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  1. Hi, I have problem with translating mods into polish, the error occurs in special characters and i don't know how to fix it. Translation file looks like this: For example Simple Overhaul: Traits and Occupations (SOTO) have orginal polish translation and it work correct (my txt files with translation look the same)
  2. -- READ BELOW FOR ENGLISH TEXT -- ¡Hola! He creado esta traducción del español con la variante chilena. Cualquier problema con la traducción solo díganme y lo arreglaré de inmediato. Links de descarga. Gracias a la increíble traducción de "ditoseadio", la cual me encargué de basarme en varias cosas. Link de la Workshop Descarga desde Google Drive Para instalarlo debes de colocar la carpeta "CL" en "steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate" Y luego, seleccionarlo en la lista de idiomas en Opciones -- ENGLISH TEXT -- Hi, i recently made a chilean translation based in spanish translation, any issues with the translation just let me know. Thanks to the "ditoseadio" excelent spanish translation. Workshop Link Google Drive Download Link
  3. Hi! This topic is created to discuss Belarusian translation. If you want to join, please, let me know. Might you have any further questions, you can contact me: katoshrodingera@protonmail.ch. My fork: https://github.com/PlagaMedicum/ProjectZomboidTranslations ---Following text will be in Belarusian--- Шаноўнае спадарства! Стварыў форк для перакладу на беларускую і буду па крысе штосьці перакладаць. Матывацыя: больш якасных перакладаў гульняў — больш практыкі напісання інтэрфэйсаў беларускай, больш дотырканняў і асяроддзя для патэнцыйных носьбітаў, большы ўнёсак у развіццё мовы. З перакладамі відэагульняў на беларускую сёння бяда: іх мала, а тое, што ёсць, не заўсёды зроблена якасна. Калі хочаце далучыцца — лепей пішыце мне адразу на пошту: katoshrodingera@protonmail.ch. Сам форк: https://github.com/PlagaMedicum/ProjectZomboidTranslations Маючы досвед у беларускім тэхнічным перакладзе, асноўныя правілы, якіх я планую прытрымлівацца пры перакладзе — наступныя: 1. Акадэмічнасць правапісу (тэхнічныя тэксты перакладаюцца па выпрацаваных стайлгайдах, больш літаратурны тэкст — больш мастацкай мовай). 2. Галоўныя арыентыры ў складанні гласарыяў — ТСБМ; гласарыі Google, MS, Samsung і мае напрацоўкі, якімі магу падзяліцца з тымі, хто гатовы ўключацца. 3. Арыентаванасць на канчатковага карыстальніка. Усё павінна быць зразумела, бачна, зручна. 4. Хочацца зрабіць усё магчымае, каб беларуская мова ў гульні не ўспрымалася як нейкая здранцвелая, закасцянелая, і таму асцярожна дапускаюцца некаторыя інавацыі якія маюць за сабой лінгвістычнае абгрунтаванне. Спіс можа дапоўніцца. Увага! Усе файлы перакладаў павінны быць у кадзіроўцы Windows 1251, а апостраф замяняем на «'», бо звычайны апостраф чамусьці не адлюстроўваецца. Запрашаю да супрацы!
  4. Hello! I write to you today as an accomplished man. For you see it is today that I completed "Icelandic Online's" "beginners" course for learning Icelandic just a few days before my return trip to Iceland. I enjoy playing PZ and thought it would be a great way for me to practice simple phrases and learn new vocabulary in Icelandic but the files aren't yet translated. Could someone in this game's community help me find a willing person or persons willing to translate the base game's files into Icelandic? I've posted on other forums specifically for learning Icelandic or Icelandic culture in general but my plea is often deleted as it is viewed as inappropriate for their forum /shrug That is all! I look forward to supporting a beautiful culture and language. Hell if this isn't done soon maybe I'll be the one doing the translations
  5. Hello! I see the Afrikaans translation needs a little tlc...so thats why I'm here! I can translate things better than google translate because it's my home language, so just let me know how I can help.
  6. Traducció de Project Zomboid al Català #### Traducció Català 22/10/2022 #### Files are already merge to master PZ git repository. This Post is just for anyone who would like to test it. Thanks for your time! Feel free to report any bug, advice, malfunction, etc... If you want to test it, copy and replace the data in: #Steam\SteamApps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate\# Author: VoodooPablo
  7. PZ IWBUMS 41.44 in german in the cooking menu when choosing the next igredient, its name and nutrition doesn't show up. There are multiple lines with "aus " (like "add " for english) and empty string after for each igredient. in english version it works fine. In german i can click on a line and it adds an igredient but a can't know which one. worked fine in previous versions, but not since update with fitness. cooking in craft menu works. The bug shows only by rightclick on pan, bowl or something else.
  8. Ukrainian localization for the game Project Zomboid Current translation to the build 41+ Steam Workshop: UKR - Translation into Ukrainian 41+ Please leave feedback and comments in Steam discussions about fashion «UKR - Translation into Ukrainian for build 41», to improve further translation. The entire text of the game has been translated (100%) - Localization was done for biuld 41.50 (IWBUMS) Updated translation for future versions PZ occurs in the shortest possible time. Translation: Gorbach
  9. I don't understand what goes wrong... I created Tooltip_RU.txt file in media\lua\shared\Translate\RU but it's ignored. Also recipe name doesn't work too (not translated). CureVirus.zip
  10. Fala, pessoal! Nós, da HiveFuse, fizemos a tradução do Project Zomboid v37.03 para o Português Brasileiro! Vocês podem baixar os arquivos da tradução nesse link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6YGhvf4ubuwcDBNYkNBanlMZTg?usp=sharing Para instalar, faça download da pasta 'PTBR' e instale-a no seguinte diretório: SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate. Substitua todos os arquivos, quando ordenado. Como o jogo ainda está em estado de Early Access, algumas linhas não podem ser traduzidas, pois o código inicial não foi disponibilizado. Este problema, infelizmente, ocorre com todos os idiomas, mas a maior parte do jogo (cerca de 99% das palavras) está traduzida e o jogo pode ser completamente aproveitado por nós, brasileiros! De qualquer forma, estamos confiantes de que vocês poderão ter uma ótima experiência com Project Zomboid, traduzido e localizado para o Português Brasileiro! --------- Hello, everyone! We, from HiveFuse, have translated Project Zomboid v37.03 to Brazilian Portuguese! You can download the translation files from this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6YGhvf4ubuwcDBNYkNBanlMZTg?usp=sharing To install, download the 'PTBR' folder and paste it in the following directory: SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate. Replace all files, when prompted. Considering the game is still on an Early Access state, some lines of text couldn’t be translated, as the original code lines aren’t available to us. Unfortunately, this issue happens with every language, but the game is almost entirely translated (more than 99% of the words are translated) and it can be properly enjoyed by every Brazillian out there! Anyway, we are confident that you will be able to have a great experience with Project Zomboid, now properly translated and localized to Brazilian Portuguese! [EDIT] Changed the Google Drive link - This new link allows us to fix errors and update our translation in a timely manner. Provided Instructions on installing the translation pack
  11. Introdução Português: Novidades: Eu irei migrar minha tradução para a Steam Workshop. Eu sei que os Brasileiros amantes da boa tradução irão aprecia-la ao ponto de substituir os textos oficiais atuais pelos meus textos, ate breve! Adicionei os arquivos da tradução anterior nos meus arquivos para vocês baixarem o maior número possivel de arquivos traduzidos, e conforme for corrigindo e atualizando os textos, irei atualizando tambem este post. Eu notei que uma nova equipe apareceu e traduziu todos os arquivos do jogo, eu baixei a tradução deles e já verifiquei varios erros de ortografia e do significado real do termo em portugues, comparem voces mesmos os meus arquivos com os deles e voces irão confirmar que a minha tradução tem os termos mais corretos e suaves. Minha tradução ainda não esta completa, mas certamente sera melhor. Eu notei que a tradução para Português Brasileiro é uma das mais incompletas e desatualizadas atualmente, e aparentemente, a pessoa que estava dando suporte sumiu do forum a anos, estou aqui pra atualizar e modificar a tradução anterior, pois continha erros de ortografia e termos incorretos, e prometo não abandonar o suporte ate que alguém melhor tome o meu lugar, ou eu morra inesperadamente English Introduction: News: I will migrate my translation to the Steam Workshop. I know that the Brazilian lovers of good translation will appreciate it to the point of replacing the current official texts with my texts, see you soon! I added the files from the previous translation to my files for you to download as many translated files as possible, and as I correct and update the texts, I will update this post as well. I noticed that a new team appeared and translated all the game files, I downloaded the translation of them and already verified several spelling mistakes and of the real meaning of the term in portuguese, compare yourselves my files with theirs files and you will confirm that my translation has the most correct and smooth terms. My translation is not yet complete, but it will certainly be better. I noticed that the translation into Brazilian Portuguese is one of the most incomplete and outdated currently and apparently the person who was giving support has disappeared from the forum for years, I am here to update and modify the previous translation because it contained misspellings and incorrect terms, And I promise not to abandon the support until someone better take my place, or I die unexpectedly Histórico da Tradução: Colaboradores
  12. Hey, you all! I really want to make a Dutch translation for the game! But I need some help to do so. Can someone help me a little bit by explaining how it works? If someone can explain, then I will have the Dutch translation ready in three days! Thanks for reading (and replying :)) Waltherus
  13. Work on translation will be resumed soon [Вступ] | [Intro] [Інфо] | [Info] [Процес перекладу] | [Translation Process] [Пояснення] | [Explanation] ---------- Challenge v33.20 ---------- ---------- ContextMenu v33.20 ---------- ---------- Farming v33.20 ----------
  14. I have this in a script: DisplayName = Camelback (UCP),and in the translation file: DisplayName_Camelback_(UCP) = "Sistema de hidratación (UCP)",the problem is that the translation get ignored... Why? is because of the () ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here's another case: DisplayName = .32 ACP - 50 Round Box,translation: DisplayName_.32_ACP_-_50_Round_Box = ".32 ACP - 50 Cartuchos en Caja",is ignored because of the sign - ? NOTE: All other variables in my translation files are OK and ACCEPTED, there's only a few that are ignored, like the vars described in this thread.
  15. I'm translating the items and recipes in my mod into Chinese. But I found that there are missing a lot of characters in the translation system. For example, there is no characters for "bee" and "hive". Does this happen to other language, too?
  16. Project Zomboid Thai Translation โปรเจคซอมบอยด์ ภาษาไทย Download (ดาวน์โหลด) PZ 34.14 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/tsyrcd8fg2wg94k/PZ%20Thai%20Translation.zip?dl=0 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=582655353 Contributor (ผู้แปล): Artdekdok Installation (วิธีติดตั้ง) : Screenshots (รูปภาพ) :
  17. Delete this post PLS. figured everything out. Item_RU.txt Recipes_RU.txt
  18. As tittle. I found it that had been translated of Chinese(CH) on 2014, so far, It had not been translated for a long time.I am apparently much surprised at it ,but it will translate as long as I hv free time. The Personality Traits UI is finally almost done . Final, thanks for the predecessor , the most of translated of CH has been used so far. Link to download the translated of CH, last update 2015/08/18 https://mega.nz/#F!F1cFlBzZ!R0YFj6IfQJCWXYxVqrETCw
  19. Hey there translators, I came up with an idea which could make the translation work a bit more enjoyable. Not that it's a pain right now, but it hurts the eyes ^^ What's the idea ? I personally use notepad++ to edit the .txt files containing the translations. And I thought of a tool which would work like this : You open the .txt file with the toolA window like notepad would open, with the usual tabs like file, edition, etc at the top. In the window itself, you'd have at least two columns.On the left, an uneditable column showing the "command name" in order to know what's being translated. On the right, one or more editable columns showing the actual translation for your language which you can then complete and / or modify as you wish. There might be multiple columns when there are strings of text separated by formatting stuff like BR or LINE which shouldn't be modifiedIf you save your work, it keeps the .txt format because basically, the tool would be a "selective" .txt files editor. You'd be adble to put it back in the appropriate folder and use it as it is.This shopped image speaks for itself, if my explanations suck What's the point ? Pros : It avoids modifying a command line and getting translation errorsI think it would be easier to quickly see what's translated and how it isEditing is made easier, having not to care about the formatting which wouldn't be displayedIt prevents you from turning blind while looking at these small text lines in notepadCons : You cannot edit the formatting - but it's a translating tool, after allYou'd have to use notepad or a similar software if you need to write missing code lines added with a new build - if this ever happens How would the tool work ? I have no proficiency in programming that sort of tools, but my guess would be that : The tool looks at every line in the txt fileFor every line, it displays everything before the "=" sign in the first uneditable columnThen, a new editable column is created for everything detected between two " "Anything edited in those columns is directly put into the .txt file If you think that tool would be a nice thing to have, give a shout, else, you can also argue that's some programming time wasted on something very specific. Maybe it already exists ? And if you're both interested and skilled in programming, why not give it shot ? Teesee, for the French translation
  20. Project Zomboid Build 32.16 Türkçe yamasıdır. Nasıl yüklenir? Rar içindeki not defteri dosyalarını Project Zomboid klasöründeki "media/lua/shared/translate/TR" içine atın-değiştirin. Ana Link: http://s2.dosya.tc/server2/f930ij/TR_32.16.rar.html Alternatif 1: https://mega.co.nz/#!UkdSHDIA!VLG_KyEZF6OuiCiku7XMNxFyCHJaUBJ3Jb1LxbysqzI İyi oyunlar... ">
  21. Hi, I pulled out all of the DisplayNames from Hydrocraft 1.6 files for you people to translate into your languages. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/je25ybhrk7r31sg/Items_PL.txt?dl=0 TODO: Recipes Forget this, read Svarog's post below.
  22. i'll translate damn thing because previous korean translate team has been afk for several years. the developer Johnathon Tinsley just allowed me to translate this is not duplicated Korean translations topic we were able to create a new one. Thx, Johnathon Tinsley progress Recommended Fonts if you guys can change font, I recommend to use NanumBarunGothic.ttf . This is free to use. if you can't, also i recommend guilm.ttc font. the basic font of this game is too hard to read i think. Batang font very reduced readability so i don't recommend Batang font Click to font download NanumBarunGothic.ttf guilm.ttc Translators ContextMenu_KO NEKTWORK, Cherurin Farming_KO NEKTWORK, Cherurin IG_UI_KO NEKTWORK, Cherurin Items_KO NEKTWORK Moodles_KO NEKTWORK, Cherurin Recipes_KO NEKTWORK, Cherurin Sandbox_KO NEKTWORK, Cherurin SurvivalGuide_KO NEKTWORK ToolTip_KO NEKTWORK, Homeguards, Cherurin UI_KO NEKTWORK, Banilafake Muldraugh, KY NEKTWORK West Point, KY NEKTWORK Suppoter Banilafake CELL tjrwls0826 Cherurin Homeguards Eun Arang
  23. I thought I'd lend a hand so here it is! The page for the Greek Translation! I better note: Greek is NOT my native language, and I'm still learning! Checklist Farming Moodles Items Tooltips IGUI Any help or corrections would be greatly appreciated. (Note: Any words I didn't know I used a translator for, so my Greek may be a bit off in places.)
  24. I am romanian, but I was born in austria so the translation isn`t 100% correct. If there is someone else who also speaks the romanian language, please help me. Thank you -Marcus Contributors (Contribuitori): Marcus Progress [build 28]: Context Menu - Complete ​Farming - Complete IG UI - Complete Moodles - Uncomplete Survival Guide - Uncomplete Tooltip - Uncomplete UI - Uncomplete Items - Uncomplete Recipes - Uncomplete ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Context Menu Farming IG UI
  25. This is an just update for new stuff Errors: Even though the line has been translated as DisplayNameStrewberry_Seeds_Packet = "Çilek tohumu paketi", in-game, this item shows up as Strewberry Seeds Packet. and they also apply to DisplayName=FishingNetTrap = "Balık Ağı",DisplayNameFishingforBeginners = "Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Balıkçılık",DisplayNameFishingforIntermediates = "Orta Derece İçin Balıkçılık",DisplayNameAdvancedFishing = "Gelişmiş Balıkcılık",DisplayNameExpertFishing = "Uzman Balıkcılık",DisplayNameMasterFishing = "Usta Balıkcılık", (Changed the coding to ANSI)(Kodlama ANSI olarak değiştirildi) Thank you my friend GriReis for previous translations http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/user/2223-grireis/ ContextMenu_TR IG_UI_TR Items_TR Recipe_TR = { Recipe_Make_Campfire_Kit = "Kamp ateşi kiti yap", Recipe_GetSteelAndFlint = "Çelik ve çakmak taşı al", Recipe_Make_Kindling = "Çıra yap", Recipe_Drill_Plank = "Kalası del", Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "Ahşap çubuk yap", Recipe_Make_Tent_Kit = "Çadır kiti yap", Recipe_Make_Mildew_Cure = "Pas giderici yap", Recipe_Make_Flies_Cure = "Sinek ilacı yap", Recipe_Open_Carrot_Seed_Packet = "Havuç tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Broccoli_Seed_Packet = "Brokoli tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Radish_Seed_Packet = "Turp tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Strewberry_Seed_Packet = "Çilek tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Tomato_Seed_Packet = "Domates tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Potato_Seed_Packet = "Patates tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Open_Cabbage_Seed_Packet = "Lahana tohumu paketini aç", Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Bat = "Dikenli sopa yap", Recipe_Sawn-off = "Namluyu kısalt", Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Plank = "Dikenli kalas yap", Recipe_Empty_Whisky_Bottle = "Viski şişesini bitir", Recipe_Rip_bandages = "Yırtıp bandaj yap", Recipe_Saw_Logs = "Kütükleri kes", Recipe_Make_Pot_of_Soup = "Çanakta çorba yap", Recipe_Slice_Watermelon = "Karpuzu dilimle", Recipe_Smash_Watermelon = "Karpuzu parçala", Recipe_Open_Canned_Beans = "Konserve fasulyeyi aç", Recipe_Open_Dog_Food = "Köpek mamasını aç", Recipe_Make_Beans_Bowl = "Kase fasulye yap", Recipe_Make_Hot_Drink = "Sıcak içecek hazırla", Recipe_Open_Canned_Tuna = "Konserve tuna balığını aç", Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Kase çorba yap", Recipe_Make_Ramen = "Japon eriştesi yap", Recipe_Light_Candle = "Mumu yak", Recipe_Make_Cheese_Sandwich = "Peynirli sandviç yap", Recipe_Make_Grilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Kızarmış peynirli sandviç yap", Recipe_Make_Broccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "Brokolili tavuk güveci yap", Recipe_Make_Boring_Soup = "Dandik çorba hazırla", Recipe_Make_Simple_Soup = "Basit çorba hazırla", Recipe_Make_Tasty_Soup = "Lezzetli çorba hazırla", Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Kase çorba yap", Recipe_Remove_Battery = "Pilleri çıkar", Recipe_Insert_Battery = "Pilleri tak", Recipe_Write_Journal = "Günlük yaz", Recipe_Write_Doodle = "Karalama yap", Recipe_Make_Plaster_Bucket = "Alçı sıvasını kovaya koy", Recipe_Craft_Drawer = "Çekmece yap", Recipe_Craft_Sheet_Rope = "Çarşaftan halat yap", Recipe_Make_Boring_Salad = "Dandik Salata Yap", Recipe_Make_Simple_Salad = "Basit Salata Yap", Recipe_Make_Tasty_Salad = "Lezzetli Salata Yap", Recipe_Make_Vegetarian_Potato_Salad = "Vejetaryen Patates Salatası Yap", Recipe_Make_Potato_Salad = "Patates Salatası Yap", Recipe_Open Nails_box = "Çivi Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Open_Screws_box = "Vida Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Open_9mm_Bullets_box = "9mm Kurşun Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Open_Shotgun_Shells_box = "Pompalı Tüfek Fişeği Kutusunu Aç", Recipe_Put_in_a_box = "Kutuya Koy",Recipe_Make_Cage_Trap = "Kafesli tuzak yap", Recipe_Make_Wooden_Cage_Trap = "Ahşaptan kafesli tuzak yap", Recipe_Make_Snare_Trap = "Kıskaçlı tuzak yap", Recipe_Make_Trap_Box = "Tuzak Kutusu Yap", Recipe_Cut_Animal = "Hayvan Kes", Recipe_Make_Fishing_Net = "Balık Ağı Yap", Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "Ahşaptan Çubuk Yap", Recipe_Drill_Plank = "Ahşap Matkabı", Recipe_Fix_Fishing_Rod = "Oltayı Düzelt", Recipe_Make_Fishing_Rod = "Olta Yap", Recipe_Cut_Fillet = "Filetoyu Kes", Recipe_Slice_Cake = "Keki Dilimle", Recipe_Slice_Pie = "Pastayı Dİlimle, Recipe_Put_in_Baking_Pan = "Baking Pan Koy", Recipe_Make_Pie_Dough = "Pasta Hamuru Yap", Recipe_Put_in_Baking_Pan = "Baking Pan Koy", Recipe_Make_Cake_Batter = "Kek Hamuru Yap", Recipe_Slice_Bread = "Ekmek Dilimle", UI_TR İndirme Bağlantısı: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5n2tjhyosp1lgl/Turkish%20Language.zip YÜKLEME: 1-)Yükleme işlemi yapmadan önce lütfen dosyalarınızın birer yedeğini alın. 2-)Bağlantı adresinden indirdiğiniz dosyaları Steam/Steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/lua/shared/Translate/TR klasörünün içine atın değişiklikleri onaylıyormusnuz sorusuna tüm dosyları geçerli deyip taşı ve değiştir diyerek onaylayın.
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