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Found 3 results

  1. To recreate this, you'll need a watch or some other way to determine in-game time. What happens is that the game will hang momentarily every time the clock is transitioning into the next 10 minute window. As an example, imagine I'm just walking around at 12:30 and suddenly the game hangs for a moment; as soon as I'm able to resume control, the clock will now read 12:40. I'm guessing there is some internal operation happening every 10 in-game minutes that is causing this hang. This isn't something I've noticed on previous iterations of build 41 but in fairness, I've been away from the game for the last couple of months, so I can't offer a specific patch that started this problem. I'll be glad to offer any help I can.
  2. With the new update my game periodically freezes for a couple seconds, makes playing very tough Included the console, didn't notice anything unordinary though. I can also list my specs if that's needed. console.txt
  3. Hi, I use a WD Green drive to store all my games and it seems that Project Zomboid in particular doesn't play well with it. I experience heavy stuttering 5-10 minutes into gameplay, and according to Task Manager, it's because my HDD is stuck processing read/write requests - literally stuck on 100% activity while PZ is running, particularly when I'm loading unexplored areas of the map. I moved the PZ installation to my Samsung Evo 830 SSD, but that didn't help; my WD was still bottlenecking, presumably because the game is constantly writing to the save file in Users/<user>/Zomboid which is also on my WD Green. The temporary solution appears to be to not use a "green" drive, which is known to cause issues with games and gaming. However, I would appreciate it if in a future update you gave players the option to change the location of their savegame data, or if you could find a way to reduce the amount of small read/writes needed to eliminate the issue entirely.
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