Todas as armas fazem um valor predefinido de dano Contudo, esse dano é determinado pela tua habilidade e destreza. ...ou falta dela. <BR> <H2> PRECISÃO ".. " <BR> <TEXT> O poder esmaga-cra4nios de um golpe é também determinado pelo nível das tuas habilidades . Outro factor importante é, o tempo que carregaste o golpe. Tens de manter o botão esquerdo do rato premido durante uns segundos antes de golpear: Isto vai permitir que te concentres, apontes e mates o zombie num só golpe.<BR> Um golpe carregado faz muito mais dano que um golpe rápido. Nesta nova era de Zombalhanço clicar a sorte custa vidas! <BR> <H2> ALCANçE <BR> <TEXT> Alcance é outro dos factores a ter em conta – embora a distancia perfeita vá depender da arma que estás a usar. <BR> Geralmente, armas como o taco ou o machado beneficiam de ser usadas no limite do seu alcance. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combataxe1.png> <LINE> <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combataxe2.png> <LINE> Armas como a faca, e outras armas pontiagudas, são mais eficientes com estucadas a curto alcance. Contudo...Não esperes muito da faca da manteiga. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combatknife.png> <LINE> ".. " <H2> ATACAR INIMIGOS CAíDOS <BR> <TEXT> A melhor maneira de re-matar uma pessoa morta é atirá-la para o chão – depois é só desfazer-lhe os miolos...ou o que resta deles. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combatknockdown.png> <LINE> Podes fazer isto com um golpe forte ou então empurrando-os. Empurrar acontece automaticamente quando um zombie está no alcance minimo da arma ou então quando estás desarmado <BR> Quando eles caem ao chão: os teus ataques são feitos na vertical. Será feito dano. E haverá miolos...muitos miolos. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combatgroundattack.png> <LINE> ",SurvivalGuide_entrie4title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #4 - áGUA é A SOLUça4O...HIC",SurvivalGuide_entrie4txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #4 - áGUA é A SOLUÇÃO...HIC <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/drink_up.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> água limpa é vital para tua sobrevivência.",SurvivalGuide_entrie4moreinfo = " <H1> áGUA <BR> <TEXT> O abastecimento de água e electricidade não vai durar para sempre. Armazena garrafas de água se não quiseres ter uma surpresa desagradável mais à frente... <BR> O teu personagem vai beber água de qualquer recipiente no teu inventário automaticamente. <BR> Para beber ou encher uma garrafa, só tens de clicar com o botão do lado direito do rato em qualquer objecto/quadricula que tenha água. Lavatórios, banheiras, torneiras... essas coisas. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/fillbottle.png> <LINE> ",SurvivalGuide_entrie5title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #5 - HABILIDOSO",SurvivalGuide_entrie5txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #5 - HABILIDOSO <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/be_crafty.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Os zombies partem portas e janelas! Quando em dúvida: Barrica-as!",SurvivalGuide_entrie5moreinfo = " <H1> Criação de objectos no inventário <BR> <TEXT> Para criar objectos no teu inventário, basta clicar com no botão do lado direito do rato em qualquer coisa que estejas a carregar. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/craftingrecipe.png> <LINE> Vai aparecer tudo o que podes criar, combinando esse objecto com outras coisas que transportes contigo . <BR> Todos os conhecimentos médicos, culinários e de carpintaria que possuíres vão-te ajudar no apocalipse. <BR> <H1> BARRICADAS <BR> <TEXT> Podes criar barricadas clicando com o botão do lado direito do rato em portas e janelas - mas precisas de um martelo, tábuas e pregos no teu inventário <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/barricademenu.png> <LINE> Podes usar mais que uma tábua para fortalecer a barricada. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/barricaded.png> <LINE> ".. " <H1> CARPINTARIA <BR> <TEXT>Eventualmente á medida que vais recolhendo materiais e te tornas mais habilidoso vais acabar por conseguir construir edifícios. Todos os construtores têm de ter um martelo no inventário. Basta clicares com o botão do lado direito do rato no chão para abrires o menu de construção. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/carpentrymenu.png> <LINE> A partir daqui, podes criar qualquer peça de mobiliário que as tuas capacidades permitem. <BR> Uma vez seleccionado, surgirá uma representação transparente do móvel, que podes mover e colocar onde quiseres com o botão direito do rato. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/placewall.png> <LINE> Não é um processo rápido. O Project Zomboid é um jogo que tenta ser realista e se já tiveste algum construtor em casa sabes que estas coisas levam o seu tempo. (Se te ajudar, fica a saber que podes criar chávenas de chá no jogo.). <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/wallbuilt.png> <LINE> Podes rodar os objectos criados com a tecla R. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/flip.png> <LINE> LEMBRA-TE: quanto mais praticares, melhor te tornas a criar objectos. Quanto maior for o nível da habilidade melhor será a qualidade do objecto e a sua utilidade.", SurvivalGuide_entrie6title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #6 - FOGE DOS MIRONES",SurvivalGuide_entrie6txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #6 - FOGE DOS MIRONES <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/peeping_toms.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Podem estar mortos, mas conseguem ver através das janelas na mesma. <LINE> <LINE> Não há cortinas? Improvisa. ",SurvivalGuide_entrie6moreinfo = " <H1> OBSTRUI A VISÃO <BR> <TEXT> Um dos erros mais comum no apocalipse dos mortos vivos é deixar as cortinas abertas. Esquecer-se das cortinas abertas, convida os zombies da rua a virem jantar a tua casa. Prato do dia: O teu cérebro. <BR> Para fechar as cortinas ou os estores: usa o menu do botão direito do rato. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/curtains.png> <LINE> Barricar janelas tem o mesmo efeito. <BR>Se não há cortinas nem tábuas, talvez possas pendurar outra coisa na janela? Experimenta!", SurvivalGuide_entrie7title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #7 - ALIMENTA-TE BEM",SurvivalGuide_entrie7txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #7 - COZINHA TUDO <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/cook_it_up.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Intoxicação alimentar não tem piada. Muito menos durante o apocalipse. <LINE> <LINE> Uma refeição quente faz milagres.",SurvivalGuide_entrie7moreinfo = " <H1> CULINáRIA <BR> <TEXT> Bife, frango e outros alimentos têm de ser cozinhados antes de ser comidas. (Coisas de vídeo jogo...) <BR> Além de mais saudáveis, refeições cozinhadas são mais nutritivas e matam a fome por mais tempo. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/cookingsoup.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Para cozinhar a comida, basta colocá-la num fogão ou um microondas - quiçá uma fogueira, nunca se sabe quando vais ter de fugir da cidade. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/cookingoven.png> <LINE> Ligue os aparelhos com o botão direito do rato, e retire os alimentos cozinhados da janela de conteúdos, assim que estiverem prontos. Nunca te esqueças de desligar o aparelho. Nunca se sabe. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/cookedsoup.png> <LINE> ".. " <H1> AGRICULTURA <BR> <TEXT> Para começares a produzir a tua própria comida, basta encontrares uma pá e umas sementes. Lavra e semeia a terra que que em breve te vai alimentar. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/farming.png> <LINE> ".. " <H1> PROCURA <BR> <TEXT> Encontra bagas e outros frutos na natureza. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/forrage.png> <LINE> <TEXT> " .." <H1> NÃO MORRAS <BR> <TEXT> Tenta não morrer.", SurvivalGuide_entrie8title = "GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA #8 - QUEM TUDO QUER, TUDO PERDE",SurvivalGuide_entrie8txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> GUIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DO ZOMBOID <LINE> <SIZE:large> #8 - QUEM TUDO QUER, TUDO PERDE <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/packing.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Gerir o inventário rápida e eficientemente poupa tempo e salva vidas !",SurvivalGuide_entrie8moreinfo = " <H1> SELECCIONAR <BR> <TEXT> Então como é que se procura, pega, larga e usa? é disto que nós percebemos no Project Zomboid ! <BR> A forma principal é arrastar e largar, podes também usar o botão do lado do lado direito do rato para chamar o menu contextual. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invrbtnselect.png> <LINE> " .. " Mantém o SHIFT esquerdo premido para seleccionar múltiplos objectos. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invshiftselect.png> <LINE> <TEXT> E porque não cometer uma loucura e usar uma caixa de selecção? <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invsquareselect.png> <LINE> <BR> ".. " OU fazer duplo clique para pegar imediatamente num objecto? OU, usar o botão de contexto à direita do objecto seleccionado. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invctxbtn.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Ah! Sim e há o botão 'Levar tudo' caso estejas tão entusiasmado que queres levar TUDO contigo" . <LINE> ".. " <H1> GLóRIA AOS SACOS <BR> <TEXT> Sacos e mochilas são importantes. Ajudam-te a carregar coisas. <BR> Para equipar um e por lá toda a tua tralha rapidamente: clica com o botão do lado direito e coloca-o na tua mão primária, secundária ou (se for uma mochila) às costas. ".. " <BR> O saco ou mochila vai aparecer no teu inventário - pronto para arrastares para lá os objectos que desejares. Mais importante ainda, os sacos reduzem o peso da carga. Permitindo assim que carregues mais coisas. Porreiro, não achas? <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invbag.png> <LINE> ".. " <H1> NÃO ESQUECERáS AS TECLAS DE ATALHO <BR> <TEXT> As teclas de atalho são configuráveis no menu de opções, mas já temos algumas predefinidas. Yah...nós somos fixes a esse ponto. ".. " <BR> 1 : Equipa a melhor arma corpo-a-corpo. " .." <BR> 2 : Equipa a melhor arma de fogo. (Não te esqueças do 'R' para recarregar!) " .." <BR> 3 : Equipa a melhor arma de apunhalar. " .." <BR> F : Equipa (e liga) a tua melhor fonte de luz. ",} Translation Notes : Tooltip Source : Tooltip_PT = { -- Dicas para items Tooltip_food_Uncooked = "Cru", Tooltip_food_Rotten = "Podre", Tooltip_food_Fresh = "Fresco", Tooltip_food_Cooked = "Cozinhado", Tooltip_food_Burnt = "Queimado", Tooltip_food_Hunger = "Fome", Tooltip_food_Thirst = "Sede", Tooltip_food_Fatigue = "Cansaço", Tooltip_food_Endurance = "Resistência", Tooltip_food_Stress = "Stress", Tooltip_food_Boredom = "Tédio", Tooltip_food_Unhappiness = "Infelicidade", Tooltip_food_Dangerous_uncooked = "Cru perigoso", Tooltip_tissue_tooltip = " Equipa para abafar espirros e tosse", Tooltip_item_Weight = "Peso", Tooltip_item_Temperature = "Temperatura", Tooltip_item_Fatigue = "Cansaço", Tooltip_weapon_Condition = "Condição", Tooltip_weapon_Repaired = "Reparado", Tooltip_weapon_Damage = "Dano" Tooltip_weapon_Unusable_at_max_exertion = "Impossível de usar cansado.", Tooltip_container_Capacity = "Capacidade", Tooltip_container_Weight_Reduction = "Redução de peso", Tooltip_literature_Boredom_Reduction = "Redução de tédio", Tooltip_literature_Stress_Reduction = "Redução de stress", Tooltip_literature_Number_of_Pages = "Número de páginas", Tooltip_item_TwoHandWeapon = "Eficácia máxima quando usado com as duas mãos", -- Dicas para items construidos Tooltip_craft_barElementDesc = "Um balcão, abastece-te de álcool ! ", Tooltip_craft_woodenStakeDesc = "Uma estaca de madeira, para segurar o arame farpado ", Tooltip_craft_Needs = "Necessita", Tooltip_craft_barbedFenceDesc = "Uma cerca de arame farpado, reduz movimento e pode arranhar ", Tooltip_craft_woodenFenceDesc = "Uma cerca de madeira ", Tooltip_craft_sandBagDesc = "Um muro de sacos de areia ", Tooltip_craft_gravelBagDesc = "Um muro de sacos de gravilha ", Tooltip_craft_woodenWallDesc = "Uma parede de madeira simples, pode ser barricada, revestida e pintada ", Tooltip_craft_woodenPillarDesc = "Um simples pilar de madeira ", Tooltip_craft_woodenFrameDesc = "Um caixilho de janela simples, pode ser barricado, revestido e pintado ", Tooltip_craft_woodenFloorDesc = "Um piso de madeira simples ", Tooltip_craft_woodenCrateDesc = "Um caixote de madeira, podes guardar aqui as tuas coisas ", Tooltip_craft_smallTableDesc = "Uma mesa pequena ", Tooltip_craft_largeTableDesc = "Uma mesa grande ", Tooltip_craft_tableDrawerDesc = "Uma mesa com uma gaveta para guardar as tuas coisas ", Tooltip_craft_woodenChairDesc = "Uma cadeira de madeira ", Tooltip_craft_rainBarrelDesc = "Um barril para recolher água da chuva ", Tooltip_craft_stairsDesc = "Escadas ", Tooltip_craft_woodenDoorDesc = "Uma porta simples, tem de ser colocada num vão de porta ", Tooltip_craft_doorFrameDesc = "Um vão de porta, é preciso para fazer uma porta, pode ser revestido ", Tooltip_Painkillers = "Alivia a dor", Tooltip_PillsAntidepressant = "Reduz a infelicidade ao longo do tempo", Tooltip_PillsBetablocker = "Reduz o pânico", Tooltip_PillsSleeping = "Deixa sonolento", Tooltip_Vitamins = "Reduz cansaço", Tooltip_potentialRepair = "Pode reparar :", Tooltip_chanceSuccess = "Probabilidade de sucesso :", Tooltip_broken = "Estragado ", Tooltip_never = "nunca", } Translation Notes :
  9. Thai Translation - Project Zomboid ภาษาไทย - Hello Friends, Here you go, PZ Thai translation. Please note that this is hardly a professional translation, and because I don't have opportunity to put them all into the game and play around with them myself, so I'm pretty sure there will be funny stuffs lying around. Anyway, feel free to check and correct if needed, and help is definitely welcome. The translation is almost complete, there will be more coming in the near future, right now I'm waiting for PZ to be able to display Thai characters. PZ ภาษาไทยครับ แปลเองแบบมั่วๆ แปลไปได้เกือบหมดแล้วเหลือคำแนะนำในเกมส์ กับพวกชื่อไอเท็มและสูตรต่างๆ ทั้งหมดนี้ยังไม่มีโอกาสได้ลองเล่นจริงๆ เพราะ PZ ยังแสดงฟ้อนภาษาไทยไม่ได้ ต้องให้ทีม dev เพิ่มฟ้อนท์ภาษาไทยเข้าไปในเกมส์ก่อน ระหว่างที่รอถ้าใครมาอ่านเจอแล้วพบว่ามีตรงไหนที่แปลแล้วฟังแปลกๆก็เชิญเข้ามาช่วยกันครับผม Contributors Changelog Context Menu IG_UI Moodles Tooltip UI FARMING
  10. I thought I'd lend a hand so here it is! The page for the Greek Translation! I better note: Greek is NOT my native language, and I'm still learning! Checklist Farming Moodles Items Tooltips IGUI Any help or corrections would be greatly appreciated. (Note: Any words I didn't know I used a translator for, so my Greek may be a bit off in places.)
  11. Hello everyone PLEASE READ THIS : I'm not really update this thread anymore, I prefer read the specific language thread Contributors : - RoboMat (German) : Main screen / Traits / Professions (100%). - Lakorta (German) : Items (100%). - Dahugo (German) : Survival Guide (100%). - Addy (German) : Moodles (100%). - Tuto (German) : Context menu (100%). - Houy Gaming (German) : Farming (100%). - Hans A. (Norwegian) : Main screen / Traits / Professions (100%) ; Moodles (100%) ; Survival Guide (100%) ; Items (100%) ; Context Menu (100%) ; Farming (100%) ; Recipe (100%). - Marmotte971 (French) : Main screen / Traits / Professions (100%) ; Survival Guide (100%). - Peanuts (French) : Moodles (100%) ; Context Menu (100%). - Nyoshi (French) : IG_UI (100%) ; Recipe (100%) ; Tooltip. - CareBearCorpse (French) : Farming (100%). - Penedus (Portugese) : Main screen / Traits / Professions(100%); Moodles ; Survival Guide ; Items. - Kalamar (Spanish) : Moodles (100%). - Danny-Dinamita (Spanish) : Main screen / Traits / Professions (100%) ; Survival Guide. - Pagoru (Spanish) : Items (100%). - RetardedUser (Spanish) : Farming (100%); Context Menu(100%) ; Recipe (100%) ; Tooltip (100%). - MehShotgun (Indonesian) : Main screen / Traits / Professions. - Leolvanov (Russian) : Main screen / Traits / Professions (100%) ; Moodles (100%) ; Survival Guide(100%) ; Items (100%) ; Context Menu(100%) ; Farming(100%). - Zache51 (Swedish) : Main screen / Traits / Professions. ; Moodles.; Survival Guide ; Items. - PsychoEliteNZ (Afrikaans) : Main screen / Traits / Professions ; Items ; Survival Guide ; - Vittor (Brazilian) : All (80%). - Simone Volpini (Italian) : All (70%). - Adios_1984 (Polish) : Main screen / Traits / Professions(100%) ; Survival Guide(100%) ; Moodles(100%) ; Context Menu(100%) ; Tooltip (100%) ; Farming(100%). Upcoming : - In game contextual menu text, - In game UI screen (health panel, skills...). So, let's get into it, I've wrote a system to translate PZ, I'm currently finishing to add the different text needed to the file. What I need there is some people from different country who could translate the game, so we can add this translation in the main game, you'll be credited in game AND in the translated file Just answer on this post, and I'll keep the OP updated with the names of people helping us If you're ok to translate some stuff (I'm not asking that ONE person translate everything, it's a tough and long job to do alone ), it'll be cool if you could PM me what file you want to translate. Now, how it works ?! Pretty easy, you now have new folder named Translate in media/lua which contains various file like Moodles_EN.lua, UI_EN.lua etc... In this file, we have stuff like that : Moodles_EN = { -- Moodle type : -- Endurance Moodles_endurance_lvl1 = "Moderate Exertion", Moodles_endurance_lvl2 = "High Exertion", Moodles_endurance_lvl3 = "Excessive Exertion", Moodles_endurance_lvl4 = "Exhausted", [...] } So, what you have to do is just make a new file named Moodles_ES for example, copy everything in the Moodles_EN inside this file, rename the first line Moodles_EN in Moodles_ES, and now you can translate You're not forced to translate the whole file, just tell me who's making what, and I'll keep a trace here. If any sentence is not translated into the specified language, we gonna search for the default language sentence (English). This works for both Java and Lua strings. Some sentence/text can't be translated (like "Last Stand"), so please, just remove them from the .lua file, or let them so maybe someone else could translate them Once the translation is done, I'll add it in the game. And then to change the language, you'll have a language combo box selector in the option panel, a reboot is necessary after changed the language Please note that it's still in W.I.P. and some texts could be truncated, I also maybe forgot to add some texts to translate, please don't hesitate to PM me what I missed Anyway, thanks to everyone reading this and for helping us ! Cheers !
  12. This is an just update for new stuff Errors: Even though the line has been translated as DisplayNameStrewberry_Seeds_Packet = "Çilek tohumu paketi", in-game, this item shows up as Strewberry Seeds Packet. and they also apply to DisplayName=FishingNetTrap = "Balık Ağı",DisplayNameFishingforBeginners = "Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Balıkçılık",DisplayNameFishingforIntermediates = "Orta Derece İçin Balıkçılık",DisplayNameAdvancedFishing = "Gelişmiş Balıkcılık",DisplayNameExpertFishing = "Uzman Balıkcılık",DisplayNameMasterFishing = "Usta Balıkcılık", (Changed the coding to ANSI)(Kodlama ANSI olarak değiştirildi) Thank you my friend GriReis for previous translations http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/user/2223-grireis/ ContextMenu_TR IG_UI_TR Items_TR Recipe_TR = { Recipe_Make_Campfire_Kit = "Kamp ateşi kiti yap", Recipe_GetSteelAndFlint = "Çelik ve çakmak taşı al", Recipe_Make_Kindling = "Çıra yap", Recipe_Drill_Plank = "Kalası del", Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "Ahşap çubuk yap", Recipe_Make_Tent_Kit = "Çadır kiti yap", Recipe_Make_Mildew_Cure = "Pas giderici yap", Recipe_Make_Flies_Cure = "Sinek ilacı yap", Recipe_Open_Carrot_Seed_Packet = "Havuç tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Broccoli_Seed_Packet = "Brokoli tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Radish_Seed_Packet = "Turp tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Strewberry_Seed_Packet = "Çilek tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Tomato_Seed_Packet = "Domates tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Potato_Seed_Packet = "Patates tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Cabbage_Seed_Packet = "Lahana tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Bat = "Dikenli sopa yap", Recipe_Sawn-off = "Namluyu kısalt", Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Plank = "Dikenli kalas yap", Recipe_Empty_Whisky_Bottle = "Viski şişesini bitir", Recipe_Rip_bandages = "Yırtıp bandaj yap", Recipe_Saw_Logs = "Kütükleri kes", Recipe_Make_Pot_of_Soup = "Çanakta çorba yap", Recipe_Slice_Watermelon = "Karpuzu dilimle", Recipe_Smash_Watermelon = "Karpuzu parçala", Recipe_Open_Canned_Beans = "Konserve fasulyeyi aç", Recipe_Open_Dog_Food = "Köpek mamasını aç", Recipe_Make_Beans_Bowl = "Kase fasulye yap", Recipe_Make_Hot_Drink = "Sıcak içecek hazırla", Recipe_Open_Canned_Tuna = "Konserve tuna balığını aç", Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Kase çorba yap", Recipe_Make_Ramen = "Japon eriştesi yap", Recipe_Light_Candle = "Mumu yak", Recipe_Make_Cheese_Sandwich = "Peynirli sandviç yap", Recipe_Make_Grilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Kızarmış peynirli sandviç yap", Recipe_Make_Broccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "Brokolili tavuk güveci yap", Recipe_Make_Boring_Soup = "Dandik çorba hazırla", Recipe_Make_Simple_Soup = "Basit çorba hazırla", Recipe_Make_Tasty_Soup = "Lezzetli çorba hazırla", Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Kase çorba yap", Recipe_Remove_Battery = "Pilleri çıkar", Recipe_Insert_Battery = "Pilleri tak", Recipe_Write_Journal = "Günlük yaz", Recipe_Write_Doodle = "Karalama yap", Recipe_Make_Plaster_Bucket = "Alçı sıvasını kovaya koy", Recipe_Craft_Drawer = "Çekmece yap", Recipe_Craft_Sheet_Rope = "Çarşaftan halat yap", Recipe_Make_Boring_Salad = "Dandik Salata Yap", Recipe_Make_Simple_Salad = "Basit Salata Yap", Recipe_Make_Tasty_Salad = "Lezzetli Salata Yap", Recipe_Make_Vegetarian_Potato_Salad = "Vejetaryen Patates Salatası Yap", Recipe_Make_Potato_Salad = "Patates Salatası Yap", Recipe_Open Nails_box = "Çivi Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Open_Screws_box = "Vida Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Open_9mm_Bullets_box = "9mm Kurşun Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Open_Shotgun_Shells_box = "Pompalı Tüfek Fişeği Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Put_in_a_box = "Kutuya Koy",Recipe_Make_Cage_Trap = "Kafesli tuzak yap", Recipe_Make_Wooden_Cage_Trap = "Ahşaptan kafesli tuzak yap", Recipe_Make_Snare_Trap = "Kıskaçlı tuzak yap", Recipe_Make_Trap_Box = "Tuzak Kutusu Yap", Recipe_Cut_Animal = "Hayvan Kes", Recipe_Make_Fishing_Net = "Balık Ağı Yap", Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "Ahşaptan Çubuk Yap", Recipe_Drill_Plank = "Ahşap Matkabı", Recipe_Fix_Fishing_Rod = "Oltayı Düzelt", Recipe_Make_Fishing_Rod = "Olta Yap", Recipe_Cut_Fillet = "Filetoyu Kes", Recipe_Slice_Cake = "Keki Dilimle", Recipe_Slice_Pie = "Pastayı Dİlimle, Recipe_Put_in_Baking_Pan = "Baking Pan Koy", Recipe_Make_Pie_Dough = "Pasta Hamuru Yap", Recipe_Put_in_Baking_Pan = "Baking Pan Koy", Recipe_Make_Cake_Batter = "Kek Hamuru Yap", Recipe_Slice_Bread = "Ekmek Dilimle", UI_TR İndirme Bağlantısı: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5n2tjhyosp1lgl/Turkish%20Language.zip YÜKLEME: 1-)Yükleme işlemi yapmadan önce lütfen dosyalarınızın birer yedeğini alın. 2-)Bağlantı adresinden indirdiğiniz dosyaları Steam/Steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/lua/shared/Translate/TR klasörünün içine atın değişiklikleri onaylıyormusnuz sorusuna tüm dosyları geçerli deyip taşı ve değiştir diyerek onaylayın.
  13. Hi! I love this game, but here is no hungarian translation, yet. I'm almost finished it, so I tought why not upload it? Context Menu - 100%Farming - 100%IG UI - 100%Moodles - 100%Survival Guide - 100%Tooltip - 100%UI - 100%Items - 100%Recipes - 100% Updated on: 07-08-2014 - Download link Contributors (Készítők) - sandor.baliko: Context Menu / Farming / IG UI/ Moodles / Survival Guide / Tooltip / UI / Items / Recipes- duckminator: Survival Guide
  14. Traducción de Project Zomboid al español (Latino)! Contribuidores Menú de Contexto Notas de Traducción : Cultivo Notas de Traducción : Items Notas de Traducción : Pantalla Principal / Rasgos / Profesiones Notas de Traducción : Moodles Notas de Traducción : Recetas Notas de Traducción : Guía de Supervivencia Notas de Traducción : Tooltips Notas de Traducción : IG UI Notas de Traducción : Yo Robert! Latest version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebt66lr5oosgvue/Traducci%C3%B3n%20Espa%C3%B1ol%20Latino%2007-08-14.zip
  15. UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Last Activity Date 19/07/14 (Build27) First steps to the catalan translation. Changelog & Work Left List Contributors Context Menu Source : ContextMenu_CAT = { ContextMenu_Destroy = "Destroçar ", ContextMenu_Grab = "Agafar", ContextMenu_Sleep = "Dormir", ContextMenu_Fill = "Omplir ", ContextMenu_Drink = "Beure", ContextMenu_Turn_Off = "Apagar", ContextMenu_Turn_On = "Encendre", ContextMenu_Climb_through = "Passar a través", ContextMenu_Add_sheet_rope = "Col·locar soga de tela", ContextMenu_Remove_sheet_rope = "Treure la soga de tela", ContextMenu_Barricade = "Construir barricada", ContextMenu_Unbarricade = "Treure la barricada", ContextMenu_Add_sheet = "Col·locar sábana", ContextMenu_Open_window = "Obrir finestra", ContextMenu_Close_window = "Tancar finestra", ContextMenu_Smash_window = "Trencar finestra", ContextMenu_Open_curtains = "Obrir cortines", ContextMenu_Close_curtains = "Tancar cortines", ContextMenu_Remove_curtains = "Treure cortines", ContextMenu_Open_door = "Obrir porta", ContextMenu_Close_door = "Tancar porta", ContextMenu_Orders = "Ordres", ContextMenu_Follow_me = "Segueix-me!", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Vigila!", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Quiet!", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Tots junts.", ContextMenu_Walk_to = "Anar a...", ContextMenu_Grab_one = "Agafar-ne uno.", ContextMenu_Grab_half = "Agafar-ne la meitat.", ContextMenu_Grab_all = "Agafar-ho tot.", ContextMenu_Grab = "Agafar",//AGAFAR... ContextMenu_Put_in_Container = "Posar-ho al contenidor", ContextMenu_Equip_on_your_Back = "Posar a l'esquena", // ¿PENJAR DE L'ESQUENA? ContextMenu_Eat = "Menjar", ContextMenu_Equip_Primary = "Equipar primaria", ContextMenu_Equip_Secondary = "Equipar secundaria", ContextMenu_Reload = "Recarregar", ContextMenu_Pour_into = "Buidar al ", ContextMenu_Pour_on_Ground = "Buidar al terra", ContextMenu_Take_pills = "Prendre pastilles", ContextMenu_Read = "Llegir", ContextMenu_Wear = "Vestir", ContextMenu_Unequip = "Deixar de fer servir", ContextMenu_Apply_Bandage = "Embenar-se", ContextMenu_Dry_myself = "Assecar-se", ContextMenu_Drop = "Deixar anar", ContextMenu_Full = "Ple", ContextMenu_Dig = "Cavar", ContextMenu_Fertilize = "Fertilizar", ContextMenu_Sow_Seed = "Sembrar llavor", // PLANTAR LLAVOR? ContextMenu_Info = "Info", ContextMenu_Remove = "Eliminar", ContextMenu_Water = "Aigua", ContextMenu_Treat_Problem = "Tractar problema", ContextMenu_Seeds = "Llavors", ContextMenu_Harvest = "Collir", ContextMenu_Keep = "Mantenir ", ContextMenu_Smoke = "Fumar", -- Crafting menu ContextMenu_Door = "Porta", ContextMenu_Stairs = "Escales", ContextMenu_Floor = "Terra", ContextMenu_Bar = "Bar", ContextMenu_Furniture = "Mobles", ContextMenu_Fence = "Tanca", // VALLA ? ContextMenu_Wooden_Stake = "Estaca de fusta", ContextMenu_Barbed_Fence = "Tanca de pues ", ContextMenu_Wooden_Fence = "Tanca de fusta", ContextMenu_Sang_Bag_Wall = "Mur de sacs de sorra", //MUR DE SACS DE TERRA? ContextMenu_Gravel_Bag_Wall = "Mur de sacs de grava", ContextMenu_Wooden_Wall = "Paret de fusta", ContextMenu_Wooden_Pillar = "Pilar de fusta", ContextMenu_Windows_Frame = "Marc de finestra", ContextMenu_Wooden_Floor = "Terra de fusta", ContextMenu_Wooden_Crate = "Caixa de fusta", ContextMenu_Table = "Taula", ContextMenu_Small_Table = "Taula petita", ContextMenu_Large_Table = “Taula gran", ContextMenu_Table_with_Drawer = "Taula amb calaixos", ContextMenu_Wooden_Chair = "Cadira de fusta", ContextMenu_Rain_Collector_Barrel = "Barril recolector de pluja", ContextMenu_Dark_Wooden_Stairs = "Escales de fusta fosca ", ContextMenu_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Escales de fusta marró clar", ContextMenu_Light_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Escales de fusta marró", ContextMenu_Wooden_Door = "Porta de fusta", ContextMenu_Door_Frame = "Marc de la porta", // MARC PORTA? ContextMenu_Dismantle = "DesmanteLlar", ContextMenu_Build = "Construir", ContextMenu_Bar_Element = "Barra", ContextMenu_Bar_Corner = "Cantonada de barra", // CANTONADA BARRA // CANTONADA DE LA BARRA?? ContextMenu_Plaster = "GUIX", ContextMenu_Paint = "Pintura", ContextMenu_Blue = "Blava", ContextMenu_Brown = "Marró", ContextMenu_Cyan = "Blau Fosc", ContextMenu_Green = "Verd", ContextMenu_Grey = "Gris", ContextMenu_Light_Blue = "Blau Clar", ContextMenu_Light_Brown = "Marró clar", ContextMenu_Orange = "Taronja", ContextMenu_Pink = "Rosa", ContextMenu_Purple = "Lila", //PORPRA? ContextMenu_Turquoise = "Turquesa", ContextMenu_White = "Blanc", ContextMenu_Yellow = "Groc", ContextMenu_Equip_Two_Hands = "Equipar amb ambdues mans", // EQUIPAR AMB TOTES DUES MANS.// EQUIPAR AMB LES DUES MANS -- Camping menu ContextMenu_Build_a_fire = "Construir foguera", //FER FOGUERA? ContextMenu_Add_petrol = "Afegir gasolina", ContextMenu_Light_fire = "Encendre foguera”, ContextMenu_Put_up_tent = "Muntar tenda de campanya", ContextMenu_Take_down_tent = "Desmuntar tenda de campanya", ContextMenu_Put_out_fire = "Recollir foguera", ContextMenu_Add_fuel_to_fire = "Afegir mes llenya”,, ContextMenu_Sleep_in_tent = "Dormir en tenda de campanya", ContextMenu_Light_fire_with_kindling = "Encendre foc amb llenya", ContextMenu_Light = "Encendre", ContextMenu_Spill_Gravel = "Abocar grava", //ABOCAR-HI? ContextMenu_Spill_Sand = "Abocar sorra",////ABOCAR-HI? ContextMenu_Spill_Dirt = "Abocar terra",////ABOCAR-HI? ContextMenu_Take_some_sands = Agafar una mica de sorra", ContextMenu_Take_some_gravel = "Agafar una mica de grava", ContextMenu_Take_some_dirt = "Agafar una mica de terra", ContextMenu_Repair = "Reparar ",//ARREGLAR? ContextMenu_NameThisBag = "Nom" ContextMenu_RenameBag = "Cambiar nom", // CAMBIAR NOM DEL CONTENIDOR ContextMenu_Lamp_on_Pillar = "Farola",//FANAL //LLANTERNA SOBRE D’UN PILAR? } Farming Items_CAT = { DisplayNameCampfire_materials = "Materials per a la foguera", DisplayNameStone = "Pedra", DisplayNameKindling = "Llenya", DisplayNameKnotted_Wooden_Plank = “Planxes de fusta foradades",//LLISTONS DE FUSTA FORADATS? DisplayNameSturdy_Stick = "Pal robust", DisplayNameFlint = "Pedernal", DisplayNameSteel_Knuckle = "Puny americà", DisplayNameFlint_and_Steel = "Encenedor", DisplayNameTent = "Tenda de campanya", DisplayNameTent_kit = "Kit tenda de campanya", DisplayNameTent_Peg = "Varilles tenda de campanya", DisplayNameSeeding_Broccoli = "Llavors bròquil", DisplayNameRadish = "Rave", DisplayNameStrawberries = "Maduixa", DisplayNameTomato = "Tomàquet", DisplayNamePotato = "Patata", DisplayNameCabbage = "Col", DisplayNameMilk_Package = "Paquet de llet", DisplayNameBacon = "Beicon",// BUFF.. BACÓ NO M’AGRADA MASSA //CANSALADA FUMADA?? wtf… DisplayNameBacon_Rashers = Filet de beicon", DisplayNameBacon_Bits = "Trossos de beicon", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise = "Pot de maionesa", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "Ampolla amb aigua", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade = "Pot de salsa", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_(Half) = "Pot de salsa", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_(Empty) = "Ampolla buida", DisplayNamePotato_Salad = "Amanida de patata", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad = "", DisplayNameVegetarian_Potato_Salad = "Amanida de patata i verdures", //AMANIDA DE PATATA VEGETARIANA.. DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad_Vegetarian = "", DisplayNameBoring_Salad = "Amanida insípida", DisplayNameSimple_Salad = "Amanida simple", DisplayNameTasty_Salad = "Amanida suculenta", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Boring_Mixed_Salad = "", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds = "Llavors de pastanaga", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds = “Llavors de bróquil", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds = "Llavors de rave", DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds = " Llavors de maduixa", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds = "Llavors de tomàquet", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds = "Llavors de patata", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds = "Llavors de col", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de pastanaga", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de bròquil", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de rave", DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de maduixes", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de tomàquet", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de patata", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de col", DisplayNameTrowel = "Pala de jardineria", DisplayNameSpade = "Pala", DisplayNameWatering_Can_(Full) = "Regadora amb aigua", DisplayNameWatering_Can = "Regadora buida", DisplayNameNPK_Fertilizer = "Abono ecològic", DisplayNameEmpty_Fertilizer = "Abono buit", DisplayNameMildew_Spray = "Aerosol antifúngic", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_(Empty) = "Aerosol buit", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_(Full) = "Aerosol amb aigua", DisplayNameInsecticide_Spray = "Aerosol insecticida", DisplayNameAxe = "Destral", DisplayNameBaseball_Bat = "Bat de beisbol", DisplayNameNailed_Baseball_Bat = "Bat de beisbol con claus", DisplayNameButter_Knife = "Ganivet de mantega", DisplayNameHammer = "Martell", DisplayNameKitchen_Knife = "Ganivet de cuina", DisplayNameMolotov_Cocktail = "Còctel molotov", DisplayNameFrying_Pan = "Paella", DisplayNamePen = "Bolígraf", DisplayNamePencil = "Llapis", DisplayNamePistol = "Pistola", DisplayNamePlank = "Tauló",//PLANXA DE FUSTA, DisplayNameNailed_Plank = "Tauló con claus", DisplayNamePoolcue = "Tac de billar", DisplayNameScrewdriver = "Tornavis", DisplayNameShotgun = "Escopeta", DisplayNameSawn_Off_Shotgun = "Escopeta retallada", DisplayNameSledgehammer = "Massa d’obra", DisplayNameBarbed_wire = "Malla de pues",//CABLEJAT DE PÚES? DisplayNameBarricade = "Barricada", DisplayNameBelt = "Cinturó", DisplayName9mm_Magazine = "Carregador de 9mm", DisplayNameBowl = "Bol", DisplayNameBucket = "Galleda", DisplayName9mm_Rounds = "Bala de 9mm", DisplayNameCandle = "Espelma", DisplayNameCoffee = "Cafè", DisplayNameBag_of_Concrete_Powder = "Sac de formigó", DisplayNameCrate = "Caixa", DisplayNameDoor = "Porta", DisplayNameWooden_Door_Frame = "Porta de fusta", DisplayNameDoorknob = "Pom per a portes", //POM PORTA//POM DE LA PORTA DisplayNameDrawer = "Calaix", DisplayNameDoor_Hinge = "Frontissa per a portes", // FRONTISSA // FRONTISSA DE LA PORTA DisplayNamePicture_of_Kate = "Fotografia de Kate", DisplayNameKettle = "Tetera", DisplayNameLog = "tronco", DisplayNameEmpty_Mug = "Tassa buida DisplayNameNails = "Claus", DisplayNameEmpty_Notebook = "Cuadern buit DisplayNamePaint_brush = brotxa de pintura", DisplayNamePillow = "Coixí", DisplayNamePistol_Magazine = "Carregador de pistola", //CARREGADOR PER A PISTOLA? DisplayNameBag_of_Plaster_Powder = "Sac de guix", DisplayNamePool_Ball = "Bola de billar", DisplayNameEmpty_Pop_Bottle = "Botella de refresc buida", DisplayNameCooking_Pot = "Olla", DisplayNameBandages = "Bendatges", DisplayNameRoasting_Pan = "Safata de forn", DisplayNameSaw = "Serra", DisplayNameSheet = "Llençol", DisplayNameSheet_of_Paper = "Fulla de paper", DisplayNameSheet_Rope = "Soga de tela", DisplayNameShotgun_Shells = "Cartutx d'escopeta", DisplayNameSock = "Mitjó", DisplayNameStairs_Piece = "Part de l'escala", //PEÇA DE L'ESCALA DisplayNameTea_Bag = "Bosseta de te", DisplayNameCan_Opener = "Obrellaunes",//OBRIDOR DisplayNameCanned_Beans = "Llauna de mongetes", DisplayNameTuna = "Llauna de tonyina", DisplayNameWall_Piece = "Part de la paret", //TROS DE LA PARET DisplayNameEmpty_Bottle = "Ampolla buida", DisplayNameWooden_Window_Frame = "Marc de finestra de fusta", //MARC FINESTRA FUSTA // MARC DE FUSTA PER LA FINESTRA DisplayNameBook = "Llibre", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Beginners = "Fusteria per a novells", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Intermediates = "Fusteria intermitja", DisplayNameAdvanced_Carpentry = "Fusteria avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Carpentry = "Fusteria per a experts", DisplayNameMaster_Carpentry = "Fusteria per a mestres", DisplayNameCooking_for_Beginners = "Cuina per a novells", DisplayNameCooking_for_Intermediates = "Cuina intermitja", DisplayNameAdvanced_Cooking = "Cuina avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Cooking = "Cuina per a experts", DisplayNameMaster_Cooking = "Cuina per a mestres", DisplayNameFarming_for_Beginners = "Agricultura per a novells", DisplayNameFarming_for_Intermediates = "Agricultura intermitja", DisplayNameAdvanced_Farming = "Agricultura avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Farming = "Agricultura per a experts", DisplayNameMaster_Farming = "Agricultura per a mestros", DisplayNameDoodle = "Diari personal", DisplayNameJournal = "Diari", DisplayNameMagazine = "Revista", DisplayNamespaper = "Paper", DisplayNameApple = "Poma", DisplayNameBroccoli_Chicken_Casserole = " Cassola de pollastre amb bròquil", DisplayNameBanana = "Plàtan", DisplayNameBowl_of_Beans = "Bol de mongetes", DisplayNameBoring_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa insípida", DisplayNameBoring_Soup = "Sopa insípida", DisplayNameBread = "Pa", DisplayNameBroccoli = "Bróquil", DisplayNameButter = "Mantega", DisplayNameCarrots = "Pastanaga", DisplayNameCheese = "Formatge", DisplayNameCheese_Sandwich = "Entrepà de formatge", DisplayNameChicken = "Pollastre", DisplayNameChocolate = "Xocolata", DisplayNameCigarettes = "Cigarrets", DisplayNameComplex_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa elaborada", DisplayNameComplicated_Soup = "Sopa elaborada", DisplayNameChips = "Patates fregides de bossa", DisplayNameCupcake = "Magdalena", DisplayNameEgg = "Ou", DisplayNameGrilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Entrepà de formatge fos", DisplayNameHearty_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa copiosa", DisplayNameHearty_Soup = "Sopa copiosa", DisplayNameLollipop = "Piruleta", DisplayNameHot_Cuppa = "Tassa de te calient", DisplayNameOpen_Can_of_Beans = "Llauna de mongetes (oberta)", DisplayNameOrange = "Taronja", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter = "Crema de cacahuet", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter_Sandwich = "Entrepà de crema de cacauet", DisplayNamePeas = "Pèsols", DisplayNamePie = "Pastís, DisplayNamePop = "Gasosa", DisplayNameOrange_Soda = "Refresc de taronja", DisplayNameInstant_Popcorn = "Crispetes de microones ", DisplayNamePot_of_Soup = "Olla de sopa", DisplayNameDry_Ramen_Noodles = "Fideus secs", DisplayNameBowl_of_Ramen_Noodles = "Bol de fideus", DisplayNameSalmon = "Salmó", DisplayNameSimple_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa simple", DisplayNameSimple_Soup = "Sopa simple", DisplayNameBowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa", DisplayNameSteak = "Filet", DisplayNameTV_Dinner = "Menjar precuinat", DisplayNameTasty_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa suculenta", DisplayNameTasty_Soup = "Sopa suculenta", DisplayNameCanned_Soup = "Sopa en llauna", DisplayNameOpen_Tin_of_Tuna = "Lata de atún abierta", DisplayNameWatermelon = "Síndria", DisplayNameWatermelon_Slice = "Rodanxes de síndria", DisplayNameWatermelon_Chunks = "Trossos de síndria", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_(full) = "Ampolla de Whisky", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_(half) = "Ampolla de Whisky", DisplayNameWet_Dish_Towel = "Drap de cuina humit", DisplayNameDish_Towel = "Drap de cuina", DisplayNameBattery = "Bateria", DisplayNameBucket_with_concrete = "Galleda amb formigó", DisplayNameBucket_with_plaster = "Galleda amb guix", DisplayNameBucket_with_water = "Galleda amb aigua", DisplayNameLit_Candle = "Espelma encesa", DisplayNameFlour = "Farina", DisplayNameA_Full_Kettle = "Tetera amb aigua", DisplayNameGravel_bag = "Sac de grava", DisplayNameLighter = "Encenedor", DisplayNameMatches = "Llumins", DisplayNameBlue_Paint = "Pintura blava", DisplayNameBrown_Paint = "Pintura marró", DisplayNameCyan_Paint = "Pintura blau fosc", DisplayNameGreen_Paint = "Pintura verda", DisplayNameGrey_Paint = "Pintura gris", DisplayNameLight_Blue_Paint = "Pintura blau clar", DisplayNameLight_Brown_Paint = "Pintura marró clar", DisplayNameOrange_Paint = "Pintura taronja", DisplayNamePink_Paint = "Pintura rosa", DisplayNamePurple_Paint = "Pintura lila",//PINTURA PORPRA? wtf. DisplayNameTurquoise_Paint = "Pintura turquesa", DisplayNameWhite_Paint = "Pintura blanca", DisplayNameYellow_Paint = "Pintura groga", DisplayNameGas_Can = "Bidó de gasolina", DisplayNamePainkillers = "Analgésics", DisplayNameAnti-depressants = "Antidepresius", DisplayNameBeta_Blockers = "Tranquilizants", DisplayNameSleeping_Tablets = "Somnífers", DisplayNameSand_bag = "Sac de sorra", DisplayNameSugar = "Sucre", DisplayNameTissue = "Mocador", DisplayNameFlashlight = "Llanterna", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "Ampolla amb aigua", DisplayNameWater_Bottle = "Ampolla amb aigua", DisplayNameBowl_of_Water = "Bol amb aigua", DisplayNameA_Mug_of_Water = "Tassa amb aigua", DisplayNameA_Pot_of_Water = "Olla amb aigua", DisplayNameVest = "Armilla", DisplayNameSweater = "Jersei", DisplayNameBlouse = "Blusa", DisplayNamePants = "Pantalones", DisplayNameSkirt = "Faldilla", DisplayNameShoes = "Sabates", DisplayNameCrowbar = "Palanca", DisplayNameFork = "Forquilla", DisplayNameGolfclub = "Pal de golf", DisplayNameRolling_Pin = "Corró", DisplayNameScissors = "Tisores", DisplayNameSpoon = "Cullera", DisplayNameWet_Bath_Towel = "Toaballola mullada", DisplayNameBath_Towel = "Toballola", DisplayNameBandaid = "Tireta", DisplayNameBandage = "Bendatge", DisplayNameBleach = "Leixiu", DisplayNamePlaying_Cards = "Baralla de cartes", DisplayNameComb = "Pinta", DisplayNameDice = "Dau", DisplayNameDogfood = "Menjar per a gossos", DisplayNameLipstick = "Pintallabis", DisplayNameLocket = "Penjoll", DisplayNameMirror = "Mirall", DisplayNameRadio = "Radio", DisplayNameRazor = "Maquinieta d'afaitar", DisplayNameString = "Cordill",//CORDÓ? DisplayNameToy_Bear = "Osset de peluix", DisplayNameVitamins = "Vitamines", DisplayNameWallet = "Cartera", DisplayNameWedding_Ring = "Anell de noces",// BODA?..//NÚPCIES DisplayNameWire = "Filferro", DisplayNameYoyo = "Yoyó", DisplayNameBeef_Jerky = "Cecina", DisplayNameBerry = "Baia", DisplayNameCandycane = "Bastó de caramel", DisplayNameCereal = "Cereal", DisplayNameDead_Rat = "Rata morta", DisplayNameOpen_Dogfood = "Llauna de menjar per gossos (oberta)", DisplayNameIcecream = "Gelat", DisplayNameLemon = "Llimona", DisplayNameMilk = "Llet", DisplayNameMushroom = "Bolet", DisplayNameOnion = "Ceba", DisplayNameStrawberry = "Maduixa", DisplayNameDuffelbag = "Bossa de lona", DisplayNamePlastic_Bag = "Bossa de plàstic", DisplayNameTote_Bag = "Bossa de asa", DisplayNameSchoolbag = "Mochila escolar", DisplayNameNormal_Hiking_Bag = "Motxilla de excursió normal", DisplayNameBig_Hiking_Bag = "Motxilla d'excursió gran", DisplayNameNewspaper = "Diari", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Full) = "Pot amb maionesa", DisplayNameRope = "Corda", DisplayNameGlue = "Cola", DisplayNameBox_of_Nails = "Caixa de claus", DisplayNameBox_of_Screws = "Caixa de visos",//CAIXA DE CARGOLS DisplayNameBox_of_9mm_Bullets = "Caixa de balas de 9mm", DisplayNameBox_of_Shotgun_Shells = "Caixa de cartutxs d'escopeta", DisplayNameScrews = "Visos", DisplayNameBurger = "Hamburguesa", DisplayNamePizza = "Pizza", DisplayNameFries = "Patates fregides", DisplayNamePancakes = "Crep",COCA//COQUETA? o.O" DisplayNameMeat_Patty = "Empanada", DisplayNameWaffles = "Gofres", DisplayNameGarbage_Bag = "Bossa d'escombreries", DisplayNameEmpty_Sand_bag = "Sac de sorra buit", DisplayNameDirt_bag = "Sac de terra", DisplayNameDuct_Tape = "Cinta aïllant", DisplayNameWood_glue = "Cola de fuster", DisplayNameTwine = "Fil", DisplayNameTooth_paste = "Pasta de dents", DisplayNameTooth_brush = "Respall de dents", DisplayNameScotch_tape = "Cinta adhesiva", DisplayNameDigital_Watch = "Rellotge digital", DisplayNameHam = "Pernil", DisplayNameCorn = "Blat de moro", DisplayNameEggplant = "Alberginia", DisplayNameLeek = "Porro", DisplayNameGrapes = "Raïm", DisplayNameThread = "Fil", DisplayNameNeedle = "Agulla", DisplayNameCube = "Cub de Rubick", DisplayNameDough= "Massa", DisplayNameBakingTray= "Safta per a fornejar", DisplayNameRolled_Dough= "Massa aplanada", DisplayNameBaking_Tray_With_Bread= "Safata per a fornejar amb pa", DisplayNamePeanuts = "Cacauets" DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Soup = "Llauna de sopa (oberta)"} IGUI IGUI_CAT = {-- All the UI text used in game-- InventoryPaneIGUI_invpanel_Type = "Tipus",IGUI_invpanel_Category = "Categoria",IGUI_invpanel_Pack = "Ficar",IGUI_invpanel_unpack = "Treure",IGUI_invpanel_drop_all = "Deixar-ho anar tot",IGUI_invpanel_drop_one = "Deixar-ne un",IGUI_invpanel_Nutrition = "Nutrició",IGUI_invpanel_Remaining = "Restant",IGUI_invpanel_Condition = "Condició",IGUI_invpanel_Cooking = "Cuinant-se"IGUI_invpanel_Burning = "Cremant-se"IGUI_invpanel_Burnt = "Cremat" -- InventoryPageIGUI_invpage_Loot_all = "Agafar-ho tot", -- Character ScreenIGUI_char_Age = "Edat",IGUI_char_Sex = "Gènere",IGUI_char_Traits = "Trets",IGUI_char_Favourite_Weapon = "Arma preferida",IGUI_char_Zombies_Killed = "Zombis eliminats",IGUI_char_Survivor_Killed = "NPC eliminats",IGUI_char_Survived_For = "Díes amb vida",IGUI_char_Male = "Home",IGUI_char_Female = "Dona", -- Health panelIGUI_health_Scratched = "Rascada",IGUI_health_Wounded = "Ferida",IGUI_health_Bitten = "Mosegada",IGUI_health_Bleeding = "Sagnant",IGUI_health_Bandaged = "Embenat",IGUI_health_Overall_Body_Status = "Estat general",IGUI_health_zombified = "¡ZOMBIFICAT!",IGUI_health_ok = "Sa",IGUI_health_Slight_damage = "Danys mínims",IGUI_health_Very_Minor_damage = "Danys lleus",IGUI_health_Minor_damage = "Danys superficials",IGUI_health_Moderate_damage = "Danys moderats",IGUI_health_Severe_damage = "Danys considerables",IGUI_health_Very_Severe_damage = "Danys molt considerables",IGUI_health_Crital_damage = "Danys crítics",IGUI_health_Highly_Crital_damage = "Danys molt crítics",IGUI_health_Terminal_damage = "Estat terminal",IGUI_health_Deceased = "Muert",IGUI_health_Left_Hand = "Mà esquerra",IGUI_health_Right_Hand = "Mà dreta",IGUI_health_Left_Forearm = "Avantbraç esquerre",IGUI_health_Right_Forearm = "Avantbraç dret",IGUI_health_Left_Upper_Arm = "Braç esquerre",IGUI_health_Right_Upper_Arm = "Braç dret",IGUI_health_Upper_Torso = "Tors superior",IGUI_health_Lower_Torso = "Tors inferior",IGUI_health_Head = "Cap",IGUI_health_Neck = "Coll",IGUI_health_Groin = "Engonal",IGUI_health_Left_Thigh = "Cuixa esquerra",IGUI_health_Right_Thigh = "Cuixa dreta",IGUI_health_Left_Shin = "Espinilla esquerre",IGUI_health_Right_Shin = "Espinilla dreta",IGUI_health_Left_Foot = "Peu esquerra",IGUI_health_Right_Foot = "Peu dret",IGUI_health_Unknown_Body_Part = "Part desconeguda", -- SkillsIGUI_skills_Multiplier = "Multiplicador",IGUI_XP_Next_skill_point = "Seguent punt d'experiència",IGUI_XP_xp = " exp",IGUI_XP_Skill_point_available = "Punts d'experiencia disponibles",IGUI_XP_Locked = "Bloquejat",IGUI_XP_UnLocked = "Desbloquejat",IGUI_XP_level = " Nivell",IGUI_XP_Skills = "Habilitats",IGUI_XP_Health = "Salut",IGUI_XP_Info = "Info", -- PerksIGUI_perks_Combat = "Combat",IGUI_perks_Blunt = "Armes contundents",IGUI_perks_Blade = "Armes blanques",IGUI_perks_Aiming = "Punteria",IGUI_perks_Reloading = "Recarrega",IGUI_perks_Crafting = "Construcció",IGUI_perks_Carpentry = "Fusteria",IGUI_perks_Cooking = "Cuina",IGUI_perks_Farming = "Agricultura",IGUI_perks_Agility = "Agilitat",IGUI_perks_Sprinting = "Sprint",IGUI_perks_Lightfooted = "Pas lleuger",IGUI_perks_Nimble = "Destresa",IGUI_perks_Sneaking = "Sigil", -- Item categoryIGUI_ItemCat_Item = "Ítem",IGUI_ItemCat_Food = "Menjar",IGUI_ItemCat_Drainable = "Escorredor",IGUI_ItemCat_Weapon = "Arma",IGUI_ItemCat_Clothing = "Roba",IGUI_ItemCat_Container = "Motxilla/Bossa",IGUI_ItemCat_Literature = "Lectura",}
  16. I was wondering if anyone was doing a danish translation of the game? If not, I would have no problem trying to do it myself, if only I had got some instructions and some words to translate. (P.S I'm not sure if im writing this in the right forum, so sorry about that if I should have posted it elsewhere)
  17. This is just an update for the new stuff that needed to be updated. [build 27] [items] DisplayNameLittlebaitfish = "Lille maddingfisk",DisplayNameTrout = "Ørred",DisplayNamePike = "Gedde",DisplayNameSunfish = "Klumpfisk",DisplayNameHuntingKnife = "Jagtkniv",DisplayNameBricktoys = "Byggeklodser",DisplayNameEarbuds = "Høretelefoner",DisplayNameEarrings = "Øreringe",DisplayNameFrame = "Ramme",DisplayNameGlasses = "Briller",DisplayNameHeadphones = "Hovedtelefoner",DisplayNamePearlNecklace = "Perlehalskæde",DisplayNameTVRemote = "Fjernbetjening",DisplayNameRing = "Ring",DisplayNameRubberDuck = "Gummiand",DisplayNamePiepreparation = "Tærte ingredienser",DisplayNameCakepreparation = "Kage ingredienser",DisplayNameMap = "Kort",DisplayNameUmbrella = "Paraply",DisplayNameRainboots = "Gummistøvler",DisplayNamePaperclip = "Papirclips",DisplayNameDoll = "Dukke",DisplayNameLaserDisc = "Laserdisc",DisplayNameCornflour = "Majsmel",DisplayNameCorks = "Propper",DisplayNameCorkscrew = "Proptrækker",DisplayNameCakeBatter = "Kagedej",DisplayNamePieDough = "Tærtedej",DisplayNameBakingPan = "Bradepande",DisplayNameYeast = "Gær",DisplayNameToyBear = "Bamse",DisplayNameCakeSlice = "Et stykke kage",DisplayNameStirfry = "Wok",DisplayNameBellPepper = "Peberfrugt",DisplayNameMustard = "Sennep",DisplayNameKetchup = "Ketchup",DisplayNameModjeska = "Modjeska",DisplayNameCorndog = "Corn dog", --We don't have this in Denmark. I would just call it Corn dog.DisplayNameBreadSlices = "brødskiver",DisplayNameFishFillet = "Fiskefilet",DisplayNameMuttonChop = "Lammekølle",DisplayNamePorkChop = "Svinekotelet",DisplayNameRabbitMeat = "Kaninkød",DisplayNameSmallAnimalMeat = "Lille stykke dyrekød",DisplayNameSmallBirdMeat = "Lille stykke fuglekød",DisplayNameFriedChicken = "Stegt kylling",DisplayNamePickles = "Syltede agurker",DisplayNameWorm = "Orm",DisplayNameDeadMouse = "Død mus",DisplayNameDeadRabbit = "Død kanin",DisplayNameDeadSquirrel = "Dødt egern",DisplayNameDeadBird = "Død fugl",DisplayNameSnareTrap = "Snare fælde",DisplayNameCageTrap = "Bur-fælde",DisplayNameMouseTrap = "Musefælde",DisplayNameTrapbox = "Boksfælde",DisplayNameTrapCrate = "Kassefælde",DisplayNameTrapStick = "Grenfælde",DisplayNameFishingTackle = "Fiskegrej",DisplayNameFishingRod = "Fiskestang",DisplayNameFishingRodWithoutline = "Fiskestang uden line",DisplayNameFishingLine = "Fiskeline",DisplayNameCatfish = "Malle",DisplayNameBass = "Aborre",DisplayNamePerch = "Hav aborre",DisplayNameCrappiefish = "Sort sol aborre",DisplayNameSunfish = "Klumpfisk",DisplayNamePike = "Gedde",DisplayNameTrout = "Ørred",DisplayNameLittlebaitfish = "Lille maddingfisk",DisplayName=FishingNetTrap = "Fiskenet",DisplayNameFishingforBeginners = "Fiskning for begyndere",DisplayNameFishingforIntermediates = "Fiskning for Øvede",DisplayNameAdvancedFishing = "Avanceret fiskning",DisplayNameExpertFishing = "Ekspert fiskning",DisplayNameMasterFishing = "Mester fiskning",DisplayNameSalt = "Salt",DisplayNamePepper = "Peber", [Recipes] [uI] Please take some time to read my LUA comments, as some of my translation are not correctly translated. (Mostly worried about the itemNames.) ANY danish is free to criticize, as this could be wrong. I will of course update, if i find anything that I can eventually change to something more correct. -Stenmann EDIT 1: The translation should now be 99% correct, and ready to be added to the game. By the way, thanks to Gade, for helping me with corrections!
  18. It would be nice to have some proof reading and generally a somewhat smoother and more decentralized and transparent workflow given the forums software. Incidentally, RJ would be less drowned with translation mails . EDIT: removed french/source threads links. Are now merged within this thread (2 next posts) Threads hierarchy Forums --- Translation (section) ------ Organization (thread, pinned) ------ Source (thread, pinned) (DIFFERENT from English translation even though basically the same WHEN sync.) ------ English (thread) ------ Esperanto (thread) Work flow - The person who creates the target language thread (caretaker) is responsible (along with sneaky mods ?) for updating the target language OP with reference translation source & notes. - Gods are the persons in charge of synchronizing forums translations with game source files. Gods are FOLLOWING the Source thread. God <=> RobertJohnson as of now. - contributors are persons following a target language thread (tightly or not). - Policemen have moderating rights, ie can delete/edit whatever post. Gods are also Policemen. - Caretakers (and ONLY them) post a PUBLIC update message in Source thread when an update is made to a translation target language. Caretakers are FOLLOWING the Source thread. - God updates source thread OP with new source files, updated translation keys, new keys, ...). Then God posts a message on Source thread to notify of these changes - Caretakers echo God's notifications in their respective target language thread (repost, update of files) - Caretaker only add a section to the OP if it is actually translated - Exhausted Caretakers may offer their resignation in their respective thread. The replacing caretaker creates a copy of the thread, and Policemen delete the old thread afterwards and put former caretakers out of their misery. Template for translation section <section_name> Translation Notes : Template for target language thread (Title : '<language_name> Translation') (Tags : 'Translation') Contributors Translation Notes :
  19. I don't know if Korean characters are supported in the game now. Probably not. But hopefully it will someday and I want to get ready for that day so many other Koreans can enjoy the game as well. The translation will be updated as time goes by. I'm welcome to any suggestions or corrections. 아직 프로젝트 좀보이드는 한글을 지원 안하는 것으로 알고 있습니다. 그래도 우선 나중을 위해 미리 한글 번역 시작 합니다. 아래는 한글 번역 데이터입니다. 저는 번역에 대한 경험은 아직 없으니 혹시 도와주실 수 있거나 다른 제안이 있으신 분은 언제든 댓글 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다. Yeah that's right. "프로젝트 좀보이드" is how you write project zomboid in Korean. sweeeet Changelog(업데이트 현황) Context Menu Farming IG_UI Moodles Survival guide Tooltip Tooltip_EN = {-- Item tooltipTooltip_food_Uncooked = "날것",Tooltip_food_Rotten = "썩음",Tooltip_food_Fresh = "싱싱함",Tooltip_food_Cooked = "요리됨",Tooltip_food_Burnt = "그을림",Tooltip_food_Hunger = "허기",Tooltip_food_Thirst = "갈증",Tooltip_food_Fatigue = "피로도",Tooltip_food_Endurance = "인내",Tooltip_food_Stress = "스트레스",Tooltip_food_Boredom = "지루함",Tooltip_food_Unhappiness = "불행",Tooltip_food_Dangerous_uncooked = "날것 상태로 위험",Tooltip_tissue_tooltip = " 착용하면 기침소리 숨겨짐",Tooltip_item_Weight = "무게",Tooltip_item_Temperature = "온도",Tooltip_item_Fatigue = "피로도",Tooltip_weapon_Condition = "내구도",Tooltip_weapon_Unusable_at_max_exertion = "기진맥진시 이용 불가능.",Tooltip_container_Capacity = "용량",Tooltip_container_Weight_Reduction = "무게 감소",Tooltip_literature_Boredom_Reduction = "지루함 감소",Tooltip_literature_Stress_Reduction = "스트레스 감소",Tooltip_literature_Number_of_Pages = "페이지 수", Tooltip_item_TwoHandWeapon = "양손 이용시 가장 효과적.",-- Crafting tooltipTooltip_craft_barElementDesc = "기본 선반, 술 넣기 좋아보임 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenStakeDesc = "나무 막대기, 가시 철조망을 고정하는데 쓰인다 ",Tooltip_craft_Needs = "필요한 것들",Tooltip_craft_barbedFenceDesc = "가시 철조망 울타리, 당신의 이동 속도를 낮추고 상처를 입힐 수 있다 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenFenceDesc = "나무 울타리 ",Tooltip_craft_sandBagDesc = "모래주머니 방호벽 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenWallDesc = "간단한 나무 벽, 바리케이드를 치거나, 도배를 하거나 페인트칠을 할 수 있다 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenPillarDesc = "간단한 나무 기둥 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenFrameDesc = "간단한 창틀, 바리케이드를 치거나, 도배를 하거나 페인트칠을 할 수 있다 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenFloorDesc = "간단한 나무 바닥 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenCrateDesc = "나무 상자, 아이템들을 저장할 수 있음 ",Tooltip_craft_smallTableDesc = "작은 테이블 ",Tooltip_craft_largeTableDesc = "큰 테이블 ",Tooltip_craft_tableDrawerDesc = "물건을 저장할 서랍이 달린 테이블 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenChairDesc = "나무 의자 ",Tooltip_craft_rainBarrelDesc = "빗물을 모을 통 ",Tooltip_craft_stairsDesc = "계단들 ",Tooltip_craft_woodenDoorDesc = "간단한 문, 문틀 안에 있어야 한다 ",Tooltip_craft_doorFrameDesc = "문틀, 문을 지을 때 필요하며, 도배할 수 있다 ", } UI UI_EN = {-- Main screen (lua) :UI_mainscreen_laststand = "라스트 스탠드",UI_mainscreen_option = "옵션",UI_mainscreen_debug = "디버그",UI_mainscreen_demoBtn = "데모게임",UI_mainscreen_sandbox = "샌드박스",UI_mainscreen_survival = "서바이벌",UI_mainscreen_mods = "모드",UI_mainscreen_exit = "나가기",-- Option screen (lua)UI_optionscreen_gameoption = "게임 설정",UI_optionscreen_display = "디스플레이 설정",UI_optionscreen_fullscreen = "전체화면",UI_optionscreen_videomemory = "비디오 메모리",UI_optionscreen_multicore = "멀티 코어",UI_optionscreen_framerate = "프레임 레이트 고정 ",UI_optionscreen_lighting = "광원 효과 품질", UI_optionscreen_needreboot = "재시작이 필요합니다",UI_optionscreen_shaders = "셰이더 ",UI_optionscreen_shadersunsupported = "하드웨어 미지원",UI_optionscreen_resolution = "해상도 ",UI_optionscreen_language = "언어 ",UI_optionscreen_keybinding = "키 설정",UI_optionscreen_reloading = "재장전",UI_optionscreen_easy = "쉬움",UI_optionscreen_normal = "보통",UI_optionscreen_hardcore = "하드코어",-- Map selecter (lua)UI_mapselecter_title = "새로운 맵을 선택하세요.",UI_mapselecter_savename = "세이브 파일: ",-- World screen (lua)UI_worldscreen_title = "기존 월드 불러오기",UI_worldscreen_deletesave = "정말로 삭제 하시겠습니까 ?",-- login screen (lua)UI_loginscreen_desurakey = "Desura 키:",UI_loginscreen_username = "아이디:",UI_loginscreen_purchasemethod = "구매 방식: ",UI_loginscreen_desura = "Desura",UI_loginscreen_google = "Google Checkout/PayPal",UI_loginscreen_password = "비밀번호: ",UI_loginscreen_login = "로그인",UI_loginscreen_loginfailed = "로그인 실패",UI_loginscreen_loginsuccess = "성공적으로 로그인 하였습니다",-- characters creation (lua)UI_characreation_title = "캐릭터 꾸미기",UI_characreation_title2 = "직업과 특성 선택",UI_characreation_forename = "이름",UI_characreation_surname = "성",UI_characreation_gender = "성별",UI_characreation_body = "체형",UI_characreation_bodytype = "체형 종류",UI_characreation_hair = "헤어스타일",UI_characreation_hairtype = "헤어 종류",UI_characreation_color = "색",UI_characreation_beard = "수염",UI_characreation_beardtype = "수염 종류",UI_characreation_addtrait = "특성 더하기 >",UI_characreation_removetrait = "< 특성 버리기",UI_characreation_pointToSpend = "사용가능 포인트",UI_characreation_occupation = "직업",UI_characreation_availabletraits = "특성",UI_characreation_choosentraits = "선택된 특성",UI_characreation_description = "설명",UI_characreation_cost = "필요 포인트", UI_charactercreation_needpoints = "플러스 특성과 마이너스 특성을 서로 맞춘 후에 시작해 주십시오.",-- professions and TraitsUI_prof_securityguard = "야간 경비",UI_prof_constructionworker = "건축 인부",UI_prof_parkranger = "공원 경비",UI_prof_policeoff = "경찰관",UI_prof_fireoff = "소방관",UI_prof_unemployed = "무직",UI_trait_axeman = "도끼 전문가",UI_trait_axemandesc = "도끼로 문을 뚫는 속도 두배 증가.<br>도끼를 휘두르는 속도 증가.",UI_trait_handy = "손재주",UI_trait_handydesc = "바리케이드 시공 속도 증가.",UI_trait_thickskinned = "두꺼운 피부",UI_trait_thickskinneddesc = "할퀴여지거나 물렸을 때 감염 확률 감소.",UI_trait_patient = "인내심",UI_trait_patientdesc = "화를 잘 내지 않음.",UI_trait_shorttemper = "다혈질",UI_trait_shorttemperdesc = "화를 쉽게 냄.",UI_trait_brooding = "음울함",UI_trait_broodingdesc = "안좋은 기분에서 쉽게 나오지 못함.",UI_trait_brave = "용감함",UI_trait_bravedesc = "패닉 상태에 빠질 확률 감소.",UI_trait_cowardly = "겁쟁이",UI_trait_cowardlydesc = "패닉 상태에 빠질 확률 증가.",UI_trait_clumsy = "덤벙댐",UI_trait_clumsydesc = "움직일 때 내는 소리 증가.",UI_trait_graceful = "부드러움",UI_trait_gracefuldesc = "움직일 때 내는 소리 감소.",UI_trait_hypochon = "심기증",UI_trait_hypochondesc = "감염이 되지 않은 상태에서 감염 증상이 발생 가능.",UI_trait_shortsigh = "근시",UI_trait_shortsighdesc = "시야 거리 감소.<br>시야 확보 속도 저하.",UI_trait_hardhear = "어두운 귀",UI_trait_hardheardesc = "인지 속도 감소.<br>청각 범위 감소.",UI_trait_keenhearing = "밝은 귀",UI_trait_keenhearingdesc = "인지 속도 증가.",UI_trait_eagleeyed = "매의 눈",UI_trait_eagleeyeddesc = "시야 확보 속도 증가.<br>시야각 증가.",UI_trait_heartyappetite = "대식가",UI_trait_heartyappetitedesc = "식사 요구 빈도 증가.",UI_trait_lighteater = "소식가",UI_trait_lighteaterdesc = "식사 요구 빈도 감소.",UI_trait_athletic = "운동선수",UI_trait_athleticdesc = "달리기 속도 증가.<br>지치지 않고 더 오래 달릴 수 있음.",UI_trait_overweight = "과체중",UI_trait_overweightdesc = "달리기 속도 감소.<br>달리기로 더 빠르게 지침.",UI_trait_strong = "강함",UI_trait_strongdesc = "근접 무기 사용시 넉백 크게 증가.<br>짐을 더욱 많이 들 수 있음.",UI_trait_stout = "건장함",UI_trait_stoutdesc = "근접 무기 사용시 넉백 증가.<br>짐을 더 들 수 있음.",UI_trait_weak = "약함",UI_trait_weakdesc = "근접 무기 사용시 넉백 감소.<br>짐을 들 수 있는 양 감소.",UI_trait_feeble = "허약함",UI_trait_feebledesc = "근접 무기 사용시 넉백 크게 감소.<br>짐을 조금밖에 들지 못함.",UI_trait_resilient = "회복력",UI_trait_resilientdesc = "질병에 덜 걸림.<br>좀비화 속도 감소.",UI_trait_pronetoillness = "약한 면역력",UI_trait_pronetoillnessdesc = "질병에 잘 걸림.<br>좀비화 속도 증가.",UI_trait_lightdrink = "알콜 취약",UI_trait_lightdrinkdesc = "술에 잘 취함.",UI_trait_harddrink = "술고래",UI_trait_harddrinkdesc = "술에 잘 취하지 않음.",UI_trait_agoraphobic = "광장공포증",UI_trait_agoraphobicdesc = "야외에서 공포를 느낌.",UI_trait_claustro = "폐쇄공포증",UI_trait_claustrodesc = "실내에서 공포를 느낌.",UI_trait_marksman = "명사수",UI_trait_marksmandesc = "총기 정확도 증가.<br>빠른 장전 속도.",UI_trait_nightowl = "야행성",UI_trait_nightowldesc = "잠을 적게 잠.<br>잠을 잘 때 더 경계함.",UI_trait_giftgab = "말재주",UI_trait_giftgabdesc = "카리스마가 크게 증가.<br>NPC의 비위를 잘 맞춤.",UI_trait_outdoorsman = "야외 스포츠 애호가",UI_trait_outdoorsmandesc = "혹독한 날씨의 영항을 받지 않음.<br>오리엔티어링 능력 증가.",-- variousUI_btn_back = "뒤로",UI_btn_save = "저장",UI_btn_next = "다음",UI_btn_play = "플레이",UI_btn_delete = "삭제",UI_btn_new = "새로 만들기",UI_Yes = "예",UI_No = "아니오",UI_High = "높음",UI_Medium = "중간",UI_Low = "낮음",UI_Lowest = "매우 낮음",-- Last stand selecter (lua)UI_laststand_title = "라스트 스탠드 선택", UI_characreation_random = "무작위",} Items Items_EN = { DisplayNameCampfire_materials = "모닥불 장비", DisplayNameStone = "돌맹이", DisplayNameKindling = "불쏘시개", DisplayNameKnotted_Wooden_Plank = "나무 판자", DisplayNameSturdy_Stick = "튼튼한 나무 막대기", DisplayNameFlint = "부싯돌", DisplayNameSteel_Knuckle = "철제 너클", DisplayNameFlint_and_Steel = "부싯돌과 부시", DisplayNameTent = "텐트", DisplayNameTent_kit = "텐트 장비", DisplayNameTent_Peg = "텐트 말뚝", DisplayNameSeeding_Broccoli = "브로콜리", DisplayNameRadish = "무", DisplayNameStrawberries = "딸기", DisplayNameTomato = "토마토", DisplayNamePotato = "감자", DisplayNameCabbage = "양배추", DisplayNameMilk_Package = "우유팩", DisplayNameBacon = "베이컨", DisplayNameBacon_Rashers = "베이컨 슬라이스", DisplayNameBacon_Bits = "베이컨 조각", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise = "마요네즈 병", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "물병", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade = "샐러드소스 병", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_(Half) = "샐러드소스 병(반 차있음)", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_(Empty) = "샐러드소스 병(비어 있음)", DisplayNamePotato_Salad = "감자 샐러드", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad = "감자 샐러드 재료", DisplayNamePotato_Salad_Vegetarian = "채식 감자 샐러드", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad_Vegetarian = "채식 감자 샐러드 재료", DisplayNameBoring_Mixed_Salad = "대충 섞은 샐러드", DisplayNameSimple_Mixed_Salad = "단순 믹스 샐러드", DisplayNameTasty_Mixed_Salad = "맛있는 믹스 샐러드", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Boring_Mixed_Salad = "대충 섞은 샐러드 재료", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds = "당근 씨앗", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds = "브로콜리 씨앗", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds = "무 씨앗", DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds = "딸기 씨앗", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds = "토마토 씨앗", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds = "감자 씨앗", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds = "양배추 씨앗", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds_Packet = "당근 씨앗 봉투", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds_Packet = "블로콜리 씨앗 봉투", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds_Packet = "무 씨앗 봉투", DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds_Packet = "딸기 씨앗 봉투", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds_Packet = "토마토 씨앗 봉투", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds_Packet = "감자 씨앗 봉투", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds_Packet = "양배추 씨앗 봉투", DisplayNameTrowel = "모종삽", DisplayNameSpade = "삽", DisplayNameWatering_Can_Full = "가득찬 물 조리개", DisplayNameWatering_Can = "물 조리개", DisplayNameNPK_Fertilizer = "거름", DisplayNameEmpty_Fertilizer = "텅빈 거름", DisplayNameMildew_Spray = "곰팡이 제거제", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_Empty = "빈 정원용 분무기", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_Full = "가득 찬 정원용 분무기", DisplayNameInsecticide_Spray = "살충제", DisplayNameAxe = "도끼", DisplayNameBaseball_Bat = "야구 방망이", DisplayNameNailed_Baseball_Bat = "못 밖은 야구 방망이", DisplayNameButter_Knife = "버터칼", DisplayNameHammer = "망치", DisplayNameKitchen_Knife = "부엌칼", DisplayNameMolotov_Cocktail = "화염병", DisplayNameFrying_Pan = "후라이팬", DisplayNamePen = "펜", DisplayNamePencil = "연필", DisplayNamePistol = "권총", DisplayNamePlank = "나무 판자", DisplayNameNailed_Plank = "못 밖은 나무판자", DisplayNamePoolcue = "큐대", DisplayNameScrewdriver = "드라이버", DisplayNameShotgun = "샷건", DisplayNameSawn_Off_Shotgun = "총구 자른 샷건", DisplayNameSledgehammer = "오함마", DisplayNameBarbed_wire = "철조망", DisplayNameBarricade = "바리케이드", DisplayNameBelt = "벨트", DisplayName9mm_Magazine = "권총 탄창", DisplayNameBowl = "대접", DisplayNameBucket = "양동이", DisplayName9mm_Rounds = "권총 탄알", DisplayNameCandle = "양초", DisplayNameCoffee = "커피", DisplayNameBag_of_Concrete_Powder = "시멘트 가루 포대 ", DisplayNameCrate = "상자", DisplayNameDoor = "문", DisplayNameWooden_Door_Frame = "나무 문 틀", DisplayNameDoorknob = "문 손잡이", DisplayNameDrawer = "서랍", DisplayNameDoor_Hinge = "경첩", DisplayNamePicture_of_Kate = "케이트의 사진", DisplayNameKettle = "주전자", DisplayNameLog = "통나무", DisplayNameEmpty_Mug = "빈 컵", DisplayNameNails = "못", DisplayNameEmpty_Notebook = "빈 공책", DisplayNamePaint_brush = "페인트 붓", DisplayNamePillow = "배게", DisplayNamePistol_Magazine = "권총 탄창", DisplayNameBag_of_Plaster_Powder = "석고 가루 포대", DisplayNamePool_Ball = "당구공", DisplayNameEmpty_Pop_Bottle = "빈 소다병", DisplayNameCooking_Pot = "냄비", DisplayNameBandages = "반창고", DisplayNameRoasting_Pan = "오븐 접시", DisplayNameSaw = "톱", DisplayNameSheet = "시트", DisplayNameSheet_of_Paper = "종이", DisplayNameSheet_Rope = "시트 엮은 줄", DisplayNameShotgun_Shells = "샷건 탄알", DisplayNameSock = "양말", DisplayNameStairs_Piece = "계단 부분", DisplayNameTea_Bag = "차", DisplayNameCan_Opener = "깡통 따개", DisplayNameCanned_Beans = "콩 통조림", DisplayNameTuna = "참치 통조림", DisplayNameWall_Piece = "벽", DisplayNameEmpty_Bottle = "빈 병", DisplayNameWooden_Window_Frame = "나무 창 틀", DisplayNameBook = "책", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Beginners = "초급자 목공 서적", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Intermediates = "중급자 목공 서적", DisplayNameAdvanced_Carpentry = "상급자 목공 서적", DisplayNameExpert_Carpentry = "최상급자 목공 서적", DisplayNameMaster_Carpentry = "목공의 정석", DisplayNameCooking_for_Beginners = "초급자 요리 서적", DisplayNameCooking_for_Intermediates = "중급자 요리 서적", DisplayNameAdvanced_Cooking = "상급자 요리 서적", DisplayNameExpert_Cooking = "최상급자 요리 서적", DisplayNameMaster_Cooking = "요리의 정석", DisplayNameFarming_for_Beginners = "초급자 농사 서적", DisplayNameFarming_for_Intermediates = "중급자 농사 서적", DisplayNameAdvanced_Farming = "상급자 농사 서적", DisplayNameExpert_Farming = "최상급자 농사 서적", DisplayNameMaster_Farming = "농사의 정석", DisplayNameDoodle = "낙서", DisplayNameJournal = "일기", DisplayNameMagazine = "잡지", DisplayNamespaper = "종이", DisplayNameApple = "사과", DisplayNameBroccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "브로콜리 치킨 캐서롤", DisplayNameBanana = "바나나", DisplayNameBowl_of_Beans = "콩 한 그릇", DisplayNameBoring_Bowl_of_Soup = "대충 만든 스프 한 그릇", DisplayNameBoring_Soup = "대충 만든 스프", DisplayNameBread = "빵", DisplayNameBroccoli = "브로콜리", DisplayNameButter = "버터", DisplayNameCarrots = "당근", DisplayNameCheese = "치즈", DisplayNameCheese_Sandwich = "치즈 샌드위치", DisplayNameChicken = "닭고기", DisplayNameChocolate = "초콜릿", DisplayNameCigarettes = "담배", DisplayNameComplex_Bowl_of_Soup = "잡탕 스프 한 그릇", DisplayNameComplicated_Soup = "잡탕 스프", DisplayNameChips = "감자칩", DisplayNameCupcake = "컵케익", DisplayNameEgg = "달걀", DisplayNameGrilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "구운 치즈 샌드위치", DisplayNameHearty_Bowl_of_Soup = "푸짐한 스프 한 그릇", DisplayNameHearty_Soup = "푸짐한 스프", DisplayNameLollipop = "막대사탕", DisplayNameHot_Cuppa = "따뜻한 차 한잔", DisplayNameOpen_Can_of_Beans = "열린 콩 통조림", DisplayNameOrange = "오렌지", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter = "땅콩 버터", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter_Sandwich = "땅콩 버터 샌드위치", DisplayNamePeas = "완두콩", DisplayNamePie = "파이", DisplayNamePop = "탄산음료", DisplayNameOrange_Soda = "오렌지 소다", DisplayNameInstant_Popcorn = "인스턴트 팝콘", DisplayNamePot_of_Soup = "스프 한 냄비", DisplayNameDry_Ramen_Noodles = "생라면", DisplayNameBowl_of_Ramen_Noodles = "끓인 라면", DisplayNameSalmon = "연어", DisplayNameSimple_Bowl_of_Soup = "단순 스프 한 그릇", DisplayNameSimple_Soup = "단순 스프", DisplayNameBowl_of_Soup = "스프 한 그릇", DisplayNameSteak = "스테이크", DisplayNameTV_Dinner = "즉석 냉동식품", DisplayNameTasty_Bowl_of_Soup = "맛있는 스프 한 그릇", DisplayNameTasty_Soup = "맛있는 스프", DisplayNameCanned_Soup = "스프 통조림", DisplayNameOpen_Tin_of_Tuna = "열린 참치 통조림", DisplayNameWatermelon = "수박", DisplayNameWatermelon_Slice = "수박 한 조각", DisplayNameWatermelon_Chunks = "으깨진 수박", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_full = "가득 찬 위스키 벙", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_half = "반쯤 찬 위스키 병", DisplayNameWet_Dish_Towel = "젖은 행주", DisplayNameDish_Towel = "행주", DisplayNameBattery = "배터리", DisplayNameBucket_with_concrete = "콘크리트가 든 양동이", DisplayNameBucket_with_plaster = "석고가 든 양동이", DisplayNameBucket_with_water = "물 한 양동이", DisplayNameLit_Candle = "불 붙은 초", DisplayNameFlour = "밀가루", DisplayNameA_Full_Kettle = "가득 찬 주전자", DisplayNameGravel_bag = "자갈 주머니", DisplayNameLighter = "라이터", DisplayNameMatches = "성냥", DisplayNameBlue_Paint = "파란색 페인트", DisplayNameBrown_Paint = "갈색 페인트", DisplayNameCyan_Paint = "녹청색 페인트", DisplayNameGreen_Paint = "녹색색 페인트", DisplayNameGrey_Paint = "회색 페인트", DisplayNameLight_Blue_Paint = "하늘색 페인트", DisplayNameLight_Brown_Paint = "연갈색 페인트", DisplayNameOrange_Paint = "주황색 페인트", DisplayNamePink_Paint = "분홍색 페인트", DisplayNamePurple_Paint = "보라색 페인트", DisplayNameTurquoise_Paint = "청록색 페인트", DisplayNameWhite_Paint = "흰색 페인트", DisplayNameYellow_Paint = "노란색 페인트", DisplayNameGas_Can = "기름통", DisplayNamePainkillers = "진통제", DisplayNameAnti_depressants = "항우울제", DisplayNameBeta_Blockers = "긴장 완화제", DisplayNameSleeping_Tablets = "수면제", DisplayNameSand_bag = "모래주머니", DisplayNameSugar = "설탕", DisplayNameTissue = "휴지", DisplayNameFlashlight = "손전등", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "물병", DisplayNameBowl_of_Water = "물 한 그릇", DisplayNameA_Mug_of_Water = "물 한 컵", DisplayNameA_Pot_of_Water = "물 한 냄비", DisplayNameVest = "조끼", DisplayNameSweater = "스웨터", DisplayNameBlouse = "블라우스", DisplayNamePants = "바지", DisplayNameSkirt = "치마", DisplayNameShoes = "신발", DisplayNameCrowbar = "쇠지렛대", DisplayNameFork = "포크", DisplayNameGolfclub = "골프 클럽", DisplayNameRolling_Pin = "밀대", DisplayNameScissors = "가위", DisplayNameSpoon = "숟가락", DisplayNameWet_Bath_Towel = "젖은 목욕 수건", DisplayNameBath_Towel = "목욕 수건", DisplayNameBandaid = "반창고", DisplayNameBandage = "붕대", DisplayNameBleach = "표백제", DisplayNamePlaying_Cards = "트럼프 카드", DisplayNameComb = "빗", DisplayNameDice = "주사위", DisplayNameDogfood = "개사료", DisplayNameLipstick = "립스틱", DisplayNameLocket = "로켓", DisplayNameMirror = "거울", DisplayNameRadio = "라디오", DisplayNameRazor = "면도기", DisplayNameString = "실", DisplayNameToy_Bear = "곰인형", DisplayNameVitamins = "비타민제", DisplayNameWallet = "지갑", DisplayNameWedding_Ring = "결혼 반지", DisplayNameWire = "철사", DisplayNameYoyo = "요요", DisplayNameBeef_Jerky = "육포", DisplayNameBerry = "베리", DisplayNameCandycane = "지팡이 사탕", DisplayNameCereal = "시리얼", DisplayNameDead_Rat = "죽은 쥐", DisplayNameOpen_Dogfood = "개봉된 개사료", DisplayNameIcecream = "아이스크림", DisplayNameLemon = "레몬", DisplayNameMilk = "우유", DisplayNameMushroom = "버섯", DisplayNameOnion = "양파", DisplayNameStrawberries = "딸기", DisplayNameDuffelbag = "더플 백", DisplayNamePlastic_Bag = "플라스틱 봉지", DisplayNameTote_Bag = "핸드백", DisplayNameSchoolbag = "책가방", DisplayNameNormal_Hiking_Bag = "중간 등산용 가방", DisplayNameBig_Hiking_Bag = "큰 등산용 가방", DisplayNameNewspaper = "신문지", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Half) = "마요네즈 병(반 차있음)", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Empty) = "마요네즈 병(비어 있음)",} Recipes
  20. First of all I have to say this is a fascinating game. It has all the specs i have always wanted in a game! So I would love to recommend this game to my south korean buddies but although there arent much stuff to read in the game they fear they would have difficulties playing the game because of the language. I'd love to help the devs out if they had any intentions to support Korean in the game..
  21. Contributors PsychoEliteNZ (Adrian Jansen)Viceroy (Stephanus Siebrits Cilliers van Zyl) :) :) :) :) Survival Guide: Translation Notes: Notes: UI/Traits/Professions: Translation Notes: Tooltip: Translation Notes: Context Menu: Translation Notes: Notes: Farming: Translation Notes: Recipes: Translation Notes: IGUI: Translation Notes: PM me any translations done and I'll add them.
  22. Turkish Translation Translation is done. Errors: Character screen does not seem to be able to open unless XP_Health = "Can" line let untranslated as XP_Health = "Health". Whatever this line translated into, it causes crash on character screen. Even though the line has been translated as DisplayNameStrewberry_Seeds_Packet = "Çilek tohumu paketi", in-game, this item shows up as Strewberry Seeds Packet. Zip File (Dropbox): http://goo.gl/spU2cW (28th of Dec, 2013) (Changed the coding to ANSI) Contributors Main Screen Translation Notes Context Menu Translation Notes Farming Translation Notes Items Translation Notes Moodles Translation Notes Recipes Translation Notes Survival Guide Translation Notes Tooltip Translation Notes IG_UI Translation Notes
  23. EDIT: As of January 8. 2014, the danish translation is again up to date. LATEST VERSION: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l0afstvmqfko918/DA.zip Contributor: A. Gade - IG_UI, UI, Contextmenu, Farming, Items, Moodles, Recipes, Survival Guide Progress: IG_UI 100% UI 100% ContextMenu 100% Farming 100% Items 100% Moodles 100% Recipes 100% Survival guide 100% Any danish speaking zomboid fans are of course very welcome to offer some criticism. We have a very context dependant language, and I might not have chosen the best words throughout. So please read the translations, and see if anything needs fixing. EDIT: And the spoiler tags are on - Thank you AkHolic EDIT: All done ...Jeg lod let på tå stå fordi jeg synes det har et komisk islæt.
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