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  1. Salve, ho bisogno di un aiuto, non riesco a far partire il gioco da quando si e aggiornato alla 41.66 cosa posso fare ??? Hi, I need help, I can't start the game since it updated to 41.66 what can I do ???
  2. Me and my friends are thinking about starting an mp server and a big question that came up on my side was how we will prevent loot cycling. For those that don't know, loot cycling is when people throw all the stuff from containers on the ground and leave it there. Many people doing this over and over again will greatly hurt server performance in the long run (we want the world to be persistent). Now what I thought off was to add items that are usually dumped to the ground (books, tools, trash items) to the removal list (thats a setting the game provides) so that the game will automatically delete those after some time. The problem with that approach is that this will also remove player based items in bases and thus limit the ability of players to decorate their base with items. Does anybody know a mod or some other way to effectively counter loot cycling like a server plugin or setting etc.? We will, of course, also make a rule that disallows loot cycling and would, if we decide to add items to the removal list, tell people about which items specifically on our discord. But you know how people are sometimes... Some will not follow it because they don't care and it's hard to catch them in the moment they do this so we really need a solution for that problem.
  3. I have a ground layer and a foliage layer in my drawing tool (Currently Using Krita = https://krita.org/en/ = and OR Paint.Net = https://www.getpaint.net/download.html = ) and have been following various tutorials of how to export the images to WorldEd ( Tutorial Video Below) I get to the point where I am saving the file in Krita/Paint.Net and selecting .PNG files. However, files with multiple layers are defaulted to "Flatten" and is reduced to one layer, completely getting rid of either foliage or ground layer. I am inept at all this but very intrigued and want to learn. Any tips on what I can do to get passed this essential first step?
  4. So I'm new to the forums but I am not new to modding (at least for other games). I've created modpacks for FO4 mostly and a few for Stellaris. So when I was asked to make a custom modpack for the server I play on I figured why not it cant be that hard. Enter a week of agonizing troubleshooting and restructuring of a modpack and still it fails to work. After reading countless forums and tutorials I simply can't figure out why the modpack content won't actually function as intended. If anyone has any input here is the modpack that I uploaded to the steam workshop. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2718274137 I've looked through other modpacks and mine is structured identically to them. At this point I'm considering doing a merger style pack instead of the way I've been doing it but I want some other insight to maybe getting to to function as is so I can spend time to actually play instead of working on this.
  5. I`m so exhausted. Since I started a new project in the WorldEditor it doesn`t open anymore. All I get is an error (pic related) when I`m trying to open TileZed or WorldEditor. I`ve reinstalled it, deleted all the files, checked "Tilesets.txt", but there`s nothing about this tile and there is no such tile, because I deleted it a while ago. I can`t check anything in the program itself, because every time I press Ok it shuts down. The only two things I haven`t done yet is reinstalling the game itself (which I think is unrelated) and checking for corrupted regedit`s files (but what exactly should I check?). What`s your opinion about this? Also, I didn`t find anything about this error.
  6. Hey there folks! Im new to the Community and the Game, i really love the game but you guys & girls have to help me out here: I made a simple Hat mod. i made the Model in Blender and exported it as an .fbx, imported the texture to the mod-folder, wrote the script and .xml up to this point everything worked great BUT now comes the Problem: if the Hat gets Dirty or Damaged the texture will get mixed up and wont return to normal until its cleaned. i really cant figure it out.. Anyone of you got some ideas? Im thankful for any advice! Greetings from Germany -Mooreiche
  7. So there is a function call SendCommandToServer(), which is used in "client" side to call admin command from server. The problem is, some client player doesn't have admin access, which fails to run the command. I tried using sendClientCommand() to access server side, but turns out server side just can't call SendCommandToServer(), I guess it's only client side. So this is a weird roundabout problem, only client can call SendCommandToServer(), but client doesn't has admin access, server has admin access, but it doesn't have function to run admin command in lua. So what do we do, how do we run admin command in lua?
  8. me and my friend are both non steam users but when we try to join each others servers then either we connect to some different server or we do not enter the server
  9. Hi all, Has anyone got all the explanations of the Sandboxvars file? I have the below for my server with the explanations I know, Please can someone fill in the blanks?; SandboxVars = { VERSION = 3, Zombies = 4, (How many zombies when the server starts, 1 is insane amount, 5 is none) Distribution = 1, (Where the zombies gravitate to, 1 is urban (in cities), 2 is uniform (everywhere)) DayLength = 3, (1 is 15 minutes, 2 is 30 minutes, 3 is 1 hour, 4 is 2 hours, 5 is 3 hours, 6 is 4 hours, 7 is 5 hours, 8 is 12 hours, 9 is real-time) StartYear = 1, (1 is the 1st year etc) StartMonth = 4, (1 is Jan, 12 is Dec) StartDay = 1, (1 is the 1st of the month etc) StartTime = 2, (1 is 7AM, 2 is 9AM, 3 is 12PM, 4 is 2PM, 5 is 5PM, 6 is 9PM, 7 is 12AM, 8 is 2AM, 9 is 5AM) WaterShut = 7, (1=instant, 2=0-30days, 3=0-2month, 4=0-6month, 5=0-1years, 6=0-5years, 7=2-6month, 7=6-12month) ElecShut = 7, (1=instant, 2=0-30days, 3=0-2month, 4=0-6month, 5=0-1years, 6=0-5years, 7=2-6month, 7=6-12month) WaterShutModifier = 500, (the number of days before water is shut off -1 mean instant) ElecShutModifier = 480, (the number of days before electricity is shut off -1 mean instant) FoodLoot = 4, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) WeaponLoot = 2, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) OtherLoot = 3, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) Temperature = 3, (1 is very cold, 5 is very hot) Rain = 3, (How often it rains, 1 is very dry, 5 is is very rainy) ErosionSpeed = 5, (How fast erosion occurs, 1 is very fast (20 days), 5 is very slow (500 days)) XpMultiplier = 15.0, (Obvious) Farming = 1, (How fast crops grow, 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) CompostTime = 1 Determines how long it will take for food to decay in a composter. (1Week=1 2Weeks=2 3Weeks=3 4Weeks=4 6Weeks=5 8Weeks=6 10Weeks=7 12Weeks=8) StatsDecrease = 4, (How fast Stats Decrease when not being used, 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) NatureAbundance = 3, (1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) Alarm = 6, (How often houses are alarmed, 1 is never, 6 is very often) LockedHouses = 6, (How often houses are locked, 1 is never, 6 is very often) StarterKit = false, (To start with some basic essentials) Nutrition = false, (To enable the Nutrition system, calorie intake etc) FoodRotSpeed = 5, (How fast food rots, 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) FridgeFactor = 5, (How effective refrigeration is, 1 is very low, 5 is very high) LootRespawn = 3, (How often loot respawns, 1 is none, 2 is every day, 3 is every week, 4 is every month, 5 is every two months) SeenHoursPreventLootRespawn = 0 This value is an integer defining the number of hours. When >0, loot will not respawn in zones that have been visited within this number of hours. [Default=0] TimeSinceApo = 1, (How many days since the start of the Apocalypse) PlantResilience = 3, (Plants resilience against disease/weather. 1 is very low, 5 is very high) PlantAbundance = 3, (How much farm plants produce. 1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) EndRegen = 3, (Endurance regeneration (how fast you regain endurance). 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) Helicopter = 3, (how regularly helicopters pass over the event zone. 1=never, 2 =once, 3=sometimes, 4=often) MetaEvent = 2, (how often zombie attacking meta-game events like distant gunshots will occur. 1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=often) SleepingEvent = 2, (governs night-time meta-game events during the player's sleep. 1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=often) GeneratorSpawning = 3, (increase/decrease the chance of electrical generators spawning on the map. 1=very low, 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high, 5=very high) GeneratorFuelConsumption = 1.0, (impacts how much fuel is consumed by generators. No fuel required= 0 . Minimum = 0, Maximum=100) SurvivorHouseChance = 3, (increase/decrease probability of discovering randomized safe houses on the map: either burnt out, containing loot stashes, dead survivor bodies etc. 1=never, 2=extremly rare, 3=rare, 4=sometimes, 5=often, 6=very often) AnnotatedMapChance = 4, (impacts on how often a looted map will have annotations marked on it by deceased survivors. 1=never, 2=extremely rare, 3=rare, 4=sometimes, 5=often, 6=very often) CharacterFreePoints = 10, (adds free traits points during character creation) ConstructionBonusPoints = 3, (Player-built construction strength. 1=very low, 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high, 5=very high) NightDarkness = 2, (Darkness during night. 1=pitch black, 2=dark, 3=normal, 4=bright) InjurySeverity = 2, (increases and decreases the impact injuries on your body, and their healing time. 1=low, 2=normal, 3=high) BoneFracture = true, (False=no fractures, true=bones can break) HoursForCorpseRemoval = 72, (number of in-game hours before zombies corpses are automatically removed from the map) DecayingCorpseHealthImpact = 3, (governs impact that nearby decaying bodies has on the player's health and emotions. 1=none 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high) BloodLevel = 4, (how much blood spatter when getting injured or killing zombies. will 1=none 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high, 5=ultra gore) ClothingDegradation = 2, (governs how quickly clothing degrades, becomes dirty and bloodied. 1=disabled, 2=slow, 3=normal, 4=fast) FireSpread = false, (fire can spread or not. false=off, true=on) DaysForRottenFoodRemoval = 4, (number of in game days before rotten food is removed from the map. -1 means that rotten food is never removed.) AllowExteriorGenerator = true This allows generators to power exterior tiles, and for example can get gas pumps working after the electricity has turned off. (True or False) ZombieAttractionMultiplier = 1 Use this to multiply or reduce engine general loudness. [Minimum=0] [Maximum=100] [Default=1] CarSpawnRate = 2 (Low=1 Normal=2 High=3) ChanceHasGas = 1 Governs the chances of finding vehicles with gas in the tank. (Low=1 Normal=2 High=3) InitialGas = 2 Governs how full gas tanks will be in discovered cars. (VeryLow=1 Low=2 Normal=3 High=4 VeryHigh=5 Full=6) CarGasConsumption = 1.0 The rate in which vehicles will consume fuel. [Minimum=0.0] [Maximum=100] [Default=1.0]. LockedCar = 4 How frequent the doors of a vehicle will be locked. (Never=1 ExtremelyRare=2 Rare=3 Sometimes=4 Often=5 VeryOften=6) CarGeneralCondition = 2 In what condition new cars will spawn. (VeryLow=1 Low=2 Normal=3 High=4 VeryHigh=5) CarDamageOnImpact = 3 Governs how much damage a vehicle will take after collisions. (VeryLow=1 Low=2 Normal=3 High=4 VeryHigh=5) TrafficJam = true Enable or disable traffic jams that spawn on the main roads of the map. (True or False) CarAlarm = 4 The frequency in which a car alarm will be triggered when opening a door. This will attract zombies to the vehicle's position. (Never=1 ExtremelyRare=2 Rare=3 Sometimes=4 Often=5 VeryOften=6) PlayerDamageFromCrash = true Enable or disable player getting damage from being in a car accident. (True or False) SirenShutoffHours = 1 Number of hours before the siren sound of a car alarm will stop playing. 0.0 means it will play until the car battery is dead. [Minimum=0] [Maximum=168] [Default=0] RecentlySurvivorVehicles = 1 Governs whether the player can discover a car that has been maintained and cared for after the infection struck, i.e. is still in working order. (Low=1 Normal=2 High=3) EnableVehicles = true Enable or disable vehicles from spawning into the game. (True or False) VehicleEasyUse = false If true, cars will all be unlocked with a full gas tank and low engine loudness. (True or False) ZombieLore = { Speed = 3, (1 is sprinters (fastest), 2 is fast shamblers, 3 is shamblers (slowest)) Strength = 3, (1 is superhuman, 2 is normal, 3 is weak) Toughness = 3, (1 is tough, 2 is normal, 3 is fragile) Transmission = 1, (1 is blood/saliva, 2 is everyone is infected, 3 is no transmission) Mortality = 6, (This governs how deadly infection is. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Reanimate = 1, (How fast zombies come back to life...again. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Cognition = 3, (How smart zombies are. 1 is Navigate/Use Doors, 3 is basic navigation only) Memory = 2, (How much zombies will remember. 1 is long, 4 is none) Decomp = 1, (1 is slows/weakens them, 4 is no effect) Sight = 2, (How well zombies can see. 1 is eagle-eyed, 3 is poor) Hearing = 2, (How well zombies can hear. 1 is pinpoint, 3 is poor) Smell = 2, (How well zombies can smell. 1 is bloodhound, 3 is poor) ThumpNoChasing = false, (environmental attacks. zombies that have not seen/heard a player can attack doors and constructions while roaming. true=on, false=off) ThumpOnConstruction = true, (damage construction. governs whether or not zombies can destroy player constructions and defences. true=on, false=off) ActiveOnly = 1, (governs whether zombies are more active during the day, or whether they act more nocturnally. Inactive zombies will be slower and tend not to give a chase. 1=both, 2=night, 3=day) TriggerHouseAlarm = true Allows zombies to trigger house alarms when breaking through windows and doors. Enabling this option will cause zombies to constantly be movie around populated areas, making the early game much more difficult. (True or False) }, ZombieConfig = { PopulationMultiplier = 0.5, (Depends on "Zombies" in the SandboxVars. population multiplier: (old var. "zombie intensity") set how many zombies you want to begin with) Minimum=0,Maximum=4,Default=1) PopulationStartMultiplier = 1.0, (Adjusts the desired population at the start of the game. it's a start multiplier: how much of the "population multiplier" you want at game start (it will slowly increase) Minimum=0,Maximum=4,Default=1) PopulationPeakMultiplier = 2.0, (Adjusts the desired population on the peak day. Set how many zombies you want at X days (and forever after) Minimum=0,Maximum=4,Default=1) PopulationPeakDay = 100, (The day when the population reaches it's peak. Minimum=1, Maximum=365, Default=28) RespawnHours = 96, (The number of in-game hours that must pass before zombies may respawn in a cell. If zero spawning is disabled. Minimum=0, Maximum=8760, Default=72) RespawnUnseenHours = 10, (The number of in-game hours that a chunk must be unseen before zombies may re-spawn in it. Minimum=0, Maximum=8760, Default=16) RespawnMultiplier = 0.1, (The fraction of a cells desired population that may re-spawn every RespawnHours. Minimum=0, Maximum=1, Default=0.1) RedistributeHours = 12.0, (The number of in-game hours that must pass before zombies migrate to empty parts of the same cell. If zero, migration is disabled. Minimum=0, Maximum=8760, Default=12) FollowSoundDistance = 200, (The distance a virtual zombie will try to walk towards the last sound it heard. Minimum=10, Maximum=1000, Default=100) RallyGroupSize = 20, (The size of groups real zombies form when idle. Zero means zombies don't form groups. Groups don't form inside buildings or forest zones. Minimum=5, Maximum=1000, Default=20) RallyTravelDistance = 30, (The distance real zombies travel to from groups when idle. Minimum=5, Maximum=50, Default=20) RallyGroupSeparation = 15, (The distance between zombie groups. Minimum=5, Maximum=25, Default=15) RallyGroupRadius = 4, (How close members of a group stay to the group's leader. Minimum=1, Maximum=10, Default=3) }, } This I am sure will help a lot of people out too. I also have the settings for the servertest.ini file with the explinations that I know... nightlengthmodifier=1.0 (Length of the night, 0.5 would make the night go twice as fast) PVP=false (False is PvE, True is PvP) PauseEmpty=true (time in game pauses when the server is empty) GlobalChat=true (Enables in game chat) Open=true (Allows anyone to join) ServerWelcomeMessage= <RGB:0,0,0> To chat locally press 't', to global chat press 'y' or add '/all' before chatting <LINE> Type '/help' to have a list of available commands <LINE> <RGB:0,0,0> (Message that is displayed when joining the server) LogLocalChat=true (Logs all local chat for server admins to view) AutoCreateUserInWhiteList=true (Adds user to Whitelist when they join the server) DisplayUserName=true (Displays player’s usernames in game) SpawnPoint=0,0,0 (Use this to define a custom spawn point instead of the random one from character creation) SafetySystem=true (Allow the user to change their safety (if false and if PVP=true, then the safety will always be off) ShowSafety=true (Allow the players to see if someone have his safety off with the skull icon) SafetyToggleTimer=100 (When the player disable safety it take some times before HE enable it (tho the other players see it instantly), define it here) SafetyCooldownTimer=120 (Every time you hit someone in safety off, add this timer to the cool down before you can actually toggle safety off) SpawnItems= (Define specific items for everyone to spawn with) DefaultPort=16261 (Your server game port) ResetID= (Leave alone) Mods=Hydrocraft (Mods added to server) Map=Muldraugh, KY (Maps added to server) DoLuaChecksum=true (Do the lua checksum. Players with modified Lua files that differ from the server files will not be able to connect. true=Lua check, false=no lua check) Public=true (Everyone can see the server in the server list) PublicName= (Name of the server) PublicDescription= (Description of the server that is displayed in the server list) MaxPlayers=64 (Max number of players for the server) PingFrequency=10 (How often to ping clients in seconds) PingLimit=400 (Max ping in ms, if client exceeds this amount they will be kicked) HoursForLootRespawn=2 (How many in-game hours for loot to re-spawn) MaxItemsForLootRespawn=6 (Max items to spawn in each container) ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn=true (If you start building on a house for example, loot will stop respawning in that house) DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath=false (Takes you off the Whitelist if you die) NoFireSpread=true (Fire doesn’t spread) NoFire=true (No Fire) AnnounceDeath=true (Death is announced to all players) MinutesPerPage=1.0 (How long books take to read. Lower number faster, higher number slower) HoursForCorpseRemoval=2.0 (How many in-game hours before corpses disappear) SaveWorldEveryMinutes=10 (How often to save the server in minutes) PlayerSafehouse=true (Allows players and Admins to claim houses etc as safehouses) AdminSafehouse=false (Allows only Admins to claim safehouses) SafehouseAllowTrepass=false (Allow players to trespass through other players safehouses) SafehouseAllowFire=false (Allow fire in safehouses) SafehouseAllowLoot=false (Allow players to loot other players safehouses) SafehouseAllowRespawn=true (Allow owner of safehouse to respawn in their safehouse) SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=1 (How many days you need to survive before you can claim a safehouse) SafeHouseRemovalTime=144 (If you do not visit your safehouse in this many game days it will be released) AllowDestructionBySledgehammer=true (Allow walls to be knocked down with the Sledgehammer) KickFastPlayers=false (Kick players that appear to be moving faster than is possible. May be buggy -- use with caution) ServerPlayerID= (Leave alone) RCONPort=27015 (Port for RCON) RCONPassword= (Password for RCON) Password= (Password for server. Leave blank if you want anyone to join your server) MaxAccountsPerUser=0 (Limits the number of different accounts a single Steam unser may create on this server. Ignored when using the hosts button) SleepAllowed=false (Enable sleep) SleepNeeded=false (If true you will need to sleep when exhausted) SteamPort1=8766 (Leave alone) SteamPort2=8767 (Leave alone) WorkshopItems= (MOD IDs - When you run the server with these ID's in the Mods will auto update) SteamScoreboard=true (show steam usernames and avatars in the player list. true=visible to everyone, false=visible to no one, admin=visible to admins) SteamVAC=true (Steam anti cheat) UPnP=true (attempt to configure a UPnP-enabled internet gateway to automatically setup port forwarding rules. The server will fall back to default ports if this fails) UPnPLeaseTime=86400 (port lease time in seconds (86400 == 24 hours). This should not be changed) UPnPZeroLeaseTimeFallback=true (retry with zero lease time if port-mapping fails (helps with some routers). This should not be changed.) UPnPForce=true (remove existing port mappings. This should not be changed) CoopServerLaunchTimeout=20 CoopMasterPingTimeout=60 VoiceEnable=true (In game Voip) VoiceComplexity=5 VoicePeriod=20 VoiceSampleRate=24000 VoiceBuffering=8000 VoiceMinDistance=1.0 VoiceMaxDistance=50.0 Voice3D=true server_browser_announced_ip= UseTCPForMapDownloads=false PlayerRespawnWithSelf=false PlayerRespawnWithOther=false FastForwardMultiplier=40.0 PlayerSaveOnDamage=true SaveTransactionID=false DisableSafehouseWhenPlayerConnected=false Faction=true (enable Factions) FactionDaySurvivedToCreate=2 (How many days you must survive to create a Faction) FactionPlayersRequiredForTag=1 AllowTradeUI=true (Allows you to trade among players) HoursForWorldItemRemoval=0.0 WorldItemRemovalList=Base.Vest,Base.Shirt,Base.Blouse,Base.Skirt,Base.Shoes ItemRemovalListBlacklistToggle=false DisableRadioStaff=false DisableRadioAdmin=true DisableRadioGM=true DisableRadioOverseer=false DisableRadioModerator=false DisableRadioInvisible=true ClientCommandFilter=-vehicle.*;+vehicle.damageWindow;+vehicle.fixPart;+vehicle.installPart;+vehicle.uninstallPart ItemNumbersLimitPerContainer=0 If anyone can fill in the gaps, I and i'm sure the whole community would be very thankful. Cheers all, M700N
  10. I have experiences in 3d software like blender, and I know how to modelling and animating them. The problem is how to add them into a mod. I saw a couple of mods have new animations in them, like that cart mod. I wonder how do you do that, saw no tutorial or post talking about this process.
  11. My windows dedicated server (steamCMD instantiated) has not been keeping up with the most current versions and as a result my server doesn't display with the default filters in the join server lobby for players. I validate game files for PZ main, PZ dedicated server, and the app validation through steamCMD. The only thing that seems to work is deleting the workshop files but even then it's inconsistent. what is the primary method of keeping server game versions current?
  12. Hello, i have been experiencing black screens when playing the game, they mostly happen when i was playing with mods and mp. Is there anything i should try to do? Thank you
  14. Hello, I've been working on a mod attempting to add Diets to the game. In order to do this I would like to be able to retrieve (or get) the FoodType String from the item object if it is a food. I've been digging around for a while but haven't managed to figure out a way to do it. I was wondering if this is even possible currently? I managed to adjust the FoodType variable by using ItemTweakerAPI for Build41 which allowed me to adjust only that value instead of overwriting everything. I confirmed that it was indeed working through the Mod Options mod. However, I have not been able to actually retrieve the FoodType variable from any food item object. I was wondering if I was missing something or if this just isn't possible to do currently.
  15. Hello! First time on the forums, and i've dabbled in modding before, but this one's got me stumped. I was inspired by a few mods to make a checklist/blank sheet of my own that I could customize using the in-game Map symbols/writing functionality. I had thought just copying the code over from one of those basic mods and changing the variable for the actual map png would be a simple task, but i've been testing and tweaking and banging my head against this for two hours now with no results except "Their mods work, yours doesn't, solution unclear". To be clear: I have no intention of stealing their content and reposting it as my own. I just want a simple mod for my solo game and I had thought copying their code would work.
  16. I have a mod that adds new traits. Some of these traits add items to the player on spawn. However, I'm unable to add items that aren't in Base without causing mod errors. I assume I need to somehow properly reference these non-Base items from "camping" and so on. Could someone help? For instance, when I use: iteminv.AddItem("camping.CampfireKit"); I just get errors. All items in Base work however.
  17. I made some custom tiles for my map, but they don't show ingame. i also made some signs and they work just fine in game but these new ones not, don't known why these don't load ingame. as you can see they work fine on editor but they don't load ingame but the others i made on the same pack file work just fine. i have added them to the .pack file following this tutorial: the first ones i added work just fine but the second tileset don't and i did the same process (they are not wall overlays as i stated on the pictures they are just tilesets.) maybe have something to do with the .tiles file? also i noticed that when i added some flood lamps from the vanilla lightning_outdoor_01 they also don't show thanks in advance.
  18. Hello! I want to create mod that will add new skin colors in "Create character" tab, but can't find what method from SurvivorDesc class I should use. It is quite understandable with adding new hair or trouser colors: BaseGameCharacterDetails.DoHairColorNew = function() SurvivorDesc.addHairColor(ColorInfo.new(0.60000000000000000,0.33000000000000000,0.66000000000000000, 1)) SurvivorDesc.addTrouserColor(ColorInfo.new(0.60000000000000000,0.33000000000000000,0.66000000000000000, 1)) end Events.OnGameBoot.Add(BaseGameCharacterDetails.DoHairColorNew); But how can I add my own skin body colors? Please, help. Thank you in advance!
  19. Figured out, need this deleted.
  20. So I had an Idea for a mod, because I want to do some gaming and maybe some Twitch streams/Youtube in the coming year. I'm looking for someone who wants to make it or who knows how to because I've never made a mod and would need a lot of help to make it myself. I used to play Resident Evil Outbreak when it came out (As I'm sure most zombie fans did) and 2 things I have always wanted: 1. A Remake (And I have some hope with the remakes we have been seeing so fingers crossed!) And 2. An open world Resident Evil Game. So I've been playing PZ under the sandbox to try and recreate the Raccoon City Incident by changing the settings and so far it has been very enjoyable and I feel I'm pretty close to a classic Raccoon City Apocalypse. I have had a lot of fun so far and I think it could be an amazing experience. But I'm missing 2 very important things for the experience to be complete: 1. A Mod that effects how the virus kills you and adds items related to that. TL:DR Virus fills a meter from attacks and over time, when at 100% you become the zombies. Can be stopped temporarily with certain medical items, some craftable. Typically once infected you know that it's over and that you will die in X days. No ifs ands or buts, no delays. The change would be to make the infection follow a gauge that could be checked under the health menu, from 0.00% to 100.00% Like in the RE:Outbreak Games. Once attacked by a zombie and injured your gauge would increase 10% for a scratch or 30% for a bite, then the gauge would steadily increase by 1% per real world hour (1 In game day) Alternatively, you could start infected and then it would slowly increase by 1% per in game day and then jump up when attacked as before, giving you a soft limit of 100 days. The infection could be TEMPORARILY paused by using some items: (Times listed are in real world time, not in game time) 1 Green Herb stops the meter for 10 Minutes, Painkillers and Mixed Herb (G/G) stop the meter for 15 Minutes, Mixed Herb (G/G/G) or 1 Blue Herb can stop the meter for 20 Minutes, Mixed Herb (R/G) can stop the meter for 30 Minutes, Antibiotics and Mixed Herb (R/G/B) stops the meter for 45 minutes, Anti Virus Pill stops the meter for 50 minutes, Antivirus Pill (L) stops it for 1hour 30 minutes. Green, Red and Blue herbs can be found rarely in the forest zones (In order of rarity) by foraging, the Green or Red can be used to disinfect wounds and the Blue one can also fight normal wound infections. The Herbs can be mixed with each other and to make pills IF you have a high enough medical skill and some supplies: Some recipes I have thought of: Combining the Herbs into R/G and R/G/B mixes. No skills needed, but will need 1 mortar and pestle and 1 piece of paper alongside the herbs. Gives a moderate amount of Medical experience. To Make a basic Anti-Virus Pill: Medical LVL 3 or 5 Tools: Mortar and pestle, Heat Source (Lighter/Matches, campfire, lit stove or grill), a Spoon One Of: Vitamins, Painkillers, Empty Pill Casings (Item would need to be part of mod) One Mixed Herb (R/G) To Make an Anti-Virus (L) Pill: Medical LVL 5 or 7 Tools:Mortar and Pestle, Large Heat Source (campfire, lit stove or grill), a Sauce pan/Frying Pan/Pot/Baking Pan/Roasting Pan One Antibiotics One Mixed Herb (R/G/B) Makes 2 pills Now the important thing is that these pills won't stop wound based increases from zombies, and they do not reverse the gauge at all. You will eventually succumb, just a matter of how/when. 2. And the second thing needed for it would be an advanced customizable zombies mod. There are some mods out there that offer bits and pieces of what I'm looking for but none that offer the full package and most conflict when installed together. TL:DR A mod to store zombie 'templates' and have a way to control each templates spawn rate. Each template would store their senses strengths, physical stats and speed stat, it would also allow them to be dressed in a specific way on spawn. Basically I need a mod that would allow templates to be created much like how the zombie population can be customized in sandbox. The template would include: Zombie stats like: Strength, Speed, sight, hearing, smell and Durability multipliers. The multipliers would go from 0.1 - 20.0 times the regular population stats. Appearance including whether they are a skeleton or not and what clothing they wear. The percentage of the population they would spawn in as from 0.00001% -100.00% I'm hoping to be able to make templates for the major BOWs from REs 2/3 and maybe some of the others. ---------- For example MR X could be like: (Assuming zombies are set to normal where applicable) Strength 5.0 Speed 1.3 (On fast shamblers setting) Sight 2.0 Hearing 5.0 Smell 2.0 Durability 10.0 Wears : Leather Long coat (Black) Black Hat Black Pants Military Boots (Black) Leather Gloves (Black) Percentage: 0.001% ------- While a Hunter Beta would be like: Strength 3.0 Speed 2.0 Sight 1.0 Hearing 2.0 Smell 7.0 Durability 2.0 (3.5 for remake version) Wears: Skeleton form Ghillie suit Percentage: 0.02 So If anyone knows some mods that work together and allow these kind of features, or knows how to make it or wants to, I'd love to hear about it! Happy new Year everyone, hopefully it will be a bit better than 2020.
  21. After some experimentation with getting a previous texture fixed, I'm unable to discern why the trees aren't displaying correctly in tilezed. I'm using the steam version of the toolsets, and had to change the directory where both editors read the textures from. All the textures load in correctly except for vegetation. It looks like it's specifically trying to load vegetation_trees_01 ? Any ideas? 🤔
  22. hello i am new of this game and i want to mod female body and now i have a problem i saw 2 .x file in ProjectZomboid\media\models_X\Skinned FemaleBody and FemaleBody (1) what diffrent of these file? and what is FemaleBody in models_X folder do?
  23. Hello, I’m totally a newbie at this editor and am trying to get it to work. I’m not sure I’m doing something wrong or where its supposed to be installed at, but currently when I enter the building editor I’m unable to see any of the objects. All I’ve done so far is download the editor and tiles and extracted them, I'm not sure how to tell the editor where the tiles are that are missing. I wanted to mess around with the building editor before I started mapping cells. Would appreciate the help (:
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