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  1. I came across this while working on an update for a B42 pipebomb trait mod, I copied the code from the MainCreationMethod.lua file and was wondering why it wouldn't let me craft pipebombs, until I checked the debug name for the recipe is MakePipeBomb not MakePipebomb as it was in my and the vanilla code. This particular issue is in line 859 to 861 in the MainCreationMethod.lua file, where 'bomb' in the parameter of 'add(String)' should be capitalised (altough I believe MakeFlamebomb might be removed as I haven't found the recipe through the crafting menu ingame) and this might be an issue for other crafting recipes added this way, not just traits/professions. Provided are 2 screenshots one showing the debug name of the recipes and how they are in the code.
  2. I've just about clocked my 24th hour on the current IWBUMS build, with 100+ prior plus a handful more from the Kate + Baldspot versions. I'm really enjoying the new mechanics and features so far; the following is a bunch of things I hope to see changed/added. Beyond the list of commonly suggested suggestions (Some of which I will be reiterating), I'm somewhat ignorant of currently planned features and content, so I apologise if any of this already is. Likewise I'm going to ignore developmental constraints and engine limitations for the time being and present everything as I'd like to see it. Where stats and numbers are concerned, in most cases I'm pulling them out my arse for examples' sake. Anything marked with *, even I think might be too complex to be worthwhile Sandbox - Weighted "Random" Zombie attributes, and/or zombie type definitions & Loot Rarity options This is probably the most simple suggestion here, and the one I feel most strongly about so I'll start with it - the customisation options regarding zombies are quite limited. In short, I'd wish for the player to be able to weight each attribute to their pleasing. For example, I could choose for 5% of zombies to have the ability to navigate + use doors, while 10% are sprinters, 20% are blind, etc - making them unpredictable, without having an overwhelming number of zombies with or without X and Y properties. As for zombie type definitions, you create several rulesets and again, weight them for incidence. For example, my Type 1 Zombie constitues 80% of the population, and I go with the standard lore for them. For the remaining 20%, my Type 2 Zombies are weak, blind sprinters with a hightened sense of smell, but they are unable to pass on the infection. This could go so far as to be targeted to existing zombie types, eg. the player could choose for firemen zombies to always be strong, police zombies will always have better eyesight, military zombies will always be sprinters etc but I digress. The same could apply somewhat to vehicles. For example I'd like to be able to set parked cars to either have 0 fuel or 10-100%, and in generally fine condition, but are almost certainly locked and alarmed - While survivor vehicles will be beat up, either out of fuel and/or too damaged to start, and never alarmed Also, being able to allow zombies to use (melee) weapons would certainly be interesting. As for loot rarity settings, I'd like to see them further divided; "Weapons" into Melee, Firearm, Ranged, Ammunition ; "Other" into Medical, Crafting, Books, Electronics etc. Food is fine as it is I suppose. Sound This was pointed out in another thread, but there's quite a disconnect between the sounds the player hears, and those heard by the zombies. Doors opening and closing are, as far as I can tell, completely silent as far as the zombies are concerned, but early on I remember being very hesitant to touch them because I hear them. For this case, the player could have a toggle to open/close doors quietly, taking longer to do so in the latter case. More importantly, I find that it's practically impossible to tell how far north/south a sound is coming from, while East/West seems easy enough. The sound of gunshots seems to travel much further than the player hears. Sounds produced inside or from behind buildings & obstacles are muffled for the player, but I can't tell if this is the case for zombies. If it isn't, I'd hope that changes. Firearms - Dirt vs Condition The most common cause of a firearm malfunctioning beyond mishandling is dirt and debris entering the action, rather than outright damage. Simply enough, firearm condition would take a loooong time to degrade unless they're directly damaged (And the more degraded its moving parts, the quicker it will damage its self) - but firing them, crawling through woodland with them on your person, dropping them and splattering zombie guts all over them would all contribute to increased dirt. At low levels, just water can be used to clean it. But for a seriously gunked-up firearm, it'd necessitate disassembly, cleaning with water and tools, and re-oiling. If we want to go really into depth with it, as if we weren't already, you wouldn't just be able to duct-tape the working parts back into functionality. Rather, you'd be able to strip the components from compatible weapons in the same fashion as the vehicle mechanics currently work; My M16's bolt is damaged - I need to find (or manufacture, good luck?) another. My shotgun's stock is cracked - That I can fix with wood-glue or duct-tape. Where applicable, mechanics, metalwork and carpentry skill would factor in. Suppressors Yes, it's been suggested many times (even by myself) and somewhat definitively shot down, but while I'm here I'd like to reiterate why I think they'd be a positive addition, while addressing some of the misconceptions around them as applied to Zomboid. To get that bit out the way first: A suppressor does not make a firearm truly silent - far from it. All the mods that include them, to my memory, had them completely nullify the volume of a shot. This is uninteresting from a gameplay standpoint in addition to being almost entirely unrealistic. So with that said, what is the need for suppressors in the game? Currently, firearms are in a weird place. In reality, they'd probably be one of the most valuable tools attainable, or at least would appear to be as evidenced by how high novice players especially tend to place them on the priority list. Throughout most of the game however, they're practically irrelevant especially as weapons. If you're in a situation bad enough to warrant their use, firing a few shots is almost always going to make it even worse - the only real exceptions being very remote areas. Ultimately, firearms' utility boils down to them being an on-demand loud noise that can be used to kite zombies away from your intended destination. That is until you've stockpiled enough guns, ammo and if MP/NPCs, people, to use them to clear out the entire cell's worth of zombies that will be attracted to the noise. How would I have them work? -* The noise of a shot is divided into two components - The report (The gunshot its self, the radius surrounding the shooter in which the shot is heard) and the bullet (Noise in direction of fire, extends beyond distance of report radius) - To (poorly) illustrate: - The best suppressor reduces the volume of the report by up to 70%, the distance it travels by up to 60% - dependent on calibre. In other words, the already-quieter and weaker guns would get the most volume reduction; the louder and more powerful a firearm the less benefit a suppressor would convey. - *Subsonic ammunition (where the "standard" round is otherwise supersonic) can be used to decrease the volume of the noise generated by the bullet, whether or not it's suppressed - *at the cost of range and/or damage. - Military/commercial-grade suppressors can be found. Extremely rare, most likely found in military storage/NPCs/zombies - Absolutely minuscule chance of spawning in homes or already attached to firearms - Several levels of improvised suppressors can be crafted, contingent on Metalwork and Mechanics skills - possibly necessitating a skill magazine too - *Military/commercial suppressors are caliber-specific. Crafted suppressors are generic until attached to a firearm. - Suppressors have durability; The more they degrade, the less effective they are (But they will always keep a firearm quieter than otherwise). *The higher the calibre, the more quickly they degrade. A commercial-grade suppressor will last roughly 500 shots before its effectivness bottoms out, while a top-tier crafted suppressor will last roughly 300. - Using a suppressor increases the chance of a firearm malfunctioning and/or increases rate of firearm degradation/dirt gain through firing. *The more crude the suppressor, the greater its influence on degradation/malfunction/dirt. Even with the quietest possible firearm, you wouldn't be able to use it with impunity just because it's suppressed - it'd still be heard for a block or two, but toward the edges of that radius it might not be so loud as to overpower everything else a given zombie is hearing. So for more sparsely populated areas as well as the interior of large buildings, using a firearm becomes much more viable beyond kiting - using a suppressed gun in an emergency would stand a much greater chance of getting you out of it without attracting too much more attention. Bows In the same vein as suppressors, bows and crossbows would make for an interesting addition; Again there would be craftable and non-craftable variants. Compared to (even suppressed) firearms they'd be relatively quiet and more sustainable in terms of ammo consumption. However, they'd be much more difficult to use than firearms, with generally shorter range - though their relative quietness would allow you to gain more experience in practice. I feel like they could use their own set of skills, but that might be going overboard. - Short Bows: Short range, low damage, quietest, decent refire rate, low exertion. Crafting requires beginner carpentry. - Long Bows: Longest range, middling damage, middling volume, slower refire rate, highest exertion. Crafting requires intermediate carpentry. - Crossbows: Middling range, highest damage, loudest, slowest refire rate, middling exertion. Crafting requires intermediate mechanics, beginner metalwork and beginner carpentry. Again, the ability to craft them could be contingent on skill magazines. There could be several varieties of each type, particularly amongst "found" ones, each modifying some of those stats. For example a modern composite bow might be a lot quieter, a modern crossbow pistol might be much faster yet do less damage. I don't know much about archery, but I imagine it's even more bottomless pit of possibilities than I'm presenting here. Vehicle modification & repairs I won't go too into depth with this one, but it essentially boils down to weaponising and up-armouring vehicles. Create a plow and strap it to the front to reduce slowdown and damage caused by mowing down zombies (And humans!), bullbars to reduce collision damage, weld bars across windows and windshields to protect them (reduced visibility?), metal plating on bodywork to protect components and occupants from firearms. Would require metalworking and mechanics skills where applicable. I would like to see the ability to repair bodywork- minor dents would only require a hammer, while more serious damage could be patched over with metal sheets and such. Of course, all that added weight will reduce acceleration, max speed and increase fuel consumption. To go even further with it, you could frankensetein cars together, eg shove a V8 into a hatchback and become an accident waiting to happen. Medical & Physiological I feel like wounds are too easy to disinfect, and antibiotics are a get-out-of-jail-free card should you be unable to disinfect them. I think that for the more persistent injuries you should have to disinfect them multiple times - and regardless, that there should still be a chance of infection dependent on First Aid skill and the quality of dressings, especially if you're still fighting zombies or pissing about in the mud. As for the zombie infection, again I'm aware it's a definitive "no" for a cure, but I feel like giving the player a death sentence with no way to come back from it kinda sucks. Eating plenty could help delay it, amputation could prevent it spreading (but that's a pretty tall order considering the development implications). Beyond that, I think the best compromise would be a drug that can delay it perpetually so long as you have a supply, necessitating a sorta gun-to-your-head approach in getting your next dose. It'd have to be very rare, but maybe there could be a chemistry skill allowing synthesis of this drug at the highest level, with some difficult to acquire/sustain ingredients - in addition to allowing synthesis of disinfectants, medicinal drugs and alcohol. I've also found it a lot more difficult to lose weight in PZ than in reality - I've lost 7kg over the past two months, and as soon as I started maintaining a calorie deficit it started dropping - This doesn't seem to be how it works in-game, with some weird long lag period between not eating and losing the weight. There's no real reason a full day of not eating should not result in weight loss. For relatively minor arm and hand injuries (scratches particularly), I find attack speed is diminished way too much - Adrenaline and the instinct for self-preservation are going to take precedence over keeping such injuries safe in the face of a handful of zombies. I'd rather they diminished accuracy, with only lacerations or anything more serious affecting attack speed. Also rather than the speed of the entire process being reduced, I think it should just be recovery - so the length of time between swings/stabs stays the same, but there's no delay between starting and connecting the attack. Having wounds re-open as a consequence of fighting while injured would give this more depth too, though it could possibly be too frustrating. Improvised Armour & Tailoring As I understand it the protection system is still in its infancy, but again the depth it could go to is endless. Improvised armour could be modifications to existing clothing items, or stand-alone clothing items in themselves. Why not both, beyond the countless hours to code it all and create art? Facetiousness aside, improvised armour would be applicable to each body part that can be damaged. It could be made from all sorts - the heavier the material/larger the piece, the larger the debuffs to movement speed, exertion and/or attack speed dependent on which body part they're worn on, but the greater the protection. So you could be a walking tank but the moment you have to run you're buggered, or you could travel very light and get bitten by the next zombie you encounter, or anything in between. Ballistic protection With armoured vests already in the game and NPCs on the way (or already here with Super(b) survivors, not to mention PvP functionality in MP), ballistic protection has a role to play. Most items that can protect against scratches and bites would likely be useless in the face of a bullet - however some types of improvised (if implemented) or found armour might be better than nothing. Eg. a shot to a flak jacket might cause what would otherwise be a bullet wound to be a bruise. Having both entry and exit wounds possible would also be interesting. Traits Some traits I think should be able to be acquired through gameplay, especially across in-game years, eg. near/far-sightedness, deafness (esp. if you've been in proximity to firearms being shot). As another example, if you smoke too many cigarettes too quickly, you gain the smoker trait; If you abstain, you lose it (after a long time). I feel like athletic, strong, stout and fit shouldn't be traits at all beyond defining your character's starting attributes, and from there would be defined by diet and exercise as with over/underweightedness. Desensitisation could occur after X time in a panic state, with that time lengthened by the Coward trait and shortened by the Brave trait. Professions I feel like some of them are quite lacking - they give you a leg up compared to a traitless, professionless character for sure, but I don't feel like they anywhere near fully reflect the experience someone in that given line of work would really have. For example, I'd imagine a combat veteran to be much more than 20% better than the uninitiated when it comes to all things firearm, and to have some experience with construction, greater aptitude for figuring out improvised explosives. A carpenter by trade would be able to make something much more refined than a bunch of wooden planks assembled into the form of a chair Quality of life/"minor" feature/content wishlist - (Toggle to?) Automatically drop vehicle components when removed - Wheels, brakes, suspension, seats, gas tanks, doors, windows etc. - Allow queueing of constructions eg. walls - Allow all interactions with wounds at all times (assuming I have the requisite supplies) so I don't have to wait for eg. a disinfect operation to complete before I can queue up the bandage. - Almost all clothing items should, imo, provide some scratch and/or bite defence even if it's 1-5% - Leaving car key in ignition drains battery - Skill books renamed to <Skill> for Beginners, <Skill> for Intermediates for better sorting - Maps renamed to Map of <Location> - Annotated maps suffixed with (Annotated). Eg. "Map of West Point (Annotated)" - Welding mask functions as apparrel face item - More options regarding meta events, ie. Frequency, cut-off dates etc. - Generally increase range of firearms - With the Aiming skill given by the Police profession, you can't even attempt a target across a road which I find to be silly. - Different types of belt with greater capacity - Ejecting a magazine from a firearm should not immediately replace it if another is available - Eg. I'll pick up a pistol that I intend to throw away to nick its mag, only to load one I was carrying with me into it - Fix for eating, smoking or otherwise performing animated actions that still allow you to move, the player-character stops every time they change direction. - Aiming/looking/sneaking should be able to be performed while crouched, instead of standing up to do so. - Switching equipped items via the belt possible while sprinting, with a chance of dropping it dependent on All Thumbs/Dextrous trait, and Sprinting skill - Reloading firearms possible while jogging, with a chance of dropping the mag to load dependent on All Thumbs/Dextrous trait and Reloading skill - Bandaging/disinfecting arms, torso and head possible while jogging, with a chance of failure and/or dropping/wasting the bandage/wipe/disinfectant dependent on All Thumbs/Dextrous trait and First Aid skill - A proper equipment/clothing UI, similar to the Medical menu instead of sectioning off part of the existing inventory list - More in-depth categorisation of items, eg. medical supplies, construction/crafting items etc. - The ability to "Loot/Transfer All in Category" when mousing over a given item in container/inventory - Ability to change sandbox settings in SP - Button to leave the current car's key in its glovebox - Keys spawn for ALL vehicles - but they might be on a zombie on the other side of town - or a different town - Vehicle cruise control - Wire Cutters to cut holes in wire fences - Jimmy vehicle door locks with screwdriver, pry locked doors open with crowbar - high chance of destroying the lock, room for a skill/trait to factor in - Reading in darkness takes longer, increases boredom gain - at some point it becomes impossible to read - Reduce exertion of Wood Axe, currently feels more efficient to use regular Axe to chop trees NPC/Meta/Story events - Special Forces/Hazmat teams investigating certain sites, analysing zombie corpses, downloading computer data, extracting VIPs and such - If suppressors ever get in, they'd have them, and they'd shoot survivors on-sight. Good loot on them but practically impossible to kill without an army of your own and/or severe manipulation of the zombie hordes - And that's if you even cross paths with them in the first place. - Helicopter crashlanding - would havefer a decent stock of relatively obscure supplies, at great risk. Could have some more worldbuilding/story items on board. After a given length of time, the wreck could be destroyed and its important contents recovered by aforementioned SF teams - especially if there are survivors of the crash. There could also be civilian variations, a news chopper for example. - Injured/imperiled survivor(s) on ham radio asking for assistance - Survivors intending to rob you, using above as a lure as one option So, that's a big old text dump. There's probably a lot more I could add to this list that currently escapes me. And of what's already here, there will be a lot that each of you will disagree with, but please do mention anything you would really like before you shoot the rest of it down. But beyond that go crazy, it's a lot more effort for the devs to implement any of this rambling than it is for me to think and type it up.
  3. I've been working on a profession mod for our RP server - AGN New Dawn. Link on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913317143 What does it add? - Several new professions - Several core professions changed - Upgraded stats for all new professions - Starting books from Hydrocraft Mod based on what profession is chosen (Hydrocraft Required) - Several new traits from the New Trait Mod (New Trait Mod not required) Intended Updates: - More Professions based on Server needs. - Balancing of skills and costs - Negative traits - Images for all professions and traits - Skills added instead of hydrocraft books - Starting items based on chosen professions The mod DOES work, and we are playing it on our server - it currently shows language errors, so one final step will be adding language translations. If you want to try out the mod in a server environment, please visit us on AGN at: https://newdawn.aggressivegaming.org/
  4. Here comes some single (and simple) suggestion to help this profession to be a tad more attractive (& usefull) ; 1) Perks cost reduction on character creation When you select Doctor, the cost of Herbalist / Nutritionist is reduced by one (maybe two) ; afterall, it's more than possible you get some additionnal formation (or more accurate informations) on these as a doctor. The cost reduction reflect it, but you also can just don't use that benefit. 2) Trained Healer Tied to the profession a similar effect as comfrey poultice (=> reduce healing time for wounds treated by Doctor) : maybe not halved but reduced it*. => To reflect the benefis added, change the cost for that profession from the actul +2 creation's points to -2. * : it's also possible to scale the said effect on the First Aid lvl of the Doctor)
  5. http://undeniable.info/pz/CharacterPlanner.php I Made this so you can show people what builds you use easily or you could also plan a build with it. Just choose your Profession and Traits and the link in your URL bar will automatically update so you can just copy it once your done, and share the link with someone to show them your build. So as an example, here is my main build: http://undeniable.info/pz/CharacterPlanner.php#veteran,Strong,Organized,Dextrous,ProneToIllness,SlowHealer,HighThirst,NeedsMoreSleep,WeakStomach,SlowReader,Clumsy Show us your favorite builds!
  6. Hi, I think it wil more realistic if start house where player pop contain items that match with choosen profession. For example, a cook's house contain knife, more food and dedicated recipes and books for cooking. Same for farmer, etc... I think it's possible because i have already see thematic house (electrician house, carpentry house, farmer house). Thank
  7. Heya, i need some help with my LUA code here. I'am pretty newbie with the LUA, like "write some code, test it out, cry & retry until it works." I have created new profession 'Soldier' and i wanted to randomly generate army title for the character. local function soldier_start(player, square) local profession = player:getDescriptor():getProfession(); if profession == 'soldier' then getPlayer():getDescriptor():setForename("Sgt.");Code above works perfectly! When i enter into game with my Soldier profession, it'll show my character name as Sgt. Porter for example. But.. I want to add more titles to be randomly picked up when entering game, like Sgt. Pvt. & Cpt. so you can be example Sgt. Porter or Pvt.Porter etc. so you'll never know what your "military rank" will be, even it doesn't matter anyhow. What's the function here to make it pick one from many title options? I'am officially out of ideas here after 4 hours of struggling, any help would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Since I'm getting into PZ again, I thought I would make a suggestion. I have already seen all 3 of the things that I am about to suggest listed on this forum, I just thought I would back their ideas and show my support without resurrecting 3 separate threads. Keep in mind that I do not have knowledge of the entire change log, and since I have only recently started playing, I may be rambling on about things that may already be implemented into the game. Problem- I feel like the chef profession, along with the cooking skill in general are bad trade-offs in comparison to other skills such as carpentry. While it is nice to be able to maximize food potential, I don't feel the need to be a dedicated cook, since you can easily find foods in town, grow them in your garden, go fishing, or be a trapper. While being a chef isn't necessarily bad, I feel like there are many other professions which trample over the usefulness of being a dedicated cook. Solution- I would suggest giving a player with a high cooking skill the ability to create foods with certain perks or bonuses, with potency based on cooking skill. This would allow a dedicated chef to prepare his group with certain foods that would provide temporary buffs such as reduced panic, increased strength, better accuracy, and increased stamina. Problem- Foraging is a very nice, and welcomed addition to any survival game. I feel like foraging has its uses, but it could be so much more. I feel like alone, foraging isn't something that would make a man rich, however I feel like it should be a means of substitution for other professions to acquire certain products (Albeit diluted products) that are difficult to find otherwise. Solution- Foraging should be a skill that also benefits either the group, or another profession. Adding a few very basic herbs to the game (Such as Aloe, Chicory, ect.) would allow a high level first aid player to treat minor wounds, and make a diluted substitute for other medical items. This could also apply to other professions, such as cooking, fishing, and trapping. Let me know of your thoughts on this.
  9. I see the option there to give my character free traits... but I can't figure out the names of the traits I want (the profession-specific ones) in terms of their coding names, and I don't know the format for spacing them or how that works. Anyone wanna enlighten me?
  10. What the title says. Add to this my previous suggestion of more a background story and possibly a plane, coach or a car that crashed, broke or is still fine and you have more items to loot and start with right from the start along with injuries and illnesses.
  11. First off I did search to see if this had been brought up already. if it has and you can provide a link to the thread that would be appreciated. so far we have: unemployedsecurity guardpolice officerfiremanrangerbuilderthese are some ideas for perks I would like to see: Sailor = less effected by rainy/cold weatherchef = advanced cooking skill. tasty food with less ingredients.miner = see better in dark and make explosives (if added)office worker = does not get boredlumberjack = can cut trees faster and make more planks per logwhat occupations would you like to see and what would be the perks?
  12. After reading the fifth thread about professions* I knew, all this forum needs is number six! The idea Replace professions by multiple traits In detail I think about something like personality, profession, free time activities, place of birth/living, physical attributes, private interest, social circumstances and so on. My idea would be to split this profession thing in a few different categories, so a player can have more traits than one. I'd name it more a redesign, than an improvement to the current system. I think there are many things you can mix together, which can tell a little story about this person. Not everything needs to have an effect. Might be cool if they get random generated(I'd like that). Why I think its cool My point is, I don't like classing. It makes me feel like something special and tries to define/influence me someway. Not too much people walk around telling everyone they are a construction worker**, and rarely people will ask a fire fighter about how his fire fighting goes in his fire fighting spare time. Electricians usually don't throw light bulbs around wherever they go*** My point is: People are mot than just a class, they are the sum of their life. Some examples: (personality/profession/ interest / background) optimistic security guard who plays baseball who was married twiceangry unemployed who loves hiking**** and sometimes helped outintrigating secretary with a passion on huntingdreamy fire fighter with children from Englandpatient cook with a passion on comics, speaks Japanese and German* yes I was counting them ** I am a construction worker, I am a construction worker, look at me construction worker, here come the construction worker... *** There might be exceptions **** angry hiking is cool. You can rage at every brush you see, punch trees and.. ouch that hurt.. but nobody cares.
  13. Quite simply, my idea is that you will be able to go to the power/water plants and perform maintainance on them. This will allow players in multiplayer to have an actual job (Keeping it running for all other players). HOWEVER, the maintainance will be very hard to do, requiring strength and time. This will also ensure that it will take a small team to effectively keep the plants running. I would also suggest professions from each plant, with each slightly increasing their effectivness at repairing the plants. Sorry in advance for horribly written post. :-/
  14. *JackOfAllTraits* Do you wish you could use more than one profession trait at a time? Ever wanted to swing an ax fast and also have faster barricading? Ever wanted thick skin and be able to sleep only a few hours a night? Well look no further. In this modifies the Unemployed profession to have all traits from the other professions. If you don't want them all just don't click that profession or any when starting a new save. You can get it from my dropbox. HERE Please read the README so you install correctly. Because this mod is not like others that you just drop in the mods folder. If you have any questions feel free to ask. This will work for all versions if you just place it in a slightly different location. Need help ask away. Enjoy
  15. hi there^^ . my idea for the suggestion post was, profession related clothes . for an example: a construction worker will have - an helmet + tshirt + jeans. and a ranger - will have, raincoat or other outdoor clothes with boots. what do your think? not necessary but it would be cool to have srry for my bad english...
  16. Something that occurred to me during my misadventures - Shouldn't we have the tools and knowledge of our profession when we start? So here are my suggestions for "in inventory on start" Police: Pistol 20 rounds of ammo Aim 2 Reload 1 Sprint 1 Security Pistol 20 rounds of ammo Baseball Bat Aim 1 Reload 1 Blunt 1 Park Ranger Big Hiking Bag Spade Bottle of Water Blunt 1 Farming 1 Lightfoot 1 Fire Axe Blade 2 Sprinting 1 Nimble 1 Construction Axe Saw Hammer Box of Nails Construction 2 Blade 1
  17. So, what are your favourite perks and proession? Mine's got to be Construction Worker (Handy & Thick skinned), with Athletic & Strong. To make up for the perks I choose light drinker, hard of hearing, brooding, short tempered and hearty appetite. Honestly those drawbacks are easy to make up for and are far outweighed by the perks. Thick skinned came in handy just now, I tripped an alarm and made the mistake of hanging around, ended up fighting more zombies than I anticipated and took some damage, but made it out without getting properly bitten or scratched
  18. Ahoy there, fancy pants. I be workin' on me own custom profession with lots of monkey business. This is what i have me done so far: A pet parrot who is wary of incoming zombies. A handy little bugger indeed; remember to feed him or else he might give yer reason to be alarmed.The SLASHMASTERâ„¢ lower arm prosthetic with top-notch PnP-technology for some serious knife-business.The true art of swordfighting which is kind of like making love: It's not always what you do but what you say. Press 4 and see, but beware of zombies who are wittier than you.Speaking zombies and some all-time favourite references to the best graphic adventures of the early 90s. Extract into game-folder. Now go and have jolly good time. Requires RoboMat's Utilities: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/930-lua-utils-modding Thanks to RoboMat and his excellent PlayerTaunt mod for guidance and inspiration. Also RegX, i took your lines for killing zombies as booty and i won't give 'em back. ...wait ...put down the hot tar. Let's handle this like the half-witted monkeys we are. Coming up next: VooOoodooOoo. Edit: This is supposed to be run and gun gameplay and the hook will stick to your hand no matter what. For those who insist on building or farming, i made it compatible to the Swap-Equipped hotkey here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/1761-swap-primarysecondary-equipped Even though it defeats the purpose of being stuck with one weapon only. Also: fixed a typo so it will actually work. MightyPirateMod.zip
  19. hi everyone, apperently shortly after I released my new script for languagesupport in luascripts The IndieStone changed there forums so here is my topic back! It's more compact as before (merge of multiple script files) 1. PZMLoader 2. PZMLLittle 3. LanguageSupport for luascripts 4. UnlimitedTraits PZMLoader changelog: PZMLLittle changelog: LanguageSupport UnlimitedTraits changelog:
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