Hiho! Another suggestion either for Survival or Sandbox: Healing phase only during sleep Background: At the current, food acts like magical healing bottles. If you're recieved damage, eat something, recover your health and than continue your looting campaign (maybe killing just another amount of 20+ Z's on your way). Suggestion: If food won't have the healing ability (but should've positive effect on regeneration while sleeping if youre fed), you've the opportunity to decide wether to continue (with the handicap of being injured) or interrupt your looting campaign, return home to your savehouse and take a break for recover. While sleeping you regenerate your health (not fully recover, just an amount of hp), so it can take a longer time to be healed completly, compared of your suffered injuries. The condition of your hunger and thirst and the quality of your sleeping place should add a bonus to the regeneration. Suggestion II: To compensate for the lack of the healing rate of food, there should be added (rare or very rare) medical supplies like regeneration boosters or adrenaline syringes (too much playing JA2 ). Also an option "Rest until completly healed" should be added if going to bed. I'm looking forward to your opinions