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  1. So this is the first time I’ve done this so hopefully I’ll do this right. Basically I am a Mac player and since the patch (I think on Thursday) vehicles are unusable, they spawn in really weird places sometimes on top of each other. When trying to open car doors with E it doesn’t work, you have to go through the V menu to get inside. However you cannot drive the car when inside. Those are the only bugs I have found for now:) also, I am a complete vanilla player. I have no Mods, I don’t use cheats etc
  2. I'm trying to play Project Zomboid, but I can only run on version 41.50 of the game. I wanted to know if it is still possible to create mods for this version. I'm wanting to do it myself.
  3. Newly launched server! Come and play with us! This is your 10 years later post-apocalyptic story in Louisville! WarZ is a PvPvE server located in USA east-coast. A 10 years later world with low population zombies, all tough, 10% joggers, and 30% smart. Too much? How about infection only when bitten, with bite cure, and +10 free skill points? • Mods collection https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2923143168 • Skill journal set at 70% EXP recovery • Residential safehouses are turned on, trespass off, and looting off. • Players and server shops. • 5% zombies drop rate earning coins or ammo. • 2hrs day length, loot respawns every 48 IRL hours. • more... Launched: last Jan 20, 2023. Wipes: TBD, gonna be long-term. Limit: currently up to 16 players max, and may upscale as needed. SERVER CONNECTION INFO IP: Port: 27645 Share link: steam://connect/ Discord: https://discord.gg/TXWQUpbhA8
  4. Hi, as you know forage areas are very limited. once I started a very long and tough journey to a lake far west of muldraugh and OMG there was nowhere to forage no matter where i went, so i decided to make a map of foraging zones and share it with others so no one lost in the woods with nowhere to forage. Foraging Map Red Highlighted areas are Forage zones. I used "PZCarto_v1" that i found in this forum for drawing map. Map is 1:1 scale, means the coordinates on the map is the same of the real world in the game (you can use Photoshop or Paint to find the coordinates) and the empty space in the top left corner is because of correcting the coordinates. please tell me if there was any mistake. Enjoy Edit: Unfortunately "imgur" changes the scale of the map, so i uploaded it somewhere else. now scale is correct.
  5. I bought (Day 23/04/2021 06:03:43 GMT-03:00) the game through Steam but the game is not linked to the game itself, Or Be The Game (Project Zomboid) is without Steam (free Game) the game and oserver game the same thing (I believe server not necessary but it is possible pirate game), I could leave and win this, but this is wrong, I believe that whoever made the game has bills to pay, right ... now the beta game 41.50 (iwillbackupmysave) is all right, the game will not start without Steam, I think that ... Thanks Pretenders
  6. How do i make custom hairs for project zomboid? i already have a model made that i wanted to add to the game as a mod. ive been looking threw the forums here but i can't tell which one i should be using because ive heard some of them are out dated. does anyone know how i can do this? please help ♥
  7. I was testing out the day/night activity settings in zombie options for Sandbox, so I could attempt a playthrough where zombies are active only at night. It seems to work initially, zombies are only walking. However, zombies will start sprinting within the first minute. And as soon as more than a few zombies begin to sprint, it's as if the zombie options are immediately switched to sprinters, so now every zombie is sprinting during the day.
  8. It would be dope if you could add supressors both handguns & rifles and more attachemnts such as red dot and more scopes.
  9. I think it would be interesting to see our weapons behind our back when it is unequip. It makes it feel more like a real survival especially if we can craft bows for hunting or killing zombies
  10. My friend and I are playing on P2P server that I'm hosting (build 40.43). He has been bitten by a zombie and it has been 10 in-game days and the wound still hasn't healed. It doesn't say 'Bitten' anymore but the bleeding effect is still there and won't go away, the bandage on it goes dirty on regular basis, but even when he leaves it on for longer, he still doesn't develop infection there.
  11. Zeek's Haven [24/7 US East|NY Server][PVP][CSpawns][24GB RAM][Weekly Soft Wipes][Monthly Hard Wipes] Server + TeamSpeak Status: ONLINE + ONLINE Forums: Home Common Events: Invasion Wanted/Kill Target That Darn Hobbes Airdrop Rare Events: The Fourth Horsemen Army Unique Events: Zeek's Haven is a 24/7 US East server for Project Zomboid. It is community-driven, and is closely monitored and run by community members and administrative staff. Server is always updated to the latest version of the game. We have a community base that will be updated as time progresses and have several custom spawn points in the works. PVP is allowed, don't let pride cloud judgment. You have the choice to map out your own path, but make sure it won’t result in the death of you. Donation Info: All Donators will be Perm white-listed and allowed priority access to the server. We will also treat our donators with assistance in the event that a cheater or hacker destroys bases or any collection of goods we will help to restore the effort that was lost. This is not a protection against bandits. Donations of $10 or more and we will backup your character made structures protecting it from any hard wipes. Your stuff will be saved and reserved. This is of course limited, and is not protected from patch updates and will only be good for one month or extended by another donation. Greater donations will allow bigger areas and extended backups explained below. Player Made Structure Backups: (one crate = one tile)(no limit on height of the structure)(no assistance in rebuilding if wipe due to patch) $10 - 20x20 tiles, 1 month backup $15 - 30x20, 1 month backup $20 - 40x20, 1 month backup $25 - 50x20, 1 month backup $50 - 50x20, 3 month backup $100 - 50x50, 3 month backup(rebuilding assistance if patch wipe) We will need to be made aware of the location of your base in order to make backups. Thank you for your support! Server Rules: No Reloading Same Characters/Loading a Character from Another Server No cheating/hacking/flooding/spamming (Ban) No spamming fires (Ban) Keep language as PG-13 as possible, foul language okay in jokes No racism, sexism, or attacks to a person with disabilities (Warning, then Ban) PVP rules: KOS (Kill On Sight) is allowed Looting of player-made bases, destroying fortifications, and raiding are allowed Bandits and Heroes allowed, create your own path! RP Rules: TBA. Server Info: Processor: i7 4790k 4.4Ghz RAM: 24GB @ 2133Mhz Server Cap: 34 Hard Drive: SSD 120GB OCZ Max IOPS, w/ 4TB HDD Backup Server Provider: Zeek Website: http://zeekshaven.weebly.com/ TeamSpeak Server: RichAdmin Event Website: http://achanes.wix.com/ourlaststandpz
  12. I have been playing this game since the very first demo ... which must have been 8 years ago or more now.. almost a decade. And I played the hell out of it at first thinking it would only get better, thinking they would be improving on that little charming map and world they first showed us.. But since the game has not added almost any of the features that it said it would have that got me excited like NPCs, Quests, Dynamic wounds like cauterizing and amputations, Human enemies, Diseases, Sanity. It was shaping up to be an amazing little girl but i feel like the game has only gotten uglier since the old days of wife smothering... The graphics have been downgraded from the charming pixel art it had, the wordl feels empty and unchanging and prone to glitching or exploitation. Every year that crawls by i see almost no changes in the development.. No closer to the game they promised. It feels like the game has been abandoned. It just gets uglier and buggier with every year with no end in sight. Why they didnt build on that initial framework i do not know. But can somebody please tell me what the state of this game is.
  13. Hey guys I need some help with TileZed's BuildingEd. I just finished a cool building that I worked so hard on, saved it and everything, didn't click on anything out of the ordinary. When I went to WorldEd, I clicked on my building, didn't show a preview image. When I dragged it out onto my Cell, it didn't show a building, neither did it plop a building when I placed it on my map itself. Then I went to BuildingEd to see if I messed something up, and instead I got an error saying, "Error Reading Building - Invalid Object Coordinates (1, -3 Line 2209, Column 72". What does this mean and how can I fix it without having to remake my whole tower? THANK YOU! My building's png is still in one of the .pzeditor folders, so idky it won't show in WorldEd or let me edit it either in BuildingEd.
  14. Hi survivors, on 27 genuary 2017 borns "The walking dead" project, a mod package containing all the main locations and not only, of the famous tv show. This locations will be reunited in just one mod that will side the server "The walking dead Project" season after season. Our intent is to live Project zomboid as a more immersive experience thanks to these exclusive locations. For every info visit the server's presentation thread. Thank you. CDM -Centre Disease Prevention- (WORK IN PROGRESS) Comparasion Hershel Ggreen's Family Farm Parking Parking Underground Atlanta City Control Room, final seasion one TWD Final Version? Hershel Green's Family Farm (WORK IN PROGRESS) Final Version? To be continued......
  15. -EXCLUSIVE FOR THE WALKING DEAD PROJECT SERVER- ***ANTEPRIMA / PREVIEW*** The Walking Dead Prison 100% NO BUG (No crashes. Tested it myself, opening every single door, every window, checking every wall and net! Powered by:
  16. Hi Spiffo's Community, I have a problem when I tried to open the server settings at the build 33 of Project zomboid, when I opened the pz server settings from the folder "PZServerSettings", I opened the .bat and this problem appeared "to could not load the class zombie.PZServerSettings.MainWindow" I want an aswer as early as possible Thanks for you interesting on this topic.
  17. So yeah, I've been trying to do it for 3 days and I don't want this time to get wasted. Here is a guide that will let you set up a private server for your friends within 1-2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOST: INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLIENTS: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: I hope, that I'll help at least one group of friends to play this game. To admins: I will not answer to this thread. I registered just to write this one post and disappear forever. So feel free to edit it. I waive the rights to what I've written above. Peace
  18. Hello, everyone! I have been trying to start a LAN server to play the game with my wife. We've got it working, we're both able to play on the server. Method used is files downloaded from SteamCMD and I have ports 16261-16270 TCP/UDP open on my router. Just in case that's relevant. I know there's PZServerSettings.exe in the Steam files for Project Zomboid that you use to change some of the settings. I copied that and a file that was associated with it to my server folder, started it there and saved the settings into the same folder. Is that all that needs done to change the settings? How can I confirm that what I set is being used? I'm also curious about how to change other server settings, such as password. I've tried to search for the answers to some of the questions here and haven't been able to find anything that really helps. Maybe I'm using weird terms or something for my searches or just looking for the wrong thing. So, I figured I'd just ask the other questions I hadn't searched for yet in here if I'm already asking for help. Thanks a lot for your answers!
  19. We need an in game Map Editor as ONE program instead of files everywhere. We also need more maps. Add in game Custom Map importer. The game seems too messy with custom files and server files like Projectzomboidserver.bat I understand the game is in alpha but this would really make it easy to make our own home towns and not get sick of the same map and play with all of our friends online. Searching in files to run my server or make a map or import a map deters and turns me away from playing the game. Also maybe some sort of sizing chart for tiles compared to sidewalks in real life, a way to correctly size things according to characters in map editor.
  20. So, I was curious about this and I guess I should start by giving you my own personal experiences. The first time I ever heard about PZ was from Google I believe about I don't know, back in the days of the old graphics, story mode and baldspot back when NPC's were crazy gun toting lunatics in stores waiting for you to step in. I did some research and knew right away *this* was the zombie survival game I had been waiting for. However, what I didn't anticipate was the amount of time that would consume me anxiously anticipating and waiting for NPC's to be released. At that time I didn't realize the passion and heart going into this game and would have never perceived this type of excitement. Now, I admit my opinion on multiplayer was less that flattered at best. However, now that I've had time to grow accustomed to roleplaying servers and the varying degrees of character building that this game allows you to obtain I'm starting to *love* Project Zomboid even more. Also, I hope one day there will be a pure survival version with mods without zombies (as that was originally what I was looking for.) More of a society builder which to be fair PZ kind of is. That leads me to my next point and this one is important. How do *you* view PZ? Is it *just* an amazing zombie game? Because if that's your aspiration then you're seriously missing out. I see *so* much more. I don't even care about the zombies. I care about the humans, how people react in catastrophes. Zombies are just a background and I'll likely lessen them when NPC's come out to get the full entertainment out of the story telling elements. It's a society builder, where NPC's struggle from ashes to grow small settlements and keep them safe using teamwork, dedication and determination. I'm expecting (although, not entitled to.) see NPC's treat me as I'm just another person. To communicate directly and indirectly. To scare and ignore me to varying degrees depending on the situation. Now, all of this leads me to my other point which is this. I expect to be bombarded with moral decisions that don't necessarily have morality in them. For example, when I'm running on a food run and see a group pinned down by a horde of zombies (or hostile faction) the ability to intervene and save those people should bare down on you conscious. But more importantly to make you feel like you *do* have a say in the matter. "Do I want to potentially die saving these poor people." Or "Do I want to play it safe and just pass by unnoticed and not tussle with these here outlaws." (Who talks like that?) At the end of the day I want a meaningful play through that's unique each and every single time I fire up PZ. Anyway, sorry that was longer than you probably expected. Tell me what your opinion is and how you found PZ and what your initial thoughts on it were. If you want tell us what you plan for in the future !
  21. The Order (Logo created by myself) Hey everyone! I'm Rich C. and my Steam name is Richcoconut! The Order is a group that I wanted to make that was inspired mainly by a huge battle me and some players had on the Desolated server trying to take over the motel to make it a community base. This group will be crafted to help track down bandits, build both community and group bases, help others and recruit, expand to other servers, and possibly run events giving items but that'll be down the road. It will be semi-RP/RP at moments! I'm recruiting right now and for those who are interested I'd like for them to come to this page and fill out this forum and to add me on Steam. Also, spread the word! TEAMS MAIN SERVER: Zeek's Haven 24/7 SERVER (US EAST/NYC) MAIN TOWN: WEST POINT Right now I'm looking for experienced and new builders, leaders, assistants, and fighters. YOU WILL RISK DYING (DUH) FOR A GOOD CAUSE! NEWS: TUE FEB 17TH 12:44AM EST - WE HAVE A BASE WITH A KITCHEN, LIBRARY, ARMORY, LOCKER ROOM, CHILL ROOM, AND WORKING ON SECURITY CURRENTLY. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED OURSELVES AS A STRONG GROUP AND AS THE SERVERS COMMUNITY BASE. FRI FEB 20th 3:26AM EST BASE HAS BEEN MOVED TO WEST POINT ON THE SERVER, IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE EXACT LOCATION, PLEASE REQUEST IT FROM RICH C. IN-GAME. Steam name: In-Game name: Job: Longest Time Survived (dd/hrs): Gender: Town of Residence: Why should you get picked?: Location: (US East, US West, EUR, EU, EU West, EU East, RU, etc.) Main Server: (You main server you are always on) I will be checking this regularly and updating it with more info! Please spread the word! Each team will come with 1 builder, assistant, and 2 fighters/builders Member List Phoenix Wright Miley Cyrus ieatkebabs Deschain Zac OxyCleanMan - Doctor Phoenix Wright Silvio JoshGaraaax3 Mike3k Bunny Tidd FrankieC Max
  22. How is this possible, after IP banning, kicking, closing the server open option to false for a few hours, and banning at least 60 times and trapping him in a brick box (Shoutout to Extended Buildings mod ), killing him over and over again, I log on to see this from a player named "Alice". It's a lot worse around the map, but this is just an example around West Point of what I just woke up to. I'm super stumped on what to do. How are people able to mod stuff this serious for results like this? Is there a lua checker/cheater system? Is it really that easy? I'd like to know some information about it and how they are able to do this because maybe it will help in combating it. Is there a way to clean the map of items or a specific item so I don't have to pick up every item? Or a server reboot option? I'm at a lost. He's also spamming constantly and I can't mute him via chat(?).. Is there a way to disable someone from moving? Like, locking them in a sense? Because then I could just do that and they wouldn't be able to do anything.. Need suggestions from the community. (I know I can just whitelist the server, but I rather not do that, so I'm looking for any other suggestions anyone has on dealing with this kind of issue) *This has been an ongoing battle with this one guy for a few days and I'm so exhausted from dealing with a 6 year old modder who hasn't developed common sense and respect. I need suggestions before I go crazy. Haha. *Someone said I could VAC ban him? Is this game protected by VAC? If so, how do I take the steps to do that?
  23. Two must-have additions, but we can start off with a mod. Is there anyone who would be able to script a pop-up MOTD instead of the standard one in the chat log? No one reads that upon logging in or they skim it for vital information that they typically miss. It'd be neat to have a pop-up message that's either the size of a pop-up when note taking. The only work-around I could feasibly see is adding a note as a starting item with the server rules, pvp rules, etc. for every new person. Or it can work like it does in CSGO, TF2, etc. and pop ups a web browser so it can just show the forums. That would be amazing. Another thing I know we need is a summon command. We already have teleport, so I was scratching my head as to why there wasn't a summon. This would work wonders for events/fixing people who get stuck (this is a common problem with the game on the server I'm on), or simply because it'd be nice to have that feature. Hopefully someone was already thinking something like this. Hope to hear from the community!
  24. I think having a title by your name would be pretty neat and could change the dynamic if RP's and multiplayer in general ranging from creating groups to being more unique. /settitle text here would be the command. So your name would be for example if you typed: /settitle West Point Survivalist your name would be displayed as: MyName [West Point Survivalist] pretty simple, but effective.
  25. I think new weapons should be introduced to the Project Zomboid universe! (I'm sure I'm not the first to say this) I think Antize Weapons and bags Mod is a good start if you guys weren't already working on one, or is there a way to upvote/vote for a mod to be implemented into the core game? I've tested it and it seems fine, and you can tweak the balance of the weapons easily too.
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