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Found 14 results

  1. Illiteracy scrambles all literature text making it difficult for the player to know which book is which at a glance. This would add a nice touch to all those role play servers out there.
  2. [41.73] Singleplayer and Multiplayer Hosted Server and Dedicated No Mods Occurs on New Save Reproduction Steps: 1. Start the game in any mode. 2. Get a readable skill book. 3. Start reading the skill book inside a car. 4. Character get stuck, can't stop reading, can't exit, can't eat until finish reading the book. Extra Information The first way is to turn on the vehicle and drive it. If the car has no key, no gas or no battery. The second way to stop is wait a zombie break the window, then push the zombie. Many times leads to fatal injuries and character losses. About Duplicants: Couldn't find any similar bug report. Words used during the research car, car reading, car bug, car reading bug. book reading, book bug, book reading bug. car book reading, car book reading bug.
  3. 41.64 Multiplayer Host No. Reproduction steps: Go into passanger seat of car Start reading book you shouldn't be able to take any actions opening map cancels reading mode This has happened to me about two times ( I didn't really wanna risk trying it more), but when you start reading a book while being a passenger in a car, the game will not allow you to exit the reading mode in any way and you are unable to take any actions. I can't really remember how I got out of it but I somehow pressed a lot of buttons and it let me out.
  4. Hello there, I checked but didn't find this issue in bugs. So I'll describe it. I set in car on passenger seat and start reading book that are higher than my skills. The character says that nothing is clear, and he cannot get anything useful from it. And I can't do anything, move, change seats, get out of the car, throw out the book or stop reading it. Even the zombie who came and slowly ate me, could not distract me from reading the book. The same problem without a car, I can't do anything with the book, only run with it, then he stops reading it. Hope it will be fixed one day, thanks.
  5. Hey guys I need some help with TileZed's BuildingEd. I just finished a cool building that I worked so hard on, saved it and everything, didn't click on anything out of the ordinary. When I went to WorldEd, I clicked on my building, didn't show a preview image. When I dragged it out onto my Cell, it didn't show a building, neither did it plop a building when I placed it on my map itself. Then I went to BuildingEd to see if I messed something up, and instead I got an error saying, "Error Reading Building - Invalid Object Coordinates (1, -3 Line 2209, Column 72". What does this mean and how can I fix it without having to remake my whole tower? THANK YOU! My building's png is still in one of the .pzeditor folders, so idky it won't show in WorldEd or let me edit it either in BuildingEd.
  6. Just finished putting together my first proper mod for Project Zomboid (The first one I made was just a minor edit to some vanilla code for some XP values). Trait Training Books http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=606059733 What does it do? Trait Training Books adds a series of books to the game that can be used to learn traits in a ladder like system of progress. Currently the mod is only in initial release so at the moment there are only books in the game to handle the reading line of traits. An example of how it works in game If your character has the "illiterate" trait, they have the option of trying to find the TTB book related to the Illiterate trait, in this case named "Burch and Friends - Let's Read Together!". If the character has the illiterate trait, when they right click the book in their inventory or another container they will see an option in the context menu for "Struggle to Read". When selected, the player will start reading through the pages of the book in the same way you would read any other skill book. When completed, the Illiterate trait is removed from your character and replaced with the Slow Reader trait. But how can you read if you're illiterate? The mod uses a custom class that is based off the ISReadABook class used to read books in order to specifically handle trait books through an action that is on the surface functionally identical to reading, making use of pages and starting and stopping reading as any other literature item in the game would do. This was to work around some of the restrictions surrounding reading timed actions that would typically fail read attempts with the native read class. Balancing I'm still pretty new to modding with PZ so I wasn't able to find a way to request the server value for DayLength which was originally the idea I was thinking of to try and make a variable timer for reading so that the same mod could be used on various server or SP configurations without becoming too impractical at either extreme of DayLengths, so that's something I may try to get in when I learn more about what's availiable to me in LUA and if I can get the DayLength from the server. Until then though, this mod is specifically balanced for use on Real-Time multiplayer servers or Real-Time SP games. Reason being I designed this primarily for use on my own MP server but it can still work in SP games or other MP games as long as you're aware of some balancing issues with the books being 25, 50 and 75 pages. The books are a rare find, with a loot distribution of 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1 in Shelves, 0.5, 0.3 and 0.1 in bookstores and then 1.0, 1.0 and 0.5 inside schoolbags for the basic, intermediate and advanced books respectively. (For comparison, books in Hydrocraft have a 1.0 loot distribution) So these should be pretty rare finds, combined with how they are consumed on use it should hopefully keep things fairly balanced. Future Plans I'm hoping to tinker around with the hobby traits over the next few days and get to grips with how the game handles them on characters, once I work things out there I'm going to start looking at getting in books that can be used to learn other positive traits or remove/lessen negative traits. I also want to look into seeing if it's possible to implement some usage of the leveling and skillpoint system in the game, so that reading a book may require you have a skill point available that would be consumed when learning or removing a trait with the book. Figure out a way to adapt the time taken to read pages of these books based on the DayLength setting for the server or SP game.Credits Robert Johnson for the original ISReadABook.lua class that was used as the basis for TTB's reading class.BryBry for help in finding a way to refresh the character's info window to display the updated trait window without requiring a relog.
  7. Wouldn't it be nice if you actually sat down in a chair to reduce fatigue instead of a bar hovering over your head? Wouldn't it also be nice if you could lay down to help alleviate some nausea or illness so you could recover faster? That's the idea! I'm a stickler for the details, and the fact I can't actually sit or lay down bothers me. I got a major burn wound once, and I thought to myself the whole time I should be laying down and babying my leg for this! Something else that I'd love to see, is if you are sitting down - why not let people read books or do other activities while sitting down? I understand some things you simply can't do.. but some of the smaller scale crafting or cooking I feel it's appropriate to do while sitting down. In short: 1. Laying down in beds should help you recover from sicknesses and injuries. 2. Sitting down should allow you to do other minor activities like reading. 3. Animations for both so that you can free up the 'Floating Progress Bar' for productive stuff!
  8. What if we could re-read books? Right now, books disappear when you read them. What if we could read a book again, but each time you read the book, your boredom moodle gets refilled less? It would still reduce stress, but at a certain point you don't get a boredom moodle boost. There's only so many times you can read Jurassic Park before it's really boring (but hey, then you just toss it in the fire to give you a few minutes of cooking or warmth!).
  9. Typical situation in game now: it's 10pm, too dark to go outside, probably too early to sleep. Player doesn't have anything to do so he/she read some skill book to gain exp boost / kill time but wait there is one problem with reading, there is no light source (in most cases, after power is off). So i suggest that if player want to read he need a light source near character or he simply can't read books/magazines etc. This of course will require placeable candles/flashlights and maybe some recipe with flashlight so it will work as lamp. I think it is simple, realistic idea which will make game harder and better.
  10. I was reading at a thread about generators the other day and as I though as was said in the OP of that thread that generators doesn't seem to be worth the effort of using atm. I started thinking about how it would probably be in realistic zombie apocalypse for the average Joe and the reason he/she would want to get a generator working. Alright some might think of maintaining their food fresh, some of warming themselves, but for a lot of people having electricity in ones home would be just a huge moral boost, and it would probably be because of them being able to see notably better at nights and maybe even having the possibility to read. Both of those things as it stands are not a problem for the player, and I think it would be nice to have another reward for getting a generator working and maybe not that hard to implement. And so, I suggest making nights darker and only being able to read at a determined light level. Also, another plus of making nights darker would be that a lamp on a pillar, flashlights, candles, and other light sources would be a lot more useful, as would also be the trait Cat's Eyes. Well thats about it, I just thought I could make a thread myself as I've been reading this forum almost every day for about a year and never made one or even posted a comment. Also, THANKS to the developers and the people helping them at this forum for the great work. It's an incredible game the one you've got here.
  11. Hi everyone Got this idea reading Hrot post on light and reading : http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/13528-reading-light-and-realism/ Got me thinking that other factors then lighting can impair reading, slowing it down or even degressing the progression slowly (think utterly shit faced trying to understand complex mathematical stuff). The most obvious ones that could probably have the greatest impact are : drunk and sleepy status. Others that could affect in a more limited way, all of them affecting slightly the ability to concentrate : hunger, thirst, pain, unhapiness On the positive side, there could be additionnal status like well-rested that would affect reading speed (among other things). Some new drugs could be implemented to affect positively concentration and thus reading speed (ex.: Methylphenidate, Atomoxetine, ...). Antidepressants could be ruled to have this effect (as Methylphenidate is sometimes used to treat depression), but would require to have a ''positive'' moodle when it goes over the threshold.
  12. !! THIS MOD IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED/AVAILABLE !! Hello there, just wanted to show off the first mod I'm working on: The Bookshop Adds various books to PZ, some with learning skills. In the WIP version you can press "B" to spawn all books in your inventory. Available books: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Life the Universe and Everything So Long and Thanks for All the Fish Mostly Harmless And Another Thing...Various: Programming in Lua Second Edition Brave New World Roadside Picnic Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Gone With the Wind The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead The Great Gatsby 1984 The Catcher in the Rye For Whom the Bell Tolls A Clockwork Orange The Futurological Congress Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Lord of the Flies The Lord of the Rings A Brief History of Time Fahrenheit 451 Slaughterhouse-Five or The Childrens Crusade The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea The War of the Worlds Todo: Next step(s) will be to add spawn rates and some more books, some adjustments to weight and tweaking BoredomChange.!! THIS MOD IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED/AVAILABLE !!
  13. Been on the hunt for skillbooks now that I've updated and getting water is tough again, I'd like to find carpentry skill books, but I'm struggling for them, the places I thought might have lots of books, the school and the adult learning centre have nothing, not even one bookshelf between the two as far as I could see. Where is your go-to place for skillbooks in Muldraugh, and PS. If anyone reading who regularly reports to the devs, plead with them to at least have a bookshelf in the adult learning centre, maybe a cookbook at least, it actually totally broke my immersion in the game having nothing in the way of learning material in a learning centre!
  14. So, to be hones, It's not like i have survived for weeks or so but I've had my share of levelled skills. mostly weapons and cooking/crafting skills but I never managed to level one of the agility skills. what would one have to do to level the agility skills? (Sprinting, Nimble, Lightfooted, Sneaking) and for how long would I need to do that? PLUS: Is there a way to increase levelling for other skills than cooking, crafting and farming?
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